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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Thumbs up Way of the Waden

    A last minute Saruman tier one PUG thanks to the doors in Orthanc being fixed, solo tanked by a warden. When I did it before update 6, I had a champ helping by tanking 2 Sarumans. But we were limited on classes to choose from with this being a last minute run before reset, so I had to tank 8 on phase 5. There was no kiting due to my fear of a Storm-Maker killing someone and I also didn't want to risk being pulled off the tower, so I straight tanked them and just bounced back and forth over Saruman. One RK was DPS and one burglar couldn't move due to lag but we kept him alive to get his deed lol. So basically 11-man.

    Don't let anyone turn you down because you're a warden tank!

    Edit: I'm just going to add links to screenshots of the trait setup and gear I used for this, I think one large picture is enough lol. Ideally bracelets would be replaced with Bracelets of the Unbent Knee. I'm still working on it, as well as my virtues

    I don't think any of this will be helpful to anyone because it was only done like this because of the players we were limited to finding with reset closing in, but I was asked twice to post what I did during the fight so....

    As for skills on phase five:
    -At the end of phase four, I triggered potency and used warcry on the last Saruman to save it in battle memory(you don't drop combat in the last three phases).
    -I started phase five by where the acid Sarumans spawned and used shield tactics via masteries right after everyone used their rings, then built warcry before the spawn.
    -(My plan was: One warcry grabs both acids. Javelin of deadly force grabs both frost and left lightning. Battle memory warcry grabs both fire and right lightning, allowing me to remain unsilenced. Looking back, I should've opened with conviction and had the bubble/perceived threat ring cast on me ./facedesk oh well)
    -What happened: One warcry grabbed both acid and a shadow, javelin of deadly force across the center of the tower grabbed storms and right frost and battle memory's warcry grabbed both fire Sarumans.
    -Followed by spamming the rotation of exultation of battle, warcry, resolution, fierce resolve and goad. I also worked in shield tactics, shield mastery and restoration each time I was pulled across the center Saruman and silenced. There was a hard cap to the amount of each lifetap introduced in the hotfix, I count it at 10. Anyways, using all of those skills will get you a lot more lifetaps before you start wasting power by casting the same one before it expires.
    -I also was using impressive flourish and maddening strike whenever I remembered to. I'm still getting used to them being useful skills lol.

    As I mentioned earlier, I didn't kite in fear of being pulled off or killing someone else with a storm-maker. Just straight tank, get pulled, turn a 180 and mitigate until unsilenced and then spam more lifetaps. I obviously switched to shield-spear healing once four Sarumans were left.
    Last edited by Rauthgar; Mar 26 2012 at 04:04 AM. Reason: My spelling is epic =\



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