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live launcher

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Notes de la mise à jour 24.2

Update 24.2: Shades in the Swamp is now available!

Click here to read more!

Notes de la mise à jour 24

Update 24 Versionshinweise

Update 24: Vales of Anduin is now available!

Click here for the Release Notes.

Previously limited release only - Now permanently in the LOTRO Store!

Storied Past Weapon Set, Soaring Depths Weapon Set, and Khazad-dûm Weapon Set

La Gazette SdAO #108

Cliquez ici pour accéder à des actualités, des ventes et à une loterie qui vous permettra peut-être de remporter 500 points SdAO !

Der HdRO-Leuchtfeuer-Newsletter #108

Hier geht es zu Neuigkeiten, Angeboten und einer Chance, 500 HdRO-Punkte zu gewinnen!

Update 23.5 Release Notes

Click here for the Release Notes.

The gates are open!

The Mines of Moria is now available on our Legendary servers Anor and Ithil. Click here to read more!


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