like the title said, I'm wondering
Will HD be available for buying in local stores? or will it be like RoI and Mirkwood? that they can only be bought online...
like the title said, I'm wondering
Will HD be available for buying in local stores? or will it be like RoI and Mirkwood? that they can only be bought online...
Only online, and I doubt they plan to change that.
Pretty sure that Turbine is only going to release these things in digital formats. RoR wasn't in stores and and this point, if HD was going to be, it would be in stores now.
funny if it was blizzard we would see a huge set of helm's deep as a box..
[CENTER][SIZE=3][B][COLOR=#666699][FONT=Georgia]~ [/FONT][/COLOR][/B][B][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=purple]MeL [/COLOR][/FONT][/B][B][COLOR=#666699][FONT=Georgia]~[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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Part of me says, in two months (or if/whenever the classes level out from the trait tree revamp), that IF they had offered a box copy, the customers who bought a box copy for a little more, with goodies in the box, not just a disk, would be happier with HD than those who did a digital download.
I saw two RoR in a local store last weekend so they exist in Sweden.
The Balrog lives!! Oh, and give MECCG a try.
As someone who has organized a supply chain with labeling etc for walmart/target etc. trust me, there's a ton of requirements to get that accomplished. Things like, meeting distributor requirements for things like container size, unit, qualifying as certified providers, sku qualification, not to mention contract agreements where you buy back store-shelf merchandise, or pay out of pocket for clearance sales if your product sucks. getting a product to point of sale as a store-box retailer is no small task where you even have to purchase shelf space for your product line.
Doing this inside the USA is one thing, doing it in the EU with VAT and conforming to EU regulations is a whole other thing entirely. Digital sales takes away most of the problems except for taxes, etc if applicable.
LvL 100s: Beorning, Burglar, Captain, Champ, Guardian, Hunter, Lore-Master, Minstrel, Rune-Keeper
LvL 85: Warden, Minstrel
All my forum posts are my opinions and may not even be that. Also On Twitter: @leixicon
Yes, and I have done it as well and placed products on thousands of supermarket shelves across the Pacific - and I still think it is worth it for the marketing. I'm sure that Warner has just a little experience with this? Every gamer I know goes into the local game store every weekend to see what is new on the shelves.
The Balrog lives!! Oh, and give MECCG a try.
In the US, there are less and less stores carrying boxed PC games. The local GameStops and even the local Best Buy have eliminated PC games. Even had an associate at BB try to explain Steam to me, before I managed to stop him. Yes, I do like digital DL's at time, but with some of the major ISP's putting datacaps on plans, I'd prefer to do the initial install on some of these huge games off a DVD. So I can't point a finger if it's the stores nixing boxes or are publishers not pushing retailers to carry them.
Probably a bit of both. I know my shopping is about 20% planned and 80% impulse - so I am far more likely to grab a box on a shelf than go looking on the internet. If there are no games on the shelf then I am likely to buy a few movies instead and the games companies miss out altogether.
The Balrog lives!! Oh, and give MECCG a try.