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Ah, sorry, I thought I covered most of the ones I used in my post!
So here's a small (albeit probably not finished) list of acronyms and terms that are useful for new Lore-Masters.
AC: Ancient Craft - A debuff that reduces the enemy's armor rating (allowing all attacks to hit harder), and is also a prerequisite to be able to use Lightning Storm.
Aggro - A "hidden counter" that AI uses to determine who it will attack. All attacks, heals, and most other skills will draw a certain, set amount of "aggro", and this factor added up determines who has the most "aggression" of the monster. Note: Grim-type monsters (floating elementals) have INVERSE aggro: instead of attacking the main target on the aggro list, they will skip them and attack the second target.
AM - Ancient Master trait line, the traits with the yellow border. These traits are Crowd Control oriented.
Capstone - These are your Legendary traits that require you to spec 5 traits of one line, in order to be able to equip. These are: Force of Will, Improved Sticky Gourd, and Force of Will
CC - Crowd Control; The ability to take a group of usually unmanageable enemies, and reduce it to an encounter that can be finished (with your side still standing). This encompasses Dazes and Debuffing, as well as general knowledge of how to handle an encounter.
Dazes - A character/enemy state in which you cannot move, attack, or use skills. Damage will instantly break a "Dazed" state, including damage from skills that inflict Damage over Time.
Debuffing - Reducing your enemies' ability, making it harder for them to deal damage, or easier for your group to deal damage. May also be known as "weakening" or "stripping".
DoT - Damage over Time. Damage that is not immediate, but instead hits the enemy multiple times over a given period of time.
DPS - Damage Per Second; a look at how much damage you can dish out over a given amount of time.
Flanked! - A Lore-Master only mechanic, which unlocks "hidden abilities" of the following skills: Improved Staff Strike, Sign of Power: Wizardry / Wizard's Fire, Staff Sweep.
HoT - Heal over Time ; while the Lore-Master only has one HoT (Inner Flame, and it's marginally useful), this is a term that you'll come across when dealing with others.
ISG: Improved Sticky Gourd ; Your red Capstone Legendary Trait, deals moderate fire damage and places burning patches on the ground.
Kiting - Staying OUT of melee range of your target through constant motion. Kind of like how a kite stays aloft because it's constantly being pushed up by wind.
KoA - Keeper of Animals; this is your trait line that is surrounded by a blue border, mostly oriented around buffing, or supporting your pets and your fellowship.
LM - Lore-Master. This is you!
LS - Lightning Storm ; A Lore-Master's most brilliant skill, calling down three lightning-bolts on their enemy. The enemy must be subject to Ancient Craft before this skill can be used.
Mez - Short for "mesmerize", they are known in the LOTRO tooltips as "Dazes". See "Dazes".
MoNF - Master of Nature's Fury; This is your trait line that is surrounded by a red border, they are DPS oriented.
Pulling - When you take a monster that is not currently attacking you or your fellowship, and cause it to join the fray (usually via a ranged skill). Also known as "grabbing", "tapping", or "aggroing"
SoP:R - Sign of Power Righteousness ; A buff that makes you immune to all stuns and knockdowns (Cowering via Dread still takes effect, however), and also cures any stuns (except Fellowship / Warband Manoevures), and silences too!
SoW:R / SoW:P - Sign of Wild: Rage, or Sign of Wild: Protection ; your pet buffs. Rage increases your pet's threat and lowers their attack duration, protection raises their defences, and may also be traited to offer other defence boosts.
SS - Staff Strike / Staff Sweep ; Your two Melee skills, each with their own special uses. Staff sweep restores Power over Time when used on a Flanked! Target.
PoT - Power over Time ; Mostly food items, and TP bought items will give you a Power over Time heal, however Staff Sweep on a Flanked! target will also give you a small PoT heal.
ISS - Improved Staff Strike ; Staff Strike, with the Master of the Staff Class Trait equipped. Deals additional damage on a flanked enemy (Damage is always light based), and has a higher chance to crit, as well as being able to stun when the attack crits.
Tick - Each packet of damage of a DoT. For example, if a skill does 100-200 Damage every 3 seconds, for 30 seconds, that single instance of 100-200 damage is called a "tick".
Unfinished. I know. But that's all I could think off of the top of my head.