The Mailbox "" is Full so i cant join the event "Fashion Week"
Delivery has failed to these recipients or distribution lists: The recipient's mailbox is full and can't accept messages now. Microsoft Exchange will not try to redeliver this message for you. Please try resending this message later, or contact the recipient directly.
I'l have our IT team take a look. Response to both of these contests has been amazing and certainly beyond what we expected, but this shouldn't be happening. We'll get it cleared up as quickly as possible.
I'l have our IT team take a look. Response to both of these contests has been amazing and certainly beyond what we expected, but this shouldn't be happening. We'll get it cleared up as quickly as possible.
Quick update. The mailbox is actually a distribution list. So it's not full, but one of the recipients on the list is. So you're getting a kick back from that one box, not the whole list. Your mail is getting through, but you'll probably see the error until I can get hold of that person and have them empty their inbox.
Quick update. The mailbox is actually a distribution list. So it's not full, but one of the recipients on the list is. So you're getting a kick back from that one box, not the whole list. Your mail is getting through, but you'll probably see the error until I can get hold of that person and have them empty their inbox.
And there is no second Mail addy "a Plan B" from Turbine where we can send the Screenshoots ?