Months ago, while revamping LOTRO Store, developers introduced support for regional prices for Turbine Points. This feature was unveiled (and is still available) on Bullroarer during test weekends. As you can see on the screenshot, on Bullroarer I have prices listed in rubles since I play from Russia, and not in USD as on live servers.
As far as I understand, those regional prices are supposed to be different for different regions, just like Steam's regional prices system.
There were already some forum
threads about it, blue names first confirmed it was coming, then some threads were deleted (?) and no further comments appeared.
Vyvyanne somewhere (not sure on the forums or during winter's stream, but it doesn't matter) mentioned that the company that was managing LOTRO Store was working to introduce this feature to live servers. And no news since then.
So here we are. Now we have new producer (hello,
Severlin!) and new community manager (hello,
Cordovan!). So it would be nice to get some news about regional prices for Turbine Points. The answer from
QuarterMasterM would be fine too
Is this feature coming after all? When? If you don't have ETA, could you just give us some clue about approximate dates?
Many players from Russia (and other countries) are very interested and waiting the answer.
Thank you!