Never forget.
Never forget.
REMOVE Rohan Kingstead Homestead from the open world map it ruins the immersion and a shame for the ART.
Agreed. I miss Riddermark. These pixels are different. And all of my stuff was there.
Ridder? I had a break in 2011, a few months after the server was made. When I got back, played a month and there were perhaps ten regulars in glff.
Revisited a year later and there were 20. A year after that, ten.
After my break, there was a new guy asking beginner questions in glff. Not the sharpest stick in the woods but not unpleasant.
Three of the ten regulars took it upon themselves to verbally abuse him, cheered on by a couple of the others. Absolutely horrible people.
Mind that these were half the active server population.
I have no doubt they got themselves banned over the years or removed themselves to single player games.
It was not unlike one of those M Night Shyamalan movies where someone unsuspecting steps into a community of inbred who turn out to be cannibals or something.
Take the worst bullies of Brandywine (where they pretty much drowned in a wall of white noise low-level evil) and give them an infinite amount of space.
I think this account is what I created to join the then new server.
Shame the server didn't work out and flourish but for a few months
Happy I didn't stay but went back to BW
Happy I recognized the change in mentality for what it was - something abnormal and not the norm for this game.
Happy I ended up with a new, full set of characters on Landy eventually. The nicer place![]()
I'm happy to be on Landroval as well, but miss the folks I'll never see again that went to different servers. As for the foul folks, I did indeed put some of them on "ignore", but as a whole, I thought Riddermark was a pretty good community. And I miss it terribly. Here are some shots from the "End of the World" party, on August 8th, 2015, that we had. It went on for at least 24 hours. I left to sleep and came back to find it still going on...
There are many shots there, and when I view them, I always get a bit maudlin when I see the kins and friends that have gone elsewhere...
Regards... Blunte Foamfollower, Master of Anvils
Ridder? I hardly knew her!