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Thread: Public Service

  1. #26
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Public Service

    well there went this thread...

    What I'm not sure of is why Proton is getting trolled for supposedly sprinting away all the time (which i doubt it really true), When I see wargs sprint away from fights 1000 times a day. and nobody says poop to them. Oh well i guess... People gotta troll somebody for stupid stuff or there would be nothing else to do!

    blah blah blah kittens blah
    Second Marshal Carli The Warlord
    I'm Not Gold Taggin, I'm Carli Swaggin

  2. May 29 2012, 06:55 PM

  3. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Public Service

    /hug Bonnie...what would the forums be like without you?
    /hug Thorrod...after your last thread I think you need to get out of the house man, or cut down on the drinks. Or both. Either way, your posts can always give me a chuckle or two.
    /hug Sozu and /hug Proton... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJTBPdVpdMc

    /awkward hug a certain kin leader of mine *cough cough*... but on second thought...

    /hug some other people


    Now I'm all hugged out. I'll need to put on some mean, trolling attitude for awhile to make up for it.
    Igluk ~ Warg
    Nadhuil ~ 85 Hunter
    Dollas ~ 85 Rune-Keeper

  4. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Public Service

    Quote Originally Posted by viper0889 View Post
    well there went this thread...

    What I'm not sure of is why Proton is getting trolled for supposedly sprinting away all the time (which i doubt it really true), When I see wargs sprint away from fights 1000 times a day. and nobody says poop to them. Oh well i guess... People gotta troll somebody for stupid stuff or there would be nothing else to do!

    blah blah blah kittens blah
    Hey, I was trying to be nice in the spirit of the thread. He's just a mad young boy and I should have known better than to joke with him.

    *edit* /hug Igluk! Where you been.. creepside isn't the same without you.
    What is it? What do you smell?

  5. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Public Service

    Quote Originally Posted by RLhunterman View Post
    /hug Bonnie...what would the forums be like without you?
    Much less wordy, grammatically correct and lacking in stupid pictures.

    Probably a good thing.

    /hug Iggy, be online more and come back creepside.

    <3 Bonnie

  6. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Public Service

    I don't hug my food. Don't wanna get too attached.

  7. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Public Service

    Quote Originally Posted by SozuRogberry View Post
    *edit* /hug Igluk! Where you been.. creepside isn't the same without you.
    Been off on a game break. Real life priorities have changed and lately by the end of the day I just don't feel like logging in. (I unsubbed for that same reason) But, now that finals are over (graduation in a week, woot!) you should see me out there more often. I'll be out stealin' your KBs soon enough.

    Quote Originally Posted by Summberbell View Post
    Much less wordy, grammatically correct and lacking in stupid pictures.

    Probably a good thing.

    /hug Iggy, be online more and come back creepside.

    <3 Bonnie
    But also much less entertaining. Honestly the only reason I log into the forums is for the sheer entertainment of it lol. If it weren't for all the memes and light-hearted humor, I think the QQ, trolling, and flaming would drive me away within minutes. I have better things to do than watch people bicker back and forth.

    /hug Bonnie and Sozu again... because they're great.
    Igluk ~ Warg
    Nadhuil ~ 85 Hunter
    Dollas ~ 85 Rune-Keeper

  8. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Public Service

    /hug krabbe

  9. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Public Service

    Quote Originally Posted by ProToNNNN View Post
    good times.
    Indeed it was good times . Haven't seen you for awhile Proton. Except when you beat the mess out of my warg in Moors .

    Quote Originally Posted by viper0889 View Post
    well there went this thread...

    What I'm not sure of is why Proton is getting trolled for supposedly sprinting away all the time (which i doubt it really true), When I see wargs sprint away from fights 1000 times a day. and nobody says poop to them.
    ^ This. Wargs sprint all the time to avoid death. I don't see them getting trolled for it.

    /hug Bonnie
    /hug Akara
    /hug Grimbash
    /hug Blackmass
    /hug Guthmak

  10. #34
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Public Service

    There is a huge fundamental difference in a warg and a guardian lmao. Wargs sprint is there for defensive use only. A warg is around 85% less durable than a guardian. Not sure that is what you meant. Take Scuppers. Or even Leviosa, Kearn, BigLloyd(we love you man). 99.9% sprint is used in an offensive manner, engaging us before they go down, and killing us as well.

    Just saying Wargs will never get trolled for sprinting.
    Jawbreakerz(R10), OptimusKrime(R11), Bromanceswithwargs(R10), Pentacle(R12), AllOveryourFace(R9), Throatrip(R10), Charlottesweb(R9)-DI,Atrocity,Intol
    Thunderbow(R9), Triplexxx(R10), Airlyn(R11), Creepingdeath(R8), AllOverYourChin(R12), Valerial(R9)

  11. #35
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Public Service

    Quote Originally Posted by astalyn View Post
    /hug 'kara

  12. #36
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Public Service

    Quote Originally Posted by vodou View Post
    /hug krabbe
    noo krabbe noooooo!!

    /hug krabbe
    /hug vudu
    /hug wednesday

  13. #37
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Public Service

    Quote Originally Posted by Scuppers View Post
    noo krabbe noooooo!!

    /hug krabbe
    /hug vudu
    /hug wednesday


    Thats it, Im out
    Jawbreakerz(R10), OptimusKrime(R11), Bromanceswithwargs(R10), Pentacle(R12), AllOveryourFace(R9), Throatrip(R10), Charlottesweb(R9)-DI,Atrocity,Intol
    Thunderbow(R9), Triplexxx(R10), Airlyn(R11), Creepingdeath(R8), AllOverYourChin(R12), Valerial(R9)

  14. #38
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Public Service

    Quote Originally Posted by ThunderbowStormshard View Post
    There is a huge fundamental difference in a warg and a guardian lmao. A warg is around 85% less durable than a guardian.
    You are missing the point. Take your creep goggles off for a sec and listen Tbow. It doesnt matter that wargs and guardians are different. It comes down to the fact that if youre in a fight and know you will go down, you can hit sprint if its up and try to get away. So yeah a guardian will last longer in the fight than a warg, but still sprinting for the same reason. You think becuz guardians are tougher they should inherently like to stay and die instead of run? No, it should be most people nature to do what they can then get the heck out. Me personally, I usually stay and die but thats cuz the RK escape skill is PI then kill everything b4 they kill me. So not a lot of options for me

    Quote Originally Posted by ThunderbowStormshard View Post
    Wargs sprint is there for defensive use only.
    What? In the five years of lotro I've never heard someone say something that dumb. In the skill description it even says "to avoid becoming prey, or to catch it", even turbine (as dumb as they are) know its not just a defensive skill.

    PS. Talk to Hraes cuz his warg is basically the guardian of wargs. He mits like 60+ % of my damage.
    Second Marshal Carli The Warlord
    I'm Not Gold Taggin, I'm Carli Swaggin

  15. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Public Service

    Warg sprints exist to catch sprinting guards/champs.


  16. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Public Service

    Quote Originally Posted by viper0889 View Post
    You think becuz guardians are tougher they should inherently like to stay and die instead of run? No, it should be most people nature to do what they can then get the heck out.
    PvP would be so much better if everyone actually fought. Too much running away and turtling like cowards from people on both sides. Staring contests are not conducive of good PvP. Sometimes it's worth running for cover, but there is definitely far too much worry about death.

    That said, last night's OC fight was pretty crazy fun for awhile. The freeps that were there were completely suicidal, until too many creeps showed up and pushed everyone into the 1 shots. Hey guys (this applies to everyone on both sides), take note, pushing people up into NPCs kills action for everyone. Back up and give them some room to breathe. It's great that you're a ranged class and can just chill and pew pew at people, but the rest of the players can't do a damned thing when you have the opposition permanently pushed into 1 shotters. Not to mention, you aren't doing anything but a tiny amount of damage forcing them further back and getting no kills anyway. Many creeps kept calling for others to back off, yet they never did. Some freeps bailed, as did I an some other creeps. What was a crazy suicidal OC melee, died. Part of PvP is using your brain and not just mindlessly mashing buttons.

    Unfortunately, I don't recall everyone who was there, but Scuppers stands out. How could she not? She's a boss. She's the hobbit guard I always wanted to be. That crazy little thing lead the charge over and over into OC and others followed.

    Seriously, Scuppers, you are one of the best freeps and players out there. It's obvious you love PvP, have fun with it and don't take any of it seriously like most do. I imagine you giggling nonstop every time I see you. I really admire that about you and know others do as well. *BIG HUGS*

    Quote Originally Posted by viper0889 View Post
    What? In the five years of lotro I've never heard someone say something that dumb.
    You need to get out more. I hear worse all day every day. Maybe I just need to borrow your rose tinted glasses. Then again, I frequently talk to Tbow. *HUGS TBOW!*

    Quote Originally Posted by viper0889 View Post
    In the skill description it even says "to avoid becoming prey, or to catch it", even turbine (as dumb as they are) know its not just a defensive skill.
    Reading comprehension is needed on both sides, since very few seem to understand the offensive parts of their "escape" skills.

    Quote Originally Posted by viper0889 View Post
    PS. Talk to Hraes cuz his warg is basically the guardian of wargs. He mits like 60+ % of my damage.
    I love him. I feed him my freep constantly. I know I have no chance, but he is likely the best practice dummy out there. Well, I guess I'm technically the dummy.

    *MOAR HUGS* just to stay on topic.

    <3 Bonnie

  17. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Public Service

    Glad to know you think that comment was the dumbest thing yuove ever heard in your 5 illustrious years of PvP. Silly coming from a DPS/heal class that chronically needed a pocket healer to be effective and stay in the fight. I look to Anke, Qlimax and other RK's who manage to do just fine without the need to pocket heal. But maybe I am reading that description wrong as well, huh? Maybe. But lets move on.

    I am well acquainted with my main creep class. Ive eaten up and spit out most guards on the server 1v1, and RK's as well. I mitigate well over 50% damage in flayer. But that was kind of getting off topic. Ever see me use sprint to get away from a fight? Hardly. I will use it to avod a zerg. I never waste a 10 min CD to catch a sprinting guard or mounted freep that will run to the one shotters anyways. Waste of a skill.

    I don't really see you playing on a warg, or even creeping for that matter. So, I can just chalk up your "dumbest comment" with a bag of pooh...it is irrelevant and incorrect anyways

    I know my warg, I play it every day all day and night...anyone who will tell you differently about survivability is incorrect. There is a huge difference in a 1v1 setting and a RvR or fight in the open setting. Roll a warg, and see what you got. I might even be your pocket defiler if it makes you feel more at home

    ./hugs and moar PI please. lololol
    Jawbreakerz(R10), OptimusKrime(R11), Bromanceswithwargs(R10), Pentacle(R12), AllOveryourFace(R9), Throatrip(R10), Charlottesweb(R9)-DI,Atrocity,Intol
    Thunderbow(R9), Triplexxx(R10), Airlyn(R11), Creepingdeath(R8), AllOverYourChin(R12), Valerial(R9)

  18. #42
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Public Service

    Quote Originally Posted by viper0889 View Post
    What? In the five years of lotro I've never heard someone say something that dumb. In the skill description it even says "to avoid becoming prey, or to catch it", even turbine (as dumb as they are) know its not just a defensive skill.

    PS. Talk to Hraes cuz his warg is basically the guardian of wargs. He mits like 60+ % of my damage.
    Well besides it has use to catch someone who is sprinting away its use as an offensive cd is not as effective considering a lot of Freep DPS is in fact ranged/tactical. If a guard or champ pops sprint, he merely has to worry about any BAs pewpewing him. If I pop sprint it almost signals all the hunters in the area to see how many pen shots they can pincushion me with. That being said I have used it offensively to get a kill, but it is overall less effective than a sprint Freepside.

    P.S It's more like 50%, unless he stacks tactical mits...which would be gross.

  19. #43
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Public Service

    I use sprint to catch fatties and freeps who think they can escape by going the long way to npcs from the rez.
    What is it? What do you smell?

  20. #44
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Public Service

    I , for the most part, use my warg sprint to catch freeps (champs and guards) that think they can get away by sprinting themselves.

    I use my wargs HiPS to restun (after pounce) opponents as opposed to running away from them.

    It is awesome how much more fun and how much more infamy you can get when you stand your ground and fight as opposed to running away. I got over 3k infamy over the weekend just by using this strategy. Of course I died a bunch and my rating decreased by about 150 points, but who cares?! Im going berseker warg for life!

  21. #45
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Public Service

    /hug my sprint skill

  22. #46
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Public Service

    omg hugs
    Quote Originally Posted by Selebrimbor View Post
    /hug Akara
    /hug back

    Quote Originally Posted by Uron View Post
    /hug 'kara
    /hug back

    /hug Bonnie
    /hug Iggy
    /hug Berengar
    /hug Hraes
    /hug Kazak
    /hug Frostmaul
    /hug Blackmass
    /hug Royalbear
    /hug LBF
    /hug the bird
    /hug Carli... /touch Carli

    /hug Tithiras
    [center][font=andalus][size=2]akara / [/size][size=1]warg[/size][IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/16iyt5f.jpg[/IMG][size=2]blays /[/size][size=1] hunter[/size]

  23. #47
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Public Service

    /hug NPCs


  24. #48
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Public Service

    Quote Originally Posted by ThunderbowStormshard View Post
    Glad to know you think that comment was the dumbest thing yuove ever heard in your 5 illustrious years of PvP. Silly coming from a DPS/heal class that chronically needed a pocket healer to be effective and stay in the fight. I look to Anke, Qlimax and other RK's who manage to do just fine without the need to pocket heal. But maybe I am reading that description wrong as well, huh? Maybe. But lets move on.

    I am well acquainted with my main creep class. Ive eaten up and spit out most guards on the server 1v1, and RK's as well. I mitigate well over 50% damage in flayer. But that was kind of getting off topic. Ever see me use sprint to get away from a fight? Hardly. I will use it to avod a zerg. I never waste a 10 min CD to catch a sprinting guard or mounted freep that will run to the one shotters anyways. Waste of a skill.

    I don't really see you playing on a warg, or even creeping for that matter. So, I can just chalk up your "dumbest comment" with a bag of pooh...it is irrelevant and incorrect anyways

    I know my warg, I play it every day all day and night...anyone who will tell you differently about survivability is incorrect. There is a huge difference in a 1v1 setting and a RvR or fight in the open setting. Roll a warg, and see what you got. I might even be your pocket defiler if it makes you feel more at home

    ./hugs and moar PI please. lololol
    Somebody took my post offensively i think lol Nothing I said was about your warg or how you play buddy so calm down b4 you wet your warg diaper. You are a good player and I'm sure you know the mechanics of this game very well. The dumbest comment thing was obviously just an exaggeration. Must have just been a mental slip to say warg sprint is defensive only.

    I was simply trying to explain why nobody should talk #### to a freep for sprinting away. Everyone does it on both sides. Sad yes, people should stay and fight to the death more often but this is RM. Get used to it. Im looking forward to hearing the creep cry when hunters get changed and arent easier to kill than RKs. Just imagine if DF could still be used in combat!

    For the record, Ive played creepside extensively Tbow, i know how things are over there.

    Edit; /hug Tbow
    /hug Akara
    /hug Morbi-hips
    /hug Adino raids I gold tag off
    Last edited by viper0889; May 30 2012 at 05:38 PM.
    Second Marshal Carli The Warlord
    I'm Not Gold Taggin, I'm Carli Swaggin

  25. #49
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Public Service

    Quote Originally Posted by astalyn View Post
    /hug Iggy

    /hug the bird
    How on earth did I forget to hug Akara?! This must be fixed... /hug Akara

    And how dare you hug my arch-nemesis. I'm insulted.

    /hug T-bow
    /hug Chef
    /hug Rubi
    /hug Morb/Amy
    Igluk ~ Warg
    Nadhuil ~ 85 Hunter
    Dollas ~ 85 Rune-Keeper

  26. #50
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Public Service

    I would like to /hug Idiot who brightened my day up by tabbing through a whole raid of creeps, deciding on me as a target, and sprinting at me, swinging like an Idiot.

    To Idiot!


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