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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Extra Life 2022, Team Standing Stone Games, and You!

    Extra Life, Team Standing Stone Games, and You!

    Once again Standing Stone Games, players from throughout the LOTRO community, and associated friends and family are raising money for Extra Life! Our fundraising through Team Standing Stone Games will help the local Boston Children's Hospital, which provides life-saving treatment and care to children from all over the world. Read more here!

    We hope to raise $20,000 for the Boston Children's Hospital this year! Team Standing Stone Games includes both Dungeons & Dragons Online and The Lord of the Rings Online players, developers, and friends. Last year we were the top fundraiser for the Boston Children's Hospital, and we'd love to do that again.

    Why Extra Life?

    Extra Life is a charitable organization that unites thousands of gamers around the world to play games in support of their local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. Since its inception in 2008, Extra Life has raised more than $70 million for sick and injured kids. Click here to read more about the organization.

    How can I help?

    Donate and/or join our team! In the coming weeks the Standing Stone Games Extra Life Team will be fundraising together, and we have some fun activities and giveaways planned to support the cause.

    To donate to the Team: http://extra-life.org/team/standingstonegames
    To find my donation page: https://www.extra-life.org/participant/JerrySnook
    To sign up for Extra Life, if you want to raise money yourself:http://www.extra-life.org/

    What should I do after I donate?

    It is important that I receive additional information from you in order to be able to get you your incentives. I have set up a survey in SurveyMonkey this year to capture this information and more easily distribute your incentives to you.

    If you donate at least $10, you will be entered into the various giveaways that will take place after November 30th. If you donate to the team, me, or another Team member, it counts!

    Group Incentives:

    $5000 - A 500 LOTRO Point code and a pick from the Community Loot List will be randomly distributed to twenty people who donate at least $10 to the fundraising effort through a random-number-generated giveaway. Only one entry per person regardless of donation amount.
    $10000 - Ten more 500 LOTRO Point codes and ten more picks from the Community Loot List will be randomly distributed to folks who donate at least $10.
    $15000 - Ten more 500 LOTRO Point codes and ten Anniversary Corgi pet codes will be randomly distributed to folks who donate at least $10+.
    $20000 - We have met our goal! We will give away an Ultimate Fan Edition of Before the Shadow to one person who has donated at least $10!

    All group incentive giveaways will take place after November 30th, and winners will be notified through the contact information provided to me in the SurveyMonkey survey.

    Individual incentives:

    $5 - Forum Title of your choice, within the community guidelines. PM me with your desired choice. If you already have a custom title, I can add another!
    $10 - One pick from the Community Loot List, and an entry into every giveaway.
    $20 - Two additional picks from the Community Loot List.
    $30 - Two additional picks from the Community Loot List
    $50 - Four additional picks from the Community Loot List in addition to an Anniversary Celebration Corgi pet!

    All incentives are cumulative, so if you donate $50, you also get the benefits of the lower tiers, meaning a $50 donation would get 9 total picks from the Community Loot List. These will be distributed to you through codes that are entered through Redeem Code in the LOTRO Store inside of the game. You are free to distribute these codes to friends or family as you wish.

    Here is the Community Loot List:

    IN GAME TITLE: Artist(Prefix)
    IN GAME TITLE: Artist(Suffix)
    IN GAME TITLE: Art Lover
    IN GAME TITLE: Audience Member
    IN GAME TITLE: Concert Attendee
    IN GAME TITLE: Event Organizer
    IN GAME TITLE: Event Winner
    IN GAME TITLE: Hero of the Small Folk
    IN GAME TITLE: Musician(Prefix)
    IN GAME TITLE: Musician(Suffix)
    IN GAME TITLE: Performer of Note
    IN GAME TITLE: Provider of Event Information
    IN GAME TITLE: Speaker for the Musicians
    IN GAME TITLE: Speaker of Words
    IN GAME TITLE: Spectator
    IN GAME TITLE: Striving for Victory
    IN GAME TITLE: Viewer of Events
    IN GAME TITLE: The Well Met
    HOUSING ITEM: Best House in the Neighborhood Trophy
    HOUSING ITEM: Sleeping Grey Cat
    PET: Anniversary Celebration Corgi
    PET: Lively Slug
    PET: Tundra Cub
    PET: Spirit Bear
    MUSICAL INSTRUMENT: Lonely Mountain Fiddle
    MUSICAL INSTRUMENT: Sprightly Fiddle
    MUSICAL INSTRUMENT: Traveler's Trusty Fiddle
    MOUNT: Cremello Steed
    MOUNT: Perlino Steed
    MOUNT: Steed of the Red Dawn
    MOUNT: Steed of the White City

    Thank you for your donation, however large or small it may be. There is never a time that children will not need life-saving help, but especially this year, the work that is being done is more critical than ever.

    Jerry Snook and Team Standing Stone Games
    Community Manager, Lord of the Rings Online
    Community Manager, Lord of the Rings Online
    Follow LOTRO on: Twitter - Facebook - Twitch - YouTube
    Personal channels (No SSG talk): Twitch Twitter Facebook
    Support: help.standingstonegames.com

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    A great charity and some great incentives. Happy to donate and be part of the team again this year!

    Let's help get those sick children the treatment they need.

    Belnavar - Captain - 140 - Brandywine | Help sick kids. Support Extra Life 2022: https://www.extra-life.org/participant/belnavar [$1,094.53 raised of $1,000 goal]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I will donate also this year.
    Just for interests and nothing to do with my will to help... are there any new items in the community loot list?
    Founder of the kinship "Beschützer des Lichtes" Server Belegaer Beschützer des Lichtes
    Founder of the german newspaper for Lotro and Tolkien Funkenflug

  4. #4
    Whohaz_Duhrang's Avatar
    Whohaz_Duhrang is offline Father Of Dwarves Within The Evernight...
    Join Date
    Jul 2021
    How Long Do The Codes Last If You Receive Them? These Make Exceptional Kin Rewards., But If They Expire At All Then Kinda Not Worth Donating That Paycheck.., Get Back To Me

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Donating for multiple people

    Glad extra life is here again. In the past if we donated for several accounts, we could time stamp the donations and let you know. Will we be able to do the same with the survey?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Fun! Thanks Happy to donate again this year.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by HolySolution78 View Post
    How Long Do The Codes Last If You Receive Them? These Make Exceptional Kin Rewards., But If They Expire At All Then Kinda Not Worth Donating That Paycheck.., Get Back To Me
    The codes should last essentially forever, I don't have an expiration date on them. If you ever did try to redeem and it didn't work I could get you a replacement, though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arantha View Post
    I will donate also this year.
    Just for interests and nothing to do with my will to help... are there any new items in the community loot list?
    The Anniversary Celebration Corgi is the new item added to the list this year.

    Quote Originally Posted by Faudyen View Post
    Glad extra life is here again. In the past if we donated for several accounts, we could time stamp the donations and let you know. Will we be able to do the same with the survey?
    Yeah, just put it in the space for comments. Ultimately I'm going to go through the list one by one and get you your codes, and can contact you if there are any questions.
    Community Manager, Lord of the Rings Online
    Follow LOTRO on: Twitter - Facebook - Twitch - YouTube
    Personal channels (No SSG talk): Twitch Twitter Facebook
    Support: help.standingstonegames.com

  8. #8
    maartena's Avatar
    maartena is offline The Wise
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    Quote Originally Posted by HolySolution78 View Post
    How Long Do The Codes Last If You Receive Them? These Make Exceptional Kin Rewards., But If They Expire At All Then Kinda Not Worth Donating That Paycheck.., Get Back To Me
    They don't expire. I wouldn't say never, because old pre-2011 codemaster codes no longer work, so if they change their code system in 5 years or so the current codes may no longer work, but other than that possibility, the codes do not have an expiration date.

    I gave away my lively slug code last year in a kinnie raffle, maybe about 6 or 7 weeks after the extra life codes were distributed, and it still worked.
    Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
    Disclaimer: The definition of "Soon™" and "In The Near Future™" is based solely on SSG's interpretation of the words, and all similarities with dictionary definitions of the word "Soon™", "Near", and "Future" are purely coincidental and should not be interpreted as a time frame that will come to pass within a reasonable amount of time.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2019

    Hi! Noob question.

    So, when are the codes distributed? Just wondering b/c I want to donate, but I want to know when they're supposed to arrive so I know if something goes wrong lol.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Great initiative! Donated :-)

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Furgolick10 View Post
    So, when are the codes distributed? Just wondering b/c I want to donate, but I want to know when they're supposed to arrive so I know if something goes wrong lol.
    Formally I have said that everything will wait until after the formal drive ends at the end of November, but if possible I intend to start distributing things early.
    Community Manager, Lord of the Rings Online
    Follow LOTRO on: Twitter - Facebook - Twitch - YouTube
    Personal channels (No SSG talk): Twitch Twitter Facebook
    Support: help.standingstonegames.com

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Thank you everyone for your kind donations this weekend! It was a big weekend for fundraising, much appreciated. Just a note that we are looking at Friday, November 4th from a big LOTRO marathon on LOTROstream with me and the other streamers there. Something like morning through Midnight.
    Last edited by Cordovan; Oct 17 2022 at 05:25 PM.
    Community Manager, Lord of the Rings Online
    Follow LOTRO on: Twitter - Facebook - Twitch - YouTube
    Personal channels (No SSG talk): Twitch Twitter Facebook
    Support: help.standingstonegames.com

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Is the Sleeping Grey Cat the same thing as the Sleeping Cat that's sold in the LOTRO store? I can't seem to find pictures anywhere, and the store one is kinda grey.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    We did want to thank Daybreak Games for making a $5,000 donation to Team Standing Stone Games!
    Community Manager, Lord of the Rings Online
    Follow LOTRO on: Twitter - Facebook - Twitch - YouTube
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    Support: help.standingstonegames.com

  15. #15
    Lu_Bloodmoon's Avatar
    Lu_Bloodmoon is offline Forever Questing For Pets
    Your Best Nightmare
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    Donated again this year. Always happy to support such a noble cause.
    And the incentives are a nice perk.

    Looking forward to the fundraising streams!

  16. #16
    It's the second time I donated. Thank you SSG!

  17. #17
    Echoweaver's Avatar
    Echoweaver is offline Meddler in the Affairs of Wizards
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    Extra Life time again!

    The incentive form has a single checkbox for each item, but I plan to ask for duplicates of items to give codes to my daughter. I assume this is just something I PM you with, Cord?
    Anor veteran on Landroval: Ardith and Wensleydale
    Learning to raid on Landroval https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthr...League-Kinship

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Echoweaver View Post
    Extra Life time again!

    The incentive form has a single checkbox for each item, but I plan to ask for duplicates of items to give codes to my daughter. I assume this is just something I PM you with, Cord?
    There is a comment box in the survey to take care of anything else, so just mark that you want X amount of whatever item there. You can, however, also PM me if you wish.
    Community Manager, Lord of the Rings Online
    Follow LOTRO on: Twitter - Facebook - Twitch - YouTube
    Personal channels (No SSG talk): Twitch Twitter Facebook
    Support: help.standingstonegames.com

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Does it matter if we make a donation to you or to the team? I followed one of the links and made a donation but now I believe it was to your personal donation page.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by caramsith View Post
    Does it matter if we make a donation to you or to the team? I followed one of the links and made a donation but now I believe it was to your personal donation page.
    It does not matter who you donate to, really, just make sure to let me know about your donation through the survey link in the OP.
    Community Manager, Lord of the Rings Online
    Follow LOTRO on: Twitter - Facebook - Twitch - YouTube
    Personal channels (No SSG talk): Twitch Twitter Facebook
    Support: help.standingstonegames.com

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by caramsith View Post
    Does it matter if we make a donation to you or to the team? I followed one of the links and made a donation but now I believe it was to your personal donation page.
    Ok, I did after I made the donation.

    Thank you!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Our Extra Life Marathon is this Friday!


    The LOTROstream team will raise funds to help sick kids on Twitch.tv/LOTROstream from 8:00am-Midnight Eastern (-4 GMT) on Friday, November 4th! We've got giveaways – join us in chat!

    8:00 AM ET / 12:00 PM GMT Wynnie
    9:00 AM / 1:00 PM Wynnie
    10:00 AM / 2:00 PM LilRedhead
    11:00 AM / 3:00 PM LilRedhead
    12:00 PM /4:00 PM Cordovan
    1:00 PM / 5:00 PM Cordovan
    2:00 PM / 6:00 PM Druidsfire
    3:00 PM / 7:00 PM Druidsfire
    4:00 PM / 8:00 PM Redberen
    5:00 PM / 9:00 PM Eldalleth
    6:00 PM / 10:00 PM Sans_Arret
    7:00 PM / 11:00 PM MVP
    8:00 PM / 12:00 AM MVP
    9:00 PM / 1:00 AM Elgaladwen
    10:00 PM / 2:00 AM Bigedmustafa
    11:00 PM / 3:00 AM Bigedmustafa

    I'll be on stream from Noon until 2pm Eastern! From about Noon to one we'll do a light preview and celebration of Before the Shadow, and from 1-2 we'll have someone visit from Extra Life, do some giveaways, and hang out and have fun!
    Last edited by Cordovan; Nov 04 2022 at 05:23 PM.
    Community Manager, Lord of the Rings Online
    Follow LOTRO on: Twitter - Facebook - Twitch - YouTube
    Personal channels (No SSG talk): Twitch Twitter Facebook
    Support: help.standingstonegames.com

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Thank you to everyone who has donated so far! Team Standing Stone Games has raised more than 23,000 so far for Extra Life, and that is due to your sacrifice and generosity. We're continuing to take donations through the end of November!
    Community Manager, Lord of the Rings Online
    Follow LOTRO on: Twitter - Facebook - Twitch - YouTube
    Personal channels (No SSG talk): Twitch Twitter Facebook
    Support: help.standingstonegames.com

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Is the Anniversary Celebration Corgi account wide or per character?

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Vicka View Post
    Is the Anniversary Celebration Corgi account wide or per character?
    Per character, but for this one item I am doing something different this year with it and letting the coupon code be redeemable six times per account, for just this one code, so you can get it on multiple characters.
    Community Manager, Lord of the Rings Online
    Follow LOTRO on: Twitter - Facebook - Twitch - YouTube
    Personal channels (No SSG talk): Twitch Twitter Facebook
    Support: help.standingstonegames.com


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