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This is probably asked a ton but i am curious as to what the player population looks like on these legendary servers for a brand new player to Lord of the Rings Online? Looking to possibly create a character to experience the game for the first time.
I know I'm late to this thread but just for information we have had a number of new players join our kinship in the last two weeks. The population is lower than on the live servers but depending on your personal preferences, it may not be a big issue. A lot of people prefer to do things with their kin fellows and if the kin has several characters in your own level range, it is a definate plus.
The legendary servers have another great plus: A lower level cap. It is much easier to catch up with your fellows when you are going for a lower end level. Additionally, there are certain mechanics regarding "Legendary Items" that make it very, very tough for new players to get close to their friends in equipment.
There are some Doomsayers regarding the legendary servers who grab any opportunity to proclaim that they are dead, a disaster, a cash grab, or completely depopulated. It is a wonder that we are still playing there and enjoying ourselves.
85 Warden - Leader of The Last Alliance - Anor
Challenger of the Rift - Challenger of Helegrod