Strange, i still see no new guardian notes?
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Made this one for ya (coz I'm bored, it's not trolling xD)
Lol! trying to talk to ssg in a nutshell
So does that mean Snap Shot should now be resetting them?
Warden Skills Marked Target, Diminished Target, and Fire At Will are now categorized as Javelin Skills instead of Javelin Gambits
Thanks for this nerf,its not like there is already way too much RNG on this class might as well increase it and keep never surrender broken.
This is major nerf to yellow line,where at least you could get something out of the class instead using braindead simple redline rotation.Always have to dumb down game I guess.
Redline barely keeps up with other DPS specs with good RNG and now you are throwing in these changes.Why dont you first look how spec/class is played before making these fixes and how much one strugle with random procs on quick sweep bleeds and szm or double bleed in red line.This change will basicly push yellow line to braindead garbage tier that is red line atm.As soon as there is interesting way to play class it gets ruined.
Keep ignoring blue line,and the fact that warden is just marked/diminished bot in raid,has to use 25% bleed set from throne trough BB to stay competetive(lets fix that too without any thinking).
Good way to ruin any form of fun and skill expresion one can get in this game.Back to bot scripted rotation,but make sure to not fix slow from yellow that affects bosses>better ruin already higly rng depending rotation.
Fking hell this game why the fk do I even play it.Thanks for saving me 20$ tho.
Btw, credit where credit is due: thank you for the teleporting housing item. I was afraid it was gonna be locked behind the deluxe packs but giving it to VIPs is a good decision.
It is there to majorly nerf yellow line and increase RNG aspect of this class even more,people used it in melee stance to resest masteries if they got one reset in assailment from unering strike/resounding challenge,to get most out of the class and have some fun and interesting rotation by being able to proc quick sweep and refresh bleeds if they get consumed while having time to do other gambits due to that reset.Now you are stuck with identical brain dead rotation we have in red line.Someone with no understanding of how yellow is played sugested this change and devs blindly followed it.
They dont bother fixing slow since it allows imbecilisation of content but as soon as you have option to express any skill with class even if its still rng based it gets removed.Now it will just be more rng with parse difference of 100k midfight but thats ok I guess.
Thank you.
If it isn't clear to anyone, he's saying that these skills will no longer trigger Seize the Moment:
As of right now, Hampering, Marked Target, and Diminished all still seem to be proccing Seize despite these changes.
Using javelin gambits to reset the masteries was minor but the 10s interval allowed maximum spam of gambits as each gambit only had the gambit finisher cooldown and animation.
Using the 3 mentioned as well as (11), (12), (13) until you hit the seize. Then for just one example of DoT refresh:
(32)(32) gambit. Surety
(33) gambit. Minor AoE DoT + memory
(32)(32)(32) gambit. desolation + desolation in memory for later
All gambits can be built with no builder animation or cooldown so you can quickly spam many types of gambit chains.
Before dark before dawn damage was nerfed I could spam 4-5 ranged dark before dawn (ST damage + bleed + power restore) (12)(13)(13) in a seize interval with the corresponding high chance of critting again.
wasnt minor,since you could mitigate some bad rng on quick sweep by trying to proc it 2nd time or even 3rd in certain situation with very little or no downtime on other dots,this change if and when it goes trough lowers any form of skill expresion in yellow and brings it to lvl of redline where either you follow completly scripted rotation or just watch for medium bleed consume and refresh it from battle memory if its consumed or you decide to completly gamble and dont even bother refreshing it for mad difference between good and bad rng.
Over the past updates/years class keeps getting dumbed down,removal of 32 sec long dots>removal of initial bleeds on dots>only good thing is -5 sec masteries cd,granted one can play without it since it doesnt affect dps that much but makes class far more enjoyable to play.skill and gambit animations are already slow and prevent fully enjoyable gamplay(esp in yellow and blue).people found way to squeze more fun out of the class trough masteries reset/quick sweep in yellow and thats getting removes.While blue line remains trash for 3 lvl caps,NS doesnt work for half a year or more and so on.
- General
- Catch A Breath cannot be used while you have an active Parry Response (if traiting with Demoralizing Anthem)
- Guardian Belts inherit legacy is still inactive
- Shield Taunt and Overwhelm are not affected by Demoralizing Anthem's Cooldown Reduction
- Blue
- Increase Relentless Assault proc chance to 6% per rank (30% when maxed)
- Tireless Defender replaced with Vitality trait
- Adaptability should be removed and replaced with something usable and proactive, like extra targets on Shield-Taunt or a passive Block/Parry partial chance/mitigation buff
- Reversal Turn The Tables cooldown reduction should be reduced to 3 seconds per rank (15 seconds when maxed)
- Follow-Through should have 8 targets back to it again.
- Smashing Stab cooldown increased to 45 seconds
- Disorientation should provide a chance to remove mitigations on the target(s) struck rather than BPE
- Bolstering Blocks heal could be increased to 2%
- Stoic max rank should be cut down to 5 points max, while keeping the same benefit.
- Break Ranks should become its own skill.
- Red
- Still has no specialization perk when traited, only trait tree in the game. Passive crit chance for bleeds and magnitude and/or base damage could be simply inserted
- Thrill of Battle must be reworked, hopefully a critical chance trait.
- Reactive Parry must be reworked, plenty of ideas have already been thrown and will list some:
- Passive damage increase for Parry Response skills
- Sting criticals grant Parry Responses
- Parrying attacks increases damage by a small % which can stack up to 3 times.
- Protection By The Sword needs adjustments in almost every department:
- Should instead work as a passive aura, granting bonus damage (all 3 types).
- AOE of the aura should be increased, 10m is far too short
- If the target that has PBTS on them parries an attack, Guardian properly copies a parry response, as if the Guardian parried the attack. (Allows for bonuses like Reactive Parry and Tenderize to work).
- If not targeted on anyone, Guardian passively carries the damage aura.
- Damage aura could be increased, 2% is far too little.
- Brutal Assault should always cause its Bleed to occur.
- Tireless Blows needs to have its max ranks cut to 4 from 5. Same benefit at max rank (12.5% chance to reset per rank, totaling 50% at rank 4)
- Invigourating Parry ... I have no idea, honestly.
- Bleed Them Dry should have a passive bleed damage component
- Deeper Wounds needs to have its max ranks cut to 4 from 5. Slightly changed benefits at max rank (1/2/2/3 Bleed Pulses and 5% damage per rank, totaling 25%)
- Haemorrhage needs to have its max ranks cut to 4 from 5. Chance to bleed removed, bleed damage bonus increased (5% per rank, totaling 25%)
- To The Rescue needs to have its max ranks cut to 3 from 6. Changed benefits (2/4/6 seconds extended charge, no longer provides additional movespeed to Charge)
- Heavy Blows needs an additional effect, currently it's just a watered down version of Valorous Strength.
- Warriors Fortitude could see some changes:
- Shouldn't be tied to Warriors Heart
- Grants bonus Critical Chance and Magnitude to Bleeds and Mastery, other bonuses removed.
- Blind Rage changes:
- Please change the tooltip description, it hasn't been correct since implementation
- Blind Rage should always grant melee damage and attack speed.
- Blind Rage max ranks needs to be cut to 4. Bonuses scaling changed (Damage per rank 5%, attack speed per rank 5%)
- Hammer Down changes:
- Cooldown reduced to 20 seconds
- Damage increased by around 40%
- No longer stuns
- Always deals Critical Strike on a low morale enemy
- Defeating an enemy refreshes the cooldown.
- Honourable Combat needs changes. Give it a Morale and Power heal (2% morale and 5% power) on a Parry Response critical hit with an internal cooldown (3-6 seconds)
- Prey On The Weak needs changes:
- One suggestion is to allow all Guardian bleeds to stack up to 2 times. Re-using a Bleed occuring skill refreshes the oldest one.
- Base damage on Sting, Brutal Assault, To The King, Overwhelm and Sweeping Cut increased.
- Base damage of all Bleeds increased by roughly 15%
- Yellow
- Removed.
Oh absolutely not! Yellow is the only reason I even enjoy tanking current 3-man content on my guard - if anything, the concept of shining on AoE DPS should be an aspect that is carried over into all the other specs, best done if Take To Heart + Flash of Light is made baseline rather than yellow only. It will make blue an even more viable spec in conjunction with the Break Ranks talent, and red will be a king of AoE DPS.
Now please, keep yellow and "buff" it in such a way that it becomes an off-tank that truly focuses on debuffs (and more useful ones that raid bosses aren't immune to, unless ya'll start incorporating boss fights where a second tank needs to kite slow-able adds). Then keep developing the "raid buff" tank motif that you're starting with the blue Guard via break ranks. Some examples that coincide with the class's theme:
- Parry Reactive Skills: Using these skills increases outgoing damage and critical chance of the raid by 1%, stacking up to 5 times. Critical Hits grant two Stacks
Block Reactive Skills: Using these skills decreases incoming damage and increases incoming healing of the raid by 1%, stacking up to 5 times. Critical Hits grant two stacks
Using defensive cooldowns such as Litany, Juggernaut, Warrior's Heart, etc. while at max stacks of the reactive raid buffs cashes the stacks out for double their effectiveness. Once the double effect ends, reactive stacks may continue being built.
Take to Heart: Flashes of Light heal nearby raid targets within 40m for Y% of the Guardian's max morale
Usage of defensive cooldowns provides the raid with a 15 sec buff complementary with the particular defensive (Litany = -50% incoming damage before damage transfer to Guardian, Juggernaut = 15s immunity to stuns, roots, etc., Warrior's Heart = 50% of Guardian's Bubble effect)
At the end of the day, Guardians are about multiples things: shields, reactives, stacks (be they adaptability, fortifications, stacking bleeds in red), cashouts, and protecting people. They don't need to be another Captain, as their class identity should be preserved, but their capabilities in current end-game content are laughable (hopefully less so with Break Ranks, where I anticipate Red Cappies and Blue Guards banding together).
Trust me, I agree with you. Yellow should be a sort of a hard-disabler, but the issue is that it would take so much work to be done and it will still compete with Blue and all the other tanks. I've been discussing with a lot of people as what could be done with Yellow and really, nobody can agree on anything. It's just such a hot mess of traits and trying to tri-role (DPS, Debuff and Tank) in a single tree, it doesn't really excel in any. In the end, this can go in 2 ways.
- Drop the damage and give the line some really good disables (damage/armour/mitigation reduction, maybe a minor damage buff to the group(s))
- Drop the tank and go all out on damage and disables (basically a melee LM/Burglar hybrid, providing damage amps, reductions and really decent AOE damage)
Currently, Yellow def has an identity crisis, and while it's fun to mess around with, it cannot really compete in harder content, because as I said, it's ... just a hot mess of traits that best benefit Blue.
If the intent of this warden change was to nerf seize the moment, then it didn't work. It is proccing on the same skills as before.
And that's a good thing! It gives so much more flexibility to wardens and makes it a lot more active/reactive play instead of the usual gameplay of a mindnumbing rotation over and over. Let's hope SSG keeps it this way and doesn't actually nerf it and ''dumb it down'' like they do anything.
Why do you think devs cant make less rng on warden? I see no problem here with increasing chances of procs so they can be more consistent. Also, they can definitely speed up animations, coz it looks reasonable compared to other classes. Long dots are back, initial bleeds arent something crucial since you still hit with gambit first and dots come later except resounding challenge which is already pretty good also -5s mastery cd. Wardens are in the way better position they were since what, 105 cap? Its still good and viable class on that cap at least as dps, tanking is another story but it seems this is a thing devs are looking at right now and imo gambit system for tanking with current game speed might be pretty complex. They did bug fix for mt and dt, like they did for fate crit mag which become a nerf, so what, we have to cry about that? Warden isnt for everyone already so im not sure what dumbing down ppl are trying to say about. Keep it positive, devs try to do game better although many ppl on forums think otherwise. One more thing i want to see is not snapshot skills but actually reset on javelin skills, that million buttons for not so good skills is looking weird.
Buff creeps plz!
Sadly these changes are definitly not making game better,esp if we look at guard changes.
Procing sieze the moment with marked/diminished left room for more chance at quick sweep>keeping track of bleed consume and refreshing it.You could have more fun and interactive rotation with more consistent DPS.I guess no initial bleed hit isnt that big of a problem but having bleeds cliped due to slow animations or if you choose to react to certian situations definitly doesnt help class,not to mention it was nerf to already non existant target switch ability.This change just increase gap between good rng and bad rng parse.Its simply not healthy for the game.Even standard red is too much RNG with double procs.Devs fail to see difference between doing x2 dmg for 28 sec with 15% chance vs RNG other classes have such as crit/dev.
Think most wardens got bored of standard red even if its still used for certain situations,mostly because there was 0 chance to have any form of skill expresion or have interactive rotation.
Why dont they fix NS or hampering javelin slow?Instead they are going to remove szm from marked/diminished.
Why dont they fix legacies on warden?Why dont they fix legacies if they want to make game better,class has 3 tanking legacies and 4 DPS one,more tanking if you want to include useless and dps ones in that group.
There is so many things across all classes that they can do to improve game,or content or itemisation so much stuff that wouldnt be hard to implement instead they are making changes like these without any tought of why/how is class played that way.
Then again one looks at guard and current rating caps on certain stats and so on and everything makes sense.
Thanks for fixing the skill queueing issue, it's much appreciated that concerns there were listened to and attention was paid to fixing it.
However, I must ask: will there be no further work to Guardians then? Not even the simplest addition of a base stat to shield use rank? Is this the full extent of the "Guardian rework"? It would be nice to get some kind of comment or explanation of what the plan actually is for Guardians, and what these current changes are hoping to achieve. There's been insane amounts of very high-quality feedback on Guardians on the forums over the past several months, can we hear the reasoning behind it being ignored?
In addition, an acknowledgement of the fact that the huge stat increase for freeps with this update clearly necessitates a respective buff to creepside would also be appreciated. It should be fairly obvious to everyone that that work now needs to be done, so please either do it or give us an explanation of why you're not doing it. Either PvMP is a part of your game, or it isn't. I'm sure all PvMP players would appreciate if you could make up your minds which.
Shield Use Rank.
It's been 2.5 years and people can still pay real money to upgrade their belts without knowing that this does absolutely nothing at all. It's ridiculous. How can a seriously operating business not fix this? Ist this some weird joke?
("Guard Update" ist laughable of course, but the shield use rank situation smells like outright fraud. At least add some kind of warning notice when trying to add crystals to a belt if you can't be bothered to fix it.)
We know for a fact that SSG has completely failed to do any decent class balance since that is the only thing being discussed in every single thread. People don't talk about new 6/12 man or new missions. People are more interested in class balance, too bad SSG cant focus more on that instead of gimmicks.