Hardcore Raider (w/ Top 5 WW Experience) LF Hardcore Raiding Kinship
Your name, character name, race (if known):
Luke, Unknown, Unknown (For reasoning below)
Preferred server(s):
Willing to play on any (for the reasons below)
United Kingdom (GMT 0)
Hardcore raiding (Casual outside of raid time)
MMO's played + Achievements:
- LotRO - Played this game religiously for 3 years since launch, learned the ins + outs quickly. Always returned.
- EverQuest I - First MMO I played, started off casual then I discovered raiding. Raided hardcore at the age of 12 for 2 years, resulting in 2 consecutive years of Server 1st on Antonius Bayle.
- EverQuest II - After raiding hardcore for 2 years in EQ I, I moved onto EQII, raided hardcore for <Black Flag> on Freeport (Server 1st) before transferring to Splitpaw to raid with <Validus> for half a year (#3 Worldwide), was then approached by officers in <Equilibrium> (Worldwide #1) and raided with them ever since (1.5 years) until bust.
- World of Warcraft - Raided hardcore on an off, never a game I really stuck to.
Why kinships should be interested in you / What do you offer kinships?:
In a Kinship, I am a loyal, hardworking and helpful member. I graft to hit targets the guild expects of me, I take time to research and test, finding alternatives and better possibilities, After playing hunter in the highest tier within Mines of Moria, I discovered such alternatives.
However, as an individual I feel I am very versatile, I am able to mold any role a guild seeks to complete a raid team and make it mine (hence leaving my Class/race as 'unknown'), I am keen for constructive criticism and keen to show that my past experience has payed the price into fitting into the hardest of raid guilds. I am a serious but friendly player, If you happen to be interested in recruiting me, please by all means PM mean and we can discuss which classes you urgently need. I am more than willing to play any class.
What kind of kinship you are looking for?:
I am looking for a hardcore raid kinship, a guild who raid a few nights a week but are also active outside out raid time for grouping and socializing.
Outside of raid I like to enjoy all aspects of the game such as events, crafting, collecting and even PvP (sometimes).
If you're interested in what you have seen above and would like more information, message me! I don't bite.
3 players seeking a mature adult kin AND new server home
myself, my partner, and my best friend game on Dwarrowdelf, which is closing. We are seeking a new server and in the process, i think finding a great kin on that server may be the deciding factor.
Your name, or character name and race (if known): Ordarthin (Elf Warden), Ingrassost (Human LM)
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits): 39, 40, and 41
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.): You tell me
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.): Eastern US
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.): group, PvE, casual, and a sprinkling of RP (crying over dead NPCs, roaring at Mazog in the epic, etc.), and we love to craft items to help others.
MMO games you’ve played: Just LoTRO
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
We help other kin-mates (taking time out of our plans if a kinmate asks for help. And we take the time to educate them on their toon, game mechanics, an instance they are struggling with, etc. We expect the same from the kin we join.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
Because getting groups is a logistical challenge (synchronicity in both goals, intent, level, motivation, and most importantly, TIME), the 3 of us tend to game together in the evenings after long professional work hours during the week. However, we are disappointed that we cannot find a kin that does 6-man instances, 6-man skirmishes, and 12-man raid content "for fun" on weekends. Since time is so critical, looking for a kin that's established and puts up a raid calendar or polls allowing members to better self-organize for weekend runs (hey this weekend, doing isengard from 7-10am. sign up if you are interested so we know how many groups will be doing the content).
We would like to experience that content with a group of mature (educated, sane, level-headed, professional) individuals that will educate us on the nuances of the instance or learn with us (trying several times if need be). We like a challenge, so having 3 level 100s blast through the enemies while we face roll / follow is boring as hell and teaches us nothing on how to play our role better in a group setting, follow raid assists, etc.
We don't have headsets or RAZR gaming mice. We're casual gamers that just want to experience all the content lotro has. Each of us has multiple toons at different levels. My partner and I have level 90 toons, but most of our others are in the late 60 to 70s range right now.
And for the game world, we're looking for a server where the auction house is always full of crafting supplies and other odds and ends at reasonable prices. 60 gold for 100 scarn. NOT reasonable. Looking for crafters that can make epic relics for the kin, or best in armor, etc.
Let us know where we should begin looking/applying. Dwarrowdelf is closing soon.
Looking for kin, choosing server by it
Your name, or character name and race (if known):
Taonuviel, elf
Age: (some kinships have real life age limits)
Preferred server(s), if any. (This is not needed, just for kinship info.):
One of the remaining U.S. servers
Location. (Timezone preferences if any, state/country, etc.):
Michigan, U.S. Eastern time, on often, but not early morning
Playstyle. (Solo, group, PvE, PvP, RAIDs, casual, hardcore, end-game, RP, no RP, time limited, crafter, “I don’t know, I’m new to this kind of game”, etc.):
I tend to do solo quests, but have joined groups for quests and skirmishes. Am interested in RP but not all the time. Had been enjoying crafting - light/medium armor.
MMO games you’ve played:
This. Some others that aren't memorable. Some zOMG when it came out, but I couldn't get far if I felt like going solo, and the site in general was really more for teens.
Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?:
Have played the game, almost to lvl 70 when 75 was highest, enjoyed helping other players, did crafting for kin members free + any needed materials. Never cause trouble.
What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters):
Active, enough paying members to do VIP skirmishes regularly, mixture of player levels. Appreciate use of microphone, whether in-game and/or outside program, used both in past. (TeamSpeak)
Looking for kin EU servers, LGBT friendly, English or German
Characters: champ-main, alts: minstrel, lore-master, rune-keeper, warden, guardian, captain, hunter, beorning
Preferred server(s): Laurelin and other EU- servers for English or German speakers
Location: CET (central european time)
Playstyle: Solo, group, PvE, PvP, Raids
MMO: only Lotro
I am a friendly,regular,committed and loyal player
I am looking for LGBT friendly kinship that is mature and active.
If you would like more information,please send me a message.
Searching for a Landroval-based Kinship.
Quoted from the Landroval forums:
Originally Posted by
Good morning Landroval!
I've decided to return to LOTRO and spend my limited gaming time with the incredible community this server boasts. I am looking for a Kinship that I can grow alongside and enjoy this journey with.
Particulars: Haeletir Leohtbrand is a Captain hailing from Bree, who at present is level 21 and rapidly climbing. I have several alts up to level 35, but I have settled on the Captain as my main in the interest of balancing my playstyle against availability as you'll read below.
Playstyle: Completionist. I want to maximize my enjoyment of every aspect of the game, both during the leveling (adventuring!) process and at the level-cap. You will find me running with on-level fellowships, participating in festivals, crafting, completing deeds, engaging in PVMP once I'm suitably prepared and, eventually, completing end-game content. While I am not a roleplayer, I am not opposed to light roleplay by any stretch and have a great deal of respect for creativity and immersion.
Availability: Varies a great deal due to my work schedule and other commitments, but generally includes evenings and weekends when possible. To be upfront, I will often be absent for potentially lengthy periods and sometimes at random. When I'm available I tend to play in binges.
My ideal Kinship is one comprised largely of fellow completionists, or at the least one that is well represented in all of LOTRO's various activities and pursuits across all level ranges. Ideally, it is involved within the Landroval community and active as a sub-community both in-game and externally through forums or some other appropriate means of communication.
Thanks for your consideration!
Any active Christian Kinships around?
I am looking for some like-minded people who are casual raiders and are currently an active kin.
Looking for kinship on Brandywine
Character Name: Heatherun
Character Race: Boering (reached level 16 this morning)
Age: 42
Location: Canada MST time zone
Playstyle: Up for anything, but currently playing the game casually.
MMO's played: Warhammer Age of Reckoning, Star Wars Old Republic, DDO (still playing), DCUO, WoW (3 sessions then quit), LoTRO (for about 4-6 months before stopping)
I am not sure how much I can contribute to a kinship since I have never played in a serious one. The one I was part of when I last played was with a few friends and we grouped for PVE, crafted items for one another, and shared what information we found that the others were lacking. I am looking to eventually try some of the raids in game and some of the other epic and larger content and would like to think I am able to contribute reasonably to any kinship group/party that I would be a part of.
I am looking for a kinship that is not very hardcore at this time and is accepting of a casual player starting over slowly in that game that will play maybe 1-2 days a week. Also I am looking to find players that have a fairly decent level of knowledge of the game that may be able to answer any questions I may have about the game and its systems. I am just looking to have funa nd hope to find like minded players.
Thanks to any kinships from Brandywine that take the time to read and consider me as a potnetial member.