Originally Posted by
Thank you for acknowledging this is an on-going problem. Please try and keep us apprised of any information you can share. Connectivity issues are highly frustrating to deal with as an end-user, and find and fix as a provider. Knowing that its not completely resolved at least helps us understand that it may happen again in the near future, and that you're working on getting a solid fix in place.
Seconded. As someone who has a very unreliable connection, I can appreciate (better than most) that finding the one or several causes of problems in a system where you can have a combinatorial explosion of causes with one final pathway makes diagnosis a guessing game that often goes wrong. Stuff happens, yes it does, no matter how good your QA system is, you'll never catch everything possible ahead of time.
"No sadder words of tongue or pen are the words: 'Might have been'." -- John Greenleaf Whittier
"Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda
On planet Earth, there is a try.
Indeed, in a world and life full of change, the only constant is human nature (A is A, after all :P).
We old vets need to keep in mind those who come after us.