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It's two months after the Black Gate... before Theodhen's funeral, so not even all formalities and courtesies after Pelennor are truly resolved. While it was somehow plausible that ravaged, squabbling Gorgoroth could be quickly assailed by Gondorian advance force within that time, plus the fact they sent another force to encircle Minas Morgul and take some of it back - but again, most of the work was done for them by the squabbling Masters of Mordor. But it's another thing entirely to... gather an entire fleet and happily sail away for Umbar, not to mention block them by land both at the same time. How many men (who aren't injured after an excessive siege and battles, and still willing to fight) does Gondor have to spare to engage on 3 or 4 fronts now? :D
Well, yes, the road to Gundabad felt really off in a military sense here, because the advances made there were very quick, but let's just attribute that to the sturdiness of the dwarves and they were not really engaged elsewhere... Men don't have that excuse though. Which makes me pretty sure, since we're going to Umbar now, there will be no Gondorian fleet nor armies parading South. (Unless of course the devs prepared very unbelievable premise, which I hope not, they always did such an amazing job regarding such matters most of the time)