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Fragen und Antworten Hobbits nach Isengard - Dwarrowdelf
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Fragen und Antworten Hobbits nach Isengard - Dwarrowdelf
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- Can you share the reason why shrew pets were made random drop instead of providing a barter option
That was a design decision on the part of the devs who created it.- Was your answer a variation on “Because the devs said so”
Yes, which is a further variation of “Because I’m the mom” he guesses.- Shout out reminding people to check out the real-life player events section of the forums to get involved in a player meet and greet in the Buffalo or Niagara Falls area for end of June. It works best if people RSVP so they can get a head count so that whoever organizes the venue can give the bar or restaurant managers a heads up on how many will be there and when.
- Any rewards other than shrews
He doesn’t know what the full loot table for the Spring Festival is.- Any plans to put vendors in the Entwood
Probably not, for obvious reasons. Not the kind of place vendors would be hanging out.- Request for details on U14
That’s a ways off, they won’t be sharing anything until it’s closer to going on BR, and that’s a ways off yet.- What do you think about flying mounts in LotRO
NO. There are no suitable flying mounts for LotRO. And don’t say eagles.- Reminder that Weatherstock is scheduled for June 14th this year.
- Have you ever wanted to take control of your character during a run
There have been a couple of times when he’s wished he could do something, but had to watch helplessly as he got stuck on something and had to wait the 30 or 40 seconds until the person he was following figured out he was stuck and ran back to get him.- Do you think free character slots might ever be increased
Not likely. Total number of character slots that are unlockable, that is a conversation that has happened. There’s been talk of increasing the limit up from 17 when the Beorning is released so that people don’t have to delete a character in order to make a Beorning.- Have you obtained a shrew on your real account yet
No. He hasn’t had time to do any Spring Festival stuff yet. He’ll probably play this weekend.- Any idea what you’ll do when Mordor comes out
He expects it will be dark, brooding, fire, big black gate. Other than that, not saying.- Have you completed all raids on T2
He doesn’t think so. Not all of them.- Have there been talks about changing subscription types – premium, VIP, F2P
They’re always talking about how to make VIP better. For example, adding more value to the package such as opening mail in the wild. But other than that, not a lot of discussion.- Can you use your Persuasive Abilities to talk the artists into making something other than tablecloth mounts
He will pass the suggestion on. He makes no guarantees.- Is it possible to upgrade the current gear rather than get new gear when the level cap is raised
Probably not. Level to cap, get new gear, new LIs. These things go hand in hand.- Should the next event be Level the Hobbit to Isengard
Grind him up to the current level (laughs). Actually there was some discussion yesterday about what the next event might be, and there was a suggestion of taking his hobbit through Moria based on the same rules. Getting his hobbit to 50 and get him into Moria past the LI intro quests, and take him through there and see how many times he gets chucked off a cliff, people get lost. He thinks it would be interesting, so he’s kind of kicking that idea around. He thinks it would be fun and would give players who haven’t seen Moria yet a chance to see what it looks like in the game.- People are really into the Moria idea in the chat, so he’s going to give it more thought, think about when it might happen and how it might work. First he’s going try out the roundtable livestream in the beginning of June, some U14 livestreams as that gets closer, etc.
- HoarseDev mentioned working on a way to swap between trait and promotion presets, any update on that
He recalls HoarseDev mentioning that, but he’s out of the office today. He will ask him when he’s back in the office.- Any chance of a 24 hour all-nighter before Extra Life
He was toying with the idea of a pre-Extra Life event, sort of a telethon or something. At least do an evening sometime between now and Oct 25. Something he’s definitely thinking about. It would be on his Twitch channel, not the LotRO one.- Will the next event be taking Mrs Sapience to a well-deserved night out for her patience
He’s been told that they’re going to the Top of the Hub tomorrow. A restaurant at the top of the Prudential, which is supposed to be a really nice place to go.- Suggestion of having the devs come in and spawn monsters and things
Bad things can happen if that is done, so they never do that on live servers, only on Bullroarer at the end of a testing cycle when it doesn’t matter if they crash things.- Is there a character that starts at level 50 that the hobbit can be started as
No. All though, the discussion is that Beornings are starting at level 50. But there is the Gift of the Valar, which could be used to level the hobbit to level 50 for the Moria thing.- Around the office do you guys call each other by their given names, or by their game names
They use the given names. He’s been a member of guilds in the past where they were so used to calling each other by their game names that when they met in person they just kept doing that, but in the office they call each other by their given names.- Do you ever hang out on Crickhollow
Sometimes. He thinks he was there in the Moors recently.- Any plans of putting these runs on fast forward and playing the Benny Hill music
No, but that would be pretty funny.- How many first ages do you have
He thinks his hunter has 4 at the moment, and his LM has 3.- Do you ever tank with your LM
No, but he’s tanked on his hunter from time to time.- Any chance of cosmetic weapons and shields becoming a thing
No.- How many South African players have you met
None. But as an amateur radio operator, he’s had radio conversations with people in South Africa, which is impressive when he’s only working with about 75 watts of output power.- Any progress on getting devs to add a memorial to the Bridge of Hobbit Doom
None so far. He thinks it’s going to be a really hard sell.- Any chance of a light version of the client for mobile devices
No. There’s absolutely nothing light about LotRO.- Any changes to instance finder coming
None that he’s aware of. He knows there have been conversations, but no plans that have come out of them.- Question about how things went with the licensor today
Rowan had a meeting with Middle Earth Enterprises today to go over some of the U14 and Beorning stuff with them. He talked to Rowan after the meeting and he said it went really well, and they’re moving forward. Generally speaking they are pretty happy with Turbine. They have a really good relationship with the licensor.- Would you buy a real hobbit house if you could in real life
He plugs a company that does sheds and chicken coops and things to look like a hobbit hole. He wishes he could afford to put a guest house hobbit hole in the back yard.- Everyone wants to know what’s in your vending machines
After the stream he will take a picture and tweet it out, for whatever bizarre reason. Probably not what you think. It depends on which kitchen you go to. They have a large office with 3 kitchens. One has just a standard vending machine, another one has a frozen food vending machine with ice cream and hot pockets.- Is there anything planned to appeal to new players
One of the things they’re adding with U14 is a global chat channel. A lot of new players when they first start out feel like the game is dead because they’re logging in at level one and all the players are up at 95 and there’s really no communication back and forth between those groups. GLFF isn’t used by new players, or by the majority of players for that matter. A lot of new players don’t know it exists or how to join it. Having the global channel well get them socially involved in the world right from the start.- Will the Northern portions of Mirkwood be added
No plans that he’s aware of at this time.- More discussion of the vending machines
They have standard chips, cookies, candy in one machine, the frozen stuff in another machine, and they also get a weekly fruit delivery of apples, oranges, grapes, bananas, in a big fridge. Plus coffee, soda, hot chocolate, water – all that stuff. He doesn’t know why that’s so interesting (laughs).- Any information on how catapults will be implemented
Nope. There will probably be more info closer to U14.- Do you enjoy playing Dungeons & Dragons
He does. He doesn’t have as much time as he’d like to play the games he enjoys, but he does login and play DDO. In terms of pen and paper D&D, he doesn’t play that anymore but he used to a long time ago.- All questions you’ve answered should be written down and put on the internet
That is a fantastic idea. He thinks that is outstanding. It’s almost like somebody has before. Every single run has been meticulously and in his opinion, slightly obsessively and moderately insanely, transcribed by Frickinmuck who even somehow managed to eke out some intelligible conversations from the audio wrecked run the other day. [Only moderately insanely?– Frick]
- Any more info on the new itemization system
Just because HoarseDev isn’t in the office today doesn’t mean he won’t come in and kill him tomorrow if he did that, so no. That’s all HoarseDev, and when he’s ready to talk about it Sapience will drag him in and sit down and have a nice discussion about it.- When are you going to start cutting Frickinmuck a cheque
He doesn’t know.. sometimes... *shakes head* He thinks she does a fantastic job not only of transcribing things, but also of getting it right, like 99.9999% of the time, even when it’s kind of unintelligible. [I don’t do this for Turbine, I do it for the players. If it helps Turbine then that’s a nice side effect. – Frick]- Can you work at Turbine as a college intern
He doesn’t know the status of the internship program, but he does know they had some summer jobs for high school students. But they were actual jobs, not internships.- Any plans to make sales more frequent, such as twice a week instead of once
He wouldn’t say plans, but he sits next to the guy who deals with that stuff, so he’ll talk to him about it.- Can we get a war goat
There is no discussion of a war goat.- Any chance of making a housing area in Rohan
There’s absolutely no plans for that right now.- Discussion of war chickens and shrew mounts, mention of Monty Python war rabbit
Certain places in the game, he’s talking about certain caves, if you go in them you will meet a certain rabbit.- Any changes coming to the Moors with U14
Yes. They will talk about that as they get closer to U14. If Jinjaah was nearby he’d drag him in and see what he was willing to share, but he doesn’t see him.- What are your thoughts on a one-off booster pack from 0 to level 95 for $1,000
He will pass the suggestion along, is all he’ll say about it.- What is your favourite festival and why
He likes the Harvestmath Festival. He likes the Haunted Barrow. He’s a sucker for a good haunted house.- Any advice for someone interested in getting into the gaming industry
The same advice he gives people asking about getting into radio: anything you can. Get a job. Worry about getting “the” job later. But get a job in the industry, whatever that job may be. You may end up in QA or customer service, but get a foot in the door, regardless of what your long-term goal may be. Just get in the building. Even if you got a job working with the maintenance guy, you’re in the building, you’re going to meet people, talk to people, you will get insights into how the company works. If you’re in customer service you’ll get familiarity with the products, same with QA. Really just worry about getting your dream job later and just focus on getting into the industry in any way you can. Even if it’s not what you imagine yourself doing for the rest of your life. Just get in the door.- Can you help me with getting a job in the gaming industry in South Africa
Unfortunately he knows nothing about the industry there and has no contacts there, but he would think it’s pretty universal. Get a marketable skillset, get any job you can even if it’s slightly above your skillset – just get in there. He knows quite a few people start in QA. In fact he seems to recall that Rowan started in QA.- Have you ever thought of selling one day in the Eyes & Guard
No. For those who don’t know, the Eyes & Guard is a level up power up buff up tavern that lets you take a character who is new in the world and level it to cap with full gear, maxed out stats, maxed renown, infamy, all your monster play stats – pretty much a fully capped and maxed out character. So no.- What is your favourite mount
His favourite is the original Harvestmath steed. He just really likes the look of it.- Suggestion for new cosmetic item “Don’t follow me, I’m lost”
(Laughs) He’ll pass that along, but it would have to be written in runes.