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  1. #51
    Join Date
    May 2007

    I don't think "casual" means the same thing as "inactive." By all definitions I am a casual player. I rarely raid, and even more rarely participate in PvMP. In nearly 6 years I have managed to get precisely 1 character to endgame (though my others live perfectly happy lives in their small towns pursuing fulfilling careers as craftsmen - not everyone wants to be an adventurer!). That said, I'm very active. I just tend to use my time sight-seeing, socializing, meeting new players, managing the Kin, enjoying fluff, and otherwise being absorbed in the world itself.

    I feel fairly confident that such players will apply (and be included) on the Player Council. If nothing else, we're precisely the sort of demographic that enjoys spending time on things that don't necessarily result in leveling/getting better gear.
    Eleyan Al'Landerin
    Fearless Leader of Nossecemna
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  2. #52
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    I do not plan to apply as I am a rank noob to the game but I did startle at the question asking what our forum names are. What? *blinks*

    Anyway - I hope this goes well, and I wish all applicants well --

  3. #53
    Join Date
    May 2007
    I want to be special! So. I'll stick with the journalist exclusion clause.

    Good luck with this. Hope it benefits the game in some way.
    Elven Adventuress UI ~ Newbie Guide To Playing LotRO

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Palantír: Nobody knows who is in and who isn't. No idea what is going on there.
    Bullroarer: Voices are hardly gotten through, if it manages to do so it is then a great feat (eg: Group Desperate Flight).
    Suggestion forums: Do devs even read them? Lol.
    Player Council: Let's hope it can serve as a way to get the devs to hear what (the majority of the) players want and what they don't want. It would be... disappointing if it doesn't work out well.
    Mildford - R9 Hunter • Support - R7 LM
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  5. #55
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by trancejeremy View Post
    I am worried that because they really won't be represented (since they don't even qualify), casual gamers will only suffer from this.
    People who haven't played in 6 months don't qualify, and people who haven't played in 6 months aren't casual gamers, they're inactive players. You can be casual - ie: playing the game - and still apply. There's loads of room to talk about your playstyle.
    'A cage,' she said. 'To stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire.'

    [evernight] lilka : warden | gwenaëlle : champion | elorie : minstrel | cedar : hunter

  6. #56
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garan View Post
    I love the idea of the council. This could be a great opportunity. With the Palantir program we were given an opportunity to test the designs that were already developed but with the council we will have some opportunity to affect the direction of the designs themselves.
    This sums it up for me. Something I wouldn't be involved in (I have enough calls on my time) but the principle is, I feel, sound enough. Much easier for Turbine to change direction, if required, when significant money has not already been placed into development.

  7. #57
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Fredelas View Post
    The description of the Player Council doesn't exactly make clear how it will operate. Will scheduled meetings like online chats, game tests, conference calls, or Skype meetings be involved?

    I ask this because I'm considering nominating a player who lives literally on the opposite side of the world from Boston. I think she would bring a valuable perspective to the council, but I wouldn't want her to accept only to find out later that scheduled events put an impossible burden on her and her family. Would she still be able to contribute meaningfully even if she couldn't participate in scheduled events?
    I would have a similar concern, but the application listed on the website did not include hours of availability. Of course, some of the most qualified participants could be full time workers, full time students, full time parents-- or all of the above! I would imagine that mandatory, scheduled meetings, especially during the weekdays, would be an unavailable option to the majority of the players of this game.

    Of course, an official answer to confirm that would be nice, too.

    On a completely different topic-- casual vs not-casual. It's an interesting debate, because I see two different measurements used by players: amount of time spent in the game, and what it done in the game.

    So let's say 10-15 hours a week ingame is casual playing. I know the best of the best raiders who come on just for weekly raids, and play about that many hours. But, while they're doing the hardest content in the game, time spent in it is quite casual. On the other hand, I know some players who spend well over 40-50 hours a week ingame for whatever reason. You know what some of these players do with their time? Role-play. The whole time. Some haven't touched a group instance, well, ever. Some never got a character above 30.

    I am very glad Turbine did not put in 'casual' or 'hardcore' or such monikors. They're too differently defined. One can spend hours upon hours in this game and use it for the sole purpose of a glorified chatroom. Others can spend a couple hours a week doing the most difficult content there is to offer. So, frankly put, the labels of casual and non-casual simply don't work. People define them much too differently.

    And, as has been pointed out, playing even below 10 hours a week is still active playing. Not playing at all for six months is not casual, it's simply inactive.
    Last edited by Laire; Mar 23 2013 at 09:31 AM.

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  8. #58
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    I would consider applying, but my highest-level character is not even in Moria yet. On the other hand, I am a member of a kin and I do read the forums, so I sort of know what's going on in the end-game, just not from personal experience.

    Also, without meaning to brag, I've been told that I have a clear communication style and can make my points well.

    I would like to hear opinions, both from Turbine and from other players (in this case, forum members) whether someone like me could make a good council member.

    In other words, what is more important: that a council member fits into one of the categories which must be represented in the council, or that a council member is willing and able to contribute to the discussion, possibly based on second-hand knowledge?

    (It's an honest question, and I'll be happy with any honest answer. I'm not even sure what my answer would be.)


    Second question, to Sapience: do you intend to have council members who do not have a level-capped character (yet)? I realize that we form a minority, but I've found that I'm not the only one who is in no hurry to reach the end(-game).

  9. #59
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Submitted my application as well. I've really only BEEN here for the past seven or eight months, but have been playing heavily during that time.

    And as a former long-standing CITY OF HEROES player... well... if there's a way I can help facilitate discussion between the players and the devs and prevent LotRO from going the same way COH did... I'd be a fool to pass up the chance.

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Red face

    I am so happy to see the direction the game is taking with it's development.
    Thank you very much and keep up the good work!
    "It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice."

  11. #61
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Crell_1 View Post
    I will not be applying, nor accepting any nominations for this program.

    I do however suspect that not all candidates will be regular forum users prior, and that their behavior and attitudes in-game should have weight. If I privately were aware of a situation involving a candiate that might make them unsuitable for this role, I'd want Turbine made aware of it, not to have such things aired in public.

    These players are meant to represent us, and I for one want them to be of the highest caliber we can muster.
    I think turbine will be able to tell the difference via the infraction log.

    I submitted a nomination list that included people I disagree with fervently, and repeatedly because they represent a counter view, as well as some people that others feel are vitriolic because their smart, speak their mind fully and clearly, and represent a side I see as valuable to the council.

    Ideally what we want is a system of diversity and checks and balances. The more disagreement we could insert the better, and let the better ideas win from their own merit. So long as the "person" you mention does not embarrass the council he could be valuable if his "flaws?" were overlooked.

    If you really want the council to be representative nominate your self and then your antitype. If your a casual nominate a raider, if your a raider nominate a casual, etc.
    Last edited by Armitas; Mar 23 2013 at 01:16 PM.

  12. #62
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    This Player Council idea sounded and still does sound like a positive step forward to actively get feedback. I am holding high hopes that this will voice the ideas and wishes of the community in various ways and from different angles. Cheers and hope it all works out
    [URL="http://www.tinnster.blogspot.com"]www.tinnster.blogspot.com[/URL] for those who enjoy gaming, cinema, literature.

  13. #63
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Thumbs up Love the idea of this council!

    I love the idea of this council!! 30-50 players will cover a wide demographic to bring to light what works, and what does not!

    Lotro Featured Player 2011
    Pherenn, Phermin, Pherkeeper, Phertain, Pherhuntress, Pherhunter, Pherburg, and too many others to track. Lotro Featured Player 2011; Beta Player, Former member: Player Council; Lover of all things Lotro; If I can help you...ask.

  14. #64
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quick question. How important is this question to the selection process.

    Do you use any of the following? If so, which?
    • Twitter, Facebook, Google+
    No clue what Google+ is, and I I'm pretty sure facebook is an mmorpg.
    Last edited by Armitas; Mar 23 2013 at 04:53 PM.

  15. #65
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    What does a player bring to the table for the council

    Quote Originally Posted by Armitas View Post
    I think turbine will be able to tell the difference via the infraction log.

    I submitted a nomination list that included people I disagree with fervently, and repeatedly because they represent a counter view, as well as some people that others feel are vitriolic because their smart, speak their mind fully and clearly, and represent a side I see as valuable to the council. Ideally what we want is a system of diversity and checks and balances. The more disagreement we could insert the better, and let the better ideas win from their own merit. So long as the "person" you mention does not embarrass the council he could be valuable if his "flaws?" were overlooked.
    Interesting point of view: However, I am not a frequent forum visitor; but have more time in game than 90% of the players so the concept of using the forums as a gauge of communication style my not have much weight as opposed to what someone might bring to the table.

    Featured player 2011
    Pherenn, Phermin, Pherkeeper, Phertain, Pherhuntress, Pherhunter, Pherburg, and too many others to track. Lotro Featured Player 2011; Beta Player, Former member: Player Council; Lover of all things Lotro; If I can help you...ask.

  16. #66

    Hopeful of the future

    This sounds like a good chance for players that are both happy and upset with the current state of the game to come together to discuss these matters. I am hopeful that it will benefit the game and it's player base as a whole.

  17. #67
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    I think this is a very good idea. Should make the Dev's jobs much easier as they can devote their time to developing and less time gathering information on what to develop.

    Viva Lotro!

  18. #68
    Interesting the discussions of Casual above. I am a raider, I play to beat the top end raids. Pretty much nothing else about the game holds my interest for very long.

    I play almost every week. I usually play for no more than 5 hours per week, usually all at once. About 2-3 weeks a year that number will jump to 50+ hours, but the rest of the time 1/2 a day a week is all I can spare, and really all I am interested in spending. People talk of 15 hours a week being casual - I think really there are as many different definitions of casual as there are people...

    As a result I wonder if 50 people will be broad enough coverage. Unfortunately, a larger group would become unwieldy and most likely ultimately be of little utility - but I do think a small group can't hope to cover the full range of viewpoints on the game. Hopefully these limitations will be taken into consideration when Turbine listens to the Player Councils feedback.
    Last edited by Tilps; Mar 23 2013 at 08:44 PM.
    The Un-named Kinmate
    LOTRO Utilities

  19. Mar 23 2013, 09:11 PM

  20. #69
    This is an excellent idea and I hope its execution is good so the developer team can have a more personal interaction with the playerbase and get to know the on-the-ground issues we are facing.

    I don't subscribe to the casual vs hardcore detabe. I lead a wonderful casual raiding kin that has many altaholics with as much as 9 capped and raid ready alts (40 hour weeks in game for those folk) as well as lawyers and doctors who can only spare 3 4 hour sessions a week. Playstyle and time played are not the defining factors on feedback. The ability to see the game from different angles would likely be a better indicator, and as such people who have been in the game for longer and done a variety of things will likely have more to contribute that those who just got here. Kudos to the 6 month of activity idea, hopefully we will also see a combiation of /played and /completed as factors fo the final decision, ensuring both people with lots of in game time and achievement can give their views without excluding each other.

  21. #70
    Quote Originally Posted by Annariel View Post
    I would consider applying, but my highest-level character is not even in Moria yet. On the other hand, I am a member of a kin and I do read the forums, so I sort of know what's going on in the end-game, just not from personal experience.

    Also, without meaning to brag, I've been told that I have a clear communication style and can make my points well.

    I would like to hear opinions, both from Turbine and from other players (in this case, forum members) whether someone like me could make a good council member.

    In other words, what is more important: that a council member fits into one of the categories which must be represented in the council, or that a council member is willing and able to contribute to the discussion, possibly based on second-hand knowledge?

    (It's an honest question, and I'll be happy with any honest answer. I'm not even sure what my answer would be.)


    Second question, to Sapience: do you intend to have council members who do not have a level-capped character (yet)? I realize that we form a minority, but I've found that I'm not the only one who is in no hurry to reach the end(-game).
    Just from looking at login server activity numbers from before, during, and after a server becomes the Recommended World in the launcher, I'd guess at least 80% of players who pick up the game never have a character that reaches the level cap. Because you're a player who's sticking it out and who's still working toward that goal, I think you'd bring an important perspective to the discussion.

    There's something to be said for the hope and excitement that comes from being only part way through your journey. You say you've taken the time to study the road ahead, and any stumbling blocks you've come across are still fresh in your mind. Turbine needs to hear what it is that keeps you coming back. I think the voices of at least a few players like you would be good on the council.

  22. #71
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    If you would like to be a part of helping shape the future of LOTRO, providing targeted feedback to the development team and working with other players from around the world to make LOTRO even better, submit your application today. Full details are available at www.lotro.com/playercouncil We look forward to hearing from you!
    This is something that gives me abit of hope (+2 Hope token used here) , As what was in my opinion the BEST mmorpg has evolved over the past few years ( 6 has it really been that long?) the last two have been lackluster and felt more then abit uncaring vs the first two.
    The idea that players may be heard ( used /resist here and it failed, Saruman wins) and WB/Turbine utilizes it's shiny new tool set ( used /resist here and it failed, Saruman wins) does offer some hope ( that item is still on cooldown) .
    I hope dreamily that you actually listen to the player base and are able to remove the dread that fills a lot of this fellowships heart.

  23. #72
    Join Date
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    Looks excellent thanks for Turbine for creating this. Whoever is on it good luck to you on your journey as we will be counting on you!
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  24. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilps View Post
    Interesting the discussions of Casual above. I am a raider, I play to beat the top end raids. Pretty much nothing else about the game holds my interest for very long.

    I play almost every week. I usually play for no more than 5 hours per week, usually all at once. About 2-3 weeks a year that number will jump to 50+ hours, but the rest of the time 1/2 a day a week is all I can spare, and really all I am interested in spending. People talk of 15 hours a week being casual - I think really there are as many different definitions of casual as there are people...

    As a result I wonder if 50 people will be broad enough coverage. Unfortunately, a larger group would become unwieldy and most likely ultimately be of little utility - but I do think a small group can't hope to cover the full range of viewpoints on the game. Hopefully these limitations will be taken into consideration when Turbine listens to the Player Councils feedback.
    There are many types of players, even non-raiders can spend many hours in game helping the others or just chatting with friends. And a specific type of players are leaders and officers of big kinships that need a lot of time for discussing, typing and thinking.

    Fifty people probably really can't cover everything, unless Turbine is extraordinary lucky. Even if there are, in theory, only 25 types of players, everyone still has own specific style and thoughts. So it would require more than one player of each type to get at least some objectivity. Something like that is beyond real possibilities and there's noone who could say, how many types of players exist, that's uncoutable I believe. So we should be happy, if the Council consists of several types of players, that (hopefuly) can understant the others as well. How to find them, that's another question.
    Earth is round. Nothing is impossible.

  25. #74
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Give applicants a questionaire and see how they answer, could be a way of whittling them down. No matter how they identify - RPer, Casual, PvPer etc - let them talk about the other sides.

    If all they do is spew vitriol - "I feel raiders dominate everything", "I feel casuals whine until they get all the good stuff", "I feel PvP has no place in LOTRO" - then you know they're ont gonna be objective about it. If they give answers that show they can appreciate the other players views, sorted.
    'A cage,' she said. 'To stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire.'

    [evernight] lilka : warden | gwenaëlle : champion | elorie : minstrel | cedar : hunter

  26. #75
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lilka View Post
    If all they do is spew vitriol - "I feel raiders dominate everything", "I feel casuals whine until they get all the good stuff", "I feel PvP has no place in LOTRO" - then you know they're ont gonna be objective about it. If they give answers that show they can appreciate the other players views, sorted.
    You might be surprised to hear there have already been a number of those types of applications. Sadly.


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