Hornluk, Tinyfangs, Nitcheo, Blytzkrieg, Stingfury, Demodragon, Wahime, Muzzo...
Hornluk, Tinyfangs, Nitcheo, Blytzkrieg, Stingfury, Demodragon, Wahime, Muzzo...
Last edited by Rahukal; Aug 31 2014 at 05:16 AM.
Creeps: Rahukal (BA), Jvarasura (Defiler), Gaki (Warg), Nirriti & DCI Tennison (Weaver and broodling), Yatana (WL), Krodha (Reaver)
Freep: Duinlinnod (Guard)
Pillowpantsavenger... ;-; I miss my Pillow
Commander Arga Lessthanthree
"Follow the ****** shield”
I'm looking at you Jvas, Maid, Anar, Decimal. Thank you so so much for planning out to zerg me while 2 others stood there and watched because you wanted a 'fair 3v3'. If you wanted that, then learn to use the 'PM' function of them game; it's far more polite.
Last edited by kurtty5878; Oct 08 2015 at 03:59 PM.
~Rank 11 Loremaster, Arkenstone~
~Rank 14 Warg, Arkenstone~
Fragganator, Khronus, Constrictions, Boogie, Obiwine, Rainathir, Glekiokithal (or something like that), leet, Grishahal, sicaric, muzzo, arradog, ryucrat, spidey smurf, grawbazza, dirty sanchez, whahime, treefras, and a few more.. sorry so long, but those are the first that come to mind.... Easy..
When/if she returns. Im ready
this is tirk and on the acoount of muzzo actually coming back to pay lotro permanently is not gonna happen i keep in touch with him and he said he wont come back he may pop his head in from time to time but he isnt coming back :l
List isn't half bad but I would definitely scratch that one off the list.
Skill in a computer game is a minor factor. Demodragon clearly is not the best Reaver in game. I don't think he ever tried to be the best. Infact, very few people take games seriously enough to attempt to be the best at it.
There is a lot more than 'skill' that measures a person's value in a community based game like LOTRO. Whenever I have interacted with him, he has appeared to be a respectful person that is glad to encourage others to play and have a good time.
Personally, I believe someones personality is a lot more important in a community game than his/her skill level. I would much rather play with a fun character than with someone who is obsessed out about performing well. Having characters like Demodragon in Windolfa moors will certainly add more color to it.
on the other hand, look at this beast
ten characters.
[center]Caileen - Bait, Consolida - Burg in the making[/center]
Awww, ty heaps Jv!! <3
Just returned and used maintenance time to crawl through the forums some. Was really lovely to find this thread and see me lil unimportant spidey mentioned by you *smiles, blushes and sends a hug all in one* - but - now seems it's time to miss you? Went into the Ettenmoors and a Ghost town could be mistaken for a rave compared to the Windy Moors :'( Saw not even one freep nor creep, 3 days in a row! Has never been this bad that I can remember. I know it was early for American time, but still, usually there was at least some creep or freep tumbling by - now it's nada.
I miss so many, left a few times myself, came back, each time players were gone that I had grown used to seeing around, to hunt along side or be chased by. Weird how that can hurt when it's just a game and virtual reality o.O but it does pinch somewhere in the heart area :'( :'(
Hope you are doing great, Jv!! Although I wonder whether you even will read this, considering everyone seems to have abandoned Windy finally... -.-
~Tinyfangs/Tinypaws/Alinchen/Tunglen/Shimmering/Grownup Redridinghood~