Originally Posted by
I'd agree if the AI wasn't so bad on pets. If a creep knows what there doing, your pet is essentially a free "on defeat" event for them if you don't dismiss it before it dies.
Personally the points are better spent else where, having enough to get the Routing Cry stun when running amongst creeps during a group fight can be fatal for the opposing force.
Being able to stun multiple targets often in my opinion is more beneficial over reducing armour value on one target. Solo play fair enough, but i believe the original OP was focused on group orientated play.
Guessing you'll use your 74th point on it if you get it though?
Eredor-Champion, Ereworn-Minstrel, Ereshorn-Runekeeper, Eresworn-Hunter, Eremourn-Burglar, Erehorn-Captain, Erelorn-Warden, Eretorn-Lore-Master, Erescorn-Guardian... And Erecorn-Master Farmer