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Thread: Deeds is stuck!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Deeds is stuck!


    Iv'e been off for about 4 months, and i have too say this game have changed alot. First I f**ked up my trait points, but that not my biggest problem right now.

    Some of my deed is stuck saying ive progressed as far as I could for today, the problem is that I didnt attack anything before I was cheick my deeds. These deeds is stuck:

    Better And Better - Use Critical Hit Chain opening skills
    Finish What You Started - Use Critical Hit Chain finishing skills

    It have been stuck for two days now...


  2. #2
    How do you know it's 'stuck'? Is the bar yellow in your deed log?

    I think when the expansion changed many deeds, they started off as yellow (as if you'd been working on them that day), because when you logged in for the first time, they were populated. It should reset after 24 hours (or so).

    Or do you think they are stuck because you think you are using skills which should advance them? In which case, which specific skills are you using?
    Mosby, Founder of The Palantíri kinship (Landroval) - LotRO Charts Tumblr - Runes & Translations

    As glides in seas the shark, Rides Mosby through green dark. -Melville

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    have to agree... I'm stuck with 4 uses left on that deed for at least a week now

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Mysak View Post
    have to agree... I'm stuck with 4 uses left on that deed for at least a week now
    Easy fix, buy and use an accelerated deed tome in the store, it lifts the daily caps on all slayer and class deeds.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I had one stuck as well. The Deed "Footpad" which advances by using diversion was not advancing properly when I had my Gambler tree active. (I think the gamble attached to it messed it up somehow) When I switched to QK everything was fine.

    Resident Hobbit Kick-bag and the Bandit-Kisser!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Scelte View Post
    I had one stuck as well. The Deed "Footpad" which advances by using diversion was not advancing properly when I had my Gambler tree active. (I think the gamble attached to it messed it up somehow) When I switched to QK everything was fine.
    There was a bug on Footpad where the Double-down version of Diversion didn't increment the deed. It *should* be fixed with 12.1. If you run into additional situations where a skill isn't increasing the deed it's supposed to, please be sure to /bug it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Finish What You Started - Use Critical Hit Chain finishing skills
    Having issues with this one NOW
    not sure if I had it before update 12 (HD) or not

    I have it to 61 (out of 150 or 250 or whataver)
    It's NOT yellow
    It's been stuck for at least a day or so
    I AM fighting critters of several NON-grey levels (up to orange and down to light blue)

    not a sausage
    I'm loathe to use a skill enhancer (I have them on account) unless I knew it would fix it

    With they way in-game help is nowadays I'm not sure reporting it to them will get me any further than urinating into the gale outside...
    Is it a BUG?
    If it is then in-game folks won't help and we just have to wait (a LONG time I expect as it does not affect all) for them to fix it.

    But if it IS a bug I'd like to add my /bug report (so they don't assume it's only one or two people)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Finish What You Started also will not advance for me.

    My burg alt is traited QK, and have gone from level ~60 to 75 since HD launched, without this deed ever even starting. I didn't even know what advanced it since all I had was its name in the 'Class Deeds - Tier 7' group until reading this thread. I can assure you, as a QK I use crit chain skills ALL the time.

    This is decidedly problematic.
    Gremblus, Seuer, Grinand Bearit, and various others of Arkenstone



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