Quote Originally Posted by Leadfingers View Post
As long as the animation delay bugs still pollute the system, I don't even think FRAPS can do much to clear this up.

This is true. Truth be told, the actual induction for ISB doesn't even start until 3-4 frames after the skill is activated. The bow comes off the shoulder (if not already in combat) and the avatar starts to widen the stance, all before the induction even starts.

If there is a formula, or even a guideline, on which the animators and developers base skill construction, I'm at a loss to explain it. With varying amounts of pre-induction animation, inductions, post-induction animation, post-animation idle time, etc, it looks as though no one concrete rule is followed. How they manage to balance skills across multiple classes is beyond me.

Perhaps we're all just being too analytical and need to be more accepting of the loosey-goosey, code-by-feel mantra that seems to be at play.