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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Please make the Ill-Omen Portens bound to account

    Please make the Ill-Omen Portens bound to account as of now they are mandatory for high tier raiding and the grind is already insane but to make them bound to char is just too much!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Freenen View Post
    Please make the Ill-Omen Portens bound to account as of now they are mandatory for high tier raiding and the grind is already insane but to make them bound to char is just too much!
    They were bound to account last time. I can't see a reason they would change it, but of course anything is possible.

  3. Feb 01 2023, 04:15 PM

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2022
    The Ill Omens event is set up so each character can only complete the Ill Omens wrapper quest once during the event. This, effectively, means that you can only acquire one of the portents per character.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    The question/request is about the binding of the portents which previously was account and appears to be character this year.

    Before, 3 characters = all portents acquired and usable on all characters within level. Now, it's 1 per character and all characters must grind their own.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I may be mistaken but weren't the old portens bound to the char who bartered them in the beginning, too?

    I remember wondering what to do with mine when that char left the level range of his portent but I kept it and forgot about it. Later I could mail it to another char.

    Be it as it may:
    In no way I will repeat that grind for a char bound thing.
    "...In the information society, nobody thinks. We expected to banish paper, but we actually banished thought."
    Ian Malcolm
    From: Crichton, Michael. Jurassic Park

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2022
    Been off loading my set of three originals to each new toon that arrives in range to make use of them. If another arrives in range they share them. And we were looking forward to getting the next set, fill in some gaps too maybe. But the big boy came and stole our ball!

    This ensures we regrind each year with a third of the reward.


  9. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2022
    Because these are considered the best level-capped items of their type, we wanted to avoid the perceived necessity of these items as voiced by a cohort of players in years past who felt that they needed to grind to acquire all of the items. And, because we don't want these items being traded back and forth between characters in order for all of "the best" items to be consolidated, we are allowing each character to earn the portent that is most aligned with them.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by DoRonRon View Post
    Been off loading my set of three originals to each new toon that arrives in range to make use of them. If another arrives in range they share them. And we were looking forward to getting the next set, fill in some gaps too maybe. But the big boy came and stole our ball!

    This ensures we regrind each year with a third of the reward.

    Yeah, if you don't get 140 level item right now, you can only get 145-150 level item in 2024

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    What were they thinking?

    This is honestly insane. I sincerely hope you all rethink this. It's a huge slap in the face to any long time player. The majority of players have many alts. Some have, and play at end game, dozens.
    Gating a BiS item behind a massive grind like this for each toon and making it powerful enough to be mandatory in high tier raids is probably the single worst move I've seen done here. It's worse even than the delving grind for class essences as those at least can be done any time. And I thought the delving grind was in poor taste.
    Treating your player base like this is a sure way to get them to jump ship at the first sight of another attractive MMO. People won't stand for this treatment forever.

  12. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by SSG_Orion View Post
    Because these are considered the best level-capped items of their type, we wanted to avoid the perceived necessity of these items as voiced by a cohort of players in years past who felt that they needed to grind to acquire all of the items. And, because we don't want these items being traded back and forth between characters in order for all of "the best" items to be consolidated, we are allowing each character to earn the portent that is most aligned with them.
    Even one item is insane -35% inc damage item is MANDATORY for any tank its just too strong and you need to grind it on every single one of them

  13. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by kraalix View Post
    This is honestly insane. I sincerely hope you all rethink this. It's a huge slap in the face to any long time player. The majority of players have many alts. Some have, and play at end game, dozens.
    Gating a BiS item behind a massive grind like this for each toon and making it powerful enough to be mandatory in high tier raids is probably the single worst move I've seen done here. It's worse even than the delving grind for class essences as those at least can be done any time. And I thought the delving grind was in poor taste.
    Treating your player base like this is a sure way to get them to jump ship at the first sight of another attractive MMO. People won't stand for this treatment forever.

  14. #13
    Join Date
    May 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by kraalix View Post
    This is honestly insane. I sincerely hope you all rethink this. It's a huge slap in the face to any long time player. The majority of players have many alts. Some have, and play at end game, dozens.
    Gating a BiS item behind a massive grind like this for each toon and making it powerful enough to be mandatory in high tier raids is probably the single worst move I've seen done here. It's worse even than the delving grind for class essences as those at least can be done any time. And I thought the delving grind was in poor taste.
    Treating your player base like this is a sure way to get them to jump ship at the first sight of another attractive MMO. People won't stand for this treatment forever.
    This sound very similar......hmmm....oh !
    Welcome to World of Warcraft.

  15. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Eeshen View Post
    This sound very similar......hmmm....oh !
    Welcome to World of Warcraft.
    Well, I just talking with World of Warcraft player, and he say WoW don't have any BiS items hidden behind timed once per year event

    So if you want this on tank, you need unlock all moria and south mirkwood skirmish hidden behind epic quests, and complete 4 skirmishes every day in 12 days

    When I see message what devs want adjust that because players consider such items too OP, I hope they remove that items... but they just make situation even more worst

  16. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    I'd rather see the portents get discontinued. Anything that gives anyone a advantage over others shouldn't be given out in annual events or festivals.
    It's already bad enough that we had Thrang bell/lash and Storvagun bracers then they added Ill Omens' portents and Naruhel cloaks.
    It's only a matter of time before they do something similar for spring, anniversary, hobnanigans, treasure-hunter, treasure bugan, midsummer and harvestmath....
    Festivals and events were supposed to fun and a break from the ever-growing grinds of the game.
    Now these exclusives are inciting a bad case of FOMO and gatekeeping.

  17. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Elmagor View Post
    Well, I just talking with World of Warcraft player, and he say WoW don't have any BiS items hidden behind timed once per year event

    So if you want this on tank, you need unlock all moria and south mirkwood skirmish hidden behind epic quests, and complete 4 skirmishes every day in 12 days
    You don't need to unlock any of those skirms (not that it takes more than a few hours to unlock if not done already years ago while questing). Bree and Eriador sets will be enough. It'll just take 2 days of skirms and 2 days off, rinse and repeat for 24 days total. Not saying I'm a fan of this change, certainly won't bother myself with lvl 140 ones.
    Captain-General Narthrivor r15 Hunter - r12 Warden - r12 Champion - r10 Captain - r6 Guardian - r9 Reaver - r9 Warg

  18. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by RicoFTW View Post
    You don't need to unlock any of those skirms (not that it takes more than a few hours to unlock if not done already years ago while questing). Bree and Eriador sets will be enough. It'll just take 2 days of skirms and 2 days off, rinse and repeat for 24 days total. Not saying I'm a fan of this change, certainly won't bother myself with lvl 140 ones.
    That means if you miss one day because of family or work you will be screwed

  19. #18
    Join Date
    May 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by Elmagor View Post
    Well, I just talking with World of Warcraft player, and he say WoW don't have any BiS items hidden behind timed once per year event

    So if you want this on tank, you need unlock all moria and south mirkwood skirmish hidden behind epic quests, and complete 4 skirmishes every day in 12 days

    When I see message what devs want adjust that because players consider such items too OP, I hope they remove that items... but they just make situation even more worst

    I meant, more specifically, not sharing BiS items between characters.

  20. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Eeshen View Post
    I meant, more specifically, not sharing BiS items between characters.
    Ah ok I get it. Still many people complain about that SSG decision

  21. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by SSG_Orion View Post
    Because these are considered the best level-capped items of their type, we wanted to avoid the perceived necessity of these items as voiced by a cohort of players in years past who felt that they needed to grind to acquire all of the items. And, because we don't want these items being traded back and forth between characters in order for all of "the best" items to be consolidated, we are allowing each character to earn the portent that is most aligned with them.
    Listen up! Stop paying attention to a small group of non-spending players who have no impact on the game. It's time to listen to the majority of players who invest money and effort into end game content. I've been a fan of this game because of its account sharing feature, which is why I've spent money to unlock multiple copies of each class. But now, with these stupid bound-to-character essences, I don't even want to do the delvings. You're ruining the game for those of us who actually support it through our time and money. Get your act together!

  22. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2020
    They are character bound so players wouldn't need to grind all three? So players now will have to grind one for every single character (11 if all classes) they plan to be playing on the next raid on the highest tier. And if someone only played tanks for example, that used to mean they needed to grind only one tank portent but now they need to grind one for each tank class separately. And some classes have multilple roles btw.
    If this change was made to reduce the grind, it only made it ten times worse.

    Why do "the best" level-capped items have to be acquired from a time gated event? Is it to make sure some players will miss out on it so there would be a number of players at a disadvantage for the next raid or what?

  23. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by SSG_Orion View Post
    Because these are considered the best level-capped items of their type, we wanted to avoid the perceived necessity of these items as voiced by a cohort of players in years past who felt that they needed to grind to acquire all of the items. And, because we don't want these items being traded back and forth between characters in order for all of "the best" items to be consolidated, we are allowing each character to earn the portent that is most aligned with them.
    This significantly increases the time required for anyone who only wanted a single portent on any given character. If I only play DPS characters for example, I now need to do it on each of them instead of just one of them.

  24. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by SSG_Orion View Post
    Because these are considered the best level-capped items of their type, we wanted to avoid the perceived necessity of these items as voiced by a cohort of players in years past who felt that they needed to grind to acquire all of the items. And, because we don't want these items being traded back and forth between characters in order for all of "the best" items to be consolidated, we are allowing each character to earn the portent that is most aligned with them.
    So you're forcing each of my classes to choose a single role (rather than letting me have a portent for every role the class can perform) and you are also forcing me to grind one portent for each of my 11 classes/characters...


  25. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Ill Omen Portents shouldn't be usable end game.

    A once a year festival-like event item that significantly impacts end game content? Who would ever green light this?

    If they have any place in the game it's an item for leveling alts and nothing more, anything else is a travesty.

  26. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by baurog View Post
    So you're forcing each of my classes to choose a single role (rather than letting me have a portent for every role the class can perform) and you are also forcing me to grind one portent for each of my 11 classes/characters...

    At least you have only 11, some people have 40 characters...


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