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  1. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    GreenPeace will have fits over all this harpooning of the Whales.
    “And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend. Legend became myth. And for two and a half thousand years, the ring passed out of all knowledge.”
    ? J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

  2. #27
    I'd actually like this if it could be bought in 10 level chunks - I never want to do 40 - 50 again!
    Jobbing musician that resides in Bree. Frequenter of Taverns and places of ill repute

  3. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Don't really see the point in offering this if it doesn't include skill trait points. Jump to 50 but spend the next week spamming skills on a training dummy so you can actually invest points in a tree to get more than your baseline skills? Might as well just level at that point.
    High Warden Demospata
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  4. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Asperity View Post
    Don't really see the point in offering this if it doesn't include skill trait points. Jump to 50 but spend the next week spamming skills on a training dummy so you can actually invest points in a tree to get more than your baseline skills? Might as well just level at that point.
    You will have the points you would gain for leveling to 50 (22 points, I think) but of course not the ones earned from skill repetitions.

  5. #30
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    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Asperity View Post
    Don't really see the point in offering this if it doesn't include skill trait points. Jump to 50 but spend the next week spamming skills on a training dummy so you can actually invest points in a tree to get more than your baseline skills? Might as well just level at that point.
    You will have the points you would gain for leveling to 50 (22 points, I think) but of course not the ones earned from skill repetitions.

  6. #31
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    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Elflord410 View Post
    GreenPeace will have fits over all this harpooning of the Whales.
    Yeah, I have to admit, if it were in smaller chunks to where I could avoid certain level ranges, but not all of them, I'd be more likely to drop TP on it. I have 5 or 6 characters all stuck in the low 40s because I didn't like the quests or quest area at the time. Granted, Moria isn't my favorite area by far either. But - there *have* been changes to several of these areas since I last played them, so maybe it'd be better going back now.

    Either way, auto-50 ... not so much. But I'd bet that people would buy 10 levels at a time (especially 1-10) if the price were reasonable. Of course, "reasonable" varies from player to player.

  7. #32
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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Keli View Post
    I'd actually like this if it could be bought in 10 level chunks - I never want to do 40 - 50 again!
    THIS. I went from 39 to 50 using GotV, and it was a brilliant decision. I have plenty of trait points from levelling to 39, but that 40-50 stretch is a freakin' nightmare. All the quests worth doing can be done comfortably at 50, but in the low 40's, it's just painful. I've levelled 5 or 6 alts through the game, and I ALWAYS dread that segment... so yeah, for me it's worthwhile. I'd much prefer to pay a fifth of it for a 10 level boost, though.

  8. #33
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    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Haelewulf View Post
    THIS. I went from 39 to 50 using GotV, and it was a brilliant decision. I have plenty of trait points from levelling to 39, but that 40-50 stretch is a freakin' nightmare. All the quests worth doing can be done comfortably at 50, but in the low 40's, it's just painful. I've levelled 5 or 6 alts through the game, and I ALWAYS dread that segment... so yeah, for me it's worthwhile. I'd much prefer to pay a fifth of it for a 10 level boost, though.
    I'd say it is really 38-45 that hurts. Especially if you are doing it solo. I'm working on my eleventh alt and just finished that section so I won't be buying the GotV (I wish it existed a couple years ago). Once you hit 45 you can start working in Eregion (though I recommend waiting until 46 or you run out of quests if you don't have xp boosts), and at 47 you can unlock Moria I think. I would like to see a Minor Gift of the Valar (+10 levels?) to get me through the other very difficult section of 60-70. I tend to finish Mirkwood in the early 60s and I never want to play Dunland/Galtrev again. Nine runs was more than enough, and now my tenth and eleventh are about to hit that wall.

  9. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Anyone else made this dumb mistake?

    So I bought the gift of the valar for a level 30 toon I had been leveling but stopped because I'm not very fond of leveling 30-50.

    However my inventory had only 2 slots open. I opened the gift of the valar in one of the two slots and in the other got the level up token. I didn't really think about it and just clicked the level up. Now I am level 50 and have the gift of the valar package, but can't open the rest of the items because the max level to open the gift of the valar is 49.

    Anyone have any idea if I put the gift of the valar in my account bank and opened it on a lowbie alt if the items it opens would not be usable by my current now level 50 character?

    A fascinating mistake I have made indeed lol....

  10. #35
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    turbine points?

    I would so love to get a few of these! Will there be a sale on buying turbine points before the Valar sale runs out? Could there be pretty please
    Just making sure so I don't do like I did last time and buy a quest pack one day before I could have gotten all 4 packs for the same price lol!

  11. #36
    Join Date
    May 2007
    I was quite interested in this, but the fact that I'd have to spend $65 after tax to get enough TP for just one character is a deal breaker. This should at least be heavily discounted for VIPs, if not free for one character.
    -Silverlode- Ithoran 95 Guardian | Ithorano 85 Captain | Velga 85 Burglar | Ithoriel 85 Hunter | Odolier 44 Minstrel | Ithorann 27 Lore-master

  12. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    This kinda sucks...

    So I really wanted this Gift of the Valar, so I bought turbine points enough to pay for it. Right after I receive my turbine points, it says the item is no longer available! It's not even the 19th and i payed to get it! WHAT IS GOING ON!!!

  13. #38
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by askDarkPegasus View Post
    So I really wanted this Gift of the Valar, so I bought turbine points enough to pay for it. Right after I receive my turbine points, it says the item is no longer available! It's not even the 19th and i payed to get it! WHAT IS GOING ON!!!
    Are you sure you didn't already purchase it? The Gift of the Valar should still be available.

  14. #39
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Perhaps you are trying to purchase it on an alt that is not eligible (one that is over level 50 already?).

    If so, try purchasing it on the character for which you intend to actually use it?

    P.S. This message is not to be construed as support for this item being offered.

  15. #40
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    A suggested sweetener for experienced players

    Consider offering a discount for this item, based on account status and in-game accomplishments. A structure might be:

    Maximum Discount - 50% - all the following are additive up to 50%
    Account Status: VIP -15%, Premium -5%
    Characters that have already reached L50 w/o using the Gift: -10% for the first, additional -5% for each additional character

    So a VIP account holder with 3 L50 or above characters would get a discount of 15 (VIP) + 10 (1 over 50) + 2*5 (2 more over 50) = 35%

    A VIP with 6 characters over Level 50, a Premium with 8 or a F2P with 9 would get the full 50% discount
    Be well and good questing, all! See you about Middle Earth another time!

  16. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boskone08 View Post
    Consider offering a discount for this item, based on account status and in-game accomplishments. A structure might be:

    Maximum Discount - 50% - all the following are additive up to 50%
    Account Status: VIP -15%, Premium -5%
    Characters that have already reached L50 w/o using the Gift: -10% for the first, additional -5% for each additional character

    So a VIP account holder with 3 L50 or above characters would get a discount of 15 (VIP) + 10 (1 over 50) + 2*5 (2 more over 50) = 35%

    A VIP with 6 characters over Level 50, a Premium with 8 or a F2P with 9 would get the full 50% discount
    Agreed. I actually kind of like the idea. Its not putting people directly in the end content. Its not gearing them out excessively. However, it is way, way, way too expensive for me. And this is coming from someone who has lots of disposable game cash. To get one character to level 50, you are charging me the original price of the game? You guys need to reevaluate your store prices. They are so expensive, they cease to be impulse buys for me. If you brought your price threshhold down some, I'd splurge a lot more here and there. But instead, I see a $50 price tag, or $10-15 tag for a single horse and it makes me reconsider and evaluate. Which always leads to me thinking its not worth the cost. Put limitations on it, like if you have a max level character, its 75% off.

    Just my two cents on someone who has spent way more than I care to admit on other "free" games that have store prices at much more impulse levels.

  17. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hawkon993 View Post
    i became aware that in beta there was an item called gift of the valar. i really liked the idea of going from 1-50 and getting all those bonus items.
    so im wondering when it will be released.....Really hopeing it gets released soon

    For the money it costs it should take you all the way to level cap, gating it by requiring someone to already have a level capped toon would be ok. Stopping at 50 should not cost nearly as much and doesn't necessarily need to be gated.

  18. #43
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I have used this and its awesome!

    Takes me right past the content I have completed 7 times already!

    Moria is a great place to start even for new players who choose to use this.

    Its challenging, has a load of instances to introduce the player too.. great scenery and an epic 'epic story' line.

    Great addition only shame is that its only temp.

  19. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rufkin View Post
    I'd say it is really 38-45 that hurts. Especially if you are doing it solo. I'm working on my eleventh alt and just finished that section so I won't be buying the GotV (I wish it existed a couple years ago). Once you hit 45 you can start working in Eregion (though I recommend waiting until 46 or you run out of quests if you don't have xp boosts), and at 47 you can unlock Moria I think. I would like to see a Minor Gift of the Valar (+10 levels?) to get me through the other very difficult section of 60-70. I tend to finish Mirkwood in the early 60s and I never want to play Dunland/Galtrev again. Nine runs was more than enough, and now my tenth and eleventh are about to hit that wall.
    Well-said. Call it "Insight of the Maiar" or something, and have it give nothing but 10 levels of experience.

  20. #45
    Join Date
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    I would have bought gift of Valar if autolevel was to 75 or higher.

  21. #46
    Widoch's Avatar
    Widoch is offline Hero Of the Small Folk 2013
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    I'm not sure I'd pay 50 bucks for the 50 easiest levels in the game. You can make level 50 pretty easy in about a week. I might consider paying for a few levels between 50 - 85 though.

    The Order of The Silver Flame - A fun, mature, helpful and friendly kin. Come join us on Silverlode!

  22. #47
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    Lotro's sister game, DDO, has the ability (after you buy it for the ACCOUNT) to start characters off at level 4 (think 20 here) or level 7 (think 35 here). From there I believe if you get to level 8 (40) you can auto level to 18 (90) with a different item purchased for ACCOUNT-wide use.

    Everquest 2 at the end of September/beginning of October introduced the ability to create characters at level 85 (max 95 the same as here). They provided during that two or three week period the capability to either create trial characters to get your feet wet with different classes, create a new or level one of your existing characters to 85 - that was ONE FREE character levelling per account during that intro period. Now you can buy that from their Station Cash store for 3500 SC (think 3500 TP). The level 85 character had very very good level appropriate stats and armor/weapons.

    It all really comes down to how much the company wants to charge its customer base (think new ridiculous Housing storage addition prices).
    It is logical, in view of the times in which we live. But to be logical is not to be right, and nothing on God's earth could ever make it right!
    - Judge Dan Haywood

  23. #48
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    I knew this would come eventually when they first announced the store. At this point, though, it's not really a big deal. You can easily just farm your way to 50 in about 2 days of played time.

  24. #49
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brodrick View Post
    If you are paying 50 bucks to NOT PLAY the game it might be time to reevaluate your gaming choices.....:P
    Oh I totally disagree with this, comment.
    In Lord of the Rings, much more so than most other MMOs going around, it's extremely difficult to play with friends unless your characters are a similar level. With ~50% of the player base at or around the level-cap, I can certainly see why someone would pay this money to get a character half-way there to their friends.

    What's $50? One/two hours work.
    To level a character would take much longer to do so.

    I generally don't support such options in games. But, once again, Lord of the Rings is a horrid game in terms of it's grouping mechanics. So anything to help you play with your friends is a bonus.
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