I just can't.
I just can't.
Fai ciò che ti rende felice.
Sizzlac - R12 Loremaster Zweisocke - R13 Warg
I'm looking for a very specific kind of Kinship -- I'd like to find a group of people who intentionally level cap themselves at 50 or 60 (using the Stone of the Tortoise pocket item), and run old-school SoA or MoM content on-level. I've been away from the game for many years now, but a recent pang of nostalgia makes me want to start fresh, and I remember not liking a lot of post-MoM content as much as everything I'd experienced beforehand. I wanna do the Rift and fight the Watcher and do DN again!
Anyway, my name's "Brokofiev" in-game; if such a group exists, hit me up either in-game or here on the forums, and I would love to join up with you guys. Non-RP preferred.
Oceanic Warriors has such a group within it which is called Nostalgia, but it's not the entire kinship, it's more of a subgroup. (Most of the members of the main kinship have Nostalgia alts, but a few of us only have Nostalgia characters.) We're currently capped at 60 and doing Moria instances. At some point, probably in a few weeks, we'll take off the Stones and advance to the next stopping point (not sure what that is, but it'll be the next instance cluster) and then stay capped there for a few months.
Edit: This has been sadly disbanded.![]()
Last edited by HunterGreen; Nov 01 2015 at 08:58 AM.
Hello everyone! i am new to landroval server transfered my characters from riddermark so i am looking for active kinship to join. Some info about me
- Veritasaequitas-1 main hunter lvl 100, alts: captain lvl 100 (dps and tank build) warden lvl 50, champion lvl 70, all characters are good geared. Virtues 19,19,19,19,19
- Guilded woodworker, scholar, cook and armorer on the way
- Looking for mature active raiding kinship for t2c runs, endgame runs like osgiliath, skraids t3, OD, BG, Fornost etc.. not interested in rp, pvp
- Time zone CET gmt+1 (not priority) but if there is kinship like that in mine time zone i will be happy to join.
- Something about me i could say i am friendly person 30 years old looking for fun in game. For more info and kin invite pm me in game on my hunter. I am not too much active on forum. Thanks!
With the disbanding of the Nostalgia raiding kinship The Old Ways (an offshoot of Oceanic Warriors), I've got a character who would like to find a kinship now, where I could continue with learning how to raid.
Ioreld, Level 61 Captain (currently red line, wanting to learn blue)
Looking For: Chances to learn various roles in raids, preferably with on-level content (I also do a lot of RP, but I don't need the kinship to be providing that nearly as much as I need one to provide raid opportunities)
Time Zone: Eastern US, and I can't stay up too late except on weekend evenings
The Old Ways was a Stone-of-the-Tortoise kinship where we'd have a level cap (currently 60) and we'd do the raids and instances at that level until we'd done them all, then raise the level cap to continue. This wasn't like Club Eclair in that the slow-leveling wasn't for RP purposes, or even for group questing, but just for doing raids on-level. While it'd be particularly apt to slide into another kinship that used the same strategy as The Old Ways, it's not necessary. Anything that'll give me a chance to do regular raiding with someone who'll lead, be patient, and let me learn will do.
Note that I have 2-4 others who were in The Old Ways who would likely also want to join in. None of us has both the expertise and the personality to lead raids and teach those of us who are relative-newbies to raiding, though, so that's why we're hoping to find a kinship that can help with that. (So hopefully when I have expertise I'll be able to lead and teach others, in turn.)
Hello everyone. I'm returning after about a year and a half leave. I'm really happy to be back and the game is more fun playing with people, so I'm looking for a kinship.
- I play a lvl 50 Hunter, Elf.
- Light RP, but I'm mainly looking for a kinship where we occasionally raid and then just go out and adventure with each other and help each other along in the game.
- Hours:As for gameplay hours, I'm just now coming back, so hard to gauge. My work schedule changes week to week. I'm probably looking to log around 8-12 hours a week though. Possibly more depending on my schedule.
- Playstyle: I've been doing solo, but I realize now may be the time to not try to keep going it alone. I do love to explore, but I mostly enjoy working through the quests.
- Other Info: I'm a 31 year old male, living on the West Coast, so I'm in the Pacific Time Zone.
In Game Name: Arrassel (a Sindarin name meaning a maiden/girl/daughter without a path, or at least that is what it should mean if I went about this correctly)
Race: Man
Class: Hunter
Current Level: 25, nearly 26
Am I considering roleplaying?: In short, yes. However, I am very very new to it. I kinda roleplay along with the game by myself, creating backstories for my character and thinking of how they would respond to certain situations and such but I have never actually participated with others before. I definitely enjoy watching others roleplay and would love to learn more about it. I am looking for a kin that would be willing to help me "learn the ropes".
How many hours a week do I play?: It varies from week to week. I play nearly every day and I can go from playing only an hour a day to eight hours straight, it all depends on my schedule as I work with horses in real life and my job often has me out at the barn at different times. You can be sure to see me in game several times throughout the week though!
Playstyle: I mostly solo (as I think that this suits my particular character better) but I am not opposed to playing in groups. I also really love exploring Middle Earth and I can sometimes be found in regions that are not appropriate for my level.
Other Information: I am a twenty year old woman residing in the east coast of the United States. I was once a fairly active player on Vilya but stopped playing the game for a while (a year or so I think). I am now getting back into the game and there is quite I bit that I find that I must relearn. Also, my highest level character on Vilya was a level 30 elven minstrel so there is still a lot of the game that I have not experienced and I am also learning how to play the game with a completely different character and class! All very exciting to me but there is still so much that I could use help with!
Thank you for taking the time to read this and to consider me for your kinship! I hope to see you in game!
- Ninthorien Moriel - Female Elf - Hunter - Lvl 24
- Mainly here for roleplaying, but I also do some questing/crafting as well.
- Active at least 8 hrs/week
- Playstyle: Explorer
- I am a mature but fun-loving and relaxed individual. I come from Canada and I work a full time 9-5 job so I cannot be on constantly on, unfortunately. I have been an avid roleplayer outside of MMOs, on forums and Tumblr, in specifically Tolkien-based RPs. I have also written several Tolkien-based fan fiction pieces. I would say I have a fair grasp of lore in middle earth and I love "literate" RPing. I am okay with sticking to the lore, but I am also okay with pushing the boundaries too in terms of the guidelines Tolkien outlined in terms of lore. Looking for an active, accepting kin (possibily all-elven, but I'm open minded).
"has Powerful Friends"
We are a R10 Kinship with a Large Player Base of All Classes, Races, and Levels.
All Ages, & Classes Welcome.
We have our own Web-page located at powerfulfriends.guildportal.co m
where we maintain a Calendar of Events{Virtue & Slayer Deed Runs in Fellowship}
We do many RAIDS, Instances, and Skirmishes{All Areas of Middle-Earth). We Have Our Own Dedicated MUMBLE Server for General Chat & Raid, & Fellowship Chat.
Many of Us are Running in Ettenmoors (Come and Join in for Hunting Down Creeps)
We even have a "Clan" just for Creeps "has Powerful Enemies"
Help Topics for Various Classes to Help You Advance Your Character and get the Most out of Your Class.
We have Master Guild Craftsmen in All Vocations to Help You with Your Gear, or just to Help You Level-Up Your Crafting Expertise.
We are User Friendly, Courteous, and Have Lots of FUN Playing LOTRO, so come on Over and give Us a Try.
We also have Our Own Facebook & Twitter Pages.
Please send a IM, or Mail-a-Message (In-Game) to:
Manwin (Kinship Leader), or Lavandil (Co-Leader), or any other Member of Has Powerful Friends
Good morning Landroval!
I've decided to return to LOTRO and spend my limited gaming time with the incredible community this server boasts. I am looking for a Kinship that I can grow alongside and enjoy this journey with.
Particulars: Haeletir Leohtbrand is a Captain hailing from Bree, who at present is level 21 and rapidly climbing. I have several alts up to level 35, but I have settled on the Captain as my main in the interest of balancing my playstyle against availability as you'll read below.
Playstyle: Completionist. I want to maximize my enjoyment of every aspect of the game, both during the leveling (adventuring!) process and at the level-cap. You will find me running with on-level fellowships, participating in festivals, crafting, completing deeds, engaging in PVMP once I'm suitably prepared and, eventually, completing end-game content. While I am not a roleplayer, I am not opposed to light roleplay by any stretch and have a great deal of respect for creativity and immersion.
Availability: Varies a great deal due to my work schedule and other commitments, but generally includes evenings and weekends when possible. To be upfront, I will often be absent for potentially lengthy periods and sometimes at random. When I'm available I tend to play in binges.
My ideal Kinship is one comprised largely of fellow completionists, or at the least one that is well represented in all of LOTRO's various activities and pursuits across all level ranges. Ideally, it is involved within the Landroval community and active as a sub-community both in-game and externally through forums or some other appropriate means of communication.
Thanks for your consideration!
Howdy! Level 100 Hunter here, name's Bruman.
I love the people in my kin, but we're very small and pretty inactive (2-3 on at most, most of our 100s don't play much, just when there's content update). I've barely been able to experience any of the group content, or in some cases, none of it (like the Osgiliath and Erebor instance clusters). I wish LOTRO had the GW2 style where you could join multiple guilds, heh.
I'm looking for a guild that's friendly and casual (which is great, because I think almost all LOTRO guilds fit this!), but does like to run BBs pretty regularly (Pel duo, Pel 6, DW raid, maybe the new BBs!, etc), and even better if they run some of the Osgiliath dungeons (and don't mind helping a newb through it). I've never been able to get into gear progression in this game, and would love to. I've been working on switching my gear over to more morale for Osgiliath, and I do have my engineer for BBs at a high rank.
I also love retro-raiding and retro-dungeoning, although I admit to being a bit burned out on some of the Moria instances. They're awesome, great instances, but they're the only ones I've seen with any regularity. Some of the raids/instances, like Thorog, I don't even have unlocked.
So, if you know of a guild, or are in one, that might be a good match, feel free to PM me, reply, or toss me a message in game! Again, main playtimes are in the evenings CST (6-9 or so, sometimes 3-5 depending on the day), and on weekends. If stuff is scheduled, I'm really good about being able to show up (unless there's a family emergency, of course).
Hi hi! I'm a longtime player and I returned about three months ago after an absence. No matter where life takes me, I always end up back in LOTRO. But I'm getting kind of lonely after leaving my last kinship, who were great people but were having a lot of drama and inactivity. My friends list is kind of sparse since I returned and I am a very social, VERY chatty person in the game, though you'll rarely see me in /world.
I have a level 100 minstrel (with absolutely terrible gear, weapons, and traits, but I've played her since launch) and a TON of alts, though I've been playing my lowbie champ a lot lately to try to get her into some higher level content. I used to lead a very active RP kinship, but after my son was born I didn't have the time.
Nowadays, I tend to spend most of my time soloing, exploring content I've never really completed before, and crafting. I'm also in love with role playing, but find it hard to edge into some of the cliques I see. I used to do actually quite a bit of PvMP and raiding waaaaay back when Moria was the level cap, but haven't found a group patient enough with me to experience more end-game content.
What I'd like from a kinship is an active player base, though I am not adverse to helping someone build up a kinship or get one started, during the times I play. I'm usually on some during the day when my son is in school and at least two or three evenings a week, EST. I'm never online on Friday or Saturday due to my work schedule. I'd like to be in a group that's drama-free and has mature players who can respect everyone's play style. Also, I'd like to learn more about aspects I've never tried in all these years of playing the game, like BBs and raids like Helegrod. I'm kind of clueless when it comes to LIs and how to put together good ones. And I would like to be in a role play friendly kinship, even if that isn't their main focus. A great group I was in before I took my break disbanded while I was away, but I was the role play officer and helped people who had questions or who wanted to role play but weren't sure how.
So, if you are in a kinship or know of one that might be a good fit for me, send me a /tell in game or PM me here. I'm usually playing Annierose or Ethda and I'd love to hear from you.
Hi, this is Manwin (Lord) from "has Powerful Friends" We are (or were before a mishap with the Transfer Wizard) a Long History & Larger Membership in Vilya, now in Landroval, We are a R10 Kinship with many of a Variety of Players from Teens to Upper 60's...We are not into Role-Play but do everything else..We have Master Crafters to help with Gear,Jewelry, and scrolls, even the New Essences...We're a Dress up Kinship (Cosmetics), and Like to Parade, even have Our Own Band. Our Kinship is Listed all over the Net (Lotro-wiki, and here in Forums are a Good place to check out Our Ads)...We have Daytime as well as Late Night Players (as I am, as I assist the European Members)..if interested drop me a Note HERE or send me a Mail In-Game, and we can arrange a Meeting to show You around.![]()
Well met fellow travelers. I am returning the the game after a long layoff and would like to really dive in and join a Kinship.
As for the requested info:
Ellireal, Elf, hunter, level 95
-I like to RP and group for guild events.
- How many hours a week do you play? About 20 hrs.
- Playstyle (explorer, soloer, etc)
- Various other information a kinship may find useful: Been playing MMO's since launch of EQII. I have played many different roles and understand group duties.
I am not an expert RPer, but enjoy it and want to learn to do it well. I picked hunter because my history is as either ranged combat or healing. As I remember, this
class tends to be overplayed, but after a long layoff, I wanted to get comfortable with playing and with a kinship before rolling anything new. I do prefer healing and am open
to suggestions as to best class to do that in this game. It used to be minstrel. I play on RP servers because my experience is that the community is welcoming and encourages
new RPers to improve their skills. This character was made level 95 to get into the action, instead of languishing in starter zones forever. My healer will be rolled from level 1,
as I believe that it is important to learn your character from the ground up.
- Optional - I am 57 year old retired submarine sailor, father, grandpa, and dog lover.
I look forward to hearing from any RP kinships that are small to medium in size.
Ellireal Vashaar
Well met fellow travelers. I am returning to game after a long layoff, and taking time to enjoy the story and meet fellow explorers this time.
Aeiliel Vashaar, Elf, Champion, level 14
- I enjoy RP and would like a kinship that does some RP. I also enjoy kinship events ands grouping.
- How many hours a week do you play? about 20
- Playstyle (explorer, soloer)
- Various other information a kinship may find useful. I have played many MMO's and understand roles in groups. I am very loyal to my Kin. and
enjoy crafting and contributing items to guild members.
- Optional - RL information such as Age, Time Zone, etc. I am a 57 year old retired submarine sailor and proud grandpa. I work the 4-MID shift EST. I really
want a Kinship home I can stay in for the long haul.
I really look forward to hearing from a kinship willing to give this young Elf a chance.
Aeiliel Vashaar
I've been playing on the Landroval server since closed beta 2007. So far, I've been in music kins, raiding kins, role-playing kins and my own personal solo kin. Lately I've been searching for a good PVE grouping kin. I'm not having any luck. I've joined and tried a couple but they seem too heavily involved in the PVP aspect. If there is a big enough desire for a simple, casual PVE grouping/questing/leveling kin, I would consider opening my personal storage kin for recruitment. Not really a leader, so I prefer to join one already established. I'm looking for daily PVE instance grouping. 3, 6, 12 main instances, big battles, skirmishes.
I'm a lifer whose been playing the game on and off ever since beta, however I only recently moved to Landroval (a month before they announced the server changes I might add >.>) and Im looking for a kin to join.
Im deets:
- Gilion, Captain, lvl 100
- Still not sure if I want to partake in RP but I do like watching it, main reason I moved to Landy. I do like to partake in raids and on rare occasion, PvMP.
- Very irregular, explain below.
- Not sure what to say for playstyle. I definitely am an exploror and do a lot solo, but im always up for group play.
So my problem is, recently I havnt had a lot of time for this game so the amount of time I put into it is very random and not very regular. Usually when a new update drops I'll play for weeks on end trying to finish as much as I can, when we first entered Rohan I spend everyday doing the dailies for Hytbold until it was completely rebuilt. However, usually when I've done most of the new content I dont usually log in more than once a month, if that. So im looking for a friendly Kin who will either give me a reason to sign on more often, and/or a kin that doesn't care how often Im online and will welcome me to group events whenever I can attend them, and just be there to talk to when I cant.
*Motivating quote from LOTR*
- Ingame Name, Race, Class, and Current Level
Ildy, Woman, Burglar, 34
- If you are considering roleplaying, raiding, and/or player versus player combat
Heavy RP. Kinship chat should be RP.
- How many hours a week do you play?
- Playstyle (explorer, grind-heavy, soloer, etc)
Whatever strikes my fancy. Been mostly solo, RPing where I can find it in the wild.
Last edited by Maggiethefair; Sep 15 2016 at 09:07 AM.
Owner - Laurelin RP Group Discord server - https://discord.me/laurelinrp
Hello, all! I'd love to join a kin with at least a few active members around at all (sane) hours who are willing to chat about life, the universe, and everything. As a gamer, I'm an exceedingly casual solo-er, and I adore light RP. If this sounds like a good fit for your kin, please PM me here.![]()
Name - Hodorhil and Granador
Race - Man and Elf
Class - Warden and Hunter
Current Level - 12 and 79
Real Age - 40
Time Zone - PST (California)
Play Time - Between 9 PM to 12 AM PST
If you are considering roleplaying, raiding, and/or player versus player combat - I am looking for a casual place to hang out in. At this time, family obligations don't really allow for more than just a few hours a week to level and play. No plans for raiding at this time. Light RP is fine.
How many hours a week do you play? - Between 2 and 8
Playstyle (explorer, grind-heavy, soloer, etc) - Soloer and Explorer. Perhaps grouping later down the road but not near the level cap at all. Willing to help if I can though. Mostly looking to get to join a kin to hang out with and get to know some more folks on the server.
PST in game or on PM on the forums.
- My characters name is Tinnunir, it is a Elf Minstrel, and it is level 8 currently.
- I have not tried roleplaying, but I could be up for it in the future. Raiding, yes at some point when I get to max level lol. PvMP yeah, I would also very strongly consider that.
- 20 hours +/- depends on school.
- I wouldn't say I have a specific playstyle yet, but I would like to complete everything that I come through, so probably completionist.l
- I am 23 years old from Denmark, my timezone is CEST or GMT +2.
Hi All,
Character currently seeking kin is Mori. Level 15 Minstrel. I transferred with my kin from Silverlode, took a very long break and just recently began playing. My kin is no longer active.
I have one level cap character and various other toons from lvl 15 to 105. I used to Raid and pvmp consistently but haven't really gotten back into it since I began playing a couple weeks ago. Hoping to find an active kin for grouping up and the occasional PVMP run.![]()
- Galhar, Beorning, 8 (and still leveling)
- I'm interested in raiding and other types of PvE combat
- Right now I spend about 10 hours a week playing games, it all depends on the week itself.
- I'm probably more of a solo player outside of raids but I don't mind grouping for some social action.
- I've played MMO's for a long time (since 2003 if you count runescape) and I was a beta player in LOTRO but I never really picked up the game and got far.
- I'm 24, mature guy, just looking to explore this game and enjoy it before it's too late. I'm located in the US -7 GMT.