Looking for a kinship on Landroval server
Name of characters: Caeliia (Champion, Race of Elf) ;; Landroval server
Age: 21
Location: Michigan, United States (Eastern timezone)
Playstyle: New to the game so I'm not sure, but more than likely solo, group, and RP
MMOs played: This is my first MMO.
Assorted Information: I prefer the Landroval server.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am super friendly, love playing with others, and will help you in any time of need.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): No preference/undecided[/QUOTE]
[Evernight] NA player looking for kin
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Arthearius, Man
Age: 32
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): Evernight
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): I play during PST peak hours. (4am GMT)
Playstyle: I prefer to dabble in all aspects of the game.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: Older gamer, know how a good kin operates. No drama.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. : NA (PST/CST) guild is preffered as I would like to have players on to interact with.
Looking for Heavy RP and Raiding Kinship
My name: Samantha
Main Character Names:
Fainauriel Adlanniel (Elf, Hunter)
Alessia (Human, Warden)
Woden (Dwarf, RK)
Rosetta (Hobbit, Minstrel)
Age: 21
Preferred server(s), if any.:
But open to other servers.
Location. :
South Africa GMT +2
I play European hours.
Hardcore Roleplaying - been roleplaying on forums and playing tabletop dungeons & dragons for 7+ years
Hardcore Raider and Team Leader - I like group activities and I especially love the teamwork, concentration and focus involved in raiding. I am not however a power gamer. Raiding for me has to be done over weekends as I do have full-time weekday commitments, family, studies and a job.
I absolutely love playing in a group! Always up for instancing and organising kinship events! I am normally an officer or admin of some sort as I tend to get very involved.
MMO games you’ve played:
Guild Wars 2
League of Legends
Why kinships should be interested in you. What do you offer kinships?:
Extremely friendly, bubbly and sociable! - I am a very helpful person and I love to just jump in and help whenever. I am dedicated, responsible and organised. I have initiative and drive. Whilst I may start out as just a recruit, I am always willing to step up and be an officer as I willingly love to help, guide, train and lead others - whether it be in a social event, or an instance or raid. I am also very diplomatic, I can diffuse tricky situations. However whilst happy in a leadership position, I am just as happy just being a normal member! I get to just be a happy soldier participating in kin events and I am cool with that also.
Experience - I am not new to LOTRO or MMO game mechanics. I know my way around fellowship manuevers, voice chat and all of the classes. I played LOTRO up until the lvl 75 cap, stopped for a bit and now I am back. I only need to catch up on the new content and updates. I am a previous kin leader and have led raids in the past.
I am also a very experienced roleplayer in terms of character creation and ideas. Whilst my LOTR Lore is scratchy - I am a friend of reading and am reading up on my Tolkien Lore as you read this. I can quickly adapt to anything and I learn very fast. Throw anything at me and I am good to go.
What kind of kinship you are looking for.:
Looking for a Heavy RP and Raiding Kinship with a mature, friendly and sociable atmosphere.
Looking for kin that have some players online Los Angeles time in evenings :-)
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I'm extremely friendly, love being social and making new friends, love helping others, I have a sense of humor, I don't take things too seriously, Im mature but love gaming for life :-).
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): Must be a mature kin. Id prefer an over 18 kin since Im 44 lol, but not an absolute requirement if the kin is mature. Prefer those that are not too hardcore that are more relaxed or casual, but love to play and be social.....and of course help others. A kin that is looking to group with people they are not familiar with and would be new to the kin :-)
LOTRO Background:
So I have a hunter level 65 which I haven't touched in 5 years. Since there is no other MMO interesting to me right now and I'm now slightly pessimistic of a couple of upcoming games, I decided to see if this game, the last game that actually felt like a home for more than 6 months, will interest me again. I left ages ago finding it hard west coast time (Los Angeles) to find groups at night during the week. I chose the Landroval server again, probably my favorite server in any MMO ever. To be honest I never completely felt like I had chosen the right class back then. I found my hunter kinda boring, but I invested so much time in him I never let go. Originally I tried a Loremaster, but after playing a Mage in WOW for so long it felt like an insult to a magic user lol. Then the uproar happened when they came out with the Runekeeper to please people like me (sorry lol) and I loved that class. Problem is I want to be a hobbit and Runekeeper isn't a choice. So I chose a Minstrel and am leaning on just starting fresh. Healers are always wanted in every game and if I like it, maybe I'll continue being one in future games like ESO if that game ends up to be OK by release. At some point the game will be so familiar that I may pick up the hunter, but at least I have a lot of money on that toon lol. So yea, I'm doing a reset for two reason, a sense of the world again and getting used to a different play style. Love the fact that they upgraded the graphics. It doesn't feel much like an aged MMO except for the character creation. World looks beautiful still :-).
Looking for a French Kinship
Name: Sockso
Age: 32
Preferred server: Sirannon
Location: United States, MI
Playstyle: I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game
I'm looking for a friendly, fun, and casual Kinship. I'm currently learning French, and I'm enamored by the beautiful language. I started a captain last week. I'd love to join up with a Kinship who uses voice chat because language learning is my primary reason for playing the game. My in-game name is Sockso. I like to play as a helpful support character. I hope to hear from you!