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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    The usual question...

    ...but has to be made.

    @Cordovan: Approx 1 year ago, when we asked about when and if Player vs. Monster Player would have been a thing on Anor and ithil, we were answered: "There is no plans to bring PvMP into Legendary Servers in 2019".

    Very well. It's 2020, and there are players who would like to know - just to understand what their gaming year will look like (or if there will be a "gaming year" at all) - is it coming at one point or not?

    Legendary Server in 2020 + PvMP.

    Is it a Match? Or swipe left?

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Angbohr View Post
    ...but has to be made.

    @Cordovan: Approx 1 year ago, when we asked about when and if Player vs. Monster Player would have been a thing on Anor and ithil, we were answered: "There is no plans to bring PvMP into Legendary Servers in 2019".

    Very well. It's 2020, and there are players who would like to know - just to understand what their gaming year will look like (or if there will be a "gaming year" at all) - is it coming at one point or not?

    Legendary Server in 2020 + PvMP.

    Is it a Match? Or swipe left?

    Thank you.
    Rumor says next tuesday.........
    dont worry the dev's are working on a fix that fixes the fix that fixed the fix that was fixing the fix....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Hetweith View Post
    Rumor says next tuesday.........
    My infos come from a dude who knows a guy who is in touch with a fella who hangs out with someone who knows somebody from SSG.

    Says that they'll update us about the possibility of having PvMP on LS this year. They'll say something late December or so.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Two weeks, no answer. Distracted, careless or afraid?
    Arenaan | 50 Champion (SB 2007) Ulderich | 60 Champion (SB 2008) Ulderich II | 60 Champion (Eldar 2008) Caeinwyn | 65 Champion (Eldar 2008-2011)
    Angbohr V | 115 Champion (EN 2012-2017) Revenang and Hateful | 95 Champions (Anor) Angbohr VII | 130 Champion (Ark)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Its clearly obvious that there will not be pvp until LS reaches same cap as live.They dont even pay attention to pvp on normal servers which has same cap for year or more and you acctualy think they will balance pvp every 4 months on LS? You are too optimistic

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Menergroth View Post
    Its clearly obvious that there will not be pvp until LS reaches same cap as live.They dont even pay attention to pvp on normal servers which has same cap for year or more and you acctualy think they will balance pvp every 4 months on LS? You are too optimistic
    Quite the opposite, my friend.

    I just want them to say it: no PvMP on Legendary Servers in 2020 either. That's why I started the thread.

    Legendary Servers: launch.
    People: will there be PvMP?
    SSG: "er, not at launch".
    People: ok, what about around Moria?
    SSG: "uhm, there are no definitive plans to bring PvMP on Legendary Servers in 2019".
    People: ok, it's 2020, what about it?
    SSG: ________________

    I'm just being curious. Let's see what the next hat-trick is going to be.
    Arenaan | 50 Champion (SB 2007) Ulderich | 60 Champion (SB 2008) Ulderich II | 60 Champion (Eldar 2008) Caeinwyn | 65 Champion (Eldar 2008-2011)
    Angbohr V | 115 Champion (EN 2012-2017) Revenang and Hateful | 95 Champions (Anor) Angbohr VII | 130 Champion (Ark)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    At this point I can even accept wages, what will come first? An actual answer, as could be expected from a caring company, or a warning for having replied too many times to my own posts? :P
    Arenaan | 50 Champion (SB 2007) Ulderich | 60 Champion (SB 2008) Ulderich II | 60 Champion (Eldar 2008) Caeinwyn | 65 Champion (Eldar 2008-2011)
    Angbohr V | 115 Champion (EN 2012-2017) Revenang and Hateful | 95 Champions (Anor) Angbohr VII | 130 Champion (Ark)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Angbohr View Post
    At this point I can even accept wages, what will come first? An actual answer, as could be expected from a caring company, or a warning for having replied too many times to my own posts? :P
    i'm picking right after they reopen all the closed servers.....
    dont worry the dev's are working on a fix that fixes the fix that fixed the fix that was fixing the fix....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    @SSG In case you thought that I dropped... nah. The question stays, and so does the request for an official answer. Am I being too kind, perhaps? Would useful tools like use of profanity and such be more effective in order to win your attention? Or maybe, asking 30-40 persons to storm this thread? Let me know what it is that I'm doing wrong. Until then, I salute your absolute courage.
    Arenaan | 50 Champion (SB 2007) Ulderich | 60 Champion (SB 2008) Ulderich II | 60 Champion (Eldar 2008) Caeinwyn | 65 Champion (Eldar 2008-2011)
    Angbohr V | 115 Champion (EN 2012-2017) Revenang and Hateful | 95 Champions (Anor) Angbohr VII | 130 Champion (Ark)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Angbohr View Post
    @SSG In case you thought that I dropped... nah. The question stays, and so does the request for an official answer. Am I being too kind, perhaps? Would useful tools like use of profanity and such be more effective in order to win your attention? Or maybe, asking 30-40 persons to storm this thread? Let me know what it is that I'm doing wrong. Until then, I salute your absolute courage.

    I really dont think that PvP on this server would be a great idea. I was under the impression from 60-75 that PvP would be a lot of fun on LS. However, these devs barely got 85 cap right... I log in now to just craft for kinnies and maybe raid if we have enough people. Also, with how casual these servers are, players that currently play on normal servers would need to come over, because 90% of the server would get facerolled by a select few of players. I just don't see it working out anytime soon.

    Mirage | Fathom | Situational Awareness | Reformed
    Arkenstone | Shadowfax | Treebeard

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Oh, but i can totally agree with everything you said. Expecially when you say that PvMP on Anor would definitely need expert players to join the fray, which, i believe, it would happen. If anything, on Creepside.

    The point here, though, is simple: I'm not trying to debate. I want an answer: Yes/No.

    Again, last communication from Cordovan, effing FOURTEEN months ago: "There are no plans to introduce PvMP on Legendary Servers in 2019".

    They think they are smart or something. I say they aren't that smart. Let alone, people with the guts to admit that they were just taking time. Happy to be proven wrong, of course.
    Arenaan | 50 Champion (SB 2007) Ulderich | 60 Champion (SB 2008) Ulderich II | 60 Champion (Eldar 2008) Caeinwyn | 65 Champion (Eldar 2008-2011)
    Angbohr V | 115 Champion (EN 2012-2017) Revenang and Hateful | 95 Champions (Anor) Angbohr VII | 130 Champion (Ark)

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Angbohr View Post
    The point here, though, is simple: I'm not trying to debate. I want an answer: Yes/No.

    Again, last communication from Cordovan, effing FOURTEEN months ago: "There are no plans to introduce PvMP on Legendary Servers in 2019".
    Angbohr, you get already your answer.
    You will only not believe it and you hope they switch at some point.

    We talked already and i did also with some other Moors Player. What do you think will be special on Anor that not already failed on the many other servers?

    The 2 Beos told me, that there will be no rankfarming, that others did on other servers.
    From the mechanics view, i would think there is no differences between the common and the leg. servers mechanic. It will take more time but we will hopefully not see the FnG Farmtrain no more again.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Who the hell are the 2 Beos lol.

    But no, you get me wrong if you think i'm a "believer" hoping for the better.

    My thought is: there will be no pvmp.
    My other thought is: there at SSG they are nothing more than scammers. Knowing that the absence of that feature would have doomed the whole LS operation, they were "smart" saying that PvMP wouldn't have been available "at launch", as was stated in the FAQ's. Remember? Then they saw that things weren't going well, so "let's do another smart thing, let's just say no PvMP in 2019. And now, they think that just not talking about it anymore and ignoring any question is the "smart" thing to do. So. Scammers. And "smart", very smart. Everyone knows.

    As you can see, I don't hope for anything. I'm here asking for an official answer only because it is right to ask for it. And because it amuses me to see such cowardice.

    As for why LS PvMP would be special, well, easy: 1) LotRO died past the Black Gate, and so its PvMP. Maybe on a LS frozen, say, at 105, it could still be less a disaster. Nostalgia was the key-point when it comes to LS, so why not? 2) Anor is immediately accessible to anyone, no matter where they live. It is, along with Ithil, a worldwide server. Can become THE PvMP Server.

    lol, sorry to hear that the situation got that bad with rankfarmers. It's 3 years now that I quit regular servers, and I wouldn't go back even if they paid me to do so. I "had" hopes for a fresh start with Ettenmoors on LS, but not anymore. All I'm waiting for now is Pantheon. Or even new LotR MMO, whose launch, according to the producers, won't affect LotRO. Omegalul.
    Arenaan | 50 Champion (SB 2007) Ulderich | 60 Champion (SB 2008) Ulderich II | 60 Champion (Eldar 2008) Caeinwyn | 65 Champion (Eldar 2008-2011)
    Angbohr V | 115 Champion (EN 2012-2017) Revenang and Hateful | 95 Champions (Anor) Angbohr VII | 130 Champion (Ark)

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    The thing is, they won't come up with another scaling system, and they won't come um with special Dev time for any other cap than max level. Even on regular Servers they don't do anything, so why hope they will do otherwise on the LS? They called the LS an experiment, and did not know what will happen. In fact it was a massive cash grab, and a utterly waste of time and money for the playerbase.

    I still play on Gwaihir, the server is friggin crowded, over 900 non anonymous players on right now. No one is playing in the Moors, really. I can count the players an my two hands i saw in the last months. SSG completly let it die. And it's of course not the fault by the playerbase. There is Evernight, Arkenstone, maybe Landroval(?), but thats it. It's dead on nearly every other server.

    But to come back to the LS. When Bullroarer is open the next time, transfer one of your chars over, and see what you can do in the moors. The scaling system can't handle anything under playerlevel 121 (new LI relics and stuff). Your Morale ist extremly low, so are your heals. Try to heal your own little char, it takes ages. Imagine healing heavy classes, no chance. And damage ... yeah, 1 million morale on creeps, they will laugh themself to death maybe.

    So why should they open up the moors on the LS? I had my hopes long enough, too. But it makes no sense. They see: only a few people still playing
    overall. Now we should open up the Moors for another handful of people on the LS, who will QQ all the time because they are underpowered as hell. I guess the few Creeps would have their fun for the first
    few days. But as soon as the freeps no longer come, the creeps will no longer stay, and you have the exact same situation as on every dead regular server, or the constant GV stair action like on Evernight. Maybe it is a bit better right now over there on Evernight, cause Freeps have more shiny stuff, but thats on maxlevel and not on 85, 105 or whatever.

    I wish those goddamn transfers come back, it's better to have low-fi action than nothing, but LS pvmp... stop dreaming Angbohr. It's a dead horse. The won't answer you anything, because ... when do they? Get yourself ready for a intense wedding this summer, lol *sigh*

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Schattenhand View Post
    The thing is, they won't come up with another scaling system, and they won't come um with special Dev time for any other cap than max level. Even on regular Servers they don't do anything, so why hope they will do otherwise on the LS? They called the LS an experiment, and did not know what will happen. In fact it was a massive cash grab, and a utterly waste of time and money for the playerbase.

    I still play on Gwaihir, the server is friggin crowded, over 900 non anonymous players on right now. No one is playing in the Moors, really. I can count the players an my two hands i saw in the last months. SSG completly let it die. And it's of course not the fault by the playerbase. There is Evernight, Arkenstone, maybe Landroval(?), but thats it. It's dead on nearly every other server.

    But to come back to the LS. When Bullroarer is open the next time, transfer one of your chars over, and see what you can do in the moors. The scaling system can't handle anything under playerlevel 121 (new LI relics and stuff). Your Morale ist extremly low, so are your heals. Try to heal your own little char, it takes ages. Imagine healing heavy classes, no chance. And damage ... yeah, 1 million morale on creeps, they will laugh themself to death maybe.

    So why should they open up the moors on the LS? I had my hopes long enough, too. But it makes no sense. They see: only a few people still playing
    overall. Now we should open up the Moors for another handful of people on the LS, who will QQ all the time because they are underpowered as hell. I guess the few Creeps would have their fun for the first
    few days. But as soon as the freeps no longer come, the creeps will no longer stay, and you have the exact same situation as on every dead regular server, or the constant GV stair action like on Evernight. Maybe it is a bit better right now over there on Evernight, cause Freeps have more shiny stuff, but thats on maxlevel and not on 85, 105 or whatever.

    I wish those goddamn transfers come back, it's better to have low-fi action than nothing, but LS pvmp... stop dreaming Angbohr. It's a dead horse. The won't answer you anything, because ... when do they? Get yourself ready for a intense wedding this summer, lol *sigh*
    Yeah exactly. PVMP is not working for scaled freeps. The only thing that could make a legendary server work properly in both pve and pvmp would be if it was based on 2009-2012 code.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2011
    After many years of experience we know Turbine/WB/SSG wont keep its word nor its vague promises. The only reason I came to Anor was as I was hoping for old times pvp, guess what? did not happen. Waste of time and money even though I enjoyed (facerolling) the old content.

    As we speak now, I do not expect pvp on Anor thus I stopped supporting SSG with my money.

    I vote with my wallet and put my hope on New World (release may 20202), even though I have over a year of lotro playtime collected in almost 13 years since launch I will not shed a tear looking back.
    btw: I miss you Ang, you are a sofisticated troll in /world and even a funny dude at that I would have loved fighting against you in Ettenmoors but seems it will never happen on Anor.

    *take care buddy*
    Last edited by botoo; Mar 19 2020 at 08:41 AM.
    The end is here, the ring is gone. I could not help it . . .

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by botoo View Post
    tw: I miss you Ang, you are a sofisticated troll in /world and even a funny dude at that I would have loved fighting against you in Ettenmoors but seems it will never happen on Anor.

    *take care buddy*
    I'm drowning in my own tears, thanks bud, and you too, take care o/
    Arenaan | 50 Champion (SB 2007) Ulderich | 60 Champion (SB 2008) Ulderich II | 60 Champion (Eldar 2008) Caeinwyn | 65 Champion (Eldar 2008-2011)
    Angbohr V | 115 Champion (EN 2012-2017) Revenang and Hateful | 95 Champions (Anor) Angbohr VII | 130 Champion (Ark)

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I gave pvp a go on my old 95 warden on arkenstone not so long ago. Wasn't TOO bad. Honestly i reckon all you'd need really is to slap a buff on freeps whilst in ettens for legendary servers and call it a day, and that's something they could actually do since server exclusive buffs are done with the story pace.

    Might end up actually being more balanced than the normal servers lol.
    [url=http://archive.lotrocommunity.eu/en-eldar-general-discussion-749/207944-pvmp-eldar.html]Real Eldar PvP.[/url]
    [url=http://archive.lotrocommunity.eu/en-eldar-general-discussion-749/245010-pvmp-eldar-part-2-a.html]More real Eldar PvP.[/url]

    Hail Mungu!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Menergroth View Post
    Its clearly obvious that there will not be pvp until LS reaches same cap as live.They dont even pay attention to pvp on normal servers which has same cap for year or more and you acctualy think they will balance pvp every 4 months on LS? You are too optimistic
    That's a bigger mistake than they realize. Green creeps vs freeps with max skill points and LIs isn't going to be a fun experience.



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