Since DDO have their own anniversary in late Feb and last update in Feb 2021, it's pretty easy to understand why developers don't have much time for Lotro right now
Since DDO have their own anniversary in late Feb and last update in Feb 2021, it's pretty easy to understand why developers don't have much time for Lotro right now
Nice Stockholm Syndrome, bro. How's that working out for you?
Cord & Sev ignored a huge swath of polite and kindly worded legitimate questions on Cord's stream, and cherry picked a bunch of nonsense to talk about vaguely.
Sometimes being polite and professional works when addressing authority. LotRO is not one of those cases.
Feel free to lecture me again, though.
Posts A bit
Didn't Severlin state in the last "questions with Sev" that they would set up a date for doing this monthly or something along those lines...
Has this date been set so that we can form a question thread again?
I know in all probability that you won't reply again but it is important to know whether you will take structured questions from your forum readers?
Last time it was made plainly obvious that you, after acknowledging the questions from the forum, went ahead and then completely ignored asking and answering them.
The issue with taking questions from facebook and twitch etc is that it is highly selective in the questions you take and shows to the majority that cannot make the live stream due to real life commitments or the fact that we are from hugely different time zones a complete lack of respect and that only those who attend live can have the possibility of having their question asked. (and then it is questionable what gets read out)
Example: on the last questions with Sev I saw one player asking in a very well thought out and polite manner, a question... and they had to ask it like 3-4 times and then it would seem they were muted and you didn't ask the question !!
Now I know actually getting our camera shy Prod to sign on for "regular" streams is a huge improvement but it has to be open and honest and free from the obvious shielding that the mods and yourself were clearly showing in the last round...
I know this is a learning curve and as long as we do better next time is all that matters...
May I suggest that you (Cordovan) open a questions thread in the couple of weeks prior to the stream and from that thread you can this time devote a real portion of the stream to answering them.
Yes, live questioning can be exciting but not if as most often seen you only select questions that are easy and or for which you think you have the answers people want to hear...
We all would like some truth and if part of that is sour then so be it... we are often a fickle bunch and as long as we don't waste our time and money because we have been misled we can forgive a lot and quickly.
The last time around I didn't read the questions verbatim from the forums but a majority of the questions asked were addressed. I'd expect that to be fairly standard that we'll focus on the topics and less the specific wording used by the question-asker. It all comes from your questions.
Perhaps if you agreed to pre selected questions and allowed follow-ups in stream, then we'd get better than off the cuff answers like "we're getting to that eventually" or "that's something really important to us, sure but.."
Maybe you could do 10 preselected questions on important topics that everyone could at least identify with one or two, and come prepared to talk about them like:
1) LI Grind
2) Brawler Class
3) River Hobbits
4) PVP Fix for what's currently out there.
5) Guardians
6) Graphical updates/UI enhancements
7) Special Rules servers
8) Itemization issues
9) Landscape additions
10) Patch previews
And do it quarterly, try being professional about it in terms of being prepared, presentation (your living room or Sev's bathroom? C'mon enough), and actually take it seriously. We do.
C'mon, you can't seriously be calling out the SSG team for working from home right now? I for one appreciate the recent effort and emphasis on community interaction, it's a welcome change from past years. And while I agree they leave a lot of questions unanswered, I at least appreciate the effort to answer many questions they can answer.
Ae Adar nín i vi Menel, no aer i eneth lín.
You have to be willing to put up with angry, entitled, misguided questionrants from angry, entitled, misguided people, without losing your cool, and without ever getting paid a penny for the abuse you take, and knowing that the only 'reward' you will ever get is to be badmouthed by angry, entitled, misguided players on the forums.
Such a pleasant job. Can't for the life of me understand why everyone doesn't want to do it. /s
Don't tell me hobbits can't use Ceaseless Argument. I've met Lobelia Sackville-Baggins.
May the winds of fortune sail you,
May you sail a gentle sea.
May it always be the other guy
Who says, "this drink's on me."
If you have pants equipped when streaming LOTRO, you're doing it wrong.
Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
Disclaimer: The definition of "Soon™" and "In The Near Future™" is based solely on SSG's interpretation of the words, and all similarities with dictionary definitions of the word "Soon™", "Near", and "Future" are purely coincidental and should not be interpreted as a time frame that will come to pass within a reasonable amount of time.
Well if this really is someone who moderates for you on the livestream, then I rest my case from earlier.
I have a feeling it could just be someone grandstanding though because surely you wouldn't allow someone with obvious and clear prejudice and someone silly enough to allow themselves to publish it in a public forum be someone who moderates others would you?
Maybe as suggested, ALL the questions should come through the forum with follow up from the live stream... Nobody would miss out because you could advertise the thread on facebook and twitter and through weekly cord of the rings.... and that way everyone gets a say in advance and as long as you don't get folks like the above to moderate the forum then it should all be above board and visible instead of this underhand nonsense where you fool yourself into thinking you answered any of the questions raised on the forum previously.
And also, if these moderators are peers and not employees then I think they should be advertised their forum/game names in some way because again, not doing so makes it look shady and underhand is going on.
Last edited by TearMaker; Mar 24 2021 at 04:35 AM.