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I'm the same as you, and in fact, I go as far as to say, I do the BB's in HD a lot more than once, because, promo points are tied into them. It's perfectly ok if a player skips the BB, that they don't get to see the cutscene at the end of it, that wasn't what I was getting at. I don't think that's even possible, as the cutscenes are triggered by completion of the battle. I just think if a player doesn't wish to do the BB itself, then that's fine. They should be able to skip it (and hence, not get to see the cutscene that comes with it, or get the points they would gain from it), and then pick up the Epic at the next available quest - after the battle. They can pick up the next book anyway, without doing the battle, so a couple of quests (its usually only one or two at the most, that follow the BB) to vector them to the next phase of story, would be fine IMO.
Any player, even a valared player can jump to the Camp of the Host and pick up the Epic for Mordor - even if they haven't even seen Bree. I don't see any complaints in here that those players should have visited Angmar, or Minas Tirith. When the game operates that way, it's a bit silly to start getting precious over one, maybe two quests (which usually involve nothing more than talking to Gandalf to move to the next part of the Epic) which come after a big battle. There are no rewards to gain in that, the rewards are inside the battle and you get them by completing it, not bypassing it.
It would work like this . . .
Speak to Gandalf, he tells you to run a BB. You hit skip, and miss the battle. You get no cutscene, you get no rewards, you just speak to Gandalf a second time, and move onto the next quest. Nobody gains anything, but they do lose the benefits of completing the battle. More players happy, more players playing the game.