I think this Cardolan mission is broken. Or at least poorly thought out. I just tried this on Tier 3 (which isn't even that high) and had an incredibly frustrating experience. The enemies kept multiplying and the clouds of malice kept appearing to the point where it was nearly impossible. I got frustrated and decided to quit the mission -- only to find that I couldn't because the enemies resumed the attack as soon as I respawned. There wasn't time for my character to leave the instance. I died multiple times until the time limit ran out. The quest goal said to find the scout. But the scout was nowhere to be found, presumably because there were still enemies around. "OK," I thought, "let's kill the enemies and finish the quest." But by this point I'd died so many times, my gear had been destroyed and I had no weapons to fight with. So I couldn't finish the mission, I couldn't quit the mission, and I couldn't even get out of the mission.
I felt like I was part of Balin's Moria expedition. "We cannot get out. The end comes soon. We hear drums, drums in the deep. They are coming."
I finally was able to leave the instance by using my Hunter's camouflage skill to get the enemies to ignore me for a few seconds. I can't imagine how a player without that skill gets out of the mission. Quitting out of the game entirely, I assume. I feel like this mission needs to be nerfed slightly. Even if the difficulty remains the same, maybe update it with a safe respawn point so players don't get literally trapped inside the instance? I like the Before the Shadow update overall but some of these missions are ridiculous.
Last edited by Fredegarh_Wayfarer; Dec 06 2022 at 01:31 AM.
i tried this on T10 with a champ and me on hunter.
you brought up good points.... the revive spot is not a safe zone.
Puddles are on the same spot you revive and the aggro range is WAAAAAY too far. A soon as you revive in, BOOM! a defiler stuns you and 3 archers one shot you
so effectively its a continuous die revive routine for 4 mins. We basically only revived when the mobs moved away and the puddles disappeared.
After the timer ran out we rushed the scout. After the third attempt we managed to speak to it before dying.
on a plus note only one needs to talk to the scout so one can aggro the mobs in the self-sacrificial rush and the other can end the mission for the 2 of you
But this is not encouraging a happy gameplay experiance..on the contrary, it makes me regret buying the mini-expansion
the Delving system is a real way of making one never want to do that mission again.
The problem is mob waves spawn by a timer. If you cannot kill them fast enough, they pile up, and things completely get out of hand. With all the puddles and dread effects, this happens quite easily. The reflect effect of the previous mission rotation also didn't exactly help when it come to "kill stuff fast". So, this is bad design.
On the other hand, if a new mob wave didn't spawn until the previous one was defeated, people would kill all but one mob, and then kite / mezz the last one for the rest of the duration. This would be bad design too.
I think this mission should be changed from "fight 7 minutes and timed mobs" to "kill seven waves of orcs and next wave spawns when previous one is defeated". That way, there wouldn't be piles of orcs, you could control the flow of the battle, but still had to kill enough of them.
Mob waves end ups after timer ends. Very strange missions, on D10 it will be suicide. Can be done at D6-D8 (on some classes), but with a lot of deaths. People complain about same type of mission in Wildwood, and delving mission even harder. 100% needs to be fixed.
This missions is nuts. If you die, the waves still keep coming without you. I laid there for a while and watched it, and the mobs just kept adding up more and more until there were a ridiculous number. If I died because I couldn't survive one wave, how will I survive multiples at once? This means that once you die, you pretty much can't complete the instance because it only gets harder the longer you take to revive. I also had the problem of being interrupted so it was very difficult to leave the instance. The mobs seem to run a circuit throughout much of the instance, and they kept running past me while I was dead. When I revived, I tried to time it so there were no mobs, but they run so fast that I didn't have time to revive and then do the induction to leave the mission before they interrupted me and killed me again. I did finally manage it, but it was a very close call. I don't bother doing this mission anymore except on tier 1 just to knock it out if I need the numbers for the day.
Gorikon has a good suggestion to just make the mission do a certain number of waves one at a time without a timer.
Before the last update, you could just wait for the time to expire and run to the scout.
Now (just like in Down on the Farm (sp)), you have to kill mobs for the scout to appear.
All you do in here is keep dying. Wait for a full respawn and then kill here and there. If you pull to the rezz point, you can fight one mob at a time (sometimes). Yes, tons of debuffs and puddles and it's doable (albeit frustrating).
The scout eventually spawned ( I didn't kill all the mobs, maybe 6 or 7 were left) and I just ran to him.
Before the last update, you could just wait for the time to expire and run to the scout.
Now (just like in Down on the Farm (sp)), you have to kill mobs for the scout to appear.
All you do in here is keep dying. Wait for a full respawn and then kill here and there. If you pull to the rezz point, you can fight one mob at a time (sometimes). Yes, tons of debuffs and puddles and it's doable (albeit frustrating).
The scout eventually spawned ( I didn't kill all the mobs, maybe 6 or 7 were left) and I just ran to him.
Again, nice troll devs
It's a worse experience and impossible on higher delving tiers. And it tooks a lot of effort to leave the instance because dozens of orcs running to the starting point...
It's a worse experience and impossible on higher delving tiers. And it tooks a lot of effort to leave the instance because dozens of orcs running to the starting point...
It is not impossible. It just takes a ton of deaths and laughs. And obviously not worth the effort.
Logged in just to see if I was alone in this. To me it's lazy design to make it 'hard'.
100% the same. I don't recognize the mission from the title, but as soon as it pops up now, I just say "nope" (actually, I say something much more direct) and quit the mission before it starts.
I don't know what the devs are trying to prove with this but what I'm getting from it isn't favorable for them.
i tried this on T10 with a champ and me on hunter.
you brought up good points.... the revive spot is not a safe zone.
Puddles are on the same spot you revive and the aggro range is WAAAAAY too far. A soon as you revive in, BOOM! a defiler stuns you and 3 archers one shot you
so effectively its a continuous die revive routine for 4 mins. We basically only revived when the mobs moved away and the puddles disappeared.
After the timer ran out we rushed the scout. After the third attempt we managed to speak to it before dying.
on a plus note only one needs to talk to the scout so one can aggro the mobs in the self-sacrificial rush and the other can end the mission for the 2 of you
But this is not encouraging a happy gameplay experiance..on the contrary, it makes me regret buying the mini-expansion
the Delving system is a real way of making one never want to do that mission again.
Can you please explain what the deal with the puddles are? They're referred to several times in this thread in a way that makes it seem like it should be a no-brainer what they are about. That's definitely not the case with me.
Just tried this again after the Return to Carn Dum update. The notes indicated that the Cardolan missions and delving system had been overhauled and improved. That doesn't seem to be the case with this mission. I tried it on Tier 4 (again, not very high) and it's as impossible as ever. A ridiculous number of enemies are spawning and attacking immediately after each death. I respawn inside the malice clouds so I'm already taking damage before I do anything. I don't have enough time to apply any healing skills or buffs before being swarmed by enemies. And when the timer runs out, I can't even find the scout. Even if I could, I'm not sure I could talk to him while being attacked. At least I was able to retreat far enough to exit the instance this time.
Not sure why this mission is so ridiculous. Granted, I play a Hunter and they're notoriously squishy. But this mission seems incredibly difficult even at lower tiers. I think I'm just going to avoid this one from now on.
It's not just me, right? Are other people still struggling with this mission as well?
Last edited by Fredegarh_Wayfarer; Mar 27 2023 at 01:31 AM.
Are other people still struggling with this mission as well?
I heard so much about this awful mission that I only did it one time, without adding a delving at all. Obviously that was no problem- but I could see how adding any delving tiers would quickly make it impossible. Like you said, this is just one to skip altogether.
This is a major mess and poorly developed and not even a sinlge attemt to make it right since launch.
Another thing to teach at universities on things you should not implement in games.
Subtitle; Know you players and how to make them love you, not hate you.
It is a mess for sure. My Warden soloed it on 10 before U35, but I'm never going back unless it's fixed. What I gleaned of the mechanics:
After the timer runs out, there is one mini-boss type mob that spawns with a name different from all the others in the instance. Killing *that* mob is what summons the scout. I don't think it's required to kill any others.
And you *can* talk to the scout and complete the objective even if in combat (if you live long enough to click him, and then the button in the quest dialog...)
Dagoreth (Warden) and Belechannas (Lore-master) of Arkenstone
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