Name: Real name: Matt In-game names: Rinxy - Brandywine or Apexi - Brandywine (Willing to transfer)
Age: 28
Location: USA - EST timezone.
MMOs you’ve played: Rift, WoW, FFXIV
Why Kinships should be interested in you: I'm a skilled player, reliable raider, and can take constructive criticism well. Very vocal in Discord/Teamspeak, play multiple roles fluently, and love helping others in my downtime. Multiple World and US firsts in many different MMOs. Some notable achievements include:
World of Warcraft:
US 2nd Mu'ru
US 3rd Kil'Jaeden
US 1st Yogg-Saron 0 Keepers 25 man
US 1st Heroic Lich King 25 man
(Character name: Mtx/Mtxd/etc)
World 1st Turn 6,7,8,9 Savage Mode (Full completion)
(Character name: Rab Astrasza)
US 1st Warmaster Galenir
World 1st Plutonus
World 1st Ember Conclave
World 1st Akylios - Original Hammerknell
(Character name: Rallyd)
I was in Premonition on Sen'jin in WoW, and stay small Nerds and Voodoo in Rift. FFXIV I was in Collision on Gilgamesh for turns 1-9. If you need any validation I can provide proof of such achievements by logging into the characters or providing screenshots of myself in raid.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Definitely a raiding Kinship. Would prefer to be fairly active outside of raid hours, but not a deal breaker.
About me: Okay with the "epeen" stuff out of the way. I'm a very chill guy. Not being flashy, just stating my intentions and history.
I was in the Army as a 68W M6 in the 1st Ranger Battalion from 2007-2014. I deployed to Afghanistan twice. Both times were FOB Salerno and COP Sabari. I ended up getting attached to a Field Artillery Regiment in Fort Richardson Alaska (2/377 PFAR).
I absolutely love LOTR lore and history. I've played this game off and on since 2007. I raided Rift back in the day with Hammerfist Clan.
Originally from Towson, MD.. but moved to Delaware after the military.
Huge car enthusiast.
I'm currently a nurse at the VA, trying to help other veterans returning home transition to the civilian life easier than I did.
I understand the raiding scene isn't as big as other MMOs, I'm not looking for that anymore. I came back to finally settle, kill some bosses, and meet new friends along the way. Nothing but good times. Hoping to advance into Mordor with some of you. Thanks for reading!
New player [Laurelin] Looking for Kinship
Hey kinship recruiters,
I recently started playing this game and I found I like it much more than I expected. I chose not to work this summer to unwind from my studies, but those rainy days keep me indoors and I needed something to do, hehe. I was surprised by how immersed I was in this game. I haven’t been so immersed in an mmo since the bygone years of WoW (still loving and playing it though). So I decided to give this game a proper chance and play with other people that like LOTRO. What better way than with a kinship?
Your name, or character name and race (if known): I made all classes, played a elimination game with them and found I have the most fun playing my Gondorian Guardian Gohebor (alliteration :D ).
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): I’m 28 years old. I’m used to game with people that can have fun in a mature way, which I have found is not limited by age. I’m however understanding and acceptant of a guild not accepting minors.
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): As stated in the subject, I play on Laurelin [EN – RP].
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): I live in the Netherlands (GMT+1; +2 in summer). ATM I mostly play during afternoons, but don’t mind playing in the evenings if there is something up and I’m not otherwise engaged. If I stick to this game in September and beyond, I will be playing in the evenings and the weekends.
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): I’m currently levelling and enjoying the world, but I like to set aside some time to do some casual PVE content or join in on a RP event.
MMO games you’ve played: I have played many MMO’s, but I will list the most relevant. I play WoW; I’m up-to-date with the story of Secret World Legends and will probably return for future story content; I used to be up-to-date with the SWTOR story, I want to get back there, but there is always something keeping me.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Does anyone feel this question is posed at competitive players? Well, I’m not. Please invite all the others that seem to fit your kinship. There are some things that might help picking me though: I’m friendly and helpful, though I’m probably more in need of help than able to offer it right now, I’m afraid.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I’m looking for a community, not an extra world chat. A social, relaxed and helpful bunch of people that are serious about their kinship, which is partly seen in size (small nor huge), structure, forums/website and a discord server or something similar. Although I’m looking a for a kinship to do casual PVE content with and enjoy some casual RP with, I don’t mind if those are their side activities.
On your PM, please be so kind to provide your forums or website.
Kind Regards,
Hello All,
Im Rammi and Im looking for a Kinship on brandywine. Im a returning player having played during beta and up until lothlorien was release. Its been 5 years since I have played.
Im an avid game originally from the UK but now living in Austin, TX. I Prefer to play PVE content on lotro so Solo, dungeons, raids, crafting etc. Not massively into PvMP. To answer the questions:
age: 32
location: USA, CST. I play mostly at night weekdays.
playstyle: I have been playing solo, but I want to try some group and roleplay.
MMO games you've played: SW:Galaxies, Rift, ESO, SWTOR.
why kinships should be interested in you: Easy going person who likes to chat in game. I like to complete things but im not bothered if we fail as long as we have fun along the way.
what kind of kinship you are looking for: A group of folks who chat, willing to help and guide as alot has changed since i last player and a group are are active.
looking for a Malaysian kinship
name: lagubella
server Landroval
not acrafter
dont know much about this game yet, still learning bout stuff.
play time P.M servertime
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Tyranis - Man
Age: 37
Server: Arkenstone
Location: PST
Playstyle: I use to raid with Defenders of the Grey Flood but now back looking for a new Kin. I also like to PvP on occasions. I am a healer at heart, and my main going into Mordor expansion will be Minstrel. I also have a Captain that I play from time to time.
MMO games you’ve played: All big title MMO's since Guild Wars, World of Warcraft
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I offer a great many things including, companionship, commitment, integrity, selfless service to other kin members.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): At this point in my life, I am looking for a semi-hardcore Kinship that likes to Raid at specific times but not hard hardcore. I guess in between Casual-Hardcore.
Server undecided untill kinship offer recieved.
Age: 29
Preferred server(s) any server i get a kinship invite from.
Location. GMT
Playstyle. Solo, Group, Roleplay Social.
MMO games you’ve played: WOW, AOC, L2.
I'm looking for a Kinship that is easy going but also like to roleplay, can really create a realistic atmosphere ingame would be ideal.
Returning Players LFKinship
Hello all,
Name: Stormsky
Server: Gladden
Age: 49
Location: Outside Dallas Texas
Playstyle: Casual/Social
MMO's i've played before: Pretty much all, a few are WoW, Daoc, Ultima Online, Everquest, Rift, Aion, etc.
Why pick me?: I'm loyal and trustworthy, committed. My attitude is awesome and I'm fun to be around. I like to help out where I can.
What I'm looking for: Close knit medium sized kin, I don't want to join one that have 1000 members. Prefer voice chat, discord or teamspeak, ventrilo etc. Helpful folks.
Thank you for reading.
Hello everybody,
Name: Mildalion
Server: Gladden
Age: 18
Location: Central Time Zone
Playstyle: I've always been kind of a solo player but I'm looking for a kin to run some occasional instances/quest with.
MMO's before LotRO: I've grown up on WoW and have lots of experience with that. Not much else.
I am pretty new to this game and I would love to learn more about it, I am very laid back and mature, and helpful when I am able.
I'm looking for a close knit friendly kin that I can learn the ropes of the game with and have a good time too.
Your name: Martini (I have multiple characters)
Age: 27
Preferred server: Brandywine
Location: Canada, CST
Playstyle: PvE, Crafting, Groups/Raids
MMO games you’ve played: WoW, Rift, GW2, SWTOR, Aion, FFXIV, etc etc
Why kinships should be interested in you?: I get along with everyone and am helpful, social, active, and fun. (Or so I think). I love grouping up with guildies, or just hanging out and relaxing while playing the game.
What kind of kinship you are looking for?: I hope to find a guild that is active, friendly and welcoming of new comers, as I'm still new to LOTRO. Please feel free to PM me ^_^
Name: Sierota
Age: 35
Preferred server: Crickhollow
Location: USA/EST
Playstyle: Light RP/Raiding
MMO games you’ve played: GW2/Rift/LOTRO/Neverwinter/FFIX
Why kinships should be interested in you?: I am currently coming up on my 7th year playing LOTRO. I am a brand new Hunter/Explorer Level 26. I also have a level 96 Captain that I'm thinking of transferring to Crickhollow. That character, along with my Level 34 Minstrel are on the Brandywine server. I enjoy Crickhollow, though.
What kind of kinship you are looking for?: Any. I like to relax and get lost in the game while enjoying the company of my Kinmates.
Looking for raiding/T2 Kinship that works hard on character progression.
Your name: Private (not posting it on public forum) - will provide to those who PM Me
Age: 41
Preferred server: Laurelin, but willing to transfer all high level characters/crafters for the kinship
Location: Ireland (UK GM Timezone)
Playstyle: Raiding, T2 Instance, Min/Maxer
MMO games you’ve played: WoW
Why kinships should be interested in you?: I work hard to get my characters stats correct and have the best gear I can get. I try to play my character to the best of my ability and I love to raid and do challenging instance. I will help out others when I am free. I have no problems using voice chat. I am social and love playing MMOs.
What kind of kinship you are looking for?: English Speaking; GMT or CET timezone; A kinship that has enough decent players to put a raid team together that can clear T1 raids and a least make a decent effort at T2. One that uses voice chat when raiding or doing instance, and has a mature (18 Years + player base).
Currently I have a hunter in full 326/328 gear from Mordor ready to start on new instances (main blue line) and I also play an RK at a high level which I am currently gearing. Other high level characters (currently being worked on) are warden and champion. I have all professions at doomfield level accross my alts so I am self sufficient.
Your name: Jonnen Pepperseed, man of Bree
Age: 33
Preferred server: Laurelin
Location: Florida, Eastern Time - primarily play most days for a bit either 4-6pm and/or 7-9pm EST
Playstyle: Solo, group, PvE, casual, RP, time limited, crafter
MMO games you’ve played: Lotro off and on, just resubscribed. Eve for 11 years now. ESO, STO
Why kinships should be interested in you: I'm happy to lend a hand in pve, and can farm mats and craft to support kinmates. Primarily, as I am seeking a semi-casual, RP guild, I can offer engaging and entertaining in character RP in a mature manner (smaller, interpersonal character-based stuff, not munchy cheesy campy stuff).
What kind of kinship you are looking for: RP-focused. Somewhere in between way too casual and much too serious. I am an Eve online lifer, and the playerbase average is older than my 33 years - I'm used to playing with adults and would prefer a kin with a minimum age limit - sorry, no kids please.
Laurelin Archives character link: http://laurelinarchives.org/profile/16844
Hello friends. I am looking for an active kinship on Brandywine. I played 9 years ago when Moria came out. I had a max level character then, but I am starting over and playing a Minstrel from level 1.
I am looking for a somewhat casual kinship that also likes to run some end game content as well. Hoping to find a good match. Here is some info on me:
42 year old professional, play casually a few hours a night and some daytime when I can.
Have played MMO's my whole life, probably played them all.
Lead guilds before but doubt I will have the time to do that again in the future.
Playing a Minstrel, at least that is the plan.
Character name on Brandywine is Breahh
Hoping to find a good fit :)
Returning Lifetime Sub after 5 years (Arkenstone)
I am back to LotRO after a lengthy absence. My highest level toon is a lvl 58 Warden as well as having all the classes but need to be levelled up heavily. Obvious, my emphasis for a single toon will be the Warden. My old kinship is from Elendilmere and has a couple of active players but the leader has not been seen on in a very long time. Unless I have become the new leader of my kinship, I do not imagine I will be staying for much longer.
The kinship I am looking for is one that will be tolerant and patient with a player that has been away for a while and is unable to commit to any raids/large fellowships as I work the night shift from Wednesday to Saturday nights. I have experience leading a guild on That Which Shall Not Be Named with a guild consisting of over 70 players at it's peak, if not more. It truly has been a long time since I have been there, so the details are fuzzy.
I am looking forward to hearing from any interested kinships and to take the time to chat and to get to know them before making a decision.
Hi. Returning VIP player here looking for a kinship that is mature, fun, laidback with minimum drama but who also likes to do endgame content but doesn't think that wiping is the end of the world.
I have a few 100+ toons (Sealvia Warden(elf), Fastrada LM (human), Malastrail Hunter(elf), Nellelaith Champ (high elf)) most with relatively high-level crafting, with a smattering of other classes (50ish Guardian and Cappy) and a Hobbit Bug chained to a workbench in Esteldin.
Age: Over 30 :)
Preferred server: My original server was Windfola, but with the merger, I am now on Brandywine but am willing to transfer.
Location: I currently live in South East Asia but the nature of my work allows me to play during most EU and USA peak hours.
Playstyle: Right now it's mostly PVE solo and small fellowships. It will take me a while to get up to speed for larger raids.
MMO games played in the past: EQ, WOW, SWTOR, DAoC. GW2
I've been playing on and off for years. A couple of months ago, my almost 6yo daughter saw me shooting gore crows in the Lone Lands with my Hunter and demanded that she get a chance to play. I told her it was too complicated for her. She wouldn't let it go. I told her she'd have to watch the Lord of the Rings movies in order to even understand the setting. She watched them straight through, then straight through again, and can now describe to me a disturbing amount of Middle Earth lore. So I let her create a character, and I am shocked at how good at this she is. She is really amazingly fun to play with.
I am curious if there are any family-friendly kinships out there with young kids in them.
Character(s): Mine -- Chalcedonay (lvl 17 Hobbit Warden), Hers -- Lionah (lvl 16 Woman Lore Master)
I have three other characters, and she has a second one, but these are the important ones.
Age (some kinships have real life age limits):
42, almost 7
Server: Crickhollow
Location: Boston, MA, US. Eastern Time.
Playstyle: Casual. Would like some opportunities to group. Discord chat welcome.
MMO games you’ve played: LOTRO. That's it.
Why kinships should be interested in you: We're friendly and quirky. Is that a reason?
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Family friendly. Chatty. Discord chat welcome. Up for ad hoc grouping. Not terribly interested in crafters to make stuff for us. We enjoy making our own way and don't really want to be overpowered. We could really use helpful advice, though. My highest level character is 40, and I've barely been through the instance tutorial on one solo instance. I have almost no exposure to the group experience and would love to find out more.
I'm a long time player returning after an 18 month break. I don't really know anyone on Crickhollow (formerly on Meneldor), and I'd like to meet a group of players who like revisiting the old instances and content as much as endgame.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Level 100 Burglar, 84 Warden, 70 RuneKeeper, 56 Captain, 20 Loremaster, 17 Minstrel. You're most like me to find me on Pema the Loremaster right now.
Age: I’m 31 and generally prefer playing with older groups.
Preferred server(s): Crickhollow
Location: US East - Throughout the week, mostly in the evenings.
Playstyle: I'm in to slow leveling and immersive questing at the moment. I'm playing a new Loremaster, reading all of the quest text, and having a good time not rushing to end game. I was a very endgame focused player during Mirkwood/ROI, but now I enjoy appreciating all of the game has to offer. That said, I love group quests and instances. I would love to find people who tackle group content at all levels.
MMO games you’ve played: I've played a ton of MMOs - most relevant right now though is Eve. I play Eve two or three nights a week (usually running fleets. Did I mention I like to group up?).
Why kinships should be interested in you: Need another relatively casual and relaxed player who will jump into your instance running group once or twice a week? That's me!
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I'd like a relatively relaxed group that ran content across all levels. I don't have any characters that are racing to endgame right now, so I won't be able to jump into level 115 groups. It'd help if you had Discord or some out of game way to plan stuff, and some kind of schedule/day where you all plan to play together.
Look forward to talking to you! (PM here or message Pema ingame)
Any Lvl 60/65 capped or Moria kinships?
Off-and-on player here. I have a hard time grinding all the way to endgame, looking for a change of pace.
What I really want to do is focus on all the content up to the Moria expansion, as that's the part of the game that I most enjoy. Any kins that are capped at lvl 60/65, or are focused on Moria endgame? Don't care which server (currently most of my characters are on Arkenstone), open to transferring or rolling a new character. Just seeing what's out there.
I'm in MST timezone, and play evenings/weekends.
Originally Posted by
Off-and-on player here. I have a hard time grinding all the way to endgame, looking for a change of pace.
What I really want to do is focus on all the content up to the Moria expansion, as that's the part of the game that I most enjoy. Any kins that are capped at lvl 60/65, or are focused on Moria endgame? Don't care which server (currently most of my characters are on Arkenstone), open to transferring or rolling a new character. Just seeing what's out there.
I'm in MST timezone, and play evenings/weekends.
I know there's a kin like that on Landroval. Sorry, I don't know the name. Good luck!
Originally Posted by
I know there's a kin like that on Landroval. Sorry, I don't know the name. Good luck!
Thanks, I'll see if I can track it down!
Originally Posted by
I know there's a kin like that on Landroval. Sorry, I don't know the name. Good luck!
Originally Posted by
Thanks, I'll see if I can track it down!
Club Eclair
Originally Posted by
Thanks, I'll see if I can track it down!
Club Eclair - A slow-leveling roleplay adventure club.
Sergio :-)
Scawsten of Rohan
Ah nice, I can post a reply here now :cool:.
Your name, or character name and race (if known):
IGN Scawsten, race: man, class: lore-master
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits)
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):
I started on Laurelin due to time zone (see next item). I wouldn't mind transferring, if it can be done for free and while keeping my progress so far (I don't know how this works).
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):
I'm on eastern European time zone. GMT+2.
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
I've been soloquesting so far, with the occational situational fellowing. It seems a lot of this game is soloable. I'm happy to keep going along this path, but (like with all MMOs) there has to be content for which grouping is mandatory or just makes it more enjoyable.
No interest in PvP.
I have the habit to keep my toon logged on when I do other things on my laptop, or when I cook or go to the store etc. So he'll be seen on for several hours per day. Some of these, the man pulling his strings will actually be, well, pulling his strings!
I generally have time in my hands these days.
Some RP is OK and I'm open to it. Please don't expect me to say good morning in elven though :).
On a more serious note, I don't have the possibility to do voice chat, unfortunately.
MMO games you’ve played:
I was in Uncharted Waters Online for a few years, quite high level toon there. But a couple months ago the new publisher decided to reset the server. The whole game is unique but also an endless skill grind, and I wasn't prepared to do it all over. I steered away and my wanderings brought me to Middle Earth. So I'm a refugee of sorts (how's that for RP? ;)).
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
Well I'm pretty new to LOTRO so it's hard to tell really. My friend in UWO called me Mr. Wiki :D. He said I'm good at looking up, absorbing and communicating game info. Given time, when I've learned the game better, and if the kinship is interested in growing by attracting and helping new players, I suppose I can do my bit in this direction.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
Mature and clean chat. That's not necessarily age-related. Some children can be very mature and some grown-ups very childish.
For now I'm mainly looking for a first port of call when game-related questions arise. Please don't be put off by that! I won't be flooding the kinship chat with trivial things. I like to be self-sufficient and to figure out things on my own. It's part of the thrill.
But it'll be useful if I have a place to ask things that are more matters of experience than knowledge. Such as:
- what's a fair auction price for bronze ingots so I can improve my weaponsmith skill? (or, maybe somebody in the kinship makes them? can I offer something in return? shall I stockpile any of the random drops I'm getting from mobs or finding in the wild for any member's crafting, or for any other purpose?)
- what's the difference between this Soldier's Summoning items I found in a lootbox and the skirmish warrior skill? The tooltip descriptions say the same thing in different words.
- is it a good idea to stockpile some ithilien essence fragments from the ongoing festival for future use? I won't pretend I understand exactly what it is, but it looks like a useful item for the (possibly far-away) future, and perhaps the only (?) non-cosmetic item to be acquired from the festival activities.
These types of things I'd be looking for some feedback on. Of course they can be asked on world chat, but I find that a small group of people who want to be helpful works better.
Some kinship activities would be OK, I may be interested. A couple of hours in the virtual pub for some virtual drinks and some chat, I wouldn't mind it (but I'll probably be mostly quiet, sipping & listening carefully, I'm like that in RL pub visits too!). Some adventuring in fellowship would be nice too. Of course I'm only at level 31, not totally sure where I have and where I don't have access to and naturally confused with all the abbreviations flying around! And you'd need to tell me what to do and be patient and forgiving :). Oh, and if it's going to be a 5-hour straight activity please allow for toilet breaks!
That's all folks from me for now. Glad to be in Middle Earth and visualize the books I was reading back in the day. Hope I hear from some of you vets and we find a good match!
looking for a kinship on Landroval
Hello, I am looking for a kinship.
My character is a Level 54 Hunter, named Maegh. I myself am 30. I am on Landroval server, in the United States, MT time zone.
I am still fairly new to this game, so this could all change, but I am pretty casual in my style. I only play on weekends, solo, maybe an hour or so at night during the week, if that (I have two jobs). So far I have been really enjoying following the quest lines, and deeding. I like just walking around. I don't RP -- a little is fine but I'm not very interested in a full-on RP kinship -- just not quite my style. I've only done a few skirmishes and zero raids so I'm not sure what I think about those. Could be fun, I just don't know. I'm more interested in the lore and storyline -- I am a huge Tolkien nerd and this is actually the only game I have ever really played. I am looking for a kinship to quest with me when I get to spots I need a fellowship for (I am also a bit of a completionist) or to help me with the actual playing mechanics (I'm not a gamer so sometimes I just do not know what button to push, what things do, etc). I am looking for nice people who enjoy the lore and storyline more than fighting or leveling or things like that. I come to this game to relax and have fun. I would love to meet some other Tolkien fans with a casual playing style so we could work together on what we all needed to get done to continue our questing. I'd like it to be a mature group of people -- not in age, necessarily, but just in general behavior. I come to this game to relax and have fun, not to deal with any drama or foulness. This is my happy place.
Originally Posted by
Hello, I am looking for a kinship.
My character is a Level 54 Hunter, named Maegh. I myself am 30. I am on Landroval server, in the United States, MT time zone.
I am still fairly new to this game, so this could all change, but I am pretty casual in my style. I only play on weekends, solo, maybe an hour or so at night during the week, if that (I have two jobs). So far I have been really enjoying following the quest lines, and deeding. I like just walking around. I don't RP -- a little is fine but I'm not very interested in a full-on RP kinship -- just not quite my style. I've only done a few skirmishes and zero raids so I'm not sure what I think about those. Could be fun, I just don't know. I'm more interested in the lore and storyline -- I am a huge Tolkien nerd and this is actually the only game I have ever really played. I am looking for a kinship to quest with me when I get to spots I need a fellowship for (I am also a bit of a completionist) or to help me with the actual playing mechanics (I'm not a gamer so sometimes I just do not know what button to push, what things do, etc). I am looking for nice people who enjoy the lore and storyline more than fighting or leveling or things like that. I come to this game to relax and have fun. I would love to meet some other Tolkien fans with a casual playing style so we could work together on what we all needed to get done to continue our questing. I'd like it to be a mature group of people -- not in age, necessarily, but just in general behavior. I come to this game to relax and have fun, not to deal with any drama or foulness. This is my happy place.
See PM :)
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Elstanphor - Human Cpt, Skegegti - Dwarf Min
Age: 40
Server: Crickhollow
Location: US - Central
Playstyle: Usually Duo with GF
MMO games you’ve played: EQ, EQ2, WoW, CoV/CoH, DDO, ESO
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I have played Lotro off and on since launch. This last break was several years. I usually duo with my GF, but would like to join a small kinship of friendly players to do small group content with. I really do not have any desire to raid at all.
We were both unable to access our old accounts so are starting over fresh. Both of my characters are early to mid 20's right now.
Though I have played this game off and on for a long time I am still pretty fresh on most of the group content. I have only run instances up to GA with my highest level toon on a previous account reaching early 50s I think.
Experienced player seeking mature European/international kinship with endgame potential
Name or character name: John
Age: Over 50
Location: SE Europe (EEST time zone)
Playstyle: Solo & group. Experienced end-game raider in various games, without ever becoming obsessive or militaristic about it.
MMO games you’ve played: Played LOTRO for its first seven years, dropped out when my kinship broke up; rejoined three months ago, now L.115 and almost ready, gear-wise, for the forthcoming raid. Otherwise have played RIFT and ESO intensively at times, currently playing Secret World rather more casually.
Why kinships should be interested in you: Experienced, serious player, quiet but sociable, looking for gameplay which is entertaining and at times challenging. Have held most positions at different times in various game kinships/cabals/etc., from officer to deputy leader and raid leader, but happy to remain a spear-carrier in an established kinship hierarchy. Dislike online drama of any kind. Happy to switch servers for the right kinship.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Looking for a mature, international but largely European membership. Ideally, mixed casual and raiding, meaning both activities available but with no pressure to join. Ideally, friendly and relaxed from a social point of view; for example, it would be nice to be able to run Mordor dailies in company a few days of the week.
Name: Ahlli
Age: late 40s
Server: Brandywine
Playstyle: Solo, group, PvE, casual, hardcore, end-game
Looking for a casual noob/returning player friendly kinship to socialize and do some group content with.
My playtime is mostly weekdays between 8am - 4pm central time.
character name and race: Nasdreth, 58 Elf and Merethil, 11 high elf
Age: 18
Preferred server: Crickhollow
Location (Timezone): EST
Playstyle: normally i play solo but u wanted to play with at least one friend till end-game
i wanted a new group of people to play with. just looking for a friendly kinship that is pretty laid back but active.
Looking for kin
Your name, or character name and race:
Seamuil, Elf, Runekeeper (fire), lvl 84, VIP account. NO ALTS
Preferred server(s), if any.:
Czech, CET time zone (server +6)
group, PvE, RAIDs, semi-hardcore, crafter
MMO games you’ve played:
Those few most significant ones: Dark Age of Camelot (RR8 Paladin), EvE online, Warhammer Online, Guild Wars 2. Tried others, liked DAoC and EvE the most (if I don't count LOTRO).
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
I am quite an active player (usual times 3-6pm server time, close to daily basis), occasionaly can manage 2pm but needs to be planned ahead and about twice a month tops (putting asleep baby boy at that time normally). I can offer decent activity both on kin chat as well as organising events (fellowships etc.). Ofc, participating in as many as possible.
What kind of kinship you are looking for.:
Active kinship that focuses on playing together in fellowships or raid grps. I have the opinion of MMORPG is supposed to be multi-player rather than massive singleplayer with embedded chat function. Being quite an old MMO player (about 15yrs experience), most of that time belonging to semi-elitist guild I wouldn't mind continuing in that direction (tried very casual kin in LOTRO, but in the end figured out that's not going to work, old dog won't learn new tricks so to speak). I don't alt (or rather, only reason I'd ever roll an alt would be to learn other characters mechanics to improve my teamplay). Currently my fire RK is lvl 84, slowly climbing up to the top (entered eastern Rohan recently). My aim is to visit all locations, do all quest, raids and deeds and in the endgame max out my character (best drops, best ash equipment etc.).
If there are any such kins, that would be interested, please send me a pm here or ingame, preferably with a description of how your kin works to figure out whether I am compatible or can manage schedule wise.
Looking for a Laurelin Raiding Alliance
Experienced Hunter, geared, looking for a Raiding Alliance in Laurelin.
Looking for Kinship
ge: Over 35
Preferred server(s): Doesn't really matter. I have a few low level chars on Gladden.
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Central Timezone, Southern US
Playstyle: I like group play and want to raid.
MMO games you’ve played: WoW
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm smart and a team player.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): casual raiding (lots of other responsibilities)
Looking for a kinship - 1st time playin LOTRO :D
Your name, or character name and race: michikoxoxo, elf LM, lvl 24
Age: Post-grad school age :D
Preferred server(s), if any: My 1st Crickhollow
Location: US Eastern time zone
Playstyle: I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game...
MMO games you’ve played: League of Angels I+II
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
[1] I listen, and I'm a team player. No ego here.
[2] At the moment, I freelance so my schedule is a bit more flexible.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Need some guidance and expertise please. Would prefer a non-sexist kinship (I am female) :D
Feel free to send a pm please
2 for the price of one :)
A friend and I are looking for a new kin that will have us. Our current kin is sadly lacking members that play much any more.
I'm a lvl 115 hunter and he is a lvl 115 champion. I also have a lvl 106 champ and LM plus various support toons. My frind has a lvl 115 champ, plus support toons.
Veteran and VIP player of over 5 years playing LOTRO.
I'd like to find a somewhat mature, friendly and helpful kin that is eastern time based as I play evenings from 6-11pm and weekends (as time permits).
Interests are solo play and endgame fellowship quests and raiding.
Please pm me or find me in game on Crickhollow server (Hunterthompson)
Thanks ! :)
Looking for a kinship
My character's name is Danenhunt and he is a man and his class is level 26 hunter,. I am 57 years old, so probably a little older than most here. :-) The server I play on is Crickethollow and I am on the east coast. I can only play around 2 hours a night, but have more time on weekends.
I mostly play solo if I can, but will get a fellowship when I have to. I am more of a causal gamer but do like to so some light rp. For instance I will not ride my horse fast through cities. I think it is silly when I see someone ride their horse into a house.
LOTRO is the first MMO i've played, but I have played Oblivion and Skyrim and really enjoy them.
I would be looking for a kinship which would not be 'in my face'. I'm still getting my legs in the game, so still not sure about many elements of it. However it would be nice to be able to turn to a mature group of people for help when I need it.
New to game Looking for Kinship
My characters name is Bramelreth a human Hunter level 14
Age: 53
Preferred server(s), Landroval
Location. Stark Co. Ohio
Playstyle. Solo, casual, I’m new to this kind of game
I'm looking to join a Kinship so that I can learn this game.
I'm looking for Casual Kinship I play more in the Winter then in the summer
Your name, or character name and race: Maelandriel (me) and Faelandriel (friend), both are Wood Elves of Mirkwood (IC).
Age: Between our 30's and 40's (would prefer an older kin if possible but its no biggie)
Server: Laurelin
Location: GMT (times may vary depending due to real life commitments)
Playstyle: We're looking for a kin that holds regular RP events and a progression kinship that like to raid and do group content. We're still low levels at the minute but would like the option for grouping at a later date.
MMO games you’ve played: SWTOR, DCUO, AoC, ESO.
Why kinships should be interested in us: We're both extrememly experienced Roleplayers having led a number of RP guilds in the past. Our Tolkien lore may be a bit rusty but we're open to learning the ways of your kin and hope we can offer our experience in return.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: We're looking for a guild that offers both RP and one that takes part in raids as we'd like to experience all the new content that we've missed over the years. Due to time restraints and because of work/children we're also looking for casual kinship preferably. Most importantly we are looking for an Elf kinship only as we're currently roleplaying a Lore-Master and a Minstrel that are twin sisters from Mirkwood. Mixed race kinships aren't really of interest to us as we're interested in experiencing RP catered specifically for Silvan Elves if possible.
Contact: If you need to contact us our characters are Maelandriel and/or Faelandriel. Feel free to leave a mail or contact us in game.
Looking for a raiding mature kinship at Laurelin
My char. name is Erorl 115 champion well geared 240-LoE and caped with all virtues, my class trait is red line and i have some yellow line aoe skill open.
Age 40 year's old
Server Laurelin
Location EU-Greece
Playstyle assisting kin member's, 3 man 6 man and end game raiding instances, and pvp sometimes. I like also to run older and low lvl instances.
I' m old enough to know how i must behave with other people, very helpful open minded, respectful to all kin-ally member's and i am experienced with raiding.
I'm looking a kinship with respectful and mature people.
Your name, or character name and race (if known):
I made an Elven Runekeeper back in the early days and played through the Lothlorien expansion, but I can't recall my toon's name. For now, call me Anan.
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits):
Older than most players but not as old as a mature Hobbit.
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):
I'll go where the action is!
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):
US East Coast and prefer daylight or early evening play-times.
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
More casual, enjoy questing and small group work, some group PvP in other MMOs.
MMO games you’ve played:
WoW (NE feral Druid - OT/DPS)
LotRO (Elven Runekeeper)
GW2 (Sylvari Elementalist, Norn Warrior, Human Hunter)
ESO (Human Spellsword)
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
I'm not a complete Noob and if I say I'll attend something you can count on me for on-time arrival and enthusiastic participation. I also contribute a lot to forum discussions and try to keep a positive attitude. I don't flame easily or try to one-up people. I'm very tolerant. I have a strong attachment to Tolkien's world.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
Friendly, supportive, low-drama, grown-ups.
Looking to join a kinship after eight years!
I'm Ethan Hilton and I'm playing Colmn Ravenswood, human hunter, man of Dale.
I'm 42, male.
I use the Brandywine server.
I'm in Seattle, Washington (PST), USA.
I solo play most of the time because I don't really know anyone. That's why I'm looking to join a kinship after playing solo for eight years.
I've only played LotRO.
I'd like to lend my time help and friendship to a group and get to know people and make some friends.
Thanks much!
Originally Posted by
Your name, or character name and race (if known):
I made an Elven Runekeeper back in the early days and played through the Lothlorien expansion, but I can't recall my toon's name. For now, call me Anan.
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits):
Older than most players but not as old as a mature Hobbit.
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):
I'll go where the action is!
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):
US East Coast and prefer daylight or early evening play-times.
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
More casual, enjoy questing and small group work, some group PvP in other MMOs.
MMO games you’ve played:
WoW (NE feral Druid - OT/DPS)
LotRO (Elven Runekeeper)
GW2 (Sylvari Elementalist, Norn Warrior, Human Hunter)
ESO (Human Spellsword)
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
I'm not a complete Noob and if I say I'll attend something you can count on me for on-time arrival and enthusiastic participation. I also contribute a lot to forum discussions and try to keep a positive attitude. I don't flame easily or try to one-up people. I'm very tolerant. I have a strong attachment to Tolkien's world.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
Friendly, supportive, low-drama, grown-ups.
Check Wardens of the Dunedain out on Brandywine server. Could use a DPS RK for raiding and PvP.
Name: Belamiel Norodel from Lindon, Elf, LVL 37 Lore Master, Tinkerer (I think I'm at Supreme Level for Cook)
Age: 34, though Belamiel was born in the Third Age.
Server: Crickhollow
Location: West Coast (PNW)
Playstyle: Casual, fun. I enjoy reading the quests and the storyline so I take my time. I've played several MMOs and because I'm a slow leveler, I've never capped out any of my characters.
I enjoy crafting and exploring Middle Earth, decorating my house and collecting clothes I want for my character.
I also really love finding characters from the books, I was really excited when I got to "meet" Glorfindel" and hang out with Goldberry and Tom Bombadil.
I'm happy to help in instances, skirmishes, and enjoy questing in fellowships.
MMO games you’ve played: SWG, WoW, UO, ESO
Why kinships should be interested in you: Positive, friendly, upbeat attitude. I'm helpful and like sharing resources (materials, reputation items, etc) and helping fellow kinsfolk.
In my current Kinship, I cook foods for folks and drop off in Kinhouse, though sadly, hardly anyone is ever online, so I think all that Lembas is just rotting now. Wait, what's expiration of Lembas?
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Active and casual kinship. Kinships that have roles. For instance in the SWG guild I was in (over a decade ago!)
I was the main Tailor in the guild, so I made the clothes for guild members but everyone helped gather supplies for my character.
I had created a website for my Tailor (mostly for my Guild) where they could "order" their clothes and I would make it in game.
One of the Art Directors of the game emailed me to compliment me on the design and usability of my website...haha! I was super excited about this!
Funnily enough, in RL I own/operate a clothing e-commerce! Anyhow, I digress...
It would be lovely if the kinship also had some J.R.R Tolkien fans, I don't have a lot of RL Tolkien fan friends, so would be nice to chat with folks about Tolkien's Legendarium and not be met with the sound of crickets...
And if the kinship did in-game events. Nothing elaborate, but perhaps a designated time when we meet up in game.
*note* I am actually in a kinship right now, though I joined it randomly when I first started playing and there aren't too many active members on it, most often I am online with one or two other people.
Looking For Mature Kin With Discord
My character name is Bolzen a Elf Champ 39 Level
Age- 35
Server- Landroval
Location- ILL
Play style- Mosty Solo casual player joined back in 09
I'm trying to learn this game again to learn from a Kinship haven't played in a while i was from Firefoot Lost all my stuff and Toons I wanted to start over any ways.
I Play When i Can.
Returning Player looking for RP Kinship on Landroval
- Aurcelonn, lvl 20 (atm) High Elf Warden; Lannton, lvl 15 Man Warden; Celonlaer, lvl 14 Man Minstrel
- Looking for an RP Kinship
- I usually play 3 hours in the evening on weekdays, 3-6 hours on weekends.
- Enjoy exploring and solo content; not big on raids and the like.
- Experienced (15+ years) RPer, enjoy creating stories
- 18+ with a M-F job, MST timezine
Hi there, I'm recently back from a long absence and I am looking for a kinship to join. I've Aria'd myself up to 105 and I am progressing the content of Mordor
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Salvo
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): 47
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Everbright (EU)
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): London, UNited Kingdom
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): group content, not RP, want to do end-game
MMO games you’ve played: WoW, Rift, Anarchy Online, Conan, Secret Worlds, Wildstar, Guild Wars 2
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Dedication ;)
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Social group
Seeking Kinship on Landroval
Character: Robwulf
Race/Class: Man Guardian (Level 26)
Age: 35
Server: Landroval
Atlantic Timezone (Eastern Canada)
Playstyle: So far mostly solo PVE/Deeding and Crafting. Would like to run instances/raids at some point.
MMO games you’ve played: Most notably WoW for 10+ years. Various others.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships: I am an active, daily VIP player so I have access to most content. I've created alts to have one of every profession available. I don't expect handouts or free things. I occasionally say a funny thing.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Mostly just an active Kinship with at least some experienced players that don't mind answering a question or two here and there. I am looking to explore everything LOTRO has to offer so my focus isn't on any one thing. I enjoy PVE, PVP, Deeding, Crafting, Instances/Raids, and don't mind dabbling in a bit of RP (although I'm not that great at it :P). Best way to get me is probably a PM in game as I don't check the forums much, but I will try to now that I've posted.
Former GoH (Guardians of Honor) player returning after a long time away.
I am returning to Middle Earth and looking for where the GoH (Guardians of Honor - Elendilmir) folks wound up. If they aren't around anymore then I will be looking for a close-knit Kin that covers casual to raids, prefers brains and humor to elite gear and values kindness both in and out of the Kinship.
If having someone around who started in EQ (a Paladin!), knows strategery from strategy and who remembers when SNL was still really funny then I may just be the toon for you. Please feel free to respond or send me a PM.
FYI I am waiting to Transfer my old characters to my new server so I will need to spin a temporary character if you want to interview in-game.
Back after long break
I have recently returned to LOTRO after about a 3-4 year break. I have been in the kin Watchers of Elendil from the beginning but unfortunately it has died down drastically. I play on the Landroval server.
I have created a Guardian named Brytrica who is (at this moment) level 35. I had always been partial to the hunter but Brytrica has won me over. I do have several other characters who remain in Watchers and will for the time being, at least. I have all of the crafters, though they are no longer maxed since my absence. I do have a level 95 Hunter named Illuras but don't even know where to start with her again since things have progressed in the game so much.
I have always pretty much been a solo player but do enjoy fellowships and chatting with fellow kinmates. I would very much like to find a new home where I feel comfortable. I am a 50 year old woman who is off work until further notice. I spend A LOT of time playing.
I have played several MMO's - EQ2, WoW and a couple others that are no longer around.
My biggest difficulties in the game are not knowing about skirmishes (although I have played a few previously) and other instances as I did not do much before. There is always something new to learn, which is one thing that keeps bringing me back to MMO's.
If you have any questions for me please just ask. I hope this gives whomever is searching enough information to go on.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Khyrhon - Human Champ, Breetye - Dwarven Guard, many other alts
Age: 40s
Server: Brandywine but willing to switch
Location: US - PST
Playstyle: solo but looking to group
MMO games you’ve played: EQ, GW, DDO, WoW, Neverwinter
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I play LOTRO because I love Middle Earth and want to be part of one of my favorite settings. I want to be parts of Raids and end game content, but I'm much more interested in playing through the storyline and exploring. I'm a casual player due to hectic family life but try to get in a couple hours during the week. More time on the weekends. My highest toon right nw is level 33 on Brandywine, but I'm willing to start on another server if I find the right kin.
Originally Posted by
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Khyrhon - Human Champ, Breetye - Dwarven Guard, many other alts
Age: 40s
Server: Brandywine but willing to switch
Location: US - PST
Playstyle: solo but looking to group
MMO games you’ve played: EQ, GW, DDO, WoW, Neverwinter
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I play LOTRO because I love Middle Earth and want to be part of one of my favorite settings. I want to be parts of Raids and end game content, but I'm much more interested in playing through the storyline and exploring. I'm a casual player due to hectic family life but try to get in a couple hours during the week. More time on the weekends. My highest toon right nw is level 33 on Brandywine, but I'm willing to start on another server if I find the right kin.
If you are looking to get to end-game and raid with a solid group that is hungry and enjoys having fun contact me on Discord: L꧆#6998
A friend of mine is seekig for a slow leveling kinship/group in Crickhollow, any suggestion?
Sergio :-)
afternoon all, i am a returning playing but its been years cant really remember much so lets just say i am new :).
Looking for a casual, social Kinship on Laurelin however i dont mind starting a new character on another world :).
Landroval and others lf kinship plz
New player (really) but no beggar, looking for a kinship on Landroval or other. elf ranger lv 15. played several mmorpg over 50 irl. lf low pressure, helpful w info kin. On many different times.
looking for a kinship
I'm Brandon. Age 38
Characters are: Ichorwine - Human Lore-Master Lv. 65, Welwitschia - Hobbit Minstrel Lv. 57, Alanalin - Dwarf Rune-Keeper Lv. 28
Server: Landroval
Location: US - Mountain Time zone
Playstyle: solo but looking to group
MMO games you’ve played: EQII, Neverwinter, DAOC, tried some others too.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: I play LOTRO because I love Middle Earth and want to be part of one of my favorite settings. I want to be parts of Raids and end game content, but I'm much more interested in playing through the storyline and exploring. I have been playing for about a year almost totally solo and would like some in game friends. I have a buddy who is in the kinship "A company of friends" but they seem to be all end game people. it seems like i could see and do more things if i could easily group in fellowships. I almost always play magic user characters, and love my lore-master. I have a family but can play most nights, i have been spending more time in game because i am recovering from surgery.
all these posts getting no replies,
So I see all these posts and getting no replies, yet ingame many kins looking for members.
Originally Posted by
So I see all these posts and getting no replies, yet ingame many kins looking for members.
Sorry I usually check the forums for folks looking for kinships on Landrovel but I have I have been away with work for last couple of days
The Alliance is a well-established, busy and casual kin and always welcomes new members
Please check out our website https://alliancekinship.shivtr.com/
You can apply on there or contact me on one of the below toons. You can also ask in chat to speak to an officer when you are online. Best use LFF channel because most have world chat disabled due to the constant spammers,
My toons are
Patmustard, Pogmahone, Skruff and Nidge
Returning player looking for kinship
Looking for Kinship. Been playing for years, but took a break for a while.
RL Name: Jamie (male)
LOTRO Name: Sembanuil
LOTRO Race: Man
LOTRO Class: Captain
Age: 42
Preferred server(s), if any.: Brandywine, but can switch
Location: Southern New Hampshire
Playstyle: (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.)
Casual, usually late evenings, maybe 8 hrs/week. Early game. Usually quest solo, but willing to try group
MMO games you’ve played: This is pretty much it.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm friendly, will help others when needed (altho I'm currently pretty low level)
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Preferably Christian-themed, but really any mature, clean kin that's casual, no pressure, etc.
I am looking for a good kinship on Evernight
I would like to join a kinship, mainly for crafting and the good community of course is also important. I would really need armour and stuff for my currently lvl 42 warden with barter or something as it is possible (of course I don't want to just ask for items for myself, I know it is not free). I am an armsman (only a master prospector, expert weaponsmith and apprentice woodworker), so I would mostly need cloaks and medium armour. Quest items are way weaker than the crafted ones, and they took much more time to get all piece. For example I am still wearing a trash as helm from Lone-lands, which is very very annoying and a big drawback, plus it has ugly looking too... I am not a raider otherwise, I never do raids. Are there any suggested kinships on Evernight, which would worth it to join for crafting and a good community? So can you tell me some active and good kinship which has a lot of members?
Originally Posted by
So I see all these posts and getting no replies, yet ingame many kins looking for members.
I'm guessing/hoping it's because people are following the guidelines set out in the first post and are conducting business by PMs...
Originally Posted by
ATTENTION: Kinship Recruiters. This thread is NOT for your advertisements. This thread is for people who are looking. Respect this rule, please. PM those who may be of interest to you.
I've been away from the game for a few years and am looking for a new active kinship to join. My highest level character is level 80. And most of the rest are much lower level. I like to experience content near the contents level. As such I don't like the idea of doing, for example, a 3 man level 75 instance with 2 others that are far over the contents level.
Server: Brandywine
Age: 40
Timezone: EST afternoons and evenings sometimes late nights
Play-styles: Solo, group, PvE, RAIDs (not a lot), casual (I take things slow, I like to experience everything)
Looking for a good guild, probably something fairly new
"Get off my lawn" old
I live in AZ, but work ET hours. So an ET schedule works best.
Solo, group, PvE, RAIDs, casual, crafter, completionist, slow-levelling
MMO games you’ve played:
Too many to list, seriously
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
Mature (in the truest sense of the word), skilled, experienced. Willingness to work/help others, not shy to chat on voice comms. Damn, I'm impressing myself!
What kind of kinship you are looking for:
Cool people, somewhat active, interested in experiencing the game fully and not looking to race to end-game.
Returning/New Players seeking Home
A friend and I are currently playing EQ2, but are looking at moving over to LOTRO. She has never played, and I am returning after a several-year gap.
We'd really like to join a kinship that has people playing in evenings U.S. and throughout the day on weekends. Here's the important bits:
-We're not playing LOTRO yet, and would be starting from scratch. Server is then very open (RP preferred, though light RP Kin > RP Server). Having people around in evenings (PST based) and weekends is key. I don't recall that there's really a way for higher-level people to run content with lower (i.e. Mentoring in EQ2), but would prefer companions for dungeons.
-I'm a tank, she's a healer, but that's not TOO big a deal.
-Privacy is VERY important to my companion, we will not be able to join voice.
-We don't require raiding.
-We do light RP from time to time, just as it fits the moment.
-We will also need time to ourselves, though, we can make that outside kinship prime time just fine.
-We don't expect handouts, but it would be nice to have a kinship that works for each other. We're both avid crafters and would contribute.
-Family oriented style is a must - crass people that are in your face or rude all the time will steer us away.
-We are adults, I'm 45, she's... I really don't know.
You know... not picky at all :) But, we want the experience to be just right, and we want friends, so it's worth laying out what we're hoping for.
Let me know if there's a kinship that will fit. Thanks.
Hi all, I'm looking for a casual/family type Kin on Brandywine.
My characters are :
Main is Cirthalor, 33 hunter
Crotlo, 72 Hobbit Mini that I haven't played since Isengard
Kahrnaas, 16 man warden
I just returned to LOTRO, have all the expansions and looking for a Kin home. I'm not looking for handouts (although help would be accepted, but not expected). I'm looking mostly for advice and help navigating through some of the end game content. I will raid and group if the opportunity arises, but due to my family life its hard to commit to specific and required raid times. I'm on the older side, have kids and my family always comes first. I'm laid back and have played many different MMOs through the ages.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, and if I'm in game, im probably playing on Cirthalor.
Someone invited me but I was in the middle of a quest and couldn't pause to answer.
Originally Posted by
Looking for Kinship. Been playing for years, but took a break for a while.
RL Name: Jamie (male)
LOTRO Name: Sembanuil
LOTRO Race: Man
LOTRO Class: Captain L22
Age: 42
Preferred server(s), if any.: Brandywine, but can switch
Location: Southern New Hampshire
Playstyle: Casual, usually late evenings, maybe 8 hrs/week. Early game. Usually quest solo, but willing to try group
MMO games you’ve played: This is pretty much it.
Why kinships should be interested in you?: I'm friendly, will help others when needed (altho I'm currently pretty low level)
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Preferably Christian-themed, but really any mature, clean kin that's casual, no pressure, etc.
Kinship Found
Accepted to Silverclaw. :D
I'm looking for a casual/friendly and fairly active kinship open to younger players.
LOTRO Name: Taffa
LOTRO Race: Hobbit
LOTRO Class: Burglar L15 (red-line)
Age: 16
Preferred server(s): Crickhollow, but I can start from the ground on another server if necessary.
Location: Texas
Playstyle: Solo/Casual with some focus on exploration, leveling, and playing through the main storyline. I want to try out grouping (it sounds like a lot of fun!). I want to try to finish the game without spending too much money, so I do spend loads of time grinding TP. I'm going to have more time to play during the summer, but during the school year I'm online at night and on weekends. I am just learning how to play as a Burg, so I might make a few mistakes along the way.
MMO games you’ve played: Just this one.
Why kinships should be interested in you?: I'm a friendly person who's willing to help out as much as I can. I don't mind sharing my stuff. Once I get my profession going I'll gladly help cook for everyone. I'm not a freeloader and won't become one; working hard for good gear is a part of the MMORPG experience as far as I'm concerned. I'm no troll and won't steal or mess around with other people's stuff. I learn quickly and am respectful; I will listen to directions.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Christian-based would be nice, but I'm mostly looking for a kinship with mature, laid-back, friendly people. Joining a kinship with characters at all levels of the game is a must as my main's currently low-level. Not really picky about age range (just please, don't be creepy). I am willing to VC and I do have a Discord.
Thanks for reading all of that. Please PM me or message me in-game if you have a kin that I would fit into!
Looking For Kinship
Xonogor/Human/Guardian (level 15)
Preferred server:
Eastern Standard Time
Solo, casual. PVE only. No RP. Likes to be helpful.
MMO games you’ve played:
ESO is the latest, but I don't have the specs for it at this time. I have played LOTRO before, but it's been YEARS. Re-learning!
Why kinships should be interested in you:
I like to be resourceful by gathering materials and I enjoy helping others if I can. But be aware I have Aspergers and can get overwhelmed easily.
What kind of kinship you are looking for:
Family-friendly, LGBTQ-friendly, non-discriminating, refrains from cursing and hate speech.
Casual, fun, laid-back. I like helping new guilds get established especially.
Returning player, starting fresh.
Returning player, starting fresh.
LOTRO char name: Clynelish
Hobbit - Burglar - Tinkerer
Age: 24
Location: Belgium
Evenings and weekends. (Can vary in periods depending on workload.)
Preferred server:
I had a few chars on Brandywine, but I'd like to connect with more EU-timezone-people on Evernight, starting fresh.
casual solo & group PVE, RAIDs, crafting. -> love to explore the world, and quest with a few people and have fun of course!
Previous MMO's:
Many, but for example, I really liked RIFT.
Why kinships should be interested in you:
Mature, respectful, will do my best to help others.
What kind of kinship you are looking for:
A mature minded kinship. Respectful people, just looking to have a good time in the lotr universe. Willingness to help others out, and be helped in return.
Wilcroft, Man - Champion
US PST (Pacific Standard Time)
Casual, PvE, RP
RS, WoW, EVE, FFXIV, Black Desert Online, Neverwinter
Just looking for a smaller RP focused kinship.
Heya! I just recently came back to LOTRO and I am looking for a casual/friendly kinship that I could do instances, skirmishes, and epic battles with; ask for advice; etc. I would also like to be a part of a kinship that is willing to make Fellowships for quests/difficult areas and trade crafting items.
Here is my info:
Name: Vithulien
Race: Elf
Class: Hunter
Vocation: Explorer
Preferred server: Crickhollow
Please PM in game! :3
returning player looking for kinship,
Hail All!
Returning player, looking for old content biased kin
Age :30
Server Brandywine
Toons; 76 Warden, 27 LM, 10 RK. Also willing to roll a new toon for a group looking to explore middle earth together!
Hey everyone,
Looking for a kinship that is active, social, patient and fun. A kin of older/ mature adults, if there is such a thing. I’m 56 :) it would be fun to join a kin of similar folks. Im interested in group play, crafting and helping kinfolk out.
Im on Arkenstone currently, a transplant from Nimrodel. Will move for the right kinship.
I’ve been out of the game actively for about 3 years. I do have more time now on evenings and weekends. With all the changes, i do need some re-training how to be useful to a fellowship and/or raid again.
Not into RP or PVP.
I live in US - Texas and i’m in the CST timezone, but EST can work.
If you think you have something that could fit me, please drop me a response or message.
Looking for kinship
Character name&race: Velborn, elf minstrel
Age: 14
Preferred server: Laurelin
Location: USA, Timezone:central
Play style: Solo & Group, more casual, I don't want to continueously (don't think I spelled that right) grind for levels.
MMO games I've played: SWTOR, Eve online, SAOIF, WarRobots, and a few more that I can't name.
Why kinships might be interested in me: I don't swear every other sentence for starters, I'm currently a lvl [22] minstrel, I've got a good knowledge of gaming terms specific to RPGs, (such as aggro, Main tank, off Tank, DPS, etc.) I will follow orders and do what I'm told.
As to what kind of group I'm looking for: It doesn't matter a lot, just would prefer it if everyone didn't cuss every five seconds, RP groups are also fine.
Age: 29
Pref Server: Brandywine
Location: USA Central Time
Class: Any of em... captain or warden or Mistrel preferred
Returning player after many years - interested in seeing new content that has come out since I've been gone (75 was cap at my time). Had played for a long time and participated in end game content, so I understand mechanics of the game. I'll need time to catch up and learn what's changed, but looking for a kin that has scheduled activities, including instances, as I like knowing when to be around to play with the group. I like doing harder things especially. I also like PvMP! Super chill dude - Damarus#6410 on discord or damaruskt on steam.
evernight (captain)
hey there, im kromiel the captain of laurelin.
i am looking for a pvp freep kinship on evernight to have fun.
Looking for Kinship
Arthalas (109 Captain-Currently on Arkenstone)
Age: 36
Usually have availability 9-12pm EST (kids in bed)
I'm a lifetime member but have been out of game for the last 2-3yrs. I am interested in hitting lvl cap soon and joining in again on endgame content (raids/instances). I enjoyed competent group runs, but don't care about wipes/fails if we are challenging ourselves and having fun. I'm looking for a kin because while there are some fun solo thing in LOTRO, its an MMO and more fun when played with others. I would enjoy a kinship that is serious to casual at raiding/instances, moderately active, and is just here to have fun. Arkenstone would be a preferred server since I'm already there but open to transferring.
Name: Torsin, Dwarf Rune-Keeper
Age: 20
Preferred server: Gladden
Location: USA CST
Playstyle: I typically play solo for leveling content, but I enjoy and try to do fellowship content when I can.
MMO games you’ve played: I grew up playing WoW and have also played SWTOR.
What do you offer kinships?: I am a very relaxed player, someone who will be able to participate in casual group content or take part in kin activities, as well as just help provide a friendly atmosphere and any help that I am able to give.
What kind of kinship you are looking for?: I am looking for a friendly, fairly casual kin that runs group content occasionally and also schedules other fun events or activities.
Feldriar down for business
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Feldriar, High Elf
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 19
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Evernight
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Rotterdam, NL.
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Mostly Soloing, but down for some group play. never done raids but interested in doing them.
MMO games you’ve played: World of Warcraft (still playing), Elder Scrolls Online.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Social member always willing to help some new players. Very interested in other people.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I am looking for fun events, roleplaying and social activities.
Looking For Kinship
Your name, or character name and race (if known): I have a few toons I am playing at the moment
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): 40
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Brandywine or Landroval, have toons on either one. Been playing on BW lately
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Central Time USA
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Right now I am just leveling up toons, I would eventually like to get to more group and end game type stuff.
MMO games you’ve played: Star Trek Online, Star Wars: The Old Republic, a little bit of WoW (never really got in to it)
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Well lets see. I have helped run a gaming community in the past. I am group oriented and I can follow instructions. I love to laugh and make others laugh. Just a good old well behaved dude.
Nome: Usarei meu nick hehe sou o Dark, personagem é uma hunter elfa chamada Ivririel.
Idade: 19 quase nos 20 :(
Servidor: Arkenstone, mas acho que da para mudar né, personagem está level 20.
Localização: Brasil - Paraná
Estilo de jogo: Pve,raids,casual.
MMOS: Já joguei archeage, raiderz, Blade and soul e alguns outros por pouco tempo.
Pontos fortes: Costumo ajudar bastante no que posso, não ligo de ter que explicar mil vezes algo para a mesma pessoa. Posso dizer que meu inglês é bom, posso ajudar com textos no jogo ou algo assim? Minhas piadas são nivel praça é nossa, (eu acho isso bom ok?).
Qual kinship eu procuro: Gostaria de algo nada hardcore, hoje em dia nao tenho muito tempo disponivel para o jogo, no máximo 3 horas nos dias de semana. Algo com bastante membros que eventualmente se juntassem para fazer algumas instancias e raids. Basicamente uma kinship casual, mas com foco em ajudar todos em progredir no jogo. Com canal de comunicação externo seria ótimo tbm, discord ou team speak (se é que alguem ainda usa teamspeak kkkk). Obrigado fico no aguardo eterno de uma mensagem ;)
New player looking for a Kinship
Hello to my new community!
Your name, or character name and race (if known):Unknown name at this time, most likely will be playing an elf hunter though I am a bit of an altohalic. (Well more then a bit!)
Age: I am over the age of discretion, though I will not guarantee always acting as such.
Preferred server(s): I am flexible on servers, I like the feel of the community on Landroval, but all the servers I've visited have good people.
Location : I play random times, random days. Can be helpful to have a Kin that has a range of playtimes.
Playstyle: I love crafting and exploring, raiding tends to be out of my reach due to the random playtimes, but I do enjoy it when I catch up with it.
MMO games you’ve played: Umm all of them? I've at least kicked the tires on most MMOs though my main vice was EQ1. I've been playing MMOs since the days of telnet :D
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: This one is always a hard one to answer, I've been told I'm amusing and fun. Heck give me a try what's the worst that can happen?
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I am looking for a family style relaxed Kinship. A group of people that value people over pixels. I would enjoy roleplay and/or raiding as long as it isn't the entire focus. I would love to find a Kin that levels slowly (or at least some my level willing to explore)
New player looking for a kin !
Hello !
I already played the game 6 years ago, until level 80. I want to restart this game, with people with the same motivations !
I'm french, but i can write english, but vocal stay difficult for me. I look a kin where people speak English (or French of course), depends on the server i will choose.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Unknown name at this time, but i plan to do a Human Champion.
Age: 33
Preferred server(s): an FR or EU server, depends on answers i will have from you ! (New legendary server ? an old server ? let me know where you are)
Location : I play 3-4 times per week, usually between 21h and 00h, french time
Playstyle: I love questing, and do all the content, that's why i post my demand here : i search a kin which can allow me to do all the old content, i don't want to rush the leveling.
MMO games you’ve played: TESO, FF XIV, did the endgame in both. And GW2
Why kinships should be interested in me : i'm cool (i think), patient, not a try harder, but want to play seriously. I like to help people when i can, even if i have a lot to learn before being usefull to the others.
What kind of kinship i am looking for : I am looking for a family and relaxed Kinship, with many people of all levels. Beginners people like me is a bonus. I really want to find a team where we can help each other, speak, questing, without obligation. A mature kin, where i can find nice people, not just a kin where there is just 7-8 connected who doesn't speak.
Last, i really want to discover all the content, all instances, and take my time.
I'll be VIP if necessary, not a problem for me to pay monthly. (i already bought all extentions except Mordor)
Thanks for your answers
Casual Player Looking for Casual Kin
Character name and race: Ocholivin / Dwarf - Level ~50
Age: 37
Server: Landroval
Timezone: Eastern Time, USA
Playstyle: Super Casual & Solo, I'm not a huge fan of grouping as I can be pulled away at any time.
MMO games you’ve played: Secret World, Star Trek Online, LotRO, Elder Scrolls Online, Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2
Why kinships should be interested in you: No reason, really. I'm just a cool dude to chat with, a small Twitch streamer, game blogger, etc.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Active, and is all good with having a newbie leveling character join in chat. Level ~50 is my highest level character. Just found that World Chat is a dumpster fire, so just looking for others to chat with.
Contact through Twitter @BigMikeyOcho or In-game @ Ocholivin on Landroval
Returning player looking for Landroval Kin
- Ingame name- Delphynium, Hobbit, Minstrel, level 12 (I have several alts from level 75 to 5)
- roleplaying, raiding, instances, just overall group play and crafting
- How many hours a week do you play? 20+
- Playstyle. My playstyle is rather laid back. I love to craft and run group content. As soon as I get back in the swing of things I would love to go back to healing
I'm a returning player with several years of play under my belt. I took a very long sabbatical (was originally on Firefoot) so I'm just now starting to get the knack of things again, still a long way to go though. I'm an older gaymer (just turned 49 irl) and would love to find a mature but not stuffy Kin who is at least LGBTQ tolerant if not completely LGBTQ. I play mainly in the am of EST into early afternoon with evening play from time to time. I would love to find a Kin who does some light to moderate RP or at least some RP events.
our name, or character name and race (if known):
Character Name: Vikander (Elf Lore-Master lvl 120), Real name: Henry
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits)
I am 34 years old.
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):
Currently I am playing on Gwaihir. But I have no problem to change server or to speak English instead of German with others :)
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):
MEZ / Germany
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
I am PVE group / raid player. Of course that is where Lore-Master is most fun to play. When I am online I am up for any group content! Usually I play daily from 8pm - 11pm MEZ
MMO games you’ve played:
Lotro was the first MMO RPG I've played. I started 2008 and played it until 2010 (Vanyar). Then I left for Age of Conan, where I played on server Mitra, Fury and Crom 2010 - 2018 (Bendowill, Liangxiao, Gjalskia if you know one of this characters). Beginning this year I came back to Lotro and enjoy this game again.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
Because I never want to stop to improve myself. I know I didn't get much experience on my Lore-Master yet and I haven't played hundreds of instances or group content with it yet. But I also know I can become very good on my Lore-Master, because I consider myself as a decent player. I am always up for group content or to help out when I am online. And I am a friendly player :)
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
I am looking for a kinship that has some players in it, to do group content together. I am looking for a kinship that is looking for some callenge in instances, but still a friendly one. Not one where you are constantly blamed when you did something wrong, because nobody is perfect. I am using team-speak and discord, but I rather not belong to the players who is in there everytime when I am online.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Unknown at this time.
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) Old enough to be a grandparent.
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): New Legendary server
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): US
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Casual
MMO games you’ve played: LOTRO, Rift, ESO, WoW
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Drama free casual player looking for a family friendly Kin on the new Legendary server.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Ditto family friendly Kin.
Returning Player
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Unknown at this time, I am currently downloading the game again and have no idea where I am going to end up.
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): Old enough to vote & drink & do whatever I want! Yet I can't do whatever I want, adulting is hard work.
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): I am from Imladris & I am unsure where I am going to end up?
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): EST
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Definitely casual. Adulting comes with bills & this thing called a job.
MMO games you’ve played: DDO, LOTRO, WOW, ESO, SWTOR, TSW, EQ II.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Because I am a friendly person who enjoys helping others where I can, I'm active & am a likeable person.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): When I previously played the game, it was with a great bunch of people. We raided, we played in the Moors, we had fun. This is what I am looking for.
Returning Player - Legendary Server
I've recently returned to start fresh on one of the legendary servers. I've played off and on since release and have a handle on the game and its classes.
Your name, or character name and race (if known):
Bifo, Hobbit
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits)
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):
Anor (legendary)
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
Group, casual, crafter, some raiding when I have the time
MMO games you’ve played:
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
I'm mostly casual and get along well with others, and I'm open to suggestions and critique of playstyle in group play. Weirdly, most of my playtime is actually during the M-F work week, instead of on weekends, and that may help with online numbers during the weekdays.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
One that is ok with me mostly being casual and not having time for long raids, and one that has enough members to put groups together on the fly for quest completion and dungeons.
Your name, or character name and race (if known):
Orikk, Elf
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits)
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):
Ithil, but my character is low so I can move.
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):
Georgia, EST
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
I enjoy group content the most, so PvE, PvP (when it becomes available), might do some crafting in this game although I have never really done it before.
MMO games you’ve played:
It would be better to ask which I have "NOT" played, but MMO's would be EQ, EQII, EvE Online, WoW, Wildstar, Tera, Guild Wars, Guild Wars II, SWTOR, Darkfall, etc. Its a long list please let me stop here.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
I guess mostly for my stories, like the time my mom ran me over with the car because I called her the "B" word as a kid. Or the time I almost died snowboarding. Things like that. I can be entertaining.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
I am looking for an active kinship, a group of individuals who enjoy helping others learn and grow in a game, but at the same time enjoy the time spent with those around them.
I've recently returned to start fresh on one of the legendary servers. I played until about 65 on the regular servers, but am compelled by the fresh start here.
Your name, or character name and race (if known):
Gibraith, Man
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits)
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):
Anor (legendary)
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
Group, crafter, Deed completion, generally all things PvE, I like to RAID
MMO games you’ve played:
EQII, DAoC, Rift are the main ones
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
I am a seasoned MMO player who enjoys tanking and healing in groups, and generally joining voice chat and contributing to the community. Joining a guild is more about meeting good people than anything else for me.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
One with friendly folks who tend to keep things PG-13. No politics or religion. Good folks who could welcome my wife and I.
Longtime player seeks kin
Hi All
I don't play other MMOs.
I'm a player of 6 years. Currently most toons on Brandywine. Age 55.
Looking for a kin that does runs approximately starting at 5:30 PM US pacific time, and/or all day Saturday.
I have 4 maxed at 120: Guard (Elf), LM (Human), Hunter (Hobbit) & Mini (Human) and 11 other lower level mules/craft slaves.
I picked classes before I knew much about racial benefits, and doesn't seem to be enough of a deal to start over. These are on Brandywine.
So Brandywine would be preferred so I don't have to pay a small fortune to move them.
I enjoy PvE, but am not interested in PvP. I am most interested in cooperative raiding.
I cannot promise to be online at any given time except Saturdays, but am on for a while most weeknights.
I can offer advice, crafting and a generally pleasant demeanor as well as contributing to PvE endeavors.
For raiding, I come with pots and food etc and the ability to take direction and get out of puddles.
I do my best to keep up with the gear grind, but lacking much in the way of T2/3 Kin runs available to me I do not have the best of gear.
I'm not very keen on trying to just pug my way through instance gear grind as that can lead to very long and frustrating runs.
I don't have enough RL time to figure out every nuance of min/maxing, but am happy to listen to build advice.
Not very interested in a kin that has no recruitment criteria as that can lead to a lot of strangers and endless questions that could be looked up on one's own.
Not that I don't enjoy being helpful, but I don't have enough time to spoon feed newbies.
For example, when an officer, my first general rule of thumb for recruitment of a stranger is if they were to Moria yet.
Also, having had my Belfas house stripped clean of decorations by a kinmate in the past has me wary of indiscriminate inclusion.
If your kin has interest please feel free to PM me here or find a Kryss_something online on Brandy. Almost all my toons have the Kryss prefix.
ps. (grumble, who took Kryss on Anor?)
Thanks for your time, Christopher
Originally Posted by
If your kin has interest please feel free to PM me here .
I have sent you a private message.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Currently running a Man Loremaster named Heathen. Will probably role at least one additional character to have more crafting options. Possibly a Minstrel or Hunter.
Age: Just shy of middle age for a normal member of the race of Man. Still young by the standards of Elves, Dwarves, and Númenóreans.
Preferred server: Arnor
Location: East Coast US. But I also play outside or normal Eastern times because of my work schedule.
Playstyle. Relaxed. I like to solo, craft, and run group landscape and instance content.
MMO games you’ve played: Guild Wars 2, ESO, FFXIV,Rift, SWTOR, LOTRO are the one's I've put the most time into. I've dabbled in others.
Why kinships should be interested in you: I'll be a positive mature presence that will represent your kinship well. I can't make a promise to any certain timeline, due to my work schedule. I will be active several times a week and will contribute during those times.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: A large-ish kin that supports multiple play styles and will be understanding of a returning player relearning the game. A kin with players that laugh and play together but isn't overbearing and allows individuals to be individuals and play on their own as well. I cannot commit to a set raid role or time. I will participate in more casual group content including landscape, leveling, and instanced, and assist others. I also enjoy crafting and will contribute skills and resources.
I had a fantastic kin once upon a time but as many kins and players did it faded away. Hoping to recapture some of that magic.
Originally Posted by
Your name, or character name and race (if known):
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits)
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
MMO games you’ve played:
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
What kind of kinship you are looking for.
i use the quote above to help sort the reply based on info possibly required but if i miss anything then please ask me I am no afraid of questions :)
my name is fergusferret and I am a loremaster elf. my main traits are friend to animal and healing. I can change to healer pure if needed.
my age is ancient .. lets just say I am old enough to be a father to most of the players if not grandfather. age is irrelevant on the internet anyway and I do not reveal the age i am.
i use crickhollow as preferred server. it was the top of the heap and i have a friend who also wanted to play who is american so it was an easy choice from the list.
my timezone is UK, i live in Scotland.
i play solo or in a group. as a group player i tend to concentrate on the healer aspect. my characters all usually tend to be healer or ranged mage.
mmo games I have played .. hmm .. too many to mention really I have play-tested a lot more than I can remember the names of , off hand. wow, the west, rpgmo, kings road and bit heroes are just a few of the most recent ones. I dislike pvp so if you have pvp as a high priority then you can forget me. i prefer the pve aspect
it appears the game is short of healers and as I play healer historian in this game I am happy to be healer in any group settings.
I would prefer a kinship not too heavily requiring pvp play. I dislike it and may leave if it is an issue. I play to my own pleasure but find there are a large number of items I manage to pick up that I have no use for .. it woulf be nice to be able to place some of that stuff into a place others can use from.
New to LOTRO but not to MMOs - Looking for mature kin!
If I sound like someone that you might like to have along on your adventures, please let me know!
Your character: |
Solothyl - High Elf Minstrel (L17) |
Age: |
44 |
Preferred server: |
None but Solothyl is on Evernight EU |
Location: |
England (GMT) |
Playstyle: |
I enjoy Solo, group, PvE, healing, casual play and crafting. |
MMO games you’ve played: |
Most of them |
Why kinships should be interested in you: |
I enjoy playing with other mature players in a group but also having a network of like-minded people to chat to and learn from. |
What do you offer kinships?: |
Mature gameplay, intelligent conversation, a healer and maybe a tank one day too. I am not interested in rushing to end-game, this is what turned me off WOW. I am here to enjoy the ride, I love the lore and the atmosphere in LOTRO. |
What kind of kinship you are looking for: |
Similar age group, parents, friendly, not too serious, happy to help out a new player. I am looking for a group that plays for the story and is not solely focused on the endgame, whatever that might be in LOTRO. |
Originally Posted by
If I sound like someone that you might like to have along on your adventures, please let me know!
Your character: |
Solothyl - High Elf Minstrel (L17) |
Age: |
44 |
Preferred server: |
None but Solothyl is on Evernight EU |
Location: |
England (GMT) |
Playstyle: |
I enjoy Solo, group, PvE, healing, casual play and crafting. |
MMO games you’ve played: |
Most of them |
Why kinships should be interested in you: |
I enjoy playing with other mature players in a group but also having a network of like-minded people to chat to and learn from. |
What do you offer kinships?: |
Mature gameplay, intelligent conversation, a healer and maybe a tank one day too. I am not interested in rushing to end-game, this is what turned me off WOW. I am here to enjoy the ride, I love the lore and the atmosphere in LOTRO. |
What kind of kinship you are looking for: |
Similar age group, parents, friendly, not too serious, happy to help out a new player. I am looking for a group that plays for the story and is not solely focused on the endgame, whatever that might be in LOTRO. |
Hello, we are a group of 40's to late 50's players, we are mature with a sense of youthful fun.
I will send you a private message with further details.
LF Casual active kinship
Your name, or character name and race (if known): NONE yet Looking for server first
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 40
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): ANY NON LEGENDARY
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): SC no timezone pref
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):Casual social returning players/ LF for friends in game to help get me started once again
MMO games you’ve played: WoW, SWTOR, FFXIV
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Mature adult. Loves to help if help is possible.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
Looking for a adult ACTIVE casual Kinship. That enjoys running dungeons together as well being willing to help a returning player like myself get back into the game with advice, encouragement , etc.
Originally Posted by
Your name, or character name and race (if known): NONE yet Looking for server first
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 40
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): ANY NON LEGENDARY
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): SC no timezone pref
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):Casual social returning players/ LF for friends in game to help get me started once again
MMO games you’ve played: WoW, SWTOR, FFXIV
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Mature adult. Loves to help if help is possible.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
Looking for a adult ACTIVE casual Kinship. That enjoys running dungeons together as well being willing to help a returning player like myself get back into the game with advice, encouragement , etc.
Hi, we have a Kinship called Firedragon on Brandywine and we are currently recruiting.
Our style of play is relaxed and casual, we have mature male and female members who like to have fun.
We also have several weekly online roleplay games.
Our website www.firedragonforum.com
The sort of people we are looking for are over 40 and easy to get along with.
If this sounds like you then please feel free to private message me and I will send you our Discord server details.
Our players are USA, UK and Europe based.
Name: Moldim, Dwarf Champion
Age: 25
Server: Landroval
Location. USA CST
Playstyle: Questing and exploring, grouping,crafting
MMO games you’ve played: ESO, SWTOR, STO
Why kinships should be interested in you: Casual player not looking for hardcore raiding kinship. I am fairly laid back but my playtime may vary depending on schedule.
What kind of kinship you are looking for: Casual kin open to doing about anything in the game.