Quote Originally Posted by CroKat View Post
I figured it must be something like that.
Last time I played I had the old (worthless) Fight On. When I got back to the game a few months ago, first thing I tried was to update my LIs and encountered the problem with those 2 legacies. I opened the ticket but it got closed without any explanation leaving me baffled.
I wonder why GM couldnt just write down for me what you did now.
It would have taken a GM all of maybe 5 minutes to simply let you know instead of just closing your ticket with no explanation. All i can think of is either the GM was lazy or simply didn't know the answer. Rather than ask someone else he/she just closed your ticket hoping you would go away so nobody knew he/she didn't know the answer. I doubt GM's know everything about all the various legacies and such so maybe Turbine should have class specific GMs that actually play the class diligently so they are familiar with it. It doesn't appear that they do.