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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Question Any tips for a fledgling Warden??

    Hey Eldar - as the above suggests I have a warden, the trouble is he's not in the best shape and has a fair bit of work that needs doing on him - stats, traits, gear ect! when it comes to instances I tend to loose aggro to over enthusiastic dps classes which is not only frustrating for me but the whole group if we wipe :/

    so any of you out there have any tips for me?

    anything such as best virtue's , gammbit orders and legendary weapon setups would be much apprechiated!

    thanks in davance


  2. #2
    Check the class section "Warden" and the read first thread which has links to all sorts of great information and a tanking guide for a warden

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Make sure your mitigations are maxed (with buffs), stack vitality/morale and spam EoB when tanking (don't forget to activate Determination stance)

    As said above, take a look at the Warden forums, and there is also a Warden channel ingame on Eldar (/joinchannel Warden) if you have any specific questions.



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