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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Lightbulb Fresh 100 need help mainly with Legacies+Virtues+Essences/math

    Hullo there!

    I was thinking about it x days, if not week(s). I am lvl100 first char like a week and i need some help with math according to my gameplay and needs, also i cant afford everything instantly, but i think mainly essences will be issue atm. I hope that someone will enjoy it and others can get maybe inspiration or whatever. I will try to describe it lil more, so i wouldnt get answers like 5 words (virtues), without any reason etc., which is almost useless then (i was reading a lot about it here, but it was outdated already, or for pvp, or another approaches).
    Also i came here, cuz most of cpts are anonymous, or spooky... or the other ones are obviously casual - cant learn too much from Inspecting etc. and we arent one skill spam hunties with some phew phew skill.
    p.s. i am not native, so dont bash me for my unperfect inglish - but please, try to reply with Quotes to relevant point, to not make it completly chaos and others wouldnt post same ideas - but indeed i welcome some opinions, just not things like - this is best, your virtues are completly fail etc. thx

    1. Gameplay

    I dont wanna do any PVP or sparring any time soon (its unbalanced heavily and much more for us imho) - so dont worry about pvp. I am doing lot of Gondor landscape atm., Epic battles and still weak for endgame T1 osgi somehow, wanting to get up for endgame T2 and challenges - take that as priority.
    Also i play solo a lot (forced) or in duo, but i enjoy small FS (makes me effective and dont lag as in some FS... raids are slideshow for me mainly, so doing those rarely).
    I play Red, as its most fun, benefiting to my situation and buffing the others (one day i will get second gear for Yellow, but no time for such grind atm.)

    2. Stay red and alerted
    http://www.lotrottp.lotrostatus.com/l.php?c=2Pj - thats final goal (i am at 65points atm, skipping Telling mark, Cry of vengeance chain and missing few in Dignified spectacle)
    Shortly - first line of Yellow is small boost or low proc chance, not worthy double pts... rest is fully offensive except Gallant Display and few buffs to overall healing during my chopping, as i need that if soloing, otherwise i am slowing myself or can die in DA exercises, if ganged.

    3. Skills for kills
    Lets dont walk around warm coffee - here its http://prntscr.com/7evv52
    Just to explain, its still evolving, but had to add Gallant display and Inspire back to action cuz DA dailies. And yes, its my rotation aswell, as it lays in the main bar. The bars above, i use all 3lines , slots 1+4 +shame... rest is filled with Returns/Horn/Meal... whatever i use casualy, but often.
    So let get into some idea... DA exercises group - Mark the biggest mob, Time of Needs, Battle shout, trigger Routing cry when they come, proc Battle readied and go the rotation...
    Thing is, i added Inspire recently, it has imho decent own dmg, some heal... its also at start of rotation, cuz 15s CD. When i added Gallant display, i kicked out BoE (its buff is still just chance, iirc, and consuming stance...). I stopped using PA around Moria (also to avoid lags and with those ranged buddies, i use lock on/run to target, so PA can be useless, spammed into the air).
    --- maybe here someone can make some tips, see some bad rotation etc., as i am still testing that and playing just 3months in total (testing with BuffBar against Filikul, my own daily)
    Also i think that Inspire can be more ignored later, same as Gallant display, but i need them now and thats it, maybe i am evaluating those too much, or its short run... and i do mistake with BoE and PA - i can use BoE still rarely, to remove corruption etc. - but not in main rotation atm.

    4. Legacies - i am going to imbue my Hullo sword soon

    - Melee Skill Crit Dmg
    - Cutting atk Dmg
    - Grave wound Dmg
    -- 4th pick up from DB+PA crit rating OR Cpt Area-effect heal (here i am unsure, but i dont use PA and that heal is our strong self heal)
    - Bleed Dmg
    - Battle-readied Dmg buff
    -- 3rd pick up from Muster Courage Fear Resist OR Inspire Dmg - here i am unsure again, Inspire can be kicked out later and its on start of rotation, not so much boosted, but solid dmg itself, after all (or its pretending that) - about Fear Resist - i dont know its usage at all (T2 instances?) - but yes, i use Cure regulary

    - So here i have 2crossroads, where i need to decide, but i feel unexperienced for such choices and it has to be done before imbuing. Also i have some Might legacies, but better go with those specific ones, even we dont have many legacies supporting more than one Skill, sadly...


    - Sure strike Dmg
    - Heal. crit. magnitude
    - Shadows Lament Dmg
    - Light-type Dmg
    - BD+PA Dmg
    - Bleed skill crit Dmg
    - Time of Need buff Duration/Dmg
    --- its pity, how our emblem majors are bad, if u arent going to heal heavily... Only one doubt here - Time of Need - i use that only and mainly to get ASPD buff out of Routing Cry before fight (so mainly get me into Defeat Response event out of nowhere) - then should i get Might here, more rather?

    5. Gear me up - armour and jewelry
    So here we are... almost at the end, but at start of neverending grind
    - Jewelry:
    1st cpt BB set done, in middle for 2nd (like that Set bonus for Battle-readied), close to 3slots Bracelet and praying for some slotted Ring now (cant get 3slots, as i am lowgeared for endgame T2 atm)
    - Standard - 95lvl critted War
    - LIs - FA, in chapter to get Crystal of Rememberance - then fix my legacies and Imbuing in few days, Emblem will wait lil more
    - Titles - Potency of Eldar days3 and Critical Lighting3 - i can get crit def. Eldar days, but whatever, i need crits aswell - so this or that, i would get the rest from virtues or essences
    - Armours - 32 gold DA tokens so far till today, will be full Nadhin in a week or 2, just no point atm, as i dont have it counted and my essences... arent comming yet. Not thinking about Osgi 5slots, as i cant be here effective and it will need another wave of essence, pass atm.

    6. Essences and Virtues madness
    I need to pick them up, grind them and count them togheter - dont know the caps and effectivness - and as i said, i plan Greater ones for now, will swap with Supremes, when i can count it myself/get them later
    Should go up to 25k hps? For T2... i will appreciate tips for Virtues, all, and then make some math, which Essences (amounts), to make it effective, not over capped.
    I saw that Morale over Vitality (even its strange, as its Raw stat... but cant be helped), same i saw it with Psy mastery over Might etc. Can think about setting it correct, need capped Crit defense and have must to Devastate and not be squishy. Not sure if ie Outgoing healing essence is worthy, one or 2max, for my solo/duo landscape, to make life easier
    There i will realy appreciate help, which virtues+greater essences, whats the caps for Crit def, Mitigations, Resistance and if possible, count it togheter (its causing me huge headache atm)

    7. Tomes - cherry on top of the cake
    I got first 3 of Might, one Fate... but as those first 5 volumes are expensive as hell, i dont focus on those atm. Should get Might and then Vitality, Agility and maybe Fate later, but dont count with those now

    Here we are, if u didnt stop with TLDR and can help me, confirm my setup or toss me some other intel, i will appreciate it. Realy need to confirm those Legacies for my Gameplay and fix up/count Essences+Virtues.
    Dont eat it whole at once, i will appreciate replies point by point... focus on those i mentioned, with some explanation, so i will learn something and then figure it out myself easier next time.
    Currently i am sitting on 70k+ marks and almost 10k meds, as i am still farming Merrit and need last 8promotions to hit 200 and another trait point, THOSE arent issue and hopefully some Essences will come to my house.
    Thx for attention, fellas, and if u are playing on Evernight and willing to help me (no need give items, just reply here :P), my best weed and full moria keg will be here for u.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by NickSlaughter View Post
    Hullo there!

    I was thinking about it x days, if not week(s). I am lvl100 first char like a week and i need some help with math according to my gameplay and needs, also i cant afford everything instantly, but i think mainly essences will be issue atm. I hope that someone will enjoy it and others can get maybe inspiration or whatever. I will try to describe it lil more, so i wouldnt get answers like 5 words (virtues), without any reason etc., which is almost useless then (i was reading a lot about it here, but it was outdated already, or for pvp, or another approaches).
    Also i came here, cuz most of cpts are anonymous, or spooky... or the other ones are obviously casual - cant learn too much from Inspecting etc. and we arent one skill spam hunties with some phew phew skill.
    Well, since my main is a hunter but my 2nd is captain, I won't take offence - yet...

    Forget vitality. You don't need it - raw morale is better. For T2 runs you need some crit defence and mitigations either at or near the 60% cap, even in red. I'd also advise at least one incoming healing essence, it does really make a difference.

    Inspire and Gallant Display are very useful to keep your HOTs ticking while DPSing stuff - I tested how many orcs I could pull in Arnach (using my red/blue build similar to ) and was able to fight 8 at a time by keeping HOTs up and correct timing of Rallying Cry and Fighting Withdrawal.

    My legacies are very heal-centred because I built my red/blue line for group buffing rather than pure DPS. I've done a 10k rallying cry in red before. Also, you heal more and you survive longer. It's kinda funny outhealing landscape mob DPS and laughing. I wouldn't go with sure strike damage for an emblem because sure strike is such a weedy skill - its only use lies in opening up the crit buff. I would encourage you to look at bleed crit damage, because if you spend traits on bleed pulses and damage you can get some very big ticks indeed.

    Use your LI titles to get things you can't get elsewhere.

    For a captain there's very little between 4- and 5-slot essence armour given how important might is.

    Essences - I've used morale, might, a bit of crit, a couple of tac mits, an incoming healing and a crit def. I have a swap set for tank with more morale and critdef. Do not make the mistake of going for pure phys/tac mastery as a captain if you want to support your group. The only captains who should be doing that are moors soloers wanting to get their individual DPS as high as possible.

    My red (group support and landscape) build is something like this: http://www.lotrottp.lotrostatus.com/l.php?c=2Pt (might be slightly different but that's the overall shape).
    105s: Aedfrith (HN), Aldnoth (CP), Brai (RK), Hrolfdan (MN), Aeldfryd (WD), Morriarty (CH), Aednoth (LM), Mishhar (BR), Hraldan (GR), Rummbold (BG). Tinies - Rumbelina (MN), Aenghus (CP)
    Rangers of Eriador (officer), ex-Snowbourn now Laurelin - A Noob for All Seasons

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Ok, first up on the traits, you should really get these two:

    Blue's Rousing Cry
    Red's Fellowship of the Blade

    Sacrifice Gallant Display, Blood of Numenor, and pull points from Dignified Spectacle to accomplish this.

    Why? This improves your fellowship's DPS output, while minimally impacting your support ability because Gallant Display doesn't work unless it's spammed, and doing so will hurt your DPS output. If you really do need Blood of Numenor, it means you are doing something wrong, as it's a crutch ability useful when learning new content, but not good otherwise. Dignified Spectacle should act as a point magnet once you have everything else, followed by whatever trait in Red you feel gets the most bang for the buck with one point (or ground targeting on the banner if you think that would be helpful). If you really want Blood of Numenor, sacirifice Dignified Spectacle for it.

    For the legacies, there's really two trains of thought:
    1) Have legacies that are BiS for a given role
    2) Have swap LIs for all the things, then swap in so things are uber as needed.

    I'm not so sure how effective #2 is nowadays, as most of the swap legacies got shot with U16. You should also consider building a healing oriented emblem that can be swapped in for your DPS emblem, so you can help out when things hit the fan. You may also want to consider a healing oriented weapon as well. S&B works well for healing, as the stats on the shield are almost always better tailored for healing than the stats on the 2H will ever be.

    For the weapon, ditch Inspire Damage, pick up Battle Shout damage (might feeds into both physical and tactical mastery, so this will get buffed), and take Blade of Elendil Damage as well (that is a hard hitting skill). Our DPS comes from our primary skill chain and the bleeds, so you should optimize for that when going LtC, as that will also help you keep up the three buffs (the two from the Cries, and also the tactic). You're primary job in combat is proc'ing defeat responses, which will keep the buffs up, while also generally helping the group with spot heals (as needed) and contributing to the DPS of the group. Forget about being in the upper eschelons of DPS, as that's not what a captain does.

    As far as gear goes, do not pick up flat mastery essences on a captain, as you will get more mastery from two might essences than a physical and a tactical essence. This means you will generally build you LIs similar to a hunters, and maximize crit on the LIs. You then want to have your virtues provide mitigations (which will also provide resistences), and coupled with your heavy armor, should make it relatively easy for you to cap out physical mitigation, and be a few essences away from capping tactical mitigation. You also want to be near crit cap, and have a lot of critical defence, and a couple of incoming healing essences. The rest of the essences should go between finding the right balance of might and morale for you. Being tanky means you can take the abuse of being in melee, which is exactly where we want to be, and it also means you need less healing attention from the healer, as you should largely heal yourself between inspire and Rally Cry.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    thx for replies, i will continue in starting discussion, mainly according to MY gameplay - there are reasons, why i refuse this or that

    Quote Originally Posted by Aedfrith View Post
    Inspire and Gallant Display are very useful to keep your HOTs ticking while DPSing stuff - I tested how many orcs I could pull in Arnach (using my red/blue build similar to ) and was able to fight 8 at a time by keeping HOTs up and correct timing of Rallying Cry and Fighting Withdrawal.
    i am not so thrilled about the pulses, all of those serve mainly as direct/first hit heal

    Quote Originally Posted by Almagnus1 View Post
    Blue's Rousing Cry
    Red's Fellowship of the Blade
    ok, i was considering Rousing Cry - u made valid pts, will see when i will get enough traits pts (still at 65 and i dont have Central Gondor atm. aswell) - thats also why i need most of my overflow trait pts in first 2tiers
    dont thinking about Fellowship of Blade for few reasons - since i see stupid change ie in Mini etc., most ppl didnt get income of our Standard, or Aura and i dont use To-arms, also i think i will drop Inspire more or less (or from front of my rotation, even its here just cuz 15s CD, to make it effective and affordable)
    shortly, i cant be bothered to just click those, say secondary buffs, as i wouldnt be doing anything else and noone appreciate it at all - also it would do short time 60% buffs from ie To-arm 15% dmg...

    Quote Originally Posted by Almagnus1 View Post
    Sacrifice Gallant Display, Blood of Numenor, and pull points from Dignified Spectacle to accomplish this.
    understand, probably Gallant Display will go out or in some other bar later... thats also valid point, with my rotation, i cant get it more than into Tier2...
    the Blood of Numenor - i see lot of ppl dying around, FS is mixed - new players, or lowgeared ones - but i admit its lot of pts, on other side, its ress for 2 and not so many classes come with in-combat ress or main healer cant afford its induction (as i see it here, it doesnt have any)

    Quote Originally Posted by Almagnus1 View Post
    For the legacies, there's really two trains of thought:
    1) Have legacies that are BiS for a given role
    2) Have swap LIs for all the things, then swap in so things are uber as needed.
    BiS? (sorry i dont know all shortcuts) - and as i tried to describe my situation and gameplay, i cant afford grind for another FA and imbue it effectivly etc. - not now, and even if i would be, i think it will be set for Tanking
    also i dont have super pc, so i dont pretend to be serious healer (i can get lag in raids and its almost guaranteed, then i dont wanna be counted as serious healer)

    Quote Originally Posted by Almagnus1 View Post
    For the weapon, ditch Inspire Damage, pick up Battle Shout damage (might feeds into both physical and tactical mastery, so this will get buffed), and take Blade of Elendil Damage as well (that is a hard hitting skill). Our DPS comes from our primary skill chain and the bleeds, so you should optimize for that when going LtC, as that will also help you keep up the three buffs (the two from the Cries, and also the tactic). You're primary job in combat is proc'ing defeat responses, which will keep the buffs up, while also generally helping the group with spot heals (as needed) and contributing to the DPS of the group. Forget about being in the upper eschelons of DPS, as that's not what a captain does.
    ok, i see avoiding Inspire legacy... even from distance, it has bigger Dmg than BoE ie. i surely dont think about Legacy for Battle Shout, as its dmg seems still laughable - plus its first skill in my rotation, so its like non boosted opener for Battle readied (this stance will improve with Second cpt Merrit jewelry for sure)
    not issue with the role, i tend to be buffer, heal here or there, not direct, just aoe... and dps is for the dailies (i can still die in DA daily if ganged, no doubts - last time rats in Warehouse prooved that) or osgi etc, where i go in duo most of the times
    or refuse to be running behind Mini as his healing buffpet (that red mini path is seriously most ######## thing ever in Lotro, killed FS play a lot, as everyone is missplacing his own role completly and dont feel we are something usefull)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    i got some advices, seems like...

    1) virtues: Zeal, Innocence, Tolerance, Fidelity, Valour will do the trick

    2) essences (mainly greater) for 27slots (nadhin and 3slots bracelet):
    8x morale, 6x might, 2x both mitigations, 2x crit def, 2x psy mastery, 3x critical, 1x finesse and 1x incomming healing

    thats 27 total - can think more about it, when i will get whole set and finish off my Jewelries - maybe more Incomming healing and some swap for few Morale ones, or drop those Psy materies and go fully Might - as we benefit a lot from BOTH masteries, not only physical one, thats true

    still thinking about that BoE - many reason to keep it, many to boot it, also it has own legacy and another one is the Light-type dmg... so nice stack here

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    also noone mentioned PA, which is ok... it has many legacies and i cant fit them in anyway

    but how about that Major weapon DB+PA crit rating? (minor Emblem DB+PA dmg is must, no doubts) - if i tend to use only DB and THATs surely our big blow skill

    i also think about making more for Crits, as after all... i use Blue mark, bigger hits mean bigger heal back and i can live without Gallant display then

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by NickSlaughter View Post
    ok, i was considering Rousing Cry - u made valid pts, will see when i will get enough traits pts (still at 65 and i dont have Central Gondor atm. aswell) - thats also why i need most of my overflow trait pts in first 2tiers
    dont thinking about Fellowship of Blade for few reasons - since i see stupid change ie in Mini etc., most ppl didnt get income of our Standard, or Aura and i dont use To-arms, also i think i will drop Inspire more or less (or from front of my rotation, even its here just cuz 15s CD, to make it effective and affordable)
    shortly, i cant be bothered to just click those, say secondary buffs, as i wouldnt be doing anything else and noone appreciate it at all - also it would do short time 60% buffs from ie To-arm 15% dmg...
    To Arms (and the call) get used to increase group DPS, and it should be something you are basically spamming in group content, as you blade bro the DPSer, their DPS goes up, and the group does as well. And igf you really want to be GOOD captain, you need to learn to use the Blade Bro buffs, and also the on-defeat buffs. The On Defeat buffs especially, as that's a free -15% attack speed buff and a +5% damage buff.

    The banner is situational, and generally comboed with To Arms and Oathbreaker's shame to create a massive group buff in DPS.\

    It's also why Pressing Attack is crucial, as a crit on any of the targets in front of you on the second swing will proc a defeat response, which means it's actually easier on trash to keep up both buffs than it is on the boss.

    Quote Originally Posted by NickSlaughter View Post
    understand, probably Gallant Display will go out or in some other bar later... thats also valid point, with my rotation, i cant get it more than into Tier2...
    the Blood of Numenor - i see lot of ppl dying around, FS is mixed - new players, or lowgeared ones - but i admit its lot of pts, on other side, its ress for 2 and not so many classes come with in-combat ress or main healer cant afford its induction (as i see it here, it doesnt have any)
    So let them die, and they will learn NOT to do what they are doing. Sometimes it's better to let people fail, so they can learn from their failures.

    Quote Originally Posted by NickSlaughter View Post
    BiS? (sorry i dont know all shortcuts) - and as i tried to describe my situation and gameplay, i cant afford grind for another FA and imbue it effectivly etc. - not now, and even if i would be, i think it will be set for Tanking
    also i dont have super pc, so i dont pretend to be serious healer (i can get lag in raids and its almost guaranteed, then i dont wanna be counted as serious healer)
    BiS = Best in Slot.

    Quote Originally Posted by NickSlaughter View Post
    ok, i see avoiding Inspire legacy... even from distance, it has bigger Dmg than BoE ie. i surely dont think about Legacy for Battle Shout, as its dmg seems still laughable - plus its first skill in my rotation, so its like non boosted opener for Battle readied (this stance will improve with Second cpt Merrit jewelry for sure)
    not issue with the role, i tend to be buffer, heal here or there, not direct, just aoe... and dps is for the dailies (i can still die in DA daily if ganged, no doubts - last time rats in Warehouse prooved that) or osgi etc, where i go in duo most of the times
    or refuse to be running behind Mini as his healing buffpet (that red mini path is seriously most ######## thing ever in Lotro, killed FS play a lot, as everyone is missplacing his own role completly and dont feel we are something usefull)
    It's really a toss up. I generally tend to use battleshout more frequently than Inspire, but the same may not be true for you.

  8. #8
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    Mar 2015
    using On defeat buffs is realy simple... as it has own small window - the only issue with Routing cry is... its cross tree and t3 - cant afford it now, thats simple as that - i cant swap pts from Dignified Spectacle, as they have to stay in those 2lower tiers right now

    using those To-arms etc. isnt so easy/effective and sometimes... its more valid to ignore that, than ignore their dying - u know... they die, i die after - no big win for anyone
    plus if u lack ppl, as many tend to play solo, dps... do ####, dont know basics... it can be hard to keep Blade-brother on them etc.
    or in case of BBs, where u are running around and they are running elsewhere, even its RAID BB... i more rather Blade-brother my oathbreaker, to keep the buff up - cant be helped, just practise... and u know, some ppl can get butthurt realy easily

    thing about the Banner is simple, i was running it as Ground targeted until last week, over 2months... but wanna save pts and after all, it sometimes hard to place it (cuz objects, running things... my laggy pc) - thats not my concern atm. and it has much more lower CD than Shame - those i use a lot and its pretty much easier, effective, boosting, than trait Fellowship of the blade, spam 2-3 skills etc. - as they are short time, fellowship of the blade will shatter them for others and their CD isnt so low after all - i take that as bad deal, simple

    and that PA... somehow i dont like it - imho i need to simplify my rotation into something more effective, having Gallant display and Inspire is more safe, but my Bleeds and GW are too much at the end of rotation... also i like dmg from DB - wanna focus on those, i cant see effectivness in using long chain and tones of buffs aswell, it will come close to that Gallant display issue

  9. #9
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    Dec 2007
    The hard thing with playing a captain is realizing when to throw the rotation out the window, and when to stick to it. The general skill chain that I use is:

    BS => SS => DB/PA => BoE => SL => SS => DB/PA => BoE

    After the first run through (and I have the BoE buff up for SL), I'll switch SL so that I'm battle-readied when using BoE, increasing the DPS from it. The decision to use either DB or PA goes to:

    * Do I have more than one target?
    * Is nothing cc'd nearby?
    * Is it mechanically safe to AE?

    If the answer to all of the above is "Yes" then, use PA, else use DB.

    As far as the brother skills go, having a herald out can be helpful, as you can always threaten to brother the herald rather than someone that just keeps dying if they don't stop doing dumb stuff =P

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Almagnus1 View Post
    The hard thing with playing a captain is realizing when to throw the rotation out the window, and when to stick to it. The general skill chain that I use is:

    BS => SS => DB/PA => BoE => SL => SS => DB/PA => BoE
    tried that, as it was only SL<->BoE swap, but then i faced issue like skills still on CD here or there

    as i am getting legacies and doing DA daily, i started thinking about Routing Cry legacy... first, its AOE, second, it will get more from Emblem's Light-type legacy... i realy dont have enough slots or cant decide right now
    it thats why i refused Legacy for BS (its dmg is still fancy whatever u do)

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by NickSlaughter View Post
    tried that, as it was only SL<->BoE swap, but then i faced issue like skills still on CD here or there

    as i am getting legacies and doing DA daily, i started thinking about Routing Cry legacy... first, its AOE, second, it will get more from Emblem's Light-type legacy... i realy dont have enough slots or cant decide right now
    it thats why i refused Legacy for BS (its dmg is still fancy whatever u do)
    Yeah, it may not be the best legacy to go with, on second thought.

    I'm still trying to figure out what exactly to do with a DPS centric 2H

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by NickSlaughter View Post
    dont thinking about Fellowship of Blade for few reasons - since i see stupid change ie in Mini etc., most ppl didnt get income of our Standard, or Aura and i dont use To-arms, also i think i will drop Inspire more or less (or from front of my rotation, even its here just cuz 15s CD, to make it effective and affordable)
    shortly, i cant be bothered to just click those, say secondary buffs, as i wouldnt be doing anything else and noone appreciate it at all - also it would do short time 60% buffs from ie To-arm 15% dmg...
    Include the Inspire in you rotation, because you will get master of war if its crit.
    Exclude the Legacy, because a low damageskill will not perform much better, if the base is low. The CD is high in addition.
    Start to use your buffs, this is one of the most important thinks we do.
    At least you will use your buffs :-)

    Skilling Blood of Numenor is for planing a defeat.
    Skill for victory !!!
    Call out if you Rez and the Mini will fill the green line fast full.

    Quote Originally Posted by NickSlaughter View Post
    also noone mentioned PA, which is ok... it has many legacies and i cant fit them in anyway

    but how about that Major weapon DB+PA crit rating? (minor Emblem DB+PA dmg is must, no doubts) - if i tend to use only DB and THATs surely our big blow skill

    i also think about making more for Crits, as after all... i use Blue mark, bigger hits mean bigger heal back and i can live without Gallant display then
    Try to get cap. 14600 + sure strike buff will bring you to cap.
    The PA Targets will vanish if you inbrue.
    The PA/DB Crit is useless, if you hit cap, because it is a fix value and not a percent value.

    The outgoing damage and incoming Heal is right :-)

    Keep your buffs up and bring you enemies down.

    Quote Originally Posted by NickSlaughter View Post
    using those To-arms etc. isnt so easy/effective and sometimes... its more valid to ignore that, than ignore their dying - u know... they die, i die after - no big win for anyone
    plus if u lack ppl, as many tend to play solo, dps... do ####, dont know basics... it can be hard to keep Blade-brother on them etc.
    or in case of BBs, where u are running around and they are running elsewhere, even its RAID BB... i more rather Blade-brother my oathbreaker, to keep the buff up - cant be helped, just practise... and u know, some ppl can get butthurt realy easily
    No Problem, take the Herald if the Mates are more useless.
    In BB you have to run a lot arount sometimes. Take the Herald and have the Felloshilbrother up, Then the others get still a lot of the buff

    Quote Originally Posted by NickSlaughter View Post
    thing about the Banner is simple, i was running it as Ground targeted until last week, over 2months... but wanna save pts and after all, it sometimes hard to place it (cuz objects, running things... my laggy pc) - thats not my concern atm. and it has much more lower CD than Shame - those i use a lot and its pretty much easier, effective, boosting, than trait Fellowship of the blade, spam 2-3 skills etc. - as they are short time, fellowship of the blade will shatter them for others and their CD isnt so low after all - i take that as bad deal, simple
    take only 4/5 and you will plant it in enemies. No Bugs, but a chance to resist. easy solution.
    The Buff works 30sec with 60sec CD. So you can have it active 50% of the Time.

    Quote Originally Posted by NickSlaughter View Post
    and that PA... somehow i dont like it - imho i need to simplify my rotation into something more effective, having Gallant display and Inspire is more safe, but my Bleeds and GW are too much at the end of rotation... also i like dmg from DB - wanna focus on those, i cant see effectivness in using long chain and tones of buffs aswell, it will come close to that Gallant display issue
    Bring your Buffs up and let them Bleed. The times work for you.
    DB for bringing down enemies, PA for Aggro, many low enemies and Events.
    Have a look in addition on the Captain DPS Tread, Gate wrote an easy rotation to bring enemies Focused down.

  13. #13
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    Mar 2015
    i was afk few days... but figured out that the previous rotation from Almagnus1 suits me atm.

    i am working more on virtues atm and will get full nadhin set at wednesday (working on Supreme might ess. atm, but the pain is with Morale ones, trying Greater ones only, as the secondary Power add is almost useless)

    i will go Zeal, Innocence, Tolerance, Fidelity and Valour, as it seems (comments welcomed)

    i changed legacies, but seems i dont wanna go without Heals (direct one is handy in BBs and such things)
    have few questions here, mainly about Bleed, as it was mentioned elsewhere and i am not so smart out of it - basicaly Cutting atk has long CD and i tend to do that rotation (2x), hit some aoe buffs and go back to rotation
    1) which skills are affected by Minor weapon Bleed dmg and Minor emblem Bleed crit dmg? only Cutting atk, not GW?
    2) i am thinking to kick those out and also kick out Red trait Bleed (5trait points, tier2) - to get more pts into Blue line (Rousing cry is cool addition), tossed out Gallant display
    3) overall, i will try to get Crits to max and use rotation above and other skills. use Cutting atk only for secondary AOE bleeding from GW when i fight tougher mobs, boss or rotation on CD - thinking save many Legacy slots without that Bleed which i will use just rarely
    +kick out DB+PA crit rating, if i can replace it with overall crit rate

    new legacy idea:

    Weapon Major:
    -Melee skills crit dmg
    -GW dmg (if it has sence, would be rarely used)
    -Cpt AoE healing
    Weapon Minor:
    -Battle-readied dmg buff
    -BoE dmg
    -Routing cry dmg (40%-56% is huge boost, for aoe and with light type legacy from emblem and title... i think good idea for my gameplay)

    7th legacy? (can be major or minor) - thinking about Might... removed Bleed, Cutting atk and DB+PA crit rate (not using PA, or rarely and same for rest, so Might should benefit more to me and for everything)

    Emblem Major:
    -Heal crit magnitude
    -Sure strike dmg
    -Vocal skills Healing

    Emblem minor:
    -DB+PA dmg
    -Light-type dmg
    -Shadow Lament dmg

    7th legacy? (can be major or minor) - thinking about Might again or Rallying Cry Healing (its making wonders, if i can heal over 5k as red cpt, in small fs without healer) or Time of Need Buff Duration (but i dont use this one so often, mainly at start to get Aspd buff asap)

    so if anyone can comment mainly that Bleed part... as i think i am not addicted to it (its also slow for endgame landscape solo and imho not so important in FS, where its not about me as badass dpser) - but once i will imbue (soon ), i wouldnt look back and my own feeling is, that Bleed/CA legacies eat too many Slots and Traits, and its slow/DOT, which i dont like and use rarely
    also i am maybe taking Might legacy as too great... not sure, if those Raw stats ones are so good, or how they grow up with imbuing

    @Laubgaenger i have Inspire at the end of bar, if its needed, but using it rarely atm. (still playing with Blue mark or Aoe (aka self) heal atm.)
    i didnt find the rotation which u mentioned, those threats over 7pages are killer... maybe i just missed it, pls post direct link next time

  14. #14
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    Jun 2011
    You are right.


    This wrote his majesty OverlordGate:

    Quote Originally Posted by OverlordGate View Post
    Personally I go with the following rotation (it does not contain buff skills like our Mark, To Arms, Oathbreakers SHame, Routing Cry, Rallying Cry, Blade Brothers Call or the Banner... just a pure damage rotation combined with sure strike and Time of Need):

    Sure Strike
    Devastating Blow
    Blade of Elendil
    ------------------------- (this is kind of the buffing phase of my rotation; damage buff for SL as well as Relentless Attack from Sure Strike; other buff skills mentioned above recommended)
    Time of Need
    Cutting Attack
    Grave Wound
    Shadows Lament
    Devastating Blow
    (Gallant Display)
    ------------------------ (this is the main damage rotation)
    Sure Strike
    Devastating Blow
    Blade of Elendil
    ------------------------ (second buffing phase - and so on....)

    Keep in mind that he is very singletarget focused, because dead enemies are no tread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Laubgaenger View Post
    In the moors you have to bring the enemies down, before it runs away. Think here the Captain-Tonic will be very nice.

    The most important information is to build up the Buffs and keep them up.

    After Inspire and, or Shadows Lament crit, press a high damage skill. It will crit too.
    Maybe it is good to have a look on the whole thread.
    Something is only disbelief, but there are also a lot of information.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laubgaenger View Post
    Keep in mind that he is very singletarget focused, because dead enemies are no tread.
    thx, as i read it, can put that rotation to swapping main bar and check the bleed... but i described my gameplay above - no lust for ettens, pvp - i see bleed important here, but not so much for my gameplay (and i can save lot of legacies and trait points with removal here)

  16. #16
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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by NickSlaughter View Post

    1. Gameplay

    I dont wanna do any PVP or sparring any time soon (its unbalanced heavily and much more for us imho) - so dont worry about pvp. I am doing lot of Gondor landscape atm., Epic battles and still weak for endgame T1 osgi somehow, wanting to get up for endgame T2 and challenges - take that as priority.
    Also i play solo a lot (forced) or in duo, but i enjoy small FS (makes me effective and dont lag as in some FS... raids are slideshow for me mainly, so doing those rarely).
    I play Red, as its most fun, benefiting to my situation and buffing the others (one day i will get second gear for Yellow, but no time for such grind atm.)
    I played Moors for the Captains armour, that let me bring up a Rallying Cry every 6sec. This does not exist anymore. To get the Points i had to traveled the long road. This was ugly with a Captain without mates.
    Myself regroup some skills in my Skillbar to get it better with keystrokes and even nowadays i have no problem to follow Champions on foot.

    To know how to bring up Focus Damge, is something that is ever well to know. If you need it, you can use it.

    Epic Battles are a joke, but were a (too) long time endgame. And even atm a full platin run is so common as i think.
    Many guys become lazy and auto attacks are often too less. (OC i speak about Hunters :-) )

    The Skills are also nice, without the Legacies.
    With the Legacies you increase the effect, seldom something more :-)

    You play mostly Solo, or on small groups.
    What is you focus in this Playstyl?
    Bring Down enemies as fast as possible?
    Have a firm/solid Group with a mixture of outgoing heal and damage?

    Quote Originally Posted by NickSlaughter View Post
    6. Essences and Virtues madness
    I need to pick them up, grind them and count them togheter - dont know the caps and effectivness - and as i said, i plan Greater ones for now, will swap with Supremes, when i can count it myself/get them later
    Should go up to 25k hps? For T2... i will appreciate tips for Virtues, all, and then make some math, which Essences (amounts), to make it effective, not over capped.
    I saw that Morale over Vitality (even its strange, as its Raw stat... but cant be helped), same i saw it with Psy mastery over Might etc. Can think about setting it correct, need capped Crit defense and have must to Devastate and not be squishy. Not sure if ie Outgoing healing essence is worthy, one or 2max, for my solo/duo landscape, to make life easier
    There i will realy appreciate help, which virtues+greater essences, whats the caps for Crit def, Mitigations, Resistance and if possible, count it togheter (its causing me huge headache atm)
    I want to have my Migrations at Cap.
    Critdefence at 50%
    Cap Crit at 14.600 with Sure Strike buff.
    I Increased my Moral to ~21k/22k, formerly i was with 16k on the Road.
    I do not believe in high Moral scores. This is still not high, but something that does T2 easier.
    I improved my Incoming Heal, because it works on each heal, not only once, as moral does.

    With the Virtues you can improve what you need. I take in core Tactical Mitgrations and at Restistace.
    They are easy swapable.
    Here you can have a look what a Essence will give you and what the Virtue give you.

    I use the Outgoing Heal essence:

    Quote Originally Posted by NickSlaughter View Post
    7. Tomes - cherry on top of the cake
    I got first 3 of Might, one Fate... but as those first 5 volumes are expensive as hell, i dont focus on those atm. Should get Might and then Vitality, Agility and maybe Fate later, but dont count with those now
    They are expensive, but give you a lot.
    Might is good for everthing.
    Vita is nearly only Moral.
    Fate is crit and Power Reg.
    Agility brings crit and some defensives.

    I Buy them in AH, if i get them cheap.
    This happen for a long time ago, atm they look very expensive.
    But with every update comes, the Tomes will stay. The Items we had grinded will be become mostly trash.
    (My Bankslots are full of fancywork)

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laubgaenger View Post
    I want to have my Migrations at Cap.
    Critdefence at 50%
    Cap Crit at 14.600 with Sure Strike buff.
    I Increased my Moral to ~21k/22k, formerly i was with 16k on the Road.
    I do not believe in high Moral scores. This is still not high, but something that does T2 easier.
    I improved my Incoming Heal, because it works on each heal, not only once, as moral does.

    I use the Outgoing Heal essence:
    thx for some numbers

    no ettens for me as i am downgraded Prem

    playstyle, lot of duo running with my friend on LM/champ... (lm full geared, champ for relax, but here she can finish off things, so swapping)
    Epic battles easy, but i like direct heal here for banners and barris
    also doing duo Coombs, Walls and Pela for easy plats
    but if looking for more merrit stars and loot, doing fs Pela and here its issue, random groups, sometimes pretty low ranks and i have to run a lot, build a lot, yell a lot and heal lowbies
    having 5k aoe heals isnt too hard even if Red... and as its buffing dmg by +5%... i spam it a lot (just the hot is ####)

    essences - i plan it similar as u said, around 8x supreme might (go to both masteries, handy for cpt) and similar amount of Greater morale (affordable more, no big difference from Supremes), planning around 25k hps, will see
    rest will be for hitting caps and yes, planning some heal essence - already added Incomming heal once into my plan and forgot that Outgoing one, will recheck

    the tomes (1-5) are same as Greater morale on Evernight, all around 200g, and as i need another crystals etc., i cant get there quickly or cheap
    trying armoury exercise and dailies in DA, no armoury tokens from whole exercise, some from the other Q and one major fate and major morale in total after few days, expecting major power tommo

  18. #18
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    i was bashing Dummies last night, maybe the bleed isnt worst, still unsute if its improving GW bleed (as turbine is ... untransparent, some traits are saying GW bleed, but the GW itself isnt calling its DOT as bleed)
    was also trying the last rotation from other thread relinked here, but the first one is suiting me better, more swiftly

    also came out with another Legacy setup more according to me

    Melee skill crit dmg
    Routing cry dmg
    GW dmg (?)
    Cpt aoe heal
    Battle-readied dmg buff
    BoE dmg
    Might (*)

    Heal crit magnitude
    Vocal skills heal (*)
    Sure strike dmg
    DB+PA dmg
    Light type dmg
    Shadows lament dmg
    Time of need buff

    - * i was planning Bleed here, but as i use it rarely, Might should be better... and that Vocal heal probably too
    - ? and this one, i dont know if its not same case... rarely used skill for me, only reason why i keep it... lot of side traits (lacerate etc.) for it and lot of direct traits - but emblem will wait (missing crystals etc. atm)

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by NickSlaughter View Post
    Time of need buff

    - * i was planning Bleed here, but as i use it rarely, Might should be better... and that Vocal heal probably too
    - ? and this one, i dont know if its not same case... rarely used skill for me, only reason why i keep it... lot of side traits (lacerate etc.) for it and lot of direct traits - but emblem will wait (missing crystals etc. atm)

    The Time of need buff legacy was bugged.
    Dont know if it gets fixed.
    I use it on a swap symbol, and like to have Rallying Cry Healing on my symbol.

    I Like the bleeds and tested a bit with them.
    What is very nice, the Bleed still work if i get disarmed. In Addition also on Ghost that hide in the floor (and die there).
    On the DA Trainingsmission Warehouse is a ship with some eltite Mobs (Captain and Slavers) Works nice until get disarmed 2nd time... :-) Then kite The Bleed will work.

  20. #20
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    Feb 2012

    [QUOTE=Laubgaenger;7388221]The Time of need buff legacy was bugged. Dont know if it gets fixed.

    time of need is a cchamps skill which takes alotta power from urself which converts into morale ? a wonderful skill indeed , yeah..

    " but seriously , if u don't want any worries 4 level 100 & imbue system , i'd go w/a beorning slot , cuz outta my 19 characters the beornings seem to b a quicker kill. i've got 4 of them jacked up with might finesse combos , {two-handed clubs & w/1 imbued which is my bestie

  21. #21
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    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by girlsonlygirls View Post
    time of need is a cchamps skill which takes alotta power from urself which converts into morale ? a wonderful skill indeed , yeah..

    Time of Need is a Captain skill, Dire Need is the Champion skill.



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