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  1. #51
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Roddrildun View Post
    I'm pretty sure we've been over this a dozen times before, but in case you didn't catch it. There's a difference between exploit macros and cast-sequence macros. You can feel free to google it if you don't know the difference. At any rate, the macroing he's mentioning the wargs on Windfola doing is exploit macroing. I see no problem with cast sequence setups, like you said, it rolls through at the same speed. But exploit macros make all your skills execute in the span of about 1.5 seconds. A virtual oneshot. And yes, there are wargs on Windy that still do that, even though it's a bannable offence. So I mean hey, if you want to keep going on about "you can't macro" even though, clearly, you can, feel free to do so. It's already been made clear that Turbine won't do anything about it, no matter how much you show them, so I suppose it's whatever goes out there.
    You realize the exploit macros you speak of were only capable by ignoring cds which is no longer possible...not by forcing the skills. Otherwise you wouldn't need a macro to just smash all the quickslots at the same time and watch them go off. The point was it was sending a sequence of particular keys at extreme speeds to ignore the cd of a certain skill which would send other skills through instantly. Then repeating the process at the same extreme speeds. But please point out the warg that is oneshoting people still. Then show me the CA log of the event to make sure 20 skill uses went off in a span of 1.5s.

  2. Apr 12 2014, 02:21 AM

  3. #52
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Erazer_The_Stalker View Post
    Thank you. I am told that you were the best warg when you used to play on this server. If you ever drop in, I am all ears for any tips to improve my gameplay.
    Fin is awful don't believe the hype.
    But yeah I had a few fights with eraser on my cappy and was a good fight. Never any macros used. Shame they made rune keepers so boring to play or I would have been getting r13 on that instead but I think I did captains justice. -Crumbalin/solous

  4. #53
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Fin!!! good to see ya brotha....hope all is well with ya
    Voinamainen - Khall - Shattersoul - Velox - Thaydron - Hadesdoom - Akinaard - Illshot - Morthane - Doomhound


  5. #54
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by DarvaI View Post
    But yeah I had a few fights with eraser on my cappy and was a good fight. Never any macros used.
    Thank you Solous. Much appreciated.

  6. #55
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Lol this is amazing. I didn't even need to buy a paper this morning. I think everyone macros all the time every day, even when they are logged out I believe they macro in real life. I love how everyone has been bending each other over saying how good one another are... Very touching. I've seen Erazer destroy some people brutally but also seen them camp a Rez for noobs. So sorry pup no dog treats from me, mainly cos I've seen youre better then that.

    Pvp here is ballsack anyway. Even ROR Was better. But as long as people play without using their brains then it will always be windfaila. Windfola sees more back door action then Elton John. Best action is on OOC and Glff.

    Bring on playing as an Ent....
    Last edited by wraggla; Apr 12 2014 at 06:53 AM.
    Nyxbane (Catrat)- R11 BA- Brandywine

  7. #56
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by wraggla View Post
    I've seen Erazer destroy some people brutally but also seen them camp a Rez for noobs. So sorry pup no dog treats from me, mainly cos I've seen youre better then that.
    Thanks for the feedback. I am mainly a rez camper. I won't deny that. It is usually the only place I can find a freep solo. However I very rarely discriminate against freeps coming back from rez. Whether they are good or bad, I usually go for them (there are a few exceptions). The only difference is that the veteran freeps tend to either kill me on the first try or after a few attempts or figures out a way to avoid me. The new players tend to get farmed a bit before they either come back with more freeps or figure out how to kill me.

  8. #57
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Least your honest! Like I've said I've seen you destroy people so it's not like it's the only way you get kills. I've been one of those you have got on the way back from the Rez as well as gotten you. Guess for me it's more about constantly owning someone from a Rez then letting them rejoin the bigger fight once in a while. But at least you're not jumping people 6v1.
    Nyxbane (Catrat)- R11 BA- Brandywine

  9. #58
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Thumbs up My Apologies to you, Erazer

    My apologies Erazer. It seems I judged you too quickly, and I repent what I said before about you macroing; a good skill rotation coming naturally by a warg these days is rare indeed.

    However before you declare me a "self proclaimed good warg", you should check your facts first. I have never called myself good, in fact most if not all of this has come from both freeps and creeps ranging from when my warg was rank 5 in ROI... I even 1v1d back then when I was that weak ... In my opinion the more you 1v1 the more you learn about the battlefield around you and how to defeat certain classes in new better ways. So my "high horse" has been well earned, everyone on this thread will tell you that I was a 99% solo warg when I was here, like you are now. I have earned my rank unlike some players in this game.

    I am not as good on burg than on warg, but if you want we can do some 1v1s when you log on later. I would be happy to fight a warg that isn't grouped up like a pansy like most wargs are on this server.

    I believe you are what you say you are, forgive me for my earlier accusation; there are very few wargs that have a good rotation and you are one of these few. If you are indeed a solo warg, I have no doubt that you may be the best on the server that is left. Maybe if I transfer my warg back here from Vilya I can help you to improve as a warg even further and make you even more feared.

    You have proven me wrong about a dying breed of good wargs, good luck to you and kudos for being solo

    PS: Don't be afraid to rez camp.. I do it all the time on mine to pick off solo freeps and draw them into a forced 1v1 situation

  10. #59
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by wraggla View Post
    Pvp here is ballsack anyway. ..... Windfola sees more back door action then Elton John.
    This... sums up Windfola... perfectly...

  11. #60
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Well I hit rank 11 last night! So here's another Wartab pic

    My sub runs out tomorrow (13th) And I don't think I'll be renewing it, atleast for awhile. Thanks to all the creeps and freep that got me to rank!

    And the Elton John thing is just so wrong.
    This thread needs some Bacon.

  12. #61
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Noldorlord777 View Post
    My apologies Erazer. It seems I judged you too quickly, and I repent what I said before about you macroing; a good skill rotation coming naturally by a warg these days is rare indeed.

    However before you declare me a "self proclaimed good warg", you should check your facts first. I have never called myself good, in fact most if not all of this has come from both freeps and creeps ranging from when my warg was rank 5 in ROI... I even 1v1d back then when I was that weak ... In my opinion the more you 1v1 the more you learn about the battlefield around you and how to defeat certain classes in new better ways. So my "high horse" has been well earned, everyone on this thread will tell you that I was a 99% solo warg when I was here, like you are now. I have earned my rank unlike some players in this game.

    I am not as good on burg than on warg, but if you want we can do some 1v1s when you log on later. I would be happy to fight a warg that isn't grouped up like a pansy like most wargs are on this server.

    I believe you are what you say you are, forgive me for my earlier accusation; there are very few wargs that have a good rotation and you are one of these few. If you are indeed a solo warg, I have no doubt that you may be the best on the server that is left. Maybe if I transfer my warg back here from Vilya I can help you to improve as a warg even further and make you even more feared.

    You have proven me wrong about a dying breed of good wargs, good luck to you and kudos for being solo

    PS: Don't be afraid to rez camp.. I do it all the time on mine to pick off solo freeps and draw them into a forced 1v1 situation
    No offence taken.

    Most of what I know about players from before my time are from what people say in OOC. It is probably not the best way to gather info or make judgements. I would have to admit that I do not know anything about you to make comments about you.

    I do not do arranged fights. Everytime I have done it, I have gotten accused of using some skill or the other. I just don't see the point in having a fight where the opponent isn't fighting to their potential. Arranged 1 v 1s are not for me. Most fights that I engage in are 1 v 1s. The only difference is that they are not pre-arranged.

    Anyways, enough about me. If I had known that posting one wartab would have caused so much drama I wouldn't have posted it at all. Lets get back to posting wartabs.

  13. #62
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Erazer_The_Stalker View Post
    No offence taken.

    Most of what I know about players from before my time are from what people say in OOC. It is probably not the best way to gather info or make judgements. I would have to admit that I do not know anything about you to make comments about you.

    I do not do arranged fights. Everytime I have done it, I have gotten accused of using some skill or the other. I just don't see the point in having a fight where the opponent isn't fighting to their potential. Arranged 1 v 1s are not for me. Most fights that I engage in are 1 v 1s. The only difference is that they are not pre-arranged.

    Anyways, enough about me. If I had known that posting one wartab would have caused so much drama I wouldn't have posted it at all. Lets get back to posting wartabs.
    Sorry again for my false belief. I jumped to conclusions much before reasoning.

    I transferred Marzul back today. And if you want I will 1v1 you on burg and let you use everything. Idc if I die haha but I am sure I will. Maybe we can duo on wargs sometime.

    If those 1v1s do not work, I am always solo myself (I even have group invites turned off most of the time now) so feel free to jump my burg (Aerdro) if you see him about. I never hips away in one on one situations even if unorganised or call out, and I deliberately tend to hang around the back of fights waiting on my mathom society pony to get jumped ^_^

  14. #63
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    I have several replies....
    1. Crum you bastage...
    2. Cat... I am still laughing, epic post and also ./reported ;p
    3. Marz I will 1v1 your burg and welcome your warg back to SF once he arrives!

  15. #64
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by jfindlay View Post
    I have several replies....
    1. Crum you bastage...
    2. Cat... I am still laughing, epic post and also ./reported ;p
    3. Marz I will 1v1 your burg and welcome your warg back to SF once he arrives!
    Transfer times only take 5mins max now, I am already here

    And I <3 you Fin, please come back!

  16. #65
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Ciribird View Post
    Well I hit rank 11 last night! So here's another Wartab pic

    My sub runs out tomorrow (13th) And I don't think I'll be renewing it, atleast for awhile. Thanks to all the creeps and freep that got me to rank!

    And the Elton John thing is just so wrong.
    I'm just...I'm so proud of you. My gosh, they grow up so fast. I remember when you were just a wee little R10, stealing kb's and whatnot.

  17. #66
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    About time I posted my wartab, lots of deaths... but that's just me being suicidal

    Might as well do reaver now that I've posted my warg's wartab.

    And finally the burg...

    Last edited by Noldorlord777; Apr 13 2014 at 03:07 PM.

  18. #67
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by jfindlay View Post
    I have several replies....
    1. Crum you bastage...
    2. Cat... I am still laughing, epic post and also ./reported ;p
    3. Marz I will 1v1 your burg and welcome your warg back to SF once he arrives!
    Ha! Oh Finn, that was just for you.

    What happened to ESO man?
    Nyxbane (Catrat)- R11 BA- Brandywine

  19. #68
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    I don't know about the macroing, but the denials crack me up. There are easily three possibly more that use them. I see the combat logs, 9 skills in 1-2 seconds is possible with a keystroke macro but not by a person. I also have an R13 warg and R13 burglar on another server (where warg marcos are rampant now) that was ranked up prior to 2012. Skills do take time to fire. What is relevant to this post and is funny is the use of the renown/infamy 100% scrolls. If you look at a wartab from a new player, Erazer just for example, he has 250k infamy on 1,000 kills? Really? That is 250 per kill, and he is not solo killing all, nor do you get that much from PVE. So the easy mode ranking is funny. Used to take 5x-10x that many kills to rank to that level. He really should have maybe 100-150k tops. So I don't know if he is a macro user, but it sure looks suspicious.
    Last edited by clockin; Apr 14 2014 at 12:44 AM.

  20. #69
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by clockin View Post
    I don't know about the macroing, but the denials crack me up. There are easily three possibly more that use them. I see the combat logs, 9 skills in 1-2 seconds is possible with a keystroke macro but not by a person. I also have an R13 warg and R13 burglar on another server (where warg marcos are rampant now) that was ranked up prior to 2012. Skills do take time to fire. What is relevant to this post and is funny is the use of the renown/infamy 100% scrolls. If you look at a wartab from a new player, Erazer just for example, he has 250k infamy on 1,000 kills? Really? That is 250 per kill, and he is not solo killing all, nor do you get that much from PVE. So the easy mode ranking is funny. Used to take 5x-10x that many kills to rank to that level. He really should have maybe 100-150k tops. So I don't know if he is a macro user, but it sure looks suspicious.
    The ability for macros to bypass CD of skills like eye gouge is what used to cause the now infamous 'macro exploit'. This was fixed in update 12.2 (January of this year). From the release notes of 12.2 :

    Addressing “Macroing” issues
    Certain classes were able to cause some skills to ignore their cooldowns, causing a situation where those skills could be used repeatedly and rapidly on their target. This has been resolved.

    With this fix, the use of macros does not result in faster skill execution. Using a macro results in the exact same number of skills to be executed in the same amount of time that you would get by pressing the same skills in the same sequence.

    Unfortunately the term 'macro exploit' seems to have become a new buzz word. It gets thrown around every time a freep ends up dead to a solo creep. It doesn't help that the ones that type such stuff in OOC are usually high ranks, which results in lesser experienced freeps following suite and repeating the same mantra everytime they die.

    Macros are useful in PVE content where a mob has a large morale pool and you just want a sequence of skills to repeat itself so that you dont have to sit there watching 1 million morale drop. You can go make coffee and by the time you come back, the mob will be dead. Very useful to get boring deeds done or to do stuff like crafting. In PvP however, now that the bug has been fixed, it is usually more harmful than good because it reduces the flexibility. For example in most fights you will have to react to a situation rather than just have skills firing off in some order. A daze, stun, self heal etc applied at the right time is a lot more useful than a macro running that just executes a pre-set order of skills. If you have a macro running, execution of any non immediate skill that you are trying to use (for example a daze, stun, wound pot to remove disarm etc) that is not part of the set rotation only has a 50% chance of firing off - very bad in a pvp situation.

    The combat log is a very unreliable way to check how many skills someone is executing unless you know exactly what you are looking for. For most creep classes, they will have two auto attacks between every two skill executions unless one of the skills is an immediate skill. Certain skills that has a secondary function will appear twice in the combat log for one single execution - one for the damage component and one for the secondary function like interrupt/stun etc.

    If you have a CombatAnalysis trace showing 9 proper skills (not auto attacks) in 1-2 seconds, I would really like to see it. I am fairly certain that it is not possible to do it anymore.

    I would suggest people to try setting up a macro themselves to understand what a macro is and how it functions so that this myth about a macro somehow being an auto-win gets dispelled. All it does is execute a pre-set skill set. If you try to make skills execute faster than what the normal rotation allows, you will just end up cancelling some of the skills out just like what would happen if you press too many skills too fast. This ofcourse was different back when the bug existed. But a macro is not an issue anymore.
    Last edited by AceDwarf; Apr 14 2014 at 06:34 AM.
    Zedred / Erazer - Windfola

  21. #70
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by AceDwarf View Post
    The ability for macros to bypass CD of skills like eye gouge is what used to cause the now infamous 'macro exploit'. This was fixed in update 12.2 (January of this year). From the release notes of 12.2 :

    Addressing “Macroing” issues
    Certain classes were able to cause some skills to ignore their cooldowns, causing a situation where those skills could be used repeatedly and rapidly on their target. This has been resolved.

    With this fix, the use of macros does not result in faster skill execution. Using a macro results in the exact same number of skills to be executed in the same amount of time that you would get by pressing the same skills in the same sequence.

    Unfortunately the term 'macro exploit' seems to have become a new buzz word. It gets thrown around every time a freep ends up dead to a solo creep. It doesn't help that the ones that type such stuff in OOC are usually high ranks, which results in lesser experienced freeps following suite and repeating the same mantra everytime they die.

    Macros are useful in PVE content where a mob has a large morale pool and you just want a sequence of skills to repeat itself so that you dont have to sit there watching 1 million morale drop. You can go make coffee and by the time you come back, the mob will be dead. Very useful to get boring deeds done or to do stuff like crafting. In PvP however, now that the bug has been fixed, it is usually more harmful than good because it reduces the flexibility. For example in most fights you will have to react to a situation rather than just have skills firing off in some order. A daze, stun, self heal etc applied at the right time is a lot more useful than a macro running that just executes a pre-set order of skills. If you have a macro running, execution of any non immediate skill that you are trying to use (for example a daze, stun, wound pot to remove disarm etc) that is not part of the set rotation only has a 50% chance of firing off - very bad in a pvp situation.

    The combat log is a very unreliable way to check how many skills someone is executing unless you know exactly what you are looking for. For most creep classes, they will have two auto attacks between every two skill executions unless one of the skills is an immediate skill. Certain skills that has a secondary function will appear twice in the combat log for one single execution - one for the damage component and one for the secondary function like interrupt/stun etc.

    If you have a CombatAnalysis trace showing 9 proper skills (not auto attacks) in 1-2 seconds, I would really like to see it. I am fairly certain that it is not possible to do it anymore.

    I would suggest people to try setting up a macro themselves to understand what a macro is and how it functions so that this myth about a macro somehow being an auto-win gets dispelled. All it does is execute a pre-set skill set. If you try to make skills execute faster than what the normal rotation allows, you will just end up cancelling some of the skills out just like what would happen if you press too many skills too fast. This ofcourse was different back when the bug existed. But a macro is not an issue anymore.
    As always, very well said Zedred.

  22. #71
    Join Date
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    I feel obligated to reply but not sure what to say

  23. #72
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by zjzach21 View Post
    I feel obligated to reply but not sure what to say
    You could say lazmo is mad cause he is bad. Like fanduil bad. Maybe even boelleth bad.

  24. #73
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by DarvaI View Post
    You could say lazmo is mad cause he is bad. Like fanduil bad. Maybe even boelleth bad.
    Hmm... Perhaps

  25. #74
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Ciribird View Post
    Well I hit rank 11 last night! So here's another Wartab pic

    My sub runs out tomorrow (13th) And I don't think I'll be renewing it, atleast for awhile. Thanks to all the creeps and freep that got me to rank!

    And the Elton John thing is just so wrong.
    Man, these wartabs back in the day would have all been great.

    Maybe I'll have to start a new class here and have one that's even better.

    Are you moving to E for good amigo?

  26. #75
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Untg99 View Post
    Man, these wartabs back in the day would have all been great.

    Maybe I'll have to start a new class here and have one that's even better.

    Are you moving to E for good amigo?
    Miss you Cons!

    I'll have to rank up my reaver sometime on E


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