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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Warden Acronyms!

    Here is what the current state of what the majority of the Warden community is.

    W - Whiner's
    A - Accuser's
    R - Repine
    D - Dissent
    E - Expostulate
    N - Negative.

    Is this really the reputation we want to have people? Wouldn't you rather have more of a reputation like This?

    W - Wonderous
    A - Amazing
    R - Recommending
    D - Diversified
    E - Elevating
    N - Nonpareil

    Come on people get with the program and start bringing the helpfulness back to these forums rather than being a bunch of whiner's
    Last edited by xrayvisionnw; Mar 22 2012 at 01:26 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Warden Acronyms!

    Forget all the
    It's time for you to

    No one trusts the
    opinion of low level gambit
    operator. It would probably
    be for the best if you L2P.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Warden Acronyms!

    My take on the entire thing is that when we have to
    engage the community as a whole, we should use tact.

    We are under the obligation to
    actuate sympathy when interacting with those who feel the
    need to constantly complain about
    the positive changes that have been made to our
    style of play.

    Choosing to simply
    observe and do nothing hurts us
    overall as a class and as a loosely
    knit band of misfits obsessed with this class.
    yapple dapple

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Warden Acronyms!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mysterion View Post
    Forget all the
    It's time for you to

    No one trusts the
    opinion of low level gambit
    operator. It would probably
    be for the best if you L2P.
    Wow really? You basically just proved my point. Honestly does it really matter that I am not an almighty level 75 to have an opinion on the state Warden Community? I'm so sorry I can't be as great as you and level so quickly.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Warden Acronyms!

    geez. it's getting really
    old, people complaining on forums for Wardens to get a life, I
    hate the way that newb wardens seem to think that the
    older ones are just here to complain.
    mate, it won't help if you start trolling, it'll just
    exacerbate the state of the forums more.
    Your friendly neighborhood Riddermark spear n00b, Tinuthel Acharthang.
    [url=http://tinyurl.com/7af4chj]Warden Mechanics suggestion: Battle Aura[/url].

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Warden Acronyms!

    ^^ gets it

    ^^ still not sure really gets it

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Warden Acronyms!

    OK Got it, and the Jokes on me

    I'm a Fail Noob, Takimeta wants a cooky, and I need to go home

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Warden Acronyms!

    Quote Originally Posted by xrayvisionnw View Post
    OK Got it, and the Jokes on me

    I'm a Fail Noob, Takimeta wants a cooky, and I need to go home
    Close, my post only referenced the quality of the post. It's the only evidence I have - you might be the best warden in the world. I'm just not a fan of acrostic poetry and think it doesn't belong here.

    I award you 1 gif for trying to be artistic though

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Warden Acronyms!

    The amateur self help acronym doesn't actually help we were all once hopeful optimists but years of disapointments has turned us into bitter cynics if you read through the threads with the right frame of mind you will see most of us are enjoying the update and thinks it bodes well for the future of the class. This is probably the most excited and hopeful I have seen wardens in years.

    Just don't expect us to be leave giddy happy happy joy joy posts because its not going to happen they could announce that all wardens get a pony and a free trip to disneyland and we would complain about feeding the pony and asume the trip is a trick to lure us away from the game while they nerf us.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Warden Acronyms!

    Quote Originally Posted by khaipur View Post
    The amateur self help acronym doesn't actually help we were all once hopeful optimists but years of disapointments has turned us into bitter cynics if you read through the threads with the right frame of mind you will see most of us are enjoying the update and thinks it bodes well for the future of the class. This is probably the most excited and hopeful I have seen wardens in years.

    Just don't expect us to be leave giddy happy happy joy joy posts because its not going to happen they could announce that all wardens get a pony and a free trip to disneyland and we would complain about feeding the pony and asume the trip is a trick to lure us away from the game while they nerf us.
    I think I just need to remember that those people that really love the Warden Class like I do are really passionate about their Wardens. I understand that a lot of of what we see in the forums is wanting something to make the class that best it can be.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Warden Acronyms!

    Quote Originally Posted by xrayvisionnw View Post
    I think I just need to remember that those people that really love the Warden Class like I do are really passionate about their Wardens. I understand that a lot of of what we see in the forums is wanting something to make the class that best it can be.
    I'll settle for not broken for an entire year running. And by not broken I don't mean if you use it in this way and only this way following this exact rotation with these specific traits it can get by if noone better suited presents themselves.

    *edit* okay that was bitter even for me sorry happy people always bring out the worst in me.
    Last edited by khaipur; Mar 22 2012 at 06:07 PM.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Warden Acronyms!

    Quote Originally Posted by khaipur View Post
    *edit* okay that was bitter even for me sorry happy people always bring out the worst in me.
    Sorry... this is the funniest thing I've read in these forums. The animated gifs, acrostic poetry... not even close.

  13. #13

    Re: Warden Acronyms!

    We Are Really Really Depressed Even Now.
    Why Are Ranged DPS Extremely Nutty?
    Who Are the Real Developers, Evil Nutjobs?
    We Anticipated Different Enhanced Nuances.
    We Argued, Debated Everything Newfangled.
    We Are Determined Even Now!
    Why would they name a drink Steve?
    [url=http://alesandtales.com]The Lonely Mountain Band[/url]|[url=http://tinyurl.com/freestyleharp]Freestyle![/url]|[url=http://tinyurl.com/winharperella]Winner: Top Guild Leader![/url]|[url=Weatherstock.guildlaunch.com]Weatherstock V[/url]

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Warden Acronyms!

    personally I like

    We Are Really Really Depressed Even Now.

    though the second really takes away something since it no longer spells warden


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Warden Acronyms!

    mmmmm cooky. And it sure has been awhile since i've seen a Steve reference. At least someone has there head in the game. now i just have to wait for the ferret pics to start up.
    Last edited by Airwolf27; Mar 23 2012 at 05:46 AM. Reason: hooked on phonics did not work for me
    Looking for fellowship to carry my loot home. PST

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Warden Acronyms!

    here is a ferret just for you


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Warden Acronyms!

    While soloing, there was nothing wrong with the warden , even up to the end game, frankly Wardens were the best solo players in the game, maybe taken over slightly with new mini, champ changes, the recent uptick of warden self heals, AGAIN make them the best solo artist in the game. But who cares.

    Looking at your gear, its clear youve run at least 1 GS, but you do not even have the gs purple armour.

    Have you even tanked a instance? I mean tanked them with OTHER similar leveled peeps, not gone through a run with a bunch of 75s working on deeds or getting 25 tokens to change into a might scroll or something.

    I wish you had tanked one pre u6, so you could feel the pain of a post roi medium armour wearing tank. If you do so now, you at least have the uptick in healing and battle prep, that you wouldnt have had before.

    Since I never will MT a t2 raid, I do enjoy going in as the offtank/kiter. At least with the newest updates, its getting easier to do that.

    I dont think they were trying to slam you, but your trying to argue with people who have played wardens for years, who have worked very hard to get thier wardens to a point they could be accepted as MTs in raiding situations and at the start of ROI, becuase of uncapped stats, finesse, medium armour mitagations, self heals non scaling, they were regulated as nothing besides off tanks, well some did acomplish it otherwise, I didnt, but it takes lots of support to it then. Its better now, but its still bugged and they are getting tired of "next" date status. As in, well next big patch they will fix this or that ect.

    Roi really threw the game into major flux, its still taking time for all classes to settle into what they are supposed to be working.
    75's: Mevelvith (HNT), Carfail (LM), Anglegas (CHN), Silverwinds (RK), Prada (Burg)
    SeaofStars(WD) Upnext: 12 CPT Lanmoir

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Warden Acronyms!

    Quote Originally Posted by khaipur View Post
    personally I like

    We Are Really Really Depressed Even Now.

    though the second really takes away something since it no longer spells warden
    It does, however, spell Warrden. I'd say the second 'really' gives it something.
    Last edited by cpdm; Mar 23 2012 at 09:54 AM.
    [url=http://my.lotro.com/home/character/Landroval/Hammund/][charsig=http://lotrosigs.level3.turbine.com/0520a0000001ca88b/01008/signature.png]Hammund of Landroval[/charsig][/url]

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Warden Acronyms!

    Over the years, I've seen a sort of bell curve to forum posts.

    At one end are the Flavor of the Month folks who roll a class after reading how awesome it is in beta. They quickly become "experts" at the class, spouting their min/max philosophies as though people who have been playing that same class for years are clueless as to how to really play the class.

    At the other end are those who complain incessantly about a class because they want it to be the I.W.I.N. Button class of the game. Any attempt at balancing the class is seen as a nerf. If the class can't be similar classes in all regards, then it sucks, the devs suck, the game sucks and anyone who disagrees with them sucks.

    Both of these types also tend to be the most rude, arrogant, pretentious and elitist in their approach to discussing issues. This is likely because they are driven to win at everything, so that they view discussions on a forum as yet another form of competition, in which they have to prove their opinions (or how great their character is) are superior to others.

    In the middle are the rest of us, at different levels of commitment, concern and enjoyment of the class and the game.

    What's problematic is people who tend to post most frequently fall into the 2 extremes I mention above. While many of their points can have merit, the frequency of their posts make it seem as though things are better or worse (or both) than is actually the case.

    I've never seen ANY forum, especially gamer forums, where the "Middle Class" of people, those who recognize some of the problems, but also address them in a courteous way, are the most prominent posters. People need to realize that forums represent a pretty small percentage of people who actually play the game, and a potentially skewed demographic as well.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Warden Acronyms!

    This should invalidate most of your claims, M.Bison riding a cow on a rainbow road.

    Just kidding - I think

    When are we going to get our weekly thread written in jibberish? Thats what I really want to know.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Warden Acronyms!

    Quote Originally Posted by silverkelt View Post
    While soloing, there was nothing wrong with the warden , even up to the end game, frankly Wardens were the best solo players in the game, maybe taken over slightly with new mini, champ changes, the recent uptick of warden self heals, AGAIN make them the best solo artist in the game. But who cares.
    I agree

    Quote Originally Posted by silverkelt View Post
    Looking at your gear, its clear youve run at least 1 GS, but you do not even have the gs purple armour.
    I actually have the GS purple set, but it is my opinion what I currently have is better.

    Quote Originally Posted by silverkelt View Post
    Have you even tanked a instance? I mean tanked them with OTHER similar leveled peeps, not gone through a run with a bunch of 75s working on deeds or getting 25 tokens to change into a might scroll or something.
    Yes, I have tanked Instances, yes I have tanked Skirmishes, and Yes I have tanked with other similar leveled people. The whole reason I rolled a Warden was so I could tank. My goal has always been to try and be the best tank that I can be so that I am not one to bring the Warden Reputation down. Whether I am succeeding in that remains to be seen.

    Quote Originally Posted by silverkelt View Post
    I wish you had tanked one pre u6, so you could feel the pain of a post roi medium armour wearing tank. If you do so now, you at least have the uptick in healing and battle prep, that you wouldn’t have had before.
    I did tank pre U6. However, I know that what I have experienced is not the same as tanking at level cap doing T2 Raids or T1's for that matter. I have no way to relate to that so you’re right I can't feel the pain that the capped Wardens have been feeling.

    Quote Originally Posted by silverkelt View Post
    I dont think they were trying to slam you, but your trying to argue with people who have played wardens for years, who have worked very hard to get thier wardens to a point they could be accepted as MTs in raiding situations and at the start of ROI, becuase of uncapped stats, finesse, medium armour mitagations, self heals non scaling, they were regulated as nothing besides off tanks, well some did acomplish it otherwise, I didnt, but it takes lots of support to it then. Its better now, but its still bugged and they are getting tired of "next" date status. As in, well next big patch they will fix this or that ect.

    Roi really threw the game into major flux, its still taking time for all classes to settle into what they are supposed to be working.
    Here's the thing, I have been playing for about a year and a half and I rolled a Warden about 3 months after I started playing. My Warden is my Main Toon and I absolutely love playing him over any other class. It has taken me a long time just to get to level 64 and as others have pointed out many times (Mysterion ) I know I need to get to leveling. Over this last year and a half I have been reading these forums almost daily since I started my Warden so I could learn as much as I could. When I first started reading the Warden forums (pre RoI) it was a really helpful and positive place. Post RoI and beyond it just seems it has been a place to complain and slam on the DEVS. Believe me I sympathize with the frustrations and will admit I have had some of my own, but the whole point of this post was the hopes that maybe people could just start trying to be more positive and helpful rather than complaining about what's not right.

    I know I made a mistake in posting this. Honestly I regret that I did now. I thought I new most of the Warden Forum History i.e. what a Waden and Warden is, Cooky's, Who Steve is, so and so forth. I didn't think after a year and half I was still at Noob status. However, with the Warden Forum history on acronyms already, I was reminded right away that I still have a lot to learn, how idiotic this post really is and I don't think I have quite shaken the NOOB status. If you don't know what I am referring to please refer back to the first 8 posts of this forum post. If you still don't understand, send me a personal message and I will explain it as it was explained to me. But to those who do know what I am talking about maybe this will help.

    I didn’t mean to piss people off and
    my intent was to inspire, not to slam

    So please excuse my enthusiasm, because my
    opinion has got me into trouble to many times and I
    realize I should just bite my tongue
    right or wrong I didn’t mean to upset anyone and
    yes I will try and refrain from such posts in the future

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Warden Acronyms!

    Quote Originally Posted by xrayvisionnw View Post
    ...best it can be.
    Maybe even the VERY best. You know, like no one ever was? I feel that we may need some sort of test in that situation to ensure that we are working towards a common cause. It might be time to travel across the land and search far and wide. Only then will each warden understand....the power that is inside.

    Ok, the end was a bit of a stretch.
    Cmalberg - Elendilmir
    -Stickygritz, Gritzwarr, and all those Gritz. Greblam

    Rock is OP, nerf rock. Paper is balanced.

    I mean everything I ever say, ever.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Warden Acronyms!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Warden Acronyms!

    Quote Originally Posted by xrayvisionnw View Post
    I agree
    I know I made a mistake in posting this. Honestly I regret that I did now. I thought I new most of the Warden Forum History i.e. what a Waden and Warden is, Cooky's, Who Steve is, so and so forth. I didn't think after a year and half I was still at Noob status. However, with the Warden Forum history on acronyms already, I was reminded right away that I still have a lot to learn, how idiotic this post really is and I don't think I have quite shaken the NOOB status. If you don't know what I am referring to please refer back to the first 8 posts of this forum post. If you still don't understand, send me a personal message and I will explain it as it was explained to me. But to those who do know what I am talking about maybe this will help.

    I didn’t mean to piss people off and
    my intent was to inspire, not to slam

    So please excuse my enthusiasm, because my
    opinion has got me into trouble to many times and I
    realize I should just bite my tongue
    right or wrong I didn’t mean to upset anyone and
    yes I will try and refrain from such posts in the future
    We almost all try to be positive on things,
    Otherwise we would quit the class,
    Except for those who get the troll stamp of approval.

    Some of us have had so much

    Continual disappointment that
    Often rays hope and goodness
    May blind our eyes because of
    Optimists are so easily
    Noticeably disappointed.

    Keenly some feel
    Everything is an attack on
    Each and every dev or

    Preferably tho
    Others will keep
    Some kind of
    The reality that is wardens
    In the forums
    Never letting
    Greifing get in the way.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Wink Re: Warden Acronyms!

    Quote Originally Posted by Darlgon View Post
    We almost all try to be positive on things,
    Otherwise we would quit the class,
    Except for those who get the troll stamp of approval.

    Some of us have had so much

    Continual disappointment that
    Often rays hope and goodness
    May blind our eyes because of
    Optimists are so easily
    Noticeably disappointed.

    Keenly some feel
    Everything is an attack on
    Each and every dev or

    Preferably tho
    Others will keep
    Some kind of
    The reality that is wardens
    In the forums
    Never letting
    Greifing get in the way.
    I hear you loud and clear


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