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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Wait, does Way of the Fist lower threat now?

    The tool tip says -10% perceived threat, but other fist traits are riddled with typos(unless Strong Voice is supposed to make your fist gambits more easily resistible) so I have no idea what to believe.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Wait, does Way of the Fist lower threat now?

    About strong voice, i know it says more easy to resist, but i doubt it is this way, ussually every 1-2/10 fist attacks get resisted, if i trait it it's rare if someone resists it.
    About way of the first reducing threat it is like this, you see it seems for some reason orion ended up with a mix of yellow line being for assailment and threat(check what terrible visage does)
    However yellow line is now supposed to be our "secondary" ranged DPS stance, so way of the fist reducing our threat is actually supposed to be like that....

    Still the info we are getting from both our skills and traits is very misleading, buggy or incorrect, but you will still have to wait till next month before we are getting(another) warden fix, in this case removing all typos, fixing legacies like -10% conviction healing, and of course fixing defiant chalange...




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