Unless I'm wrong, the RK is the only class that does not get a DPS benefit from one of the races...
+5% swords, clubs, bows, light (mini,capt, LM)... RK needs lighting, fire (please no!!!), or tactical.
Given LM's dps could also use some love, and RK DPS is still lagging, could we please add a 5% tactical to one of the races?
Thank you!
With the introduction of stout-axes this was "rectified" in some way, given they get a +5% fire damage racial, but, given that Stout-Axes can't be LMs and Fire line on RK is currently garbage, the trait is rather redundant.
But there are legendary item titles that give +5% fire/light/lightning/frost damage whereas there are no such titles for melee or ranged damage.
Ah yes! Fair enough.. I didn't realize there was not a melee version of those titles. So the HNT with fire oils (with two weapon LI) gets the bow racial, but not the LI title benefit. This leaves only the RK and LM with those benefits I assume, thus balance. One could, in fact, argue this is better since this benefit is not restricted to a particular class.