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  1. #1
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    Jan 2011

    @ Scenario - New Housing Decorations

    Scenario, thank you and any other Devs involved for creating those new decorations! I'm sorry I can't preview them yet (*rep-gated on BR), but it gives me something very much to look forward to!

    I've noticed some of the Gundabad pillars for the main rep faction are yard-only. Are they really huge? Or would it be possible to alter them to place them indoors as well?

    There are many different ways to think about decorating. One of the techniques I really like doing in some of my houses is to set-up "artificial walls" by means of decorations to give a very different or unique feel to the space (so it doesn't feel like yet another hotel room with the same walls, dimensions, etc.). I think it would be pretty cool to have some larger Dwarven-themed pillars inside a house if possible!

    Like, it would be so cool to do a "Twenty-First Hall" or "Mattugard" theme on the interior of a house, even if on a slightly smaller scale. Premium Gondor houses are particularly ripe for this!

    I'm very excited, btw, about the "cave"-themed decorations and also the stone trolls!

    I have a suggestion for other decorations: Since you really enjoyed building Car Bronach (*thank you so much for the excellent preview!), would it be possible to create some of those Angmarim-themed decore as well?

    I really love the interior to that Angmarim castle with all the glowy-plants and gardens; whole foliage bushels of that would be pretty neat, especially in a house with the walls and floor from the Black Book Epilogue / the "Halls-of-Memory" theme! There are lots of good candidates for decorations that I've seen on BR. Some of the snowy-out-buildings on the slopes would be pretty cool for Enormous Yard or Huge Yard slots, for example. There are also some trees that would be cool to have from the Cloven-gap: the green Fangorn trees, the green Eregion-style ones, etc. Even some of the more wild crystal formations we see in some places would be pretty cool to have!

    I also really love the bookshelves the Angmarim have: I think we could really use some new bookshelf decorations beyond the "Gondorian style" and "Rivendell" ones. It would be so cool to really fill-out the walls of a house with some of these new ones!

    Thanks for listening These are just some ideas I'm throwing out there, having seen what's currently on BR; consider it a testament to the awesome world-building for this expansion and that, yes, it definitely is having the desired visually awesome effects on me as a player!

    Landroval player; I am Phantion on the forums only and do not have a corresponding character in-game with that name on any server. Cheers! :)


  2. #2
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    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Phantion View Post
    There are many different ways to think about decorating. One of the techniques I really like doing in some of my houses is to set-up "artificial walls" by means of decorations to give a very different or unique feel to the space (so it doesn't feel like yet another hotel room with the same walls, dimensions, etc.). I think it would be pretty cool to have some larger Dwarven-themed pillars inside a house if possible!
    Very much this. More space-creating "dividers" à la Elven Screen (HotW barter in North Ithilien) would be most welcomed!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    I love the change to generic furniture and wall slots and would love to see this expanded to combining furniture and yard slots ideally or making yard slots generic too. I would like to use the white fur rugs from lootboxes as 'snow' patches outside my winter wonderland kin house - or a whiter version for yards would be as good or better in case I'm not the only one who would like a seasonal yard.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nonde View Post
    I love the change to generic furniture and wall slots and would love to see this expanded to combining furniture and yard slots ideally or making yard slots generic too. I would like to use the white fur rugs from lootboxes as 'snow' patches outside my winter wonderland kin house - or a whiter version for yards would be as good or better in case I'm not the only one who would like a seasonal yard.
    Much agreed! I'd love to actually put multiple trees in any house for a Grimbeorn's Lodge feel or a Wood-Elven aesthetic, etc. I don't like it that it's limited to just the indoor gardens in Gondor premium housing.

    Another thing I've thought of: maybe, for borders, they could do a new kind of "housing border" decoration slot where you could put fences, walls, etc., which could help clarify the boundaries while allowing to increase overall movement of yard decorations inside that boundary.

    Like, it would be so cool to be able to place a replica of the Rammas Echor around the yard of a Gondor premium house- or Helm's Deep walls, or Orthanc walls, or just simple Bree-land fences, Shire fences, Dwarven walls, etc. Then players could do what they'd like inside. Some of the walls could be designed so you could climb stairs and walk on top of them. There are lots of ideas for that sort of thing


    For this expansion in particular though- to sum it up, I'd just love to see some Angmar-themed decorations to go along with the new Gundabad-themed ones, since both of these aesthetics (*well, there's a third counting the giants and the frozen stuff in the Welkin-lofts) are a combined theme in this new expansion.

    I'm thrilled with all the housing changes Scenario is making so far, I have to say Even the more recent decorations shift has made a lot of things more possible in premium housing

    Landroval player; I am Phantion on the forums only and do not have a corresponding character in-game with that name on any server. Cheers! :)


  5. #5

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantion View Post
    Scenario, thank you and any other Devs involved for creating those new decorations! I'm sorry I can't preview them yet (*rep-gated on BR), but it gives me something very much to look forward to!

    I've noticed some of the Gundabad pillars for the main rep faction are yard-only. Are they really huge? Or would it be possible to alter them to place them indoors as well?

    There are many different ways to think about decorating. One of the techniques I really like doing in some of my houses is to set-up "artificial walls" by means of decorations to give a very different or unique feel to the space (so it doesn't feel like yet another hotel room with the same walls, dimensions, etc.). I think it would be pretty cool to have some larger Dwarven-themed pillars inside a house if possible!

    Like, it would be so cool to do a "Twenty-First Hall" or "Mattugard" theme on the interior of a house, even if on a slightly smaller scale. Premium Gondor houses are particularly ripe for this!

    I'm very excited, btw, about the "cave"-themed decorations and also the stone trolls!

    I have a suggestion for other decorations: Since you really enjoyed building Car Bronach (*thank you so much for the excellent preview!), would it be possible to create some of those Angmarim-themed decore as well?

    I really love the interior to that Angmarim castle with all the glowy-plants and gardens; whole foliage bushels of that would be pretty neat, especially in a house with the walls and floor from the Black Book Epilogue / the "Halls-of-Memory" theme! There are lots of good candidates for decorations that I've seen on BR. Some of the snowy-out-buildings on the slopes would be pretty cool for Enormous Yard or Huge Yard slots, for example. There are also some trees that would be cool to have from the Cloven-gap: the green Fangorn trees, the green Eregion-style ones, etc. Even some of the more wild crystal formations we see in some places would be pretty cool to have!

    I also really love the bookshelves the Angmarim have: I think we could really use some new bookshelf decorations beyond the "Gondorian style" and "Rivendell" ones. It would be so cool to really fill-out the walls of a house with some of these new ones!

    Thanks for listening These are just some ideas I'm throwing out there, having seen what's currently on BR; consider it a testament to the awesome world-building for this expansion and that, yes, it definitely is having the desired visually awesome effects on me as a player!

    All that sounds great! by the way Deco Du Milieu website posted a preview with screen of some the Gundabad house decos. https://en.dcodumilieu.fr/gundabad-u31-housing-preview/

    I will also like to put more stuffs on the walls of my premium house & more furniture too. Also some rooms of the premium houses don't have any ceiling slot & the secret room at the 4th floor of Gondorian Luxurious house don't have any surface slot neither take it from other rooms. But hey Scenario said that he was testing to add more slots to the premium houses. Maybe we can unlock more slots next year!

  6. #6
    Scenario's Avatar
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    First of all, I have to say that I am having a lot of fun putting some time into the LOTRO housing system! It's been one of my passion projects for a while now. That said, I've only got so much time in my day that I can spend on it, so any thing I have planned is likely going to take longer to implement just because of I have other projects on my plate as well.

    RE: Exterior to Interior Deco - There are a ton of great decoration items in LOTRO, and one of my long term goals is to audit those items to see what yard decorations make sense to introduce as interior decorations as well (and vice versa).

    RE: Wall Objects - Using deco objects as wells, partitions, and door blockers has been a technique we see a lot, and it results in some cool effects! We do try to be careful with larger structures in interiors, just out of the concern that it could be used in negative ways (such as trapping players). That said, I do like the idea of making some wall pieces that can be used as extra partitions/dividers. They wouldn't be able to take on the wallpaper textures dynamically, but its something we could look into and R&D with a bit.

    RE: Game Assets as Deco - As for game assets that aren't deco items yet, I could see making a "wishlist" thread in the housing subforum and use that as a place for players to suggest things that could be turned into Deco.

    RE: Hook Consolidation - Looking at Yard Hooks for consolidation is one of the things on my list, and it should be less technically worrisome than the Wall Hook consolidation. It's just time and testing to make sure it works. Its on my short list of housing related tasks, possibly for the next housing release but no promises as to a specific timeframe if it doesn't make it in.

    RE: Property Borders - This is actually something I will be prototyping in my Test Estate, and hopefully make it available as part of the neighborhood-after-next. As with any of these new hook type features, they'll be prototyped in one neighborhood, then retrofitted over time. For example, my hope is to retrofit exterior music and dayfile hooks into Rohan and Belfalas housing (time allowed) with Classic Neighborhoods getting them further down the road.

    RE: More Hooks - I've been prototyping "hook packs" for housing, and I have it in a functional-but-cobbled-together state. I'd really love a UX pass on it before its something I can even consider bringing to any neighborhood. No ETA.
    Last edited by Scenario; Nov 09 2021 at 03:59 PM.

  7. #7
    Strider5548's Avatar
    Strider5548 is offline Legendary Hunter of Middle-earth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scenario View Post
    First of all, I have to say that I am having a lot of fun putting some time into the LOTRO housing system! It's been one of my side passion projects for a while. That said, I've only got so much time in my day that I can spend on it, so any thing I have planned is likely going to take longer to implement just because of I have other projects on my plate as well.

    RE: Exterior to Interior Deco - There are a ton of great decoration items in LOTRO, and one of my long term goals is to audit those items to see what yard decorations make sense to introduce as interior decorations as well (and vice versa).

    RE: Wall Objects - Using deco objects as wells, partitions, and door blockers has been a technique we see a lot, and it results in some cool effects! We do try to be careful with larger structures in interiors, just out of the concern that it could be used in negative ways (such as trapping players). That said, I do like the idea of making some wall pieces that can be used as extra partitions/dividers. They wouldn't be able to take on the wallpaper textures dynamically, but its something we could look into and R&D with a bit.

    RE: Game Assets as Deco - As for game assets that aren't deco items yet, I could see making a "wishlist" thread in the housing subforum and use that as a place for players to suggest things that could be turned into Deco.

    RE: Hook Consolidation - Looking at Yard Hooks for consolidation is one of the things on my list, and it should be less technically worrisome than the Wall Hook consolidation. It's just time and testing to make sure it works. Its on my short list of housing related tasks, possibly for the next housing release but no promises as to a specific timeframe if it doesn't make it in.

    RE: Property Borders - This is actually something I will be prototyping in my Test Estate, and hopefully make it available as part of the neighborhood-after-next. As with any of these new hook type features, they'll be prototyped in one neighborhood, then retrofitted over time. For example, my hope is to retrofit exterior music and dayfile hooks into Rohan and Belfalas housing (time allowed) with Classic Neighborhoods getting them further down the road.

    RE: More Hooks - I've been prototyping "hook packs" for housing, and I have it in a functional-but-cobbled-together state. I'd really love a UX pass on it before its something I can even consider bringing to any neighborhood. No ETA.

    Really cool ideas, I like them all. One thing I'd love to see which is probably not so realistic would be the ability to alter the floorplan of classic houses. It would be nice to do a second pass on classic housing since they are the most outdated in the game, and perhaps have a monetary wall behind floor plan adjustments (i.e. require housing scrolls) to justify the effort put into it.

    I could see it working like this:

    We have 8 total house models in classic housing (standard/deluxe x 4 neighborhoods excluding Kin houses). We could have a pre-defined set of options to alter the existing floor plan for each house model including adding a second level, adding certain room types, adding a basement, etc. This could also make the standard houses more appealing to players (there are quite a few empty ones across the old neighborhoods).

    Anyway just a thought, as always appreciate your work on housing and world building!
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scenario View Post
    First of all, I have to say that I am having a lot of fun putting some time into the LOTRO housing system! It's been one of my passion projects for a while now. That said, I've only got so much time in my day that I can spend on it, so any thing I have planned is likely going to take longer to implement just because of I have other projects on my plate as well.

    RE: Exterior to Interior Deco - There are a ton of great decoration items in LOTRO, and one of my long term goals is to audit those items to see what yard decorations make sense to introduce as interior decorations as well (and vice versa).

    RE: Wall Objects - Using deco objects as wells, partitions, and door blockers has been a technique we see a lot, and it results in some cool effects! We do try to be careful with larger structures in interiors, just out of the concern that it could be used in negative ways (such as trapping players). That said, I do like the idea of making some wall pieces that can be used as extra partitions/dividers. They wouldn't be able to take on the wallpaper textures dynamically, but its something we could look into and R&D with a bit.

    RE: Game Assets as Deco - As for game assets that aren't deco items yet, I could see making a "wishlist" thread in the housing subforum and use that as a place for players to suggest things that could be turned into Deco.

    RE: Hook Consolidation - Looking at Yard Hooks for consolidation is one of the things on my list, and it should be less technically worrisome than the Wall Hook consolidation. It's just time and testing to make sure it works. Its on my short list of housing related tasks, possibly for the next housing release but no promises as to a specific timeframe if it doesn't make it in.

    RE: Property Borders - This is actually something I will be prototyping in my Test Estate, and hopefully make it available as part of the neighborhood-after-next. As with any of these new hook type features, they'll be prototyped in one neighborhood, then retrofitted over time. For example, my hope is to retrofit exterior music and dayfile hooks into Rohan and Belfalas housing (time allowed) with Classic Neighborhoods getting them further down the road.

    RE: More Hooks - I've been prototyping "hook packs" for housing, and I have it in a functional-but-cobbled-together state. I'd really love a UX pass on it before its something I can even consider bringing to any neighborhood. No ETA.
    Really great example of coworking with the customers, and it's something we all could do and benefit from. Thanks a lot Scenario. Will do help as much I can.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scenario View Post

    RE: More Hooks - I've been prototyping "hook packs" for housing, and I have it in a functional-but-cobbled-together state. I'd really love a UX pass on it before its something I can even consider bringing to any neighborhood. No ETA.
    All points you mention sound excellent and I'm sure anxiously awaited by the community!

    I wanted to highlight the last one, coz if I'm understanding right, this would allow us to do things like "set a table" without exhausting all hooks in a room. And that'd be great! Any hope this will be one of the features that trickles down to older housing neighbourhoods, like cosmetic pets did?

  10. #10
    Scenario's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laurelinarien View Post
    All points you mention sound excellent and I'm sure anxiously awaited by the community!

    I wanted to highlight the last one, coz if I'm understanding right, this would allow us to do things like "set a table" without exhausting all hooks in a room. And that'd be great! Any hope this will be one of the features that trickles down to older housing neighbourhoods, like cosmetic pets did?
    No, this would be a method for getting additional hooks for your house via some means (TBD).

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scenario View Post
    No, this would be a method for getting additional hooks for your house via some means (TBD).
    Oh I see! Ty for clarification

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scenario View Post
    RE: Exterior to Interior Deco - There are a ton of great decoration items in LOTRO, and one of my long term goals is to audit those items to see what yard decorations make sense to introduce as interior decorations as well (and vice versa).

    Yes, thank you! Specifically, is there any reason ALL the "property guard" figures couldn't be converted to interior as well as exterior?

  13. Nov 09 2021, 11:36 PM

  14. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scenario View Post
    First of all, I have to say that I am having a lot of fun putting some time into the LOTRO housing system! It's been one of my passion projects for a while now. That said, I've only got so much time in my day that I can spend on it, so any thing I have planned is likely going to take longer to implement just because of I have other projects on my plate as well.
    Thanks for your work and for your communication.
    << Co-founder of The Firebrands of Caruja on Landroval >>
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  15. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    Scenario - with your casual strolls and the love you're giving to housing - you're making this hobbit very happy!


  16. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Scenario View Post
    RE: More Hooks - I've been prototyping "hook packs" for housing, and I have it in a functional-but-cobbled-together state. I'd really love a UX pass on it before its something I can even consider bringing to any neighborhood. No ETA.
    OMG I would immediately purchase ALL hook packs available. Even if it requires me to stand frozen for 10 minutes in my doorway to allow all the items to load.

    Thank you Scenario for working hard to improve our homes in Middle-earth!
    C O S M E T I C * L O T R O

    a blog about Middle-earth outfits

  17. #16
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    Mar 2011
    Could we also increase the crafting stations work area, had to cram all my homestead crafting stations in a circle around the supplier summon horn and vault keeper.

  18. #17
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    Are you looking into decorations that have slots in them, like to display equipment or other items? I heard about the possibility a while ago but I'm not sure how feasible it turned out to be.

  19. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scenario View Post
    First of all, I have to say that I am having a lot of fun putting some time into the LOTRO housing system! It's been one of my passion projects for a while now. That said, I've only got so much time in my day that I can spend on it, so any thing I have planned is likely going to take longer to implement just because of I have other projects on my plate as well.

    RE: Exterior to Interior Deco - There are a ton of great decoration items in LOTRO, and one of my long term goals is to audit those items to see what yard decorations make sense to introduce as interior decorations as well (and vice versa).

    RE: Wall Objects - Using deco objects as wells, partitions, and door blockers has been a technique we see a lot, and it results in some cool effects! We do try to be careful with larger structures in interiors, just out of the concern that it could be used in negative ways (such as trapping players). That said, I do like the idea of making some wall pieces that can be used as extra partitions/dividers. They wouldn't be able to take on the wallpaper textures dynamically, but its something we could look into and R&D with a bit.

    RE: Game Assets as Deco - As for game assets that aren't deco items yet, I could see making a "wishlist" thread in the housing subforum and use that as a place for players to suggest things that could be turned into Deco.

    RE: Hook Consolidation - Looking at Yard Hooks for consolidation is one of the things on my list, and it should be less technically worrisome than the Wall Hook consolidation. It's just time and testing to make sure it works. Its on my short list of housing related tasks, possibly for the next housing release but no promises as to a specific timeframe if it doesn't make it in.

    RE: Property Borders - This is actually something I will be prototyping in my Test Estate, and hopefully make it available as part of the neighborhood-after-next. As with any of these new hook type features, they'll be prototyped in one neighborhood, then retrofitted over time. For example, my hope is to retrofit exterior music and dayfile hooks into Rohan and Belfalas housing (time allowed) with Classic Neighborhoods getting them further down the road.

    RE: More Hooks - I've been prototyping "hook packs" for housing, and I have it in a functional-but-cobbled-together state. I'd really love a UX pass on it before its something I can even consider bringing to any neighborhood. No ETA.

    Mega-kudos to you and bravo! I can't thank you enough for answering and for such a wonderful direction moving forward! I certainly understand RE- only so many hours in a day. LOTRO housing is amazing, especially thanks to you I really enjoyed seeing what Erebor has to offer in two point updates RE- your livestream; very much looking forward to it!

    Landroval player; I am Phantion on the forums only and do not have a corresponding character in-game with that name on any server. Cheers! :)


  20. #19
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    Jun 2011
    Hey Scenario and others,

    I'm not particularly much into housing, but I do check up on it from time to time and like adding stuff I get from my end game endeavors.
    After reading through this thread I thought that it would perhaps be fun to have a way of making your cosmetic pets available to put into some type of hook!
    I reckon it would take some work, so my question would be whether others enjoy this idea as well.

    Would assume someone else has thought of this before, but worth a shot!

  21. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by pipje1 View Post
    Hey Scenario and others,

    I'm not particularly much into housing, but I do check up on it from time to time and like adding stuff I get from my end game endeavors.
    After reading through this thread I thought that it would perhaps be fun to have a way of making your cosmetic pets available to put into some type of hook!
    I reckon it would take some work, so my question would be whether others enjoy this idea as well.

    Would assume someone else has thought of this before, but worth a shot!
    That's already in the game. You can select any hook, drag your pet icon onto the slot, and then "create" a pet housing decoration for Mithril Coins. Some pets will create noises and will randomly move around wherever you choose to slot the bound decoration after that. Kites will even float in the air. If at any chance the Curator comes around, you can pay 2,500 Figments of Splendour for a token that can be exchanged to use this feature as well.

  22. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by pipje1 View Post
    Hey Scenario and others,

    I'm not particularly much into housing, but I do check up on it from time to time and like adding stuff I get from my end game endeavors.
    After reading through this thread I thought that it would perhaps be fun to have a way of making your cosmetic pets available to put into some type of hook!
    I reckon it would take some work, so my question would be whether others enjoy this idea as well.

    Would assume someone else has thought of this before, but worth a shot!
    That item that is already on live servers is called Pet Harness. You can learn more about were to get it & how to use it here: https://en.dcodumilieu.fr/mount-and-pet-hooks/ . I have created quite a few house decos with my cosmetic pets this way. Heads up! It doesn't work with class specific pets.

  23. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelfist View Post
    Could we also increase the crafting stations work area, had to cram all my homestead crafting stations in a circle around the supplier summon horn and vault keeper.
    I would love to see an all in one large in size (could be the largest type slot) that did all the crafting slots in one from farming to scholar. Charge me as much as each station individually but not having to have them out in a funky pattern to try to get them together would be amazing.

  24. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Scenario View Post
    No, this would be a method for getting additional hooks for your house via some means (TBD).
    Hi. Some months have passed. Any news about if this is going to happen oh a near future update like U 33 or a later patch?

  25. #24
    Scenario's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YamydeAragon View Post
    Hi. Some months have passed. Any news about if this is going to happen oh a near future update like U 33 or a later patch?
    This continues to be TBD.

  26. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Scenario View Post
    This continues to be TBD.
    No problem & thanks for replying.


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