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Results 1 to 3 of 3
  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Dust in the Wind

    Dust in the Wind is a casual kinship, which enjoys all the content of the game, including raiding the endgame also. We are not a raiding kin, but we are succesfuly downing ToO t1 content, Draigoch if he doesn't bug out and Saruman also.
    DitW is a kin that gives emphasis on having fun, getting along with each other over the skill of the players. Attitude of the players is what we value over everything.
    DitW also has a maxed out lifespan rank at 10.

    Curently DitW is not recruiting, but for the friends of the kinship we have a channel for socializing, organizing, etc.
    Last edited by Gandalphor; Jun 20 2012 at 02:01 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Which new world transfer?

    Hello. I have a toon named Andredburrows, which is part of the Dust in the Wind kinship (my character and the kinship were in Riddermark before they closed that world). Which world has Dust in the Wind moved to?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Looking at the kinship-moving threads, it looks like Dust in the Wind did not make a formal announcement here. The kin I am in, Lords of Moria, had an "alliance" (shared chat channel) with DitW, and we went to Landroval. I have not run into any Dust in the Wind members on Landroval, but I think it offers a similar feel to Riddermark. Your best bet might be to create a character on each of the servers and see if you can track down some of your old friends before deciding where to transfer your established characters (because I think the era of free transfers -after the initial one- is over).



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