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  1. #176
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Thurinuor View Post
    Maybe you should play another game and move from here. You are here in a beta (!) forum. People who are hating a game should not write walls of text in a beta forum where people want to talk about the new things coming with a new update. You are wrong here. If you don't like what you see, please leave this website instead of hating everything and everyone here. Thanks!

    This is a 13 years old game. SSG is an indie studio, it's not WB games anymore. Sure that they have less ressources. I am glad to see new content and can't understand why some people are thinking we are in 2008 anymore. Wake up. Play the game or leave. Did you ever spend a single penny in the game? Most of the people who are hating the quality of lotro are the ones who want everthing for free or have spend ONE time money in Lifetime Account and are thinking SSG has to pay them 1000 bucks every month for the rest of their lifes.

    What I am doing now: I am going with the 100 dollar package with war of the three peaks and then I am going to support the game with another 100 dollar points bundle.
    Thanks for the laugh!

  2. #177
    Quote Originally Posted by Osglinthor View Post
    Thanks for the laugh!
    You're welcome.

  3. #178
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Thurinuor View Post
    This is a 13 years old game. SSG is an indie studio, it's not WB games anymore. Sure that they have less ressources. I am glad to see new content and can't understand why some people are thinking we are in 2008 anymore. Wake up. Play the game or leave. Did you ever spend a single penny in the game? Most of the people who are hating the quality of lotro are the ones who want everthing for free or have spend ONE time money in Lifetime Account and are thinking SSG has to pay them 1000 bucks every month for the rest of their lifes.
    I agree, some ppl play the same game for too long so their expactations grow too high to deal with. Every mmo has its own limitations and its better go and find something else that fits you in current moment of time instead of sitting in the same place, hating and spreading out a toxicity. They can say that game isnt good enough and continue to play it when in the same time they arnt good enough to move on and stop those pointless tries to kick a dead horse. Those hardcore raiders left for that reason probably and wont come back coz probably found something better or dont play that much to be so hardcore, since many years gone. This is just a game after all, if you cant stand whats going on in it, just leave find a better place to have a joy. On a good side i can say about balancing dps classes on current cap, its way better than it was on 115/120 imo since all major dps classes are viable.

  4. #179
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Elmagor View Post
    At start game have classic quests like "kill X mobs"
    Wrong. In SOA we already had this
    Deliver quests, Lots in Shire etc.
    Escort quests, Escort Laila etc.
    Loot quests, Many of these
    Defend quests, Defending Trestlebridge etc.
    Riddle quests, solving the riddles in Evendim, LM class quests etc.
    Quests that triggered events, for example lighting the fires on weathertop to open the gates etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Elmagor View Post
    We have more lore based quests, when at start only epic quests was lore filled.
    I disagree here, there were many lore quests in SOA. Also we doesn't even have the good class quests anymore. I think you forget that the majority of quests added these days doesn't have more backstory than "kill this or collect that". Every single quest in SOA had a detailed description of what was going on etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Elmagor View Post
    At start all mobs just fight in place where we encounter them, now they use CC, ranged mobs take distance from you, some mobs with low health run away from you.
    Wrong, this was implemented in SOA. Goblins would root you with a net and run away from you hitting you from range as an example. Goblings/wargs would wound you from stealth etc.. If you could jump back in time you would actually notice how many skills the mobs have, because those skills back then was actually dangerous for you. Now days, just mass pull everything and kill it in 2 seconds.

    Questing was way more fun in SOA since it rewarded you for doing all quests, and you did read most of them to find locations. The new automatic quests that pop up on your screen is the lowest quality garbage lol. Take Minas Morgul as an example, you do like 200 quests in the same area... Killing the same mobs over and over again.. LAME.
    Last edited by LotroVidz; Sep 29 2020 at 06:35 AM.

  5. #180
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Thurinuor View Post
    Maybe you should play another game and move from here. You are here in a beta (!) forum. People who are hating a game should not write walls of text in a beta forum where people want to talk about the new things coming with a new update. You are wrong here. If you don't like what you see, please leave this website instead of hating everything and everyone here. Thanks!

    This is a 13 years old game. SSG is an indie studio, it's not WB games anymore. Sure that they have less ressources. I am glad to see new content and can't understand why some people are thinking we are in 2008 anymore. Wake up. Play the game or leave. Did you ever spend a single penny in the game? Most of the people who are hating the quality of lotro are the ones who want everthing for free or have spend ONE time money in Lifetime Account and are thinking SSG has to pay them 1000 bucks every month for the rest of their lifes.

    What I am doing now: I am going with the 100 dollar package with war of the three peaks and then I am going to support the game with another 100 dollar points bundle.
    I think at the moment the main issues most raiders have against SSG is the how disconnected they are to the game they make. Like when they are asked about RK dps and they say it's where it should be and it's competitive dps. Or when they say tanks are balanced. I wouldn't mind if they just said it's hard to balance and are still thinking on how or when to invest resources and time in fixing balance or fixing mechanics in the game, but the answer we get is basically that the sky is green and grass is blue and we are just wrong and should adapt to it. It's the total feel of having developers that have absolutely no clue that there are problems in the game.

    Ps: You will buy the 100 dollar package for this joke of a mini expansion but me and at least 10 more people I know in the game stopped paying yearly VIP this year + LP due to incompetency of SSG, now if you think your 100$ is gonna compensate for the dozens of people leaving the game every month and dozens stopping payments you're clearly on the same level of delusion as they are.

  6. #181
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by K1llyah View Post
    29 contributors provided 24 000 words of feedback in a for LOTRO standards large scale month-long qualitative assessment of customer satisfaction of the LM class, managing to accumulate 5000+ thread views during August and September.

    Project outcomes
    • The Lore-master is fun to play: 75 / 100
    • The Lore-master is challenging to play: 61 / 100
    • Red line satisfaction: 43 / 100
    • Blue line satisfaction: 47 / 100
    • Yellow line satisfaction: 71 / 100

    A clear indication of the subpar satisfaction among players of the class, with subsequent quantitative insights for resource allocation yield maximization, backed-up by skill-by-skill feedback by quantified desired targets.

    Project results
    0 SSG staff responses
    0 Bullroarer text dedicated to LM class

    SSG, your LMs are dissatisfied with the class design, and have been vocal and constructive about it.
    Awaiting future bullroarer rounds before making conclusions, but prepping the line for you to spit in the face of Lore-masters abound.
    Its really make me sad but also happy.
    Im sad that they dont listen to LM community and dont fix this dated class that become so boring and unwanted at the most of the end game content.
    Im happy that this time I will STAY out of this nonsense and wont buy this new expac. and continue my break from playing this game, Ill just keep "sitting" on the fence and wait for better days that hopefully will come... or not

  7. #182
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Gunhard View Post
    I agree, some ppl play the same game for too long so their expactations grow too high to deal with. Every mmo has its own limitations and its better go and find something else that fits you in current moment of time instead of sitting in the same place, hating and spreading out a toxicity. They can say that game isnt good enough and continue to play it when in the same time they arnt good enough to move on and stop those pointless tries to kick a dead horse. Those hardcore raiders left for that reason probably and wont come back coz probably found something better or dont play that much to be so hardcore, since many years gone. This is just a game after all, if you cant stand whats going on in it, just leave find a better place to have a joy. On a good side i can say about balancing dps classes on current cap, its way better than it was on 115/120 imo since all major dps classes are viable.
    Players are leaving don't worry. Also, I have not played for quite some time now, but I still follow the forums in case SSG magically does something good. However, this beta seems to prove that it's not the case. Also suggestions or complaints coming from players who care shouldn't be taken as something negative. Why are you against complaints/suggestions that concerns quality of the game? It won't hurt you as a player, it won't hurt SSG. So why exactly are you always asking someone who have something negative to say to leave the game? And btw you can play 2 games at the same time, i bet many just checking things out then leave for another game.. It's not like you can't check Lotro out at the same time.

    Your arguments doesn't help SSG and will definately not make the game better. It's better that you express your opinions about the game, and stop mind about other peoples business.

    And yes, many players(including me)expectations are out of touch with reality, but maybe SSG can meet us halfway?

  8. #183
    Quote Originally Posted by Gunhard View Post
    I agree, some ppl play the same game for too long so their expactations grow too high to deal with. Every mmo has its own limitations and its better go and find something else that fits you in current moment of time instead of sitting in the same place, hating and spreading out a toxicity. They can say that game isnt good enough and continue to play it when in the same time they arnt good enough to move on and stop those pointless tries to kick a dead horse. Those hardcore raiders left for that reason probably and wont come back coz probably found something better or dont play that much to be so hardcore, since many years gone. This is just a game after all, if you cant stand whats going on in it, just leave find a better place to have a joy. On a good side i can say about balancing dps classes on current cap, its way better than it was on 115/120 imo since all major dps classes are viable.
    A funny one: The same people hated the game when it "was still good" back in time. I remember the first day in april 2007 when I started playing lotro. They opened a thread that "LOTRO will shut down in 1 year". Always have to laugh at this after 13 years. But Lotro is still here an gets expansion packs.

    Another funny one: People who say: "OMG they charge 20 dollar for this expansion I can play 800 hours long" are almost the same people who buy FIFA for 70 bucks every year and open FIFA ultimate packs for 200 dollar on a single weekend. Or buy 100 lootboxes in Overwatch or something. So funny.

  9. #184
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Thurinuor View Post
    But Lotro is still here an gets expansion packs.
    *quest packs named "expansions"*

  10. #185
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Thurinuor View Post
    Maybe you should play another game and move from here.
    You know, unlike people who shell out $100 for 30 quests and 5 mission packs, I do play (and support) other games. Under what pretense should I take your advice and leave? (genuine question)

    Quote Originally Posted by Thurinuor View Post
    You are here in a beta (!) forum.
    Yes, where feedback should be presented, gathered over a period of testing. Which I have done. If you look at my original post beyond your hate-seeker googles, you'd see that everything I wrote there applies here as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thurinuor View Post
    People who are hating a game should not write walls of text in a beta forum where people want to talk about the new things coming with a new update. You are wrong here. If you don't like what you see, please leave this website instead of hating everything and everyone here. Thanks!
    Under what pretense should I take your advice and leave? (genuine question)
    Where on Earth did I write that I hate the game? Imagine thinking that everyone that writes a critique of something is jaded towards the game. How about you turn it around, maybe I wrote a block of text (which is still much better feedback than most people provided) because I do love the game? I love the stories and areas and in general, they're pretty good. I just wish they created more unique set pieces or assets for them, instead of scrounging assets though the disposal bin hoping something usable remains.
    And to reiterate, feedback can be positive and negative.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thurinuor View Post
    This is a 13 years old game. SSG is an indie studio, it's not WB games anymore. Sure that they have less ressources.
    I love this argument so much because it lets people believe game developers aren't supposed to be held up to a standard. I will kindly ask you to look up Grinding Gear Games and see what they've done with a proper F2P indie studio.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thurinuor View Post
    I am glad to see new content and can't understand why some people are thinking we are in 2008 anymore. Wake up. Play the game or leave.
    Under what authority should I take your order and leave? (genuine question)

    Quote Originally Posted by Thurinuor View Post
    Did you ever spend a single penny in the game? Most of the people who are hating the quality of lotro are the ones who want everthing for free or have spend ONE time money in Lifetime Account and are thinking SSG has to pay them 1000 bucks every month for the rest of their lifes.
    Look at the join date. Founder here, by the way.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thurinuor View Post
    What I am doing now: I am going with the 100 dollar package with war of the three peaks and then I am going to support the game with another 100 dollar points bundle.
    Yes, very relevant part of feedback posted in the beta feedback section. You're countering yourself, again.

  11. #186
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by cbfan14 View Post
    I see the LM gets a tiny update, where you can now see what buffs you get from fellowship friend and the eagle now gets the same buff as raven. I suppose it's better than nothing, but I was hoping for a bit...more.
    No m8, its really nothing.
    Amazing! ! !
    Why even bother to work on this LM "update" that no one even care about it...

  12. #187
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Melkorben View Post
    No m8, its really nothing.
    Amazing! ! !
    Why even bother to work on this LM "update" that no one even care about it...
    Yeah, LMs are an obsolete class.


  13. #188
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by zaboch View Post
    Yeah, LMs are an obsolete class.

    Yeah, to know which Fellowship Friend "buffs" the raid will get while I rotate pets...very very important to update- I mean - its SO IMPORTANT to work on it!!
    Thank you very much!
    Im so excited!! now Ill "know" which buff...and the eagle?!!? no!! its too much for me.
    Im running to buy that new expac.

    Last edited by Melkorben; Sep 29 2020 at 09:14 AM.

  14. #189
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Thurinuor View Post
    A funny one: The same people hated the game when it "was still good" back in time. I remember the first day in april 2007 when I started playing lotro. They opened a thread that "LOTRO will shut down in 1 year". Always have to laugh at this after 13 years. But Lotro is still here an gets expansion packs.

    Another funny one: People who say: "OMG they charge 20 dollar for this expansion I can play 800 hours long" are almost the same people who buy FIFA for 70 bucks every year and open FIFA ultimate packs for 200 dollar on a single weekend. Or buy 100 lootboxes in Overwatch or something. So funny.
    You are quite the simp.

    Also vastin where is the pvp update. Why are we gettign pig mounts but WLs are not getting a heal buff or reavers a dps increase? Plz explain.
    Adapting R12 Reaver, Warleader r9 Warleader on Ark Everlastingyawn r9 Defiler Landy Backpedal r9 Warg Brandy
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  15. #190
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    Quote Originally Posted by ConsistantRager View Post
    You are quite the simp.

    Also vastin where is the pvp update. Why are we gettign pig mounts but WLs are not getting a heal buff or reavers a dps increase? Plz explain.
    Why are you still asking?

    What, if anything, over the past 4+ years has given you any inclination that they care or are going to do anything about pvmp?

    Like honestly.

    You keep asking is just as bad as their silence on the matter.

    It's not going to happen, move on.

  16. #191
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    Aug 2013

    Thumbs up chill my dawg

    Quote Originally Posted by Hephburz-2 View Post
    Why are you still asking?

    What, if anything, over the past 4+ years has given you any inclination that they care or are going to do anything about pvmp?

    Like honestly.

    You keep asking is just as bad as their silence on the matter.

    It's not going to happen, move on.
    Bro, I'm basically quitting this game once this patch hits unless there is some change. Might as well spam. I know nothing is going to happen as nothing has happened for 7 years now but its still better game development suggestions than 75% of the people who have replied so far.
    Adapting R12 Reaver, Warleader r9 Warleader on Ark Everlastingyawn r9 Defiler Landy Backpedal r9 Warg Brandy
    Arantoth R10 Champion on Ark Elezmera-3 R11 Ministrel on Ark
    Officer of Prime Evil

  17. #192
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    Quote Originally Posted by ConsistantRager View Post
    Bro, I'm basically quitting this game once this patch hits unless there is some change. Might as well spam. I know nothing is going to happen as nothing has happened for 7 years now but its still better game development suggestions than 75% of the people who have replied so far.
    Well, I'm afraid you're just going to be disappointed, yet again.

  18. #193
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    Quote Originally Posted by wispsong View Post
    May I ask why we have another virtue level increase. We had a nice number up to 130 (half of cap) Since the last update it is getting out of hand again. This is getting as ridiculous as the ILI. Just when I thought I'm done with my 5 and can concentrate on secondaries on my main. None of my other characters at cap are even close. In case you don't know, some of us like to play different races and classes without having to do every deed and weekly to be able to play.
    Totally. They are missing a trick here. If they make them account wide but also make the associated deeds account wide but leave in the virtue xp from the other current sources, they would make it less grind per character and make it impossible for people to grind Lotro Points through alt farming, likely causing more people to buy LP or become VIP.

    Probably unpopular with a lot of players though, unless they leave in the LP bonus from repeating on a second character but disable the repeat virtue xp.

  19. #194
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    I don't think any here on the forums can be a hater of the game. We just have different experiences playing it and different expectations.

    If the thing we derive our enjoyment from improves we might spend more and thank SSG. If the thing we enjoyed doing becomes less enjoyable or becomes sidelined when we are driven into excessive grinds we may not appreciate it so much. The store "convenience" moving to outright game "inconvenience". The idea of the community being strong in Lotro is nurtured. The peer pressures it comes with can lead to more sales, "keeping up with the Joneses". But at what point does the community say, enough, we'll pass on this one and wait and farm LP for it instead, we've plenty of time.

    To me they do the lore and visuals well but frankly it's a low bar speaking for myself. The caveat would be when the implementation falls short occasionally.

    I actually derive some sense of achievement from working around the failures and the hurdles placed in our path. It's only becomes necessary because in 2007 a GM was minutes away and today it's hardly ever less than 5 hours and mostly > than a day.

    As my Lotro gaming experience and knowledge increases I see SSG's decline. It's unfair of me to expect them to catch up but all to often it seems they have given up. For me it's mostly in regard to the importance/priority placed on a specific issue. If they can get it so wrong how can they possibly be playing the same game? When other players rise up to deny them I'd have to question their motivations or assume they're morons.

    It's like in failing to understand the actual issue, if it does get actioned, it's being assigned to pay grade lower than it requires. Polished Sapphires a window into SSG's procedures or a complete abdication from them? Undocumented skill queue changes intended or no sense of it's impact?

  20. #195
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by zaboch View Post
    Yeah, LMs are an obsolete class.

    Did you try kill bosses like T2 Shelob without yellow LM? Good luck with that

  21. #196
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elmagor View Post
    Did you try kill bosses like T2 Shelob without yellow LM? Good luck with that
    ... /s implies sarcasm and Melkorben has been on a rampage to get LMs simplified to become another brain-dead class like most, with the key slogan being LMs are obsolete.

    Try being smart elsewhere and not on my post responses, you're on a streak here.

  22. #197
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hephburz-2 View Post
    Well, I'm afraid you're just going to be disappointed, yet again.
    I do not think it is possible to be more disappointed than I already am. I thought we hit the bottom at 115 in terms of pvp but this will be a new low. You simply wont be able to kill freeps except maybe like afk lethani members.
    Adapting R12 Reaver, Warleader r9 Warleader on Ark Everlastingyawn r9 Defiler Landy Backpedal r9 Warg Brandy
    Arantoth R10 Champion on Ark Elezmera-3 R11 Ministrel on Ark
    Officer of Prime Evil

  23. #198
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by zaboch View Post
    ... /s implies sarcasm and Melkorben has been on a rampage to get LMs simplified to become another brain-dead class like most, with the key slogan being LMs are obsolete.

    Try being smart elsewhere and not on my post responses, you're on a streak here.
    "Brain-dead class with a slogan of LM are obsolete" hhh according to your ideas and comments here and elsewhere I guess you play good as you read and understand others.
    Well I'll be "genteel"...apparently, you should really play another game and move from here as others said to you- I strongly agree with that.

  24. #199
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melkorben View Post
    "Brain-dead class with a slogan of LM are obsolete" hhh according to your ideas and comments here and elsewhere I guess you play good as you read and understand others.
    Well I'll be "genteel"...apparently, you should really play another game and move from here as others said to you- I strongly agree with that.

  25. #200
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