Got 3 http 400 errors when opening General Discussion
And several 400 errors when submitting and editing this
Last edited by Malecith; May 10 2012 at 10:22 AM.
5-6 times to open a thread, close a thread, reply to a thread.
Posts still out of order, here, there and everywhere in a thread.
Jumping all over the forum titles, EX. reading the "Lords of the Fails" thread turn page SURPRISE!!! you are now reading "Show us your favorite cosmetic outfit"
The forums are not fixed.
Get rid of the Mega-Blox and use the correct Legos.
My Armor is Contempt, My Shield is Disgust, My Sword is Hatred
In the Emperor's Name, let None Survive!
No problems here.
Clear your cache and cookies and try again.
Last edited by Shinir; May 10 2012 at 12:41 PM.
My Armor is Contempt, My Shield is Disgust, My Sword is Hatred
In the Emperor's Name, let None Survive!
I confirm forum is back to normal operation - even the posters are.
Thanks for the new reports guys. Looks like something else is going on. Of those of you who are still seeing issues, what browser are you using and have you cleared your cahce, restarted your PC and made sure you didn't relaunch a previous browser session?
Win7/IE9, yes , yes, and yes.
Well, something must not have been cleared appropriately when I first noted I was still having issues. My computer just restarted itself after a power flicker from a nearby lightning strike (no, I normally don't leave the comp powered up during storms, this was unexpected!) and now that I'm back to the forums, everything seems to be back to normal. I'm not experiencing any of the previously reported issues so far, so things seem to be "fixed" for me.
Last edited by Alcaniel; May 10 2012 at 01:04 PM. Reason: Added/updated information.
I will reply to this, even though forums seem to work properly for me at the moment. No random logouts, &sp_login=1 spams on the url or faulty redirections since the post about issues being sorted...
I have latest version of Google Chrome in use. There was no need to clear my cache, nor restart the browser or my computer. It just started to work all of the sudden.
[B]Leader of Freelancer, Eldar[/B]
As another data point, it's working for me again.
I no longer need to open three copies of one link to have one show the thread and two the forum list.
I still ctrl-a and copy my message before I click "Submit Reply", but so far today my replies haven't been lost.
I no longer need to ctrl-l, ctrl-c, ctrl-r to copy the URL when trying to view a forum in case it went &sp_login=1.
I don't reboot my system (laptop that hibernates), leave Firefox up with tabs open (v3.6.22), under Windows 7 and although I restrict cookies to sites I approve, haven't cleared them on this system ever.
My condolences to those with lingering issues, hope they resolve soon.
"Sometimes survival comes down to not being hit. Actually, most times." -the chicken skill, Bob and Weave
Link to our community LOTRO store google spreadsheet pricelist and conversion rates, please contribute too!:
Not even in the ballpark, at least for people using Chrome (which is quite close to surpassing FireFox's market share now). The forums do seem to be better today on IE9, though... I actually made and then edited this post without a single 400 error, which is a minor miracle.
Within the past hour, I browsed here using Chrome (18.0.1025.168, updated a few weeks ago), and got dozens of Bad Request errors in a matter of 30 minutes. When it does render something, it's common to see missing images or half-rendered pages. The LOTRO forums are the only place this has been happening in the past 2 weeks, so I don't think it's a Chrome issue per se.
I'm using Chrome (18.0.1025.168) and I'm having no issues so far this morning. Working also on IE9 for me. Definite turn around from earlier in the week!
[SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=silver][SIZE=1][B]Jharak [/B](65 Hnt)[B] Khandir [/B](87 Grd) [B]Bhrandir [/B](68 LM) [B]Bharahir [/B](100 Wdn)[B]
I still have to click twice to navigate with FF, just like it has always been. Better than the 3-5 times it's been taking in the last couple days though. Seriously, just get vbulletin or phpbb, they're cheap(or free), and stable.
Same problem, empty cache, three different machines.
Windows 7 32-bit
Firefox 12.0
Safari 5.1.5
Windows 7 64-bit
Firefox 12.0
Safari 5.1.7
Mac OSX Lion 10.7.4
Firefox 12.0
Safari 5.1.7
[COLOR=#00ff00]The road to success is always under construction.[/COLOR]
Using Firefox (whatever the latest update is), I've restarted my computer and cleared the cache. Still having bad requests, the forum text dramatically increase in size, some buttons not working as no image is loaded, text loading on top of each other so it looks scrambled.
Exactly same set of symptoms here, using Firefox 12, XP+all patches.
[edit 1]
After posting, while I didn't get a 400 error, the updated page was mis-rendered with large text, etc., looking like an incomplete Stylesheet download.
[edit 2]
Got 3x 400 errors clicking Edit to fix a typo in my first update to the post.
Last edited by Kerin_Eldar; May 11 2012 at 07:45 AM.
For those still having issues, try clearing your cookies as well as your cache files. If you're still logged in after you clear the files, the erroneous cookies have not been cleared, which means you'll likely continue having problems.
Ah, how neat. Here we go again. Refreshed the control panel - I was "logged out", with the page background being blue-ish and the url looking like this:
/usercp.php?sp_login=1&sp_login =1&sp_login=1&sp_login=1&sp_lo gin=1&sp_login=1&sp_login=1&sp _login=1&sp_login=1&sp_login=1 &sp_login=1&sp_login=1&sp_logi n=1&sp_login=1&sp_login=1&sp_l ogin=1&sp_login=1&sp_login=1&s p_login=1&sp_login=1&sp_login= 1&sp_login=1&sp_login=1&sp_log in=1&sp_login=1&sp_login=1&sp_ login=1&sp_login=1&sp_login=1& sp_login=1&sp_login=1&sp_login =1&sp_login=1&sp_login=1&sp_lo gin=1
So, it's not working. On the next refresh I was logged in again. As said before, browser is the latest Chrome, OS is Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. I doubt it really matters though, as others are having these problems with various operating systems and browsers.
[B]Leader of Freelancer, Eldar[/B]
Windows 7, IE9
Still have to click multiple times on the 'forum' tab to get it to navigate to the actual forums.
Was having problems in Chrome, my usual browser, but not in IE8. Vista.
After reading this, I did a restart then opened Chrome, before coming here to the forums I just cleared cookies, nothing else.
Have not had 1 Bad Request or 404 Error yet as happened before.
EDIT - OK, since I posted this, had 1 Bad Request and 1 404 Error. Not as bad as before, yet. I also have noticed sometimes the pages look loaded but the tab icons are still showing not finished loading especially if I have more than two tabs open both in Chrome or IE8. If I wait for them to finish, it seems to never happen unless I manually stop the loading.
EDIT2 - Interesting, seems I have the problems usually when the tabs show still loading but if they are not, no problems (yet).
Last edited by Glicyn; May 11 2012 at 08:57 PM. Reason: Added information.
Glicyn, Man CPT; Drigrin, Hobbit BUR; Heli, Dwarf MIN; Eliyvan, Elf LM- Imladris
Soldiers of Gondor - Kin
I seem to have an issue with long posts.
Yesterday and today I tried several times to reply to a thread on the minstrel forums. Attempts were done on Firefox on Ubuntu and Win7, and IE on Win7, with a restart overnight though no cache clearing. Attempts always ended with the error:
HTTP 501/HTTP 505 Method not implemented: POST to /newpost.php not supported
Finally I cut off a paragraph, and posting worked. Editing the post while keeping it short works, but attempting to edit it to include the whole of the initial post leads to a similar error:
HTTP 501/HTTP 505 Method not implemented: POST to /editpost.php not supported
Edited to add: Length and editing tested twice, of course it still could still be coincidence.
Last edited by Stonecrop; May 12 2012 at 03:52 AM.
[center][b]Lise[/b] - MNS (85) | [b]Gwillin[/b] - RNK (75) | [b]Mithlain[/b] - GRD (75) | [b]Jaida[/b] - HNT (75)
✿ [i]Pelargir Adventuring Company, Laurelin[/i] ✿[/center]
I've done everything suggested, multiple times. Restarted the computer, cleared cache, logged out, cleared cookies... this last time I thought it had worked as I had a 5-minute streak with no problems, but it's all come back. Words jumbled everywhere, far too large text, bad request errors. This is quite frustrating....
So, Sapience, it's safe to assume Turbine have given up trying to fix what they broke, right?
The 400 Errors are still happening A LOT and as usual, you've simply stopped posting on the subject and we've heard nothing about it for many days now.
LMFAO, got one trying to post this.