Conjunction Information (from the beta forum, and special thanks to Tadloth for lots of detailed info!):
Here's a link to the Official Article on Conjunctions.
And on the Lorebook:
- Maneuvers
- (a nice chart from The Brasse)
Conjunctions are fellowship combat maneuvers that can deal significant damage or restore power or morale. The more powerful ones can combine these, affect multiple targets, or add heal-over-time buffs on you. Some even summon creatures to help you battle!
Conjunctions are started randomly when you're fighting signature or elite mobs. Some classes (such as burglars) have skills or items that can start (also known as opening) a conjunction.
Once a conjunction starts, the mob is stunned, and a conjunction wheel will appear on the screen of each fellowship member who is targeting that mob. (Those not targeting it will see a bulls-eye, clicking that will allow them to switch targets to the appropriate mob, and the wheel will open.) The wheel has four colored circles: RED (which does damage), YELLOW (which does damage over time), GREEN (which restores morale), and BLUE (which restores power).
Each player has a few seconds to select one of the colors. Once you choose a color, it will appear in the Conjunction Contribution Panel (so everyone can see what has been chosen). This freezes your character (though other mobs can still attack you). If you move, your contribution is removed. After a few seconds (whether you choose a color or not), the conjunction resolves.
As of Book 12, the fellowship (or raid) leader can select a "preferred" FM for the group. To do so, open your Character panel, select the Skills tab (at the top), then the Fellowship Skills (at the bottom). It will show a list of all the conjunctions you know (that is, the ones you have successfully completed on this character). If you are the fellowhship (or raid) leader, you'll also see a little check-box by each one. If you select that, it will immediately show it to all members of the fellowship/raid. Also, whenever an FM is opened, it will show it again. Also note that it's for the whole raid; you can't set a different one for each fellowship in the raid. Basically, it serves as a reminder as to which FM has been selected. It doesn't help you complete the FM per se, but the reminder can make it easier to get the "right" one completed.
Some contributions require proximity to the mob, others can be used at range. There are slightly different icons on the conjunction wheel that indicate the range; if you look closely you'll see some arrows on the RED and YELLOW circles on the Hunter's wheel, for example. BLUE and GREEN can be used at range for all classes. Hunters and Rune-keepers can also contribute RED and YELLOW from range.
Here's a video showing three different (length-three "straight") conjunctions:
Notice the effect on the mob's health, and on the players' morale and power.
Although every conjunction with at least one color does something, there are special combinations which are extremely powerful. These tend to work like poker hands (pairs, flushes, straights), and are described in detail below. Straights describe a sequence that goes in order (clockwise or counter-clockwise) around the conjunction wheel. (Note: At one time, the wheel for some Hunters was different; it should match other classes now.)
For the pairs like RRYY, the reverse order is equivalent. Only one order is listed here. That is not true for full-houses though; that is XXXYY is not the same as YYXXX.
Here I transcribed all the ones I've completed, along with the in-game text. The ones with question marks I have not yet personally completed. The names come from other posts. For "straights" (i.e., working your way around the conjunction wheel), I believe that the direction (clockwise or counter-clockwise) does not matter. I know that's true for the length-four ones, but I have not confirmed it for length-five or six.
R - Ent's Strength 105% of Main hand weapon + 328 damage. (effects vary by level; we're working on the formulas)
Y - Spider's Guile Does 130 common damage every 4 seconds for 20 seconds.
B - Stallion's Spirit Adds 268 - 274 to Power.
G - Eagle's Cry Adds 434 - 439 to Morale.
RR - Clash of Arms You and your fellow smash your target as if caught between a hammer and anvil.
YY - Misdirection Working together with a fellow you both are able to cause deep wounds in your target.
BB - Planned Attack Your superior coordination with your fellow energizes you both.
GG - Rallying Cry You and your fellow let out a piercing rallying cry invigorating yourselves and all other fellowship members around you.
RRR - Resounding Strikes Striking together you and your fellows tear your target asunder.
YYY - Deception Working together with your fellows you all are able to cause deep wounds in your target. The initial contributor will cause a deep wound.
BBB - Three Pronged Assault Your superior coordination with your fellows energizes you all.
GGG - Mustering the Troops You and your fellows let out a piercing rallying cry invigorating yourselves and all other fellowship members around you.
RBY - Sinister Plan Working with your fellows you are able to slash and wound your target while also energizing your fellowship members.
RGY - Wrath Of the Righteous Working with your fellows you are able to crush and wound your target while also rallying your fellowship members.
GRB - Strength of the Pure Working with your fellows you are able to crush your target while also rallying and energizing your fellowship members.
GYB - Will of the Strong Working with your fellows you are able to wound your target while also rallying and energizing your fellowship members.
RRRR - Hail of Blows Striking together you and your fellows tear your target asunder.
BBBB - Power In Numbers Your superior coordination with your fellows energizes you all.
GGGG - Call To Arms You and your fellows let out a piercing rallying cry invigorating yourselves and all other fellowship members around you.
YYYY - Chaos in the Ranks Working together with your fellows you all are able to cause deep wounds in your target. The initial contributor will cause a particularly nasty wound.
RRYY - Pounding Echos Your fellowship's pounding blows echo in the distance and your foes new wounds are great.
RRBB - Planned Charge With a well planned charge, your fellowship crushes the enemy while being energized.
RRGG - Ent's Heart With an Ent's resilience and strength, your fellowship crushes your target as they rally back.
YYBB - Deadly Whispers Your fellowship's deadly whispers herald a deep wound in your foe and an energizing triumph.
YYGG - Silent Glory Your fellowships silent wound and worthy glory rally everyone.
BBGG - Noble Lineage Like ancient nobles, your fellowship is able to crush your target while also rallying everyone's morale.
RGYB or RBYG - Ent's Stand Like an Ent pooling all resources, your fellowship can crush and wound your target while also rallying and energizing all.
BRGY or BYGR - Noble's Honour With a true noble's honour your fellowship is able to crush and wound your target while also rallying and energizing all.
YBRG or YGRB - Silent Paths Working with your fellows you are able to crush and wound your target while also rallying and energizing your fellowship members.
GYBR or GRBY - Eagle's Eyrie The power of great eagles in their eyries is matched by your fellowship as you crush and wound your target while rallying and energizing all.
GGGBB - Pure of Heart The pure of heart fear no foe and your fellowship can rally and energize in the midst of any battle.
BBBGG - Noble Blood Like those of true noble blood, your fellowship rallies and energizes from all past loss.
YYYRR - Whispering Leaves Working with your fellows you are able to crush and wound your target.
RRRYY - Ent's Rage With an Ent's strength and with your fellowship's blows, crush and wound your foe.
BRGYB or BYGRB - Wrath of the Oathbreakers Your fellowship strikes with such wounding wrath as to summon an Oathbreaker to assist you even as you rally and energize all.
RGYBR or RBYGR - Entish Justice Justice of the Ents does not rest with a single foe, all enemies feel your fellowships crushing and wounding rage even as you rally and energize each ... (unreadable)
GYBRG or GRBYG - Valour Unashamed Your fellowship crushes and wounds your target with unashamed valour, which removes fear, restores morale and enegizes all.
YBRGY or YGRBY - Leaves of Lothlorien Swirling like the leaves of Lothlorien, your fellowship strikes from all sides, leaving wounds that slow while rallying and energizing all.
RRRYYY - Tramp of Doom Your fellowship tramples your foes, inflicting deep wounds.
RRRRRG - Roll the Drum The rolling drum of your fellowships blows on your foe cause pain to nearby foes and hope to flourish in your ranks, removing fear and wounds.
RRRRRY - Break the Door You fellowships fury cripples your foe and crushes all nearby enemies.
RRRRRB - Hew the Stone Your fellows hew into your foes like masons on stone, energizing each other and drawing forth an Oathbreaker shade to fight for you.
BRYYRB - Breath of Freedom Your fellowship strikes with the conviction of freedom, defeating your foes and rallying your allies.
GYRRYG - Hope of Men Your fellowship cripples your opponent and crushes all foes, filling your hearts with hope.
GRRRRB - March of the Ents Like the nigh unstoppable march of the Ents, your fellowship rallies and energizes as they crush your foes.
GYYYYB - Chill of Bone Your fellowship strikes deep, bone chilling wounds on your foe, rallying and energizing each other as they fight.
BRGYBR or RBYGRB - Wings of the Windlord A truly flawless display of fellowship coordination, two oathbreakers are summoned as all enemies are crushed.
RGYBRG or GRBYGR - Thunder of the Oakenshield A truly flawless display of fellowship coordination, all fear and wounds are removed al all enemies are crushed.
YBRGYB or BYGRBY - Dawn on the Deep A truly flawless display of fellowship coordination, two oathbreakers are summoned as your target is heavily disabled.
YGRBYG or GYBRGY- Whispers under the Mountain A truly flawless display of fellowship coordination, all fear and wounds are removed as your target is heavily disabled.
These combinations don't appear to have their own name or effects:
RRRGGG - ? ?
RRRBBB - ? ?
BBBGGG - ? ?
BBBYYY - ? ?
BBBRRR - ? ?
GGGYYY - ? ?
GGGRRR - ? ?
GGGBBB - ? ?
YYYBBB - ? ?
YYYGGG - ? ?
YYYRRR - ? ?
YYYYYB - ? ?
YYYYYR - ? ?
YYYYYG - ? ?
BBBBBG - ? ?
BBBBBY - ? ?
BBBBBR - ? ?
GGGGGY - ? ?
GGGGGR - ? ?
GGGGGB - ? ?
Mosby (Human Burglar), Leader of The Palantíri kinship (Landroval)