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  1. #1576
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Looking for Kinship

    Arthalas (109 Captain-Currently on Arkenstone)

    Age: 36

    Usually have availability 9-12pm EST (kids in bed)

    I'm a lifetime member but have been out of game for the last 2-3yrs. I am interested in hitting lvl cap soon and joining in again on endgame content (raids/instances). I enjoyed competent group runs, but don't care about wipes/fails if we are challenging ourselves and having fun. I'm looking for a kin because while there are some fun solo thing in LOTRO, its an MMO and more fun when played with others. I would enjoy a kinship that is serious to casual at raiding/instances, moderately active, and is just here to have fun. Arkenstone would be a preferred server since I'm already there but open to transferring.

  2. #1577
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Name: Torsin, Dwarf Rune-Keeper
    Age: 20
    Preferred server: Gladden
    Location: USA CST
    Playstyle: I typically play solo for leveling content, but I enjoy and try to do fellowship content when I can.
    MMO games you’ve played: I grew up playing WoW and have also played SWTOR.
    What do you offer kinships?: I am a very relaxed player, someone who will be able to participate in casual group content or take part in kin activities, as well as just help provide a friendly atmosphere and any help that I am able to give.
    What kind of kinship you are looking for?: I am looking for a friendly, fairly casual kin that runs group content occasionally and also schedules other fun events or activities.

  3. #1578
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Feldriar down for business

    Your name, or character name and race (if known): Feldriar, High Elf
    Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 19
    Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Evernight
    Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Rotterdam, NL.
    Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Mostly Soloing, but down for some group play. never done raids but interested in doing them.
    MMO games you’ve played: World of Warcraft (still playing), Elder Scrolls Online.
    Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Social member always willing to help some new players. Very interested in other people.
    What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I am looking for fun events, roleplaying and social activities.
    Kind regards,


  4. #1579
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Thumbs up Looking For Kinship

    Your name, or character name and race (if known): I have a few toons I am playing at the moment
    Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): 40
    Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Brandywine or Landroval, have toons on either one. Been playing on BW lately
    Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Central Time USA
    Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Right now I am just leveling up toons, I would eventually like to get to more group and end game type stuff.
    MMO games you’ve played: Star Trek Online, Star Wars: The Old Republic, a little bit of WoW (never really got in to it)
    Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
    What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Well lets see. I have helped run a gaming community in the past. I am group oriented and I can follow instructions. I love to laugh and make others laugh. Just a good old well behaved dude.

  5. #1580
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Talanion, check your PM

  6. #1581
    Join Date
    Oct 2018


    Nome: Usarei meu nick hehe sou o Dark, personagem é uma hunter elfa chamada Ivririel.
    Idade: 19 quase nos 20
    Servidor: Arkenstone, mas acho que da para mudar né, personagem está level 20.
    Localização: Brasil - Paraná
    Estilo de jogo: Pve,raids,casual.
    MMOS: Já joguei archeage, raiderz, Blade and soul e alguns outros por pouco tempo.
    Pontos fortes: Costumo ajudar bastante no que posso, não ligo de ter que explicar mil vezes algo para a mesma pessoa. Posso dizer que meu inglês é bom, posso ajudar com textos no jogo ou algo assim? Minhas piadas são nivel praça é nossa, (eu acho isso bom ok?).
    Qual kinship eu procuro: Gostaria de algo nada hardcore, hoje em dia nao tenho muito tempo disponivel para o jogo, no máximo 3 horas nos dias de semana. Algo com bastante membros que eventualmente se juntassem para fazer algumas instancias e raids. Basicamente uma kinship casual, mas com foco em ajudar todos em progredir no jogo. Com canal de comunicação externo seria ótimo tbm, discord ou team speak (se é que alguem ainda usa teamspeak kkkk). Obrigado fico no aguardo eterno de uma mensagem

  7. Oct 18 2018, 07:19 AM

  8. #1582
    Join Date
    Oct 2018

    New player looking for a Kinship

    Hello to my new community!

    Your name, or character name and race (if known):Unknown name at this time, most likely will be playing an elf hunter though I am a bit of an altohalic. (Well more then a bit!)
    Age: I am over the age of discretion, though I will not guarantee always acting as such.
    Preferred server(s): I am flexible on servers, I like the feel of the community on Landroval, but all the servers I've visited have good people.
    Location : I play random times, random days. Can be helpful to have a Kin that has a range of playtimes.
    Playstyle: I love crafting and exploring, raiding tends to be out of my reach due to the random playtimes, but I do enjoy it when I catch up with it.
    MMO games you’ve played: Umm all of them? I've at least kicked the tires on most MMOs though my main vice was EQ1. I've been playing MMOs since the days of telnet
    Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: This one is always a hard one to answer, I've been told I'm amusing and fun. Heck give me a try what's the worst that can happen?
    What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I am looking for a family style relaxed Kinship. A group of people that value people over pixels. I would enjoy roleplay and/or raiding as long as it isn't the entire focus. I would love to find a Kin that levels slowly (or at least some my level willing to explore)

  9. #1583
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    New player looking for a kin !

    Hello !

    I already played the game 6 years ago, until level 80. I want to restart this game, with people with the same motivations !
    I'm french, but i can write english, but vocal stay difficult for me. I look a kin where people speak English (or French of course), depends on the server i will choose.

    Your name, or character name and race (if known): Unknown name at this time, but i plan to do a Human Champion.
    Age: 33
    Preferred server(s): an FR or EU server, depends on answers i will have from you ! (New legendary server ? an old server ? let me know where you are)
    Location : I play 3-4 times per week, usually between 21h and 00h, french time
    Playstyle: I love questing, and do all the content, that's why i post my demand here : i search a kin which can allow me to do all the old content, i don't want to rush the leveling.
    MMO games you’ve played: TESO, FF XIV, did the endgame in both. And GW2
    Why kinships should be interested in me : i'm cool (i think), patient, not a try harder, but want to play seriously. I like to help people when i can, even if i have a lot to learn before being usefull to the others.
    What kind of kinship i am looking for : I am looking for a family and relaxed Kinship, with many people of all levels. Beginners people like me is a bonus. I really want to find a team where we can help each other, speak, questing, without obligation. A mature kin, where i can find nice people, not just a kin where there is just 7-8 connected who doesn't speak.
    Last, i really want to discover all the content, all instances, and take my time.
    I'll be VIP if necessary, not a problem for me to pay monthly. (i already bought all extentions except Mordor)

    Thanks for your answers

  10. #1584

    Casual Player Looking for Casual Kin

    Character name and race: Ocholivin / Dwarf - Level ~50
    Age: 37
    Server: Landroval
    Timezone: Eastern Time, USA
    Playstyle: Super Casual & Solo, I'm not a huge fan of grouping as I can be pulled away at any time.
    MMO games you’ve played: Secret World, Star Trek Online, LotRO, Elder Scrolls Online, Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2
    Why kinships should be interested in you: No reason, really. I'm just a cool dude to chat with, a small Twitch streamer, game blogger, etc.
    What kind of kinship you are looking for: Active, and is all good with having a newbie leveling character join in chat. Level ~50 is my highest level character. Just found that World Chat is a dumpster fire, so just looking for others to chat with.

    Contact through Twitter @BigMikeyOcho or In-game @ Ocholivin on Landroval

    // Ocho

  11. #1585
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Red face Returning player looking for Landroval Kin

    - Ingame name- Delphynium, Hobbit, Minstrel, level 12 (I have several alts from level 75 to 5)
    - roleplaying, raiding, instances, just overall group play and crafting
    - How many hours a week do you play? 20+
    - Playstyle. My playstyle is rather laid back. I love to craft and run group content. As soon as I get back in the swing of things I would love to go back to healing

    I'm a returning player with several years of play under my belt. I took a very long sabbatical (was originally on Firefoot) so I'm just now starting to get the knack of things again, still a long way to go though. I'm an older gaymer (just turned 49 irl) and would love to find a mature but not stuffy Kin who is at least LGBTQ tolerant if not completely LGBTQ. I play mainly in the am of EST into early afternoon with evening play from time to time. I would love to find a Kin who does some light to moderate RP or at least some RP events.

  12. #1586
    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    our name, or character name and race (if known):

    Character Name: Vikander (Elf Lore-Master lvl 120), Real name: Henry

    Age: (some kinships have real life age limits)

    I am 34 years old.

    Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):

    Currently I am playing on Gwaihir. But I have no problem to change server or to speak English instead of German with others

    Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):

    MEZ / Germany

    Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):

    I am PVE group / raid player. Of course that is where Lore-Master is most fun to play. When I am online I am up for any group content! Usually I play daily from 8pm - 11pm MEZ

    MMO games you’ve played:

    Lotro was the first MMO RPG I've played. I started 2008 and played it until 2010 (Vanyar). Then I left for Age of Conan, where I played on server Mitra, Fury and Crom 2010 - 2018 (Bendowill, Liangxiao, Gjalskia if you know one of this characters). Beginning this year I came back to Lotro and enjoy this game again.

    Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:

    Because I never want to stop to improve myself. I know I didn't get much experience on my Lore-Master yet and I haven't played hundreds of instances or group content with it yet. But I also know I can become very good on my Lore-Master, because I consider myself as a decent player. I am always up for group content or to help out when I am online. And I am a friendly player

    What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):

    I am looking for a kinship that has some players in it, to do group content together. I am looking for a kinship that is looking for some callenge in instances, but still a friendly one. Not one where you are constantly blamed when you did something wrong, because nobody is perfect. I am using team-speak and discord, but I rather not belong to the players who is in there everytime when I am online.
    Last edited by Naythrim; Nov 02 2018 at 04:07 AM.

  13. #1587
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Your name, or character name and race (if known): Unknown at this time.
    Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) Old enough to be a grandparent.
    Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): New Legendary server
    Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): US
    Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Casual
    MMO games you’ve played: LOTRO, Rift, ESO, WoW
    Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Drama free casual player looking for a family friendly Kin on the new Legendary server.
    What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Ditto family friendly Kin.

  14. #1588
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Returning Player

    Your name, or character name and race (if known): Unknown at this time, I am currently downloading the game again and have no idea where I am going to end up.
    Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): Old enough to vote & drink & do whatever I want! Yet I can't do whatever I want, adulting is hard work.
    Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): I am from Imladris & I am unsure where I am going to end up?
    Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): EST
    Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): Definitely casual. Adulting comes with bills & this thing called a job.
    MMO games you’ve played: DDO, LOTRO, WOW, ESO, SWTOR, TSW, EQ II.
    Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Because I am a friendly person who enjoys helping others where I can, I'm active & am a likeable person.
    What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): When I previously played the game, it was with a great bunch of people. We raided, we played in the Moors, we had fun. This is what I am looking for.
    Originally Posted by Fortinobrand
    I once heard the word "integrity" defined as making an active decision to stand by your values and do what's right even when you know with 100% certainty that you can get away with less.

  15. #1589
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Returning Player - Legendary Server

    I've recently returned to start fresh on one of the legendary servers. I've played off and on since release and have a handle on the game and its classes.

    Your name, or character name and race (if known):
    Bifo, Hobbit

    Age: (some kinships have real life age limits)

    Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):
    Anor (legendary)

    Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):

    Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
    Group, casual, crafter, some raiding when I have the time

    MMO games you’ve played:
    EQ, SWG, EQII, WoW, Eve

    Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
    I'm mostly casual and get along well with others, and I'm open to suggestions and critique of playstyle in group play. Weirdly, most of my playtime is actually during the M-F work week, instead of on weekends, and that may help with online numbers during the weekdays.

    What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
    One that is ok with me mostly being casual and not having time for long raids, and one that has enough members to put groups together on the fly for quest completion and dungeons.
    Hunter of Firefoot

  16. #1590
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Your name, or character name and race (if known):

    Orikk, Elf

    Age: (some kinships have real life age limits)


    Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):

    Ithil, but my character is low so I can move.

    Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):

    Georgia, EST

    Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):

    I enjoy group content the most, so PvE, PvP (when it becomes available), might do some crafting in this game although I have never really done it before.

    MMO games you’ve played:

    It would be better to ask which I have "NOT" played, but MMO's would be EQ, EQII, EvE Online, WoW, Wildstar, Tera, Guild Wars, Guild Wars II, SWTOR, Darkfall, etc. Its a long list please let me stop here.

    Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:

    I guess mostly for my stories, like the time my mom ran me over with the car because I called her the "B" word as a kid. Or the time I almost died snowboarding. Things like that. I can be entertaining.

    What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):

    I am looking for an active kinship, a group of individuals who enjoy helping others learn and grow in a game, but at the same time enjoy the time spent with those around them.

  17. #1591
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I've recently returned to start fresh on one of the legendary servers. I played until about 65 on the regular servers, but am compelled by the fresh start here.

    Your name, or character name and race (if known):
    Gibraith, Man

    Age: (some kinships have real life age limits)

    Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):
    Anor (legendary)

    Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):

    Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
    Group, crafter, Deed completion, generally all things PvE, I like to RAID

    MMO games you’ve played:
    EQII, DAoC, Rift are the main ones

    Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
    I am a seasoned MMO player who enjoys tanking and healing in groups, and generally joining voice chat and contributing to the community. Joining a guild is more about meeting good people than anything else for me.

    What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
    One with friendly folks who tend to keep things PG-13. No politics or religion. Good folks who could welcome my wife and I.

  18. #1592
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Longtime player seeks kin

    Hi All
    I don't play other MMOs.
    I'm a player of 6 years. Currently most toons on Brandywine. Age 55.
    Looking for a kin that does runs approximately starting at 5:30 PM US pacific time, and/or all day Saturday.
    I have 4 maxed at 120: Guard (Elf), LM (Human), Hunter (Hobbit) & Mini (Human) and 11 other lower level mules/craft slaves.
    I picked classes before I knew much about racial benefits, and doesn't seem to be enough of a deal to start over. These are on Brandywine.
    So Brandywine would be preferred so I don't have to pay a small fortune to move them.
    I enjoy PvE, but am not interested in PvP. I am most interested in cooperative raiding.
    I cannot promise to be online at any given time except Saturdays, but am on for a while most weeknights.
    I can offer advice, crafting and a generally pleasant demeanor as well as contributing to PvE endeavors.
    For raiding, I come with pots and food etc and the ability to take direction and get out of puddles.
    I do my best to keep up with the gear grind, but lacking much in the way of T2/3 Kin runs available to me I do not have the best of gear.
    I'm not very keen on trying to just pug my way through instance gear grind as that can lead to very long and frustrating runs.
    I don't have enough RL time to figure out every nuance of min/maxing, but am happy to listen to build advice.
    Not very interested in a kin that has no recruitment criteria as that can lead to a lot of strangers and endless questions that could be looked up on one's own.
    Not that I don't enjoy being helpful, but I don't have enough time to spoon feed newbies.
    For example, when an officer, my first general rule of thumb for recruitment of a stranger is if they were to Moria yet.
    Also, having had my Belfas house stripped clean of decorations by a kinmate in the past has me wary of indiscriminate inclusion.
    If your kin has interest please feel free to PM me here or find a Kryss_something online on Brandy. Almost all my toons have the Kryss prefix.
    ps. (grumble, who took Kryss on Anor?)
    Thanks for your time, Christopher
    Last edited by Krysstofur; Nov 22 2018 at 06:44 PM.

    mber, it is a game.

  19. #1593
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Krysstofur View Post
    If your kin has interest please feel free to PM me here .

    I have sent you a private message.

  20. #1594
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Your name, or character name and race (if known): Currently running a Man Loremaster named Heathen. Will probably role at least one additional character to have more crafting options. Possibly a Minstrel or Hunter.
    Age: Just shy of middle age for a normal member of the race of Man. Still young by the standards of Elves, Dwarves, and Númenóreans.
    Preferred server: Arnor
    Location: East Coast US. But I also play outside or normal Eastern times because of my work schedule.
    Playstyle. Relaxed. I like to solo, craft, and run group landscape and instance content.
    MMO games you’ve played: Guild Wars 2, ESO, FFXIV,Rift, SWTOR, LOTRO are the one's I've put the most time into. I've dabbled in others.
    Why kinships should be interested in you: I'll be a positive mature presence that will represent your kinship well. I can't make a promise to any certain timeline, due to my work schedule. I will be active several times a week and will contribute during those times.
    What kind of kinship you are looking for: A large-ish kin that supports multiple play styles and will be understanding of a returning player relearning the game. A kin with players that laugh and play together but isn't overbearing and allows individuals to be individuals and play on their own as well. I cannot commit to a set raid role or time. I will participate in more casual group content including landscape, leveling, and instanced, and assist others. I also enjoy crafting and will contribute skills and resources.

    I had a fantastic kin once upon a time but as many kins and players did it faded away. Hoping to recapture some of that magic.
    Last edited by BroadwayBlueshirt; Nov 24 2018 at 06:52 PM.

  21. #1595
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by jeffm View Post

    Your name, or character name and race (if known):
    Age: (some kinships have real life age limits)
    Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):
    Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):
    Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
    MMO games you’ve played:
    Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
    What kind of kinship you are looking for.
    i use the quote above to help sort the reply based on info possibly required but if i miss anything then please ask me I am no afraid of questions

    my name is fergusferret and I am a loremaster elf. my main traits are friend to animal and healing. I can change to healer pure if needed.

    my age is ancient .. lets just say I am old enough to be a father to most of the players if not grandfather. age is irrelevant on the internet anyway and I do not reveal the age i am.

    i use crickhollow as preferred server. it was the top of the heap and i have a friend who also wanted to play who is american so it was an easy choice from the list.

    my timezone is UK, i live in Scotland.

    i play solo or in a group. as a group player i tend to concentrate on the healer aspect. my characters all usually tend to be healer or ranged mage.

    mmo games I have played .. hmm .. too many to mention really I have play-tested a lot more than I can remember the names of , off hand. wow, the west, rpgmo, kings road and bit heroes are just a few of the most recent ones. I dislike pvp so if you have pvp as a high priority then you can forget me. i prefer the pve aspect

    it appears the game is short of healers and as I play healer historian in this game I am happy to be healer in any group settings.

    I would prefer a kinship not too heavily requiring pvp play. I dislike it and may leave if it is an issue. I play to my own pleasure but find there are a large number of items I manage to pick up that I have no use for .. it woulf be nice to be able to place some of that stuff into a place others can use from.

  22. #1596
    Join Date
    Sep 2018

    Question New to LOTRO but not to MMOs - Looking for mature kin!

    If I sound like someone that you might like to have along on your adventures, please let me know!

    Your character: Solothyl - High Elf Minstrel (L17)
    Age: 44
    Preferred server: None but Solothyl is on Evernight EU
    Location: England (GMT)
    Playstyle: I enjoy Solo, group, PvE, healing, casual play and crafting.
    MMO games you’ve played: Most of them
    Why kinships should be interested in you: I enjoy playing with other mature players in a group but also having a network of like-minded people to chat to and learn from.
    What do you offer kinships?: Mature gameplay, intelligent conversation, a healer and maybe a tank one day too. I am not interested in rushing to end-game, this is what turned me off WOW. I am here to enjoy the ride, I love the lore and the atmosphere in LOTRO.
    What kind of kinship you are looking for: Similar age group, parents, friendly, not too serious, happy to help out a new player. I am looking for a group that plays for the story and is not solely focused on the endgame, whatever that might be in LOTRO.

  23. #1597
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by dark_helix View Post
    If I sound like someone that you might like to have along on your adventures, please let me know!

    Your character: Solothyl - High Elf Minstrel (L17)
    Age: 44
    Preferred server: None but Solothyl is on Evernight EU
    Location: England (GMT)
    Playstyle: I enjoy Solo, group, PvE, healing, casual play and crafting.
    MMO games you’ve played: Most of them
    Why kinships should be interested in you: I enjoy playing with other mature players in a group but also having a network of like-minded people to chat to and learn from.
    What do you offer kinships?: Mature gameplay, intelligent conversation, a healer and maybe a tank one day too. I am not interested in rushing to end-game, this is what turned me off WOW. I am here to enjoy the ride, I love the lore and the atmosphere in LOTRO.
    What kind of kinship you are looking for: Similar age group, parents, friendly, not too serious, happy to help out a new player. I am looking for a group that plays for the story and is not solely focused on the endgame, whatever that might be in LOTRO.
    Hello, we are a group of 40's to late 50's players, we are mature with a sense of youthful fun.

    I will send you a private message with further details.


  24. #1598
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    LF Casual active kinship

    Your name, or character name and race (if known): NONE yet Looking for server first
    Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 40
    Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): ANY NON LEGENDARY
    Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): SC no timezone pref
    Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):Casual social returning players/ LF for friends in game to help get me started once again
    MMO games you’ve played: WoW, SWTOR, FFXIV
    Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Mature adult. Loves to help if help is possible.
    What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):

    Looking for a adult ACTIVE casual Kinship. That enjoys running dungeons together as well being willing to help a returning player like myself get back into the game with advice, encouragement , etc.

  25. #1599
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by DJZeroAnjel View Post
    Your name, or character name and race (if known): NONE yet Looking for server first
    Age: (some kinships have real life age limits) 40
    Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): ANY NON LEGENDARY
    Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): SC no timezone pref
    Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):Casual social returning players/ LF for friends in game to help get me started once again
    MMO games you’ve played: WoW, SWTOR, FFXIV
    Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Mature adult. Loves to help if help is possible.
    What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):

    Looking for a adult ACTIVE casual Kinship. That enjoys running dungeons together as well being willing to help a returning player like myself get back into the game with advice, encouragement , etc.
    Hi, we have a Kinship called Firedragon on Brandywine and we are currently recruiting.

    Our style of play is relaxed and casual, we have mature male and female members who like to have fun.

    We also have several weekly online roleplay games.

    Our website www.firedragonforum.com

    The sort of people we are looking for are over 40 and easy to get along with.

    If this sounds like you then please feel free to private message me and I will send you our Discord server details.

    Our players are USA, UK and Europe based.


  26. Dec 08 2018, 05:24 AM

  27. #1600
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Name: Moldim, Dwarf Champion
    Age: 25
    Server: Landroval
    Location. USA CST
    Playstyle: Questing and exploring, grouping,crafting
    MMO games you’ve played: ESO, SWTOR, STO
    Why kinships should be interested in you: Casual player not looking for hardcore raiding kinship. I am fairly laid back but my playtime may vary depending on schedule.
    What kind of kinship you are looking for: Casual kin open to doing about anything in the game.


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