My apologies Erazer. It seems I judged you too quickly, and I repent what I said before about you macroing; a good skill rotation coming naturally by a warg these days is rare indeed.
However before you declare me a "self proclaimed good warg", you should check your facts first. I have never called myself good, in fact most if not all of this has come from both freeps and creeps ranging from when my warg was rank 5 in ROI... I even 1v1d back then when I was that weak

... In my opinion the more you 1v1 the more you learn about the battlefield around you and how to defeat certain classes in new better ways. So my "high horse" has been well earned, everyone on this thread will tell you that I was a 99% solo warg when I was here, like you are now. I have earned my rank unlike some players in this game.
I am not as good on burg than on warg, but if you want we can do some 1v1s when you log on later. I would be happy to fight a warg that isn't grouped up like a pansy like most wargs are on this server.
I believe you are what you say you are, forgive me for my earlier accusation; there are very few wargs that have a good rotation and you are one of these few. If you are indeed a solo warg, I have no doubt that you may be the best on the server that is left. Maybe if I transfer my warg back here from Vilya I can help you to improve as a warg even further and make you even more feared.
You have proven me wrong about a dying breed of good wargs, good luck to you and kudos for being solo
PS: Don't be afraid to rez camp.. I do it all the time on mine to pick off solo freeps and draw them into a forced 1v1 situation