Looking for Heavy RP and Raiding Kinship
My name: Samantha
Main Character Names:
Fainauriel Adlanniel (Elf, Hunter)
Alessia (Human, Warden)
Woden (Dwarf, RK)
Rosetta (Hobbit, Minstrel)
Age: 21
Preferred server(s), if any.:
But open to other servers.
Location. :
South Africa GMT +2
I play European hours.
Hardcore Roleplaying - been roleplaying on forums and playing tabletop dungeons & dragons for 7+ years
Hardcore Raider and Team Leader - I like group activities and I especially love the teamwork, concentration and focus involved in raiding. I am not however a power gamer. Raiding for me has to be done over weekends as I do have full-time weekday commitments, family, studies and a job.
I absolutely love playing in a group! Always up for instancing and organising kinship events! I am normally an officer or admin of some sort as I tend to get very involved.
MMO games you’ve played:
Guild Wars 2
League of Legends
Why kinships should be interested in you. What do you offer kinships?:
Extremely friendly, bubbly and sociable! - I am a very helpful person and I love to just jump in and help whenever. I am dedicated, responsible and organised. I have initiative and drive. Whilst I may start out as just a recruit, I am always willing to step up and be an officer as I willingly love to help, guide, train and lead others - whether it be in a social event, or an instance or raid. I am also very diplomatic, I can diffuse tricky situations. However whilst happy in a leadership position, I am just as happy just being a normal member! I get to just be a happy soldier participating in kin events and I am cool with that also.
Experience - I am not new to LOTRO or MMO game mechanics. I know my way around fellowship manuevers, voice chat and all of the classes. I played LOTRO up until the lvl 75 cap, stopped for a bit and now I am back. I only need to catch up on the new content and updates. I am a previous kin leader and have led raids in the past.
I am also a very experienced roleplayer in terms of character creation and ideas. Whilst my LOTR Lore is scratchy - I am a friend of reading and am reading up on my Tolkien Lore as you read this. I can quickly adapt to anything and I learn very fast. Throw anything at me and I am good to go.
What kind of kinship you are looking for.:
Looking for a Heavy RP and Raiding Kinship with a mature, friendly and sociable atmosphere.
Last edited by Fainauriel; Nov 26 2013 at 09:43 PM.