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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Rising Phoenix is Recruiting

    Hi !!

    Rising Phoenix is a large kinship but we always have room for more!! We are active in many games and have members from around the globe, of all ages, and all levels in the game. There is rarely a shortage of folks online and always someone around to lend a hand. We have alot of husband/wife teams as well as extended family members. Our raiding group has been taking a break for the summer, but is starting to get geared up to beging again. Check us out at rpge.net and give me a holler in game by mail or Im if you would like to chat!

    aka: Calie, Malie, Mala, Mal, Mallee

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Rising Phoenix is Recruiting

    any chance you all have a guild in eq2 on the blackburrow server...the name sounds familiar.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    Re: Rising Phoenix is Recruiting

    In EQ2 - we are on the Permafrost server.
    Rising Phoenix has been around since the 1980s in almost every online game in some form /grins

    We been enjoying the beauty and lore of Middle Earth since the onset of this world.
    I believe we are the #1 largest on Silverlode, we cover all timezones and playstyles.

    In game just send a tell to anyone online for an invite.

    Hope to see you soon.
    Unitsi - a Founder and Leader of

    http://www.RPGE.net - Check us out!!
    MMORPGing since 1980s

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Rising Phoenix is Recruiting

    I am looking for a kinship on the silverlode server as well, and I do notice quite a few of your members running about every now and then while playing. I have knowledge of the game to at least be competent at fulfilling the role of a rune-keeper. I am experienced in the regards of mmo's. I came to lotro every since the f2p launch (yes I am remaining a free to play account) but I do have the intention of expanding the account through the turbine point system. I am posting in interest on joining your kinship, since we all know it gets quite dull running around by yourself and trying to organize a instance run with random folks.

    Contact me in game or here on how I can be admitted into the kinship, and from there I can work towards becoming a full member. Hope to hear from you soon, thank you for your time reading this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Rising Phoenix is Recruiting

    I think it's important to note that there are 2 kinships sharing very similar names:

    Rising Phoenix - Kinship that's been around a while.

    The Rising Phoenix - Newer kinship started post-F2P.

    I think this violates some naming policies, since it would be possible to argue that this new kinship is trying to encroach on the first kinship. But this is something that would have to be dealt with by admins and the leaders of these two kinships.

    Just pointing out the difference here so no one is confused.

    [CENTER][COLOR="Red"]Brushfire[/COLOR] | [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Brarios[/COLOR] | [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Branian[/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]Champion[/COLOR] | [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Runekeeper[/COLOR] | [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Minstrel[/COLOR]

    Founder and Leader of [url=http://www.clanofdereth.com/]Clan of Dereth[/url]
    Author of [url=http://lorebook.lotro.com/wiki/Guide_to_Dol_Guldur_Instance_Cluster]Guide to the Dol Guldur Instance Cluster[/url]

  6. #6
    Wanted to touch base with everyone and let folks know we are still going strong.
    We been here since 2007 and not planning on going anywhere any time soon.
    Presently, we are on the Silverlode server which will be closing its gates soon.
    The choice the members have made is Arkenstone.

    Our website to learn more:[www.rpge.net]

    We have been around since the 1980s. We are constantly evolving and expanding our online
    presence with folks from all around the world. RISING PHOENIX is here for you.
    If a world has an Evil/Dark - Good/Light side, we cover both.
    We are on many worlds but the basic rules apply for all of them.
    Thank you for checking us out and hope to see you as part of our growing family soon.
    1) We accept new members (a growing family is a plus)
    2) We cover all time zones (always a presence on)
    3) We accept all play styles (Hard Core , Casual , Family , Mature , Military, to name a few )
    4) We accept all levels (brand new to the game or an old timer)
    5) We accept all Alts (for those that play more than one toon)
    6) We have a wealth of knowledge from our members (should you need assistance).
    Unitsi of Rising Phoenix
    R P G E . N E T Check us out!
    Silverlode moving to Arkenstone



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