I don't know why I do this too myself , maybe I am a little OCD
I have played all the character classes, thought I would run 5 at the same time, but that would put me going over the same ground 5 times (even though Hobbits, Dwarves, Elves and Humans all go to different places on the big map)
and I find things I like about all of them and things I don't like. so if you suggest one class to focus on from the below that would be helpful
of the classes/races I find attractive
Human Champion ( Likes tough Rough, Plenty of hp to trade...both targeted and AoE Melee attacks, Heavy Armor Dislikes No Ranged attacks, seems one dimensional)
Human Warden (Likes: Both Melee and Ranged Attacks, Shield Action, several fun attacks, fast healing, good for solo play Dislikes Medium Armor, long transition between ranged and melee attacks)
Elf Hunter ( Likes The bow is awesome, trapping Dislikes Poor Melee attacks, Medium Armor and (because I won't play vip so no transporting) seems a little vanilla and worried about becoming weaker in higher levels....less of a solo player because of lacking Melee skills)
Human Lore Master (Likes. I like the ranged attacks and the various attacks, The animal fighters to help in Melee I even like the costumes Dislikes Light Armor still thinking about solo play and much of what a LM can do is for groups)
Hobbit Minstrel (Likes by far the most interesting to play in lower levels, one hit kills, , okay in melee and the hobbit in this is awesome Dislikes from what I heard doesn't thrive in the higher levels and in groups is devolved to mostly healing....not much for solo at the higher levels?)
Dwarves....I don't really like the whole feel of the dwarf thing
Captains.......no...just no (guys following your are around with flags?)
Burglars I prefer a more direct approach
So here is the way I break it down.......
So my Absolutes are:
Good fighter Good Survivor (Champion, Guardian Warden)
My Really Really Want
Ranged and Melee capable...not so much a tank as a DPM ( Warden , Archer, Minstrel (sort of) )
Would like to have
Interesting, Multi Dimensional, Good as a Loner, Good for all levels (Warden, Minstrel?, Lore Master)
It would seem by the above the Warden would be the obvious choice, but I am bugged by how long it takes to go from melee stance to ranged stance ( I am not bothered by the combined attacks, that seems pretty straight forward)
So that leaves me with Minstrel and Lore Master as my other choices.
Unless Champion is not as one dimensional as it appears
So what would you suggest
1. A tough little hobbit Mini
2. Go with the Warden you'll get used to transitions
3. You are under estimating the Lore Master go with it
4 Stick with the bruiser Champion
5. Are you out of your friggin mind choose the __________