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Update 28.1.1 Release Notes

Update 28.1.1 Release Notes


Here are the release notes for Update 28.1.1, released on Tuesday, November 3rd.


News and Notes:



  • The Mask of the Leaf-turner is now dyeable.

  • Treats and Trickery Costumes that were applying twice to Beornings should be fixed.

  • Treats and Trickery Costumes that were causing characters to T-pose in water should be fixed.

  • Boar mounts placed as housing decorations now play animations.

Quests and Adventure Areas

  • Completing any missions quest will now award 5 Motes of Enchantment, in addition to Gabil'akkâ War-marks.

  • A cap level weekly missions quest has been added as an additional source of Embers of Enchantment. This quest will automatically bestow if you are at the level cap and do level cap missions.

  • Ten new Elderslade deeds tracking your completion of missions quests have been added, and provide a source of Gabil'akkâ War-marks and Virtue XP. Complete them all to earn a new title.

  • The War Effort: Missions for the Cause (Weekly) now awards 400 Motes of Enchantment, up from 200.

  • March on Gundabad: Missions for the Cause now awards 42 Motes of Enchantment daily, up from 20.

  • Coming in the future with Update 28.2:

    • We will add a new Copper Coins of Gundabad for Embers quest.

  • Instance: Shakalush, The Stair Battle - Monsters should now spawn correctly in Duo Mode.

Known Issues:

  • Missions - Characters of different levels in Fellowship Duos need to acquire every quest in the “Available Quests” category on an NPC in order to be able to see the “Available Private Encounters” category, which is how you join Fellowship members already in a Mission Instance.



release notes

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