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Update 29.0.2 Release Notes



Update 29.0.2 Release Notes


Here are the Release Notes for Update 29.0.2, released on Wednesday, March 31st, 2021. 


News and Notes:



  • The critical chance bonuses from the Warden Trait Bulls-eye now properly displays in the character panel.

Quests and Adventure Areas

  • Travel routes in Lothlorien function as expected again.

  • Instance - Naruhel the Red-maid

    • Door Mechanics have been reworked so that players are less likely to get the boss into an unrecoverable state.

  • Instance - Woe of the Willow

    • Gulmúk Dampmould now casts Corrupted Pool quicker, applying a debuff with countdown and a yellow eye effect on players.

Known Issues: 

  • Known Issue: If the fight resets in the instance 'Boss From the Vaults: Naruhel the Red-maid', while the door does open, it will appear to remain closed.
release notes

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