Howdy folks, just wanted to give you a quick rundown of how everyone can make use of Lua UI plugins within LOTRO. This is not a walk-through of how to create a plugin, this is just a walk-through of how to make use of existing plugins.
Step 1, Exposing the plugins to your client:
Navigate to your documents folder for The Lord of the Rings Online (for Windows XP users, this is usually " C:\Documents and Settings\<your user name>\My Documents\The Lord of the Rings Online" while for Windows Vista\7 Users, this is usually "C:\Users\<your user name>\Documents\The Lord of the Rings Online").
Create a folder named "Plugins" inside of this folder. Place all plugins inside of this new folder (most plugins are organized into their own folder meant to go inside of the main "Plugins" folder).
Step 2, Viewing the list of available plugins in game:
In your client (once you have dropped the plugins into your new plugins directory), type the following command in your chat window to make sure the client has an up-to-date list of your available plugins:
- /plugins refresh
Next, type the following command to dump the list of all currently available plugins to your chat window:
- /plugins list
The list will show you all plugins that your client is currently capable of loading as well as any plugins you already have loaded. If the plugins you want to use are not listed there, make sure the plugins are properly located in the "Plugins" folder created in step 1. If they are still not showing in the list, try restarting your LOTRO client.
Step 3, Loading your plugins:
*Please note: You will have to do this step EVERY time you log in your character if you want to run your plugins. For the "BETA" release of the Lua plugin system, plugins cannot be set to automatically load upon logging in*
Once the plugins you want to load are displaying in the list of available plugins seen in step 2, it is now time to load your plugin! To load a plugin, use the following command:
- /plugins load <Plugin Name>
- replace <Plugin Name> with the desired plugin's name as listed in the available plugins list from step 2
If no errors are reported in your chat window, then you have successfully loaded the plugin and can now begin using/enjoying it! If script errors are reported in the chat window, then report them to the author of the plugin you tried to load.
To unload plugins:
Plugins are automatically unloaded when you log out but if for any reason you would like to manually unload a plugin you have running, you must use the unload command to unload all of your running plugins:
- /plugins unload
Please note, this command unloads ANY plugins you have running so at this stage of the system, once that command is used, you must then individually re-load any of the plugins you want to continue running.