It has come to my attention that, depending on when you created your female stout axe, she may not have access to proper vocalizations, and for those that she does, they are in a different voice than the one older characters have. Is this an intended change or a bug?
Female stout axes have had trouble getting their vocalizations to work now for some time, as these threads attest:
I did a test of my stout axe characters and this is what I found:
Female stout axe burglar (created on race's launch day):
Makes "oof, argh," etc noises in combat that sound the same as the male version
Has all vocalized emotes (same voice as males): challenge, roar, cheer, etc.
Yells special stout axe sentences during some of the emotes (same voice as male)
All male stout axes I have tested (brawler and minstrel), both now and in the past, sound exactly the same as my female burg.
Newly created female stout axe characters do not sound like this!
Female stout axe minstrel (created Nov 2021) and Female stout axe burglar (created Nov 2021):
Makes occasional "oof" and "ah" noises in combat but in a noticeably female voice
Has NO voiced emotes whatsoever (cheer, roar, challenge, etc are all silent)
Minstrel can yell stout axe special sentences (in the male voice) but only during class skills that yell
Female stout axe rune keeper (created today):
Is utterly silent for everything. (This may be partly a RK thing as I think my elf RK is also silent during combat, but she has all other vocalizations)
I want to add that I have triple checked with other players, and my original stout axe burg is indeed female. Other people can see her "hugging herself" for example. Others can also hear her vocalizations. I checked with another player who has a more recently created stout axe and she told me that not only can she not hear any vocal emotes on her stout axe, but no one else can hear them either. I'm kind of baffled as to what is going on. One of the threads linked above says that the OP's female stout axe
used to have voiced emotes and then lost them. Yet my stout axe burg has never lost her voice. At some point a female voice over was added for female stout axe combat noises. Yet this was not applied to my female stout axe. Female stout axes who lost their vocalized emotes, still haven't gotten them back, and currently created ones don't get them either.
What is the intent here? Are new voice-overs being rolled out for female stout axes? Will my character be affected? Are the old voices going to ever come back for everyone else? Which is the bug here? Is my char bugged because she has male combat sounds and not female ones? Are all recently created stout axes bugged because they have no combat sounds or the wrong ones? Why do female stout axe minstrels (and any class with skill based yells I assume) have their combat vocalizations in a female voice but their class skill vocalizations in a male one?
I've been reluctant to post about this, because
I do not want my original female stout axe to be changed. My curiosity is getting the better of me though, and I am wondering what the story is behind all this weirdness.
Female stout axe defensive combat sounds = old chars get male sounding voice, new chars get female sounding voice
Class yells = all chars get male sounding voice
Voiced emotes = old chars get male sounding voice, new chars get no voice (all emotes are silent)
Why the difference between old and new female stout axes?