Quick Feedback for Beta 4
Hello there,
Had a lot of mentions in BR World chat that the conversion rate from old LIs to new LIs is not up to scale and I can confirm this myself. The amount of ancient scripts is not coherent with the amount of runes and shattered morgul traceries. With a first age weapon fully converted I was only able to build a new legendary item with NO power traceries or crafted traceries (5 traceries missing on class item/4 on weapon) indicating a missing 4500 ancient scripts.
There has also been some disappointment in the fact that only shattered traceries are given and not cracked traceries. With Gundabad being only 3 weeks from release once 30.3 comes out, (therefore rendering the morgul equipment moot) holding the players back from having the best 121+ traceries available seems rather... insulting to many.
Though changes have been bought about to certain classes, the overall class balance is still not where it should be at with the new LIs in place. In terms of damage output, agility classes (hunters, wardens and burglars) have all received a significant DPS increase, near doubling the damage on live. Champions and rune keepers (two other primary damage classes) have had their damage balanced without swapping but have received no boost, therefore rendering them nigh unusable as DPS.
For specific numbers, on a 3 minute test dummy session:
Hunters, wardens and burglars: 350-400k DPS average for experienced players
Champions: 200-220k DPS average for experienced players
Rune Keepers: 220-240k DPS average for experienced players
An argument that rune keepers would be shifting to a more healing based class could be made, however whilst minstrels and bears have seen an increase to their healing capabilities, the same cannot be said for Rune-Keepers, leaving them behind once again as an unfavorable class.
**The class balance in live is actually really quite nice and possibly the most balanced the game has seen in many years in terms of which classes can fit the tank/dps/heal roles. It would be a shame to see that balance tilted to the extreme point it is in beta.**
Possible solutions to this could be to reduce the base damage of agility classes or improve the base damage of might/will classes.
Lastly, as a primarily warden player: the Heal Bonus for Conviction tracery serves no purpose. The heal from conviction has been DRASTICALLY reduced in beta (healing around 10% of what it is on live). Currently the heal does (in a blue line, tank trait and build at level 130) 761 morale every 3 seconds for 18s... on a tank that has 1 million morale. Boosting this by 38% results in a tracery that will never be used as the base heal of Conviction is essentially non existent as warden self heals do not scale correctly when leveling. (They are very viable in earlier phases of the game, but useless past isengard/rohan ish levels). An easy solution to this would be to either tweak the scaling of heals for Conviction (and Restoration) OR change the tracery to affect Conviction's stat boosts (Tactical Mit, Crit Defence etc)
Would love to have a bit more communication on the class balance issue. I know that some information has been thrown around along the lines of 'we know champs need fixing, we're on it' has been thrown around but since certain skills were improved in terms of 1h/2h damage we havent heard anything about class balance since (and Im not even a champ player)
Thanking you muchly for your efforts and time taken to read this!
- The Doctor
The Doctor of Arkenstone
Commander General of Audacity Kinship- discord.gg/QXnpg2gkKJ
Master of -Inquisition- Kinship
Avid Bullroarer Tester: discord.gg/72DaJhSHXM